Top 18 Apps Similar to How to Play Chess free

e4 d5 - playing white!
Exercises for tactical vigilance, beautiful combinations,chessgames
Chess Opening Master Pro 1.1
Explore and be quizzed on thousands of chess openings, withengineanalysis!
Pocket Basketball 1.1.6
A simple yet challenging basketball shoot game with realphysicalexperience.
Alekhine - Chess Champion 2.4.2
Chess King
The program contains 1300 deeply annotated games played by theWorldChampion
Chess - Budapest Gambit
Exercises for tactical vigilance, beautiful combinations,chessgames
Ruy Lopez Opening (full ver.)
Collection of chess games and tactical vigilance exercises
Chess Opening Lab (1400-2000) 1.3.10
Chess King
This is a perfect opening manual. It featuresatheoretical review of all the chess openings, which areillustratedby instructive games of the greatest chess players.This compactopening manual contains a detailed classification,which makes ituseful to players of any level - beginners,intermediate andadvanced players. Each opening variation issupplied withevaluations and characteristics of key moves. Thehistory of thevariations' development is described, as well astheir currentstatus. The theoretic material is nicely illustratedby classicgames with detailed annotations that demonstrate theprincipal ideasand plans of each variation for White and Black.There is also aspecial training section with more than 350exercises of variousdifficulty on more than 40 openings.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is an unprecedentedchessteaching method. In the series are included courses intactics,strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split bylevels frombeginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.The program also contains a theoretical section, which explainsthemethods of the game in a certain stage of the game, based onactualexamples. The theory is presented in an interactive way,whichmeans you can not only read the text of the lessons, but alsotomake moves on the board and work out unclear moves ontheboard.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Rare variations1.1. 1. g3, 1. b4, ..1.2. 1. b31.3. 1. d41.4. 1. d4 Nf61.5. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf32. Alekhine's defense3. Benoni defense4. Bird's opening5. Bishop's opening6. Blumenfeld counter-gambit7. Bogo-Indian defense8. Budapest gambit9. Caro-Kann10. Catalan system11. Center gambit12. Dutch defense12.1. Dutch defense12.2. Ilyin-Genevsky system12.3. Leningrad system12.4. Staunton gambit12.5. Stonewall variation13. English opening14. Evans gambit15. Four knights' game16. French defense16.1. French defense16.2. Classical variation17. Grünfeld defense18. Italian game & Hungarian defense19. King's Indian defense20. Latvian gambit21. Nimzo-Indian defense22. Nimzowitsch defense23. Old Indian defense24. Philidor's defense25. Pirc-Robatsch defense26. Queen's gambit27. Queen's Indian defense28. Queen's pawn game29. Reti opening30. Petrov's defense31. Ruy Lopez32. Scandinavian defense33. Scotch gambit & Ponziani's opening34. Scotch game35. Sicilian defense36. Three knights' game37. Two knights' defense38. Vienna game39. Volga-Benko gambit40. The complete course of openings
Chess Tactics in Sicilian 1 2.4.2
Chess King
The course will be useful to all chess players employingtheSicilian Defense
Chess Endings for Beginners 2.4.2
Chess King
Endgame course for beginners with 339 lessons and 886 exercises!
Chess Middlegame IV 1.3.10
Chess King
Chess Middlegame IV course composed byGMAlexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much ofthemiddlegame methods and intricacies through a theoreticalsection.Openings: Two Knights' defense, Sicilian defense(Richter-Rauzerattack), French defense (3. e5 and 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5variations),Caro-Kann defense (3.e5 var.), English defenseetc.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is anunprecedentedchess teaching method. In the series are includedcourses intactics, strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame,split bylevels from beginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.The program also contains a theoretical section, which explainsthemethods of the game in a certain stage of the game, based onactualexamples. The theory is presented in an interactive way,whichmeans you can not only read the text of the lessons, but alsotomake moves on the board and work out unclear moves ontheboard.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Ruy lopez1.1. Ruy lopez1.2. Ruy Lopez. Jaenisch gambit1.3. Ruy Lopez. Arkhangelsk variation2. Two Knights game2.1. Two Knights game2.2. 4. Ng52.3. 4. d43. French defense3.1. French defense3.2. French defense 3. e53.3. Classic variation 3. Nc3 Nf64. Sicilian defense. Richter - Rauser Variation4.1. Sicilian defense. Richter - Rauser variation4.2. 6. ... e6 7. Qd2 Be74.3. 7. ...h64.4. 7. ... a65. Caro-Kann defense. Advance variation6. King's indian defense6.1. King's indian defense6.2. Saemisch system6.3. Classical system6.4. Fianchetto variation6.5. Averbakh system7. Nimzo-indian defense. Rubinstein system7.1. Nimzo-indian defense. Rubinstein system7.2. 4. .. b67.3. 4. .... c57.4. 4. ... 0-08. Slav defense8.1. Slav defense8.2. 4. ... dxc48.3. Chebanenko variation 4...a7-a69. Tartakower - (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) system10. English opening10.1. English opening10.2. 4. ... e5 5. Nb5 d5 6. cxd5 Bc510.3. 4. ... e6 5. g3 d5 6. Bg2 e5 7. Nf3 d411. Hanham variation against 1.d411.1. Hanham variation against 1.d411.2. Development the bishop on e211.3. Development the bishop on g2
The Chess - Crazy Bishop - 1.1.6
Adjustable playing strength from 100 levels!
Elementary Chess Tactics 2 2.4.2
Chess King
The course includes more than 1800 exercises for beginners
Chess Book Study ♟ Pro 2.8.13
Don't just "read" your Chess book; STUDY it the right way!
Mobialia Chess 5.4.1
The best app for chess lovers: Play against AI or online at FICSorICC
Chess Clock 3.1.1
Neat and intuitive game clock to enjoy chess and many otherboardgames
Chess Openings Trainer Pro 7.0.0-pro
Create a complete chess opening repertoire and practiceiteverywhere you go.
Chess Endgame Studies 2.4.2
Chess King
Based on best chess studies, especially chosen for theirinstructivevalue
Capturing Pieces 1 (Chess) 2.4.2
Chess King
This course includes more than 1400 exercises with a few piecesonthe board