Top 8 Apps Similar to Amber IT IP Phone

VoipDiscount - Voip Dialer 7.98
With the Android VoipDiscount app you canmakecheap calls over the internet to any of your online friends,aswell as various popular destinations. Download it now for freeandstart calling immediately.With VoipDiscount you can call and sms anywhere in the world atthelowest rates possible. And best of all, if you buy 10 eurocredit,you can call selected destinations for free!For all VoipDiscount tariffs, pleasevisit: you can use your mobilephone ortablet for all VoipDiscount calls! Simply install ourVoipDiscountapp on your Android smartphone or tablet, and use yourregularVoipDiscount credit for mobile calls as well.With the VoipDiscount mobile voip app you can make cheap voipcallsfrom your mobile phone. Make calls to any country you desireat thecheapest rates. Simply download the free VoipDiscount mobilevoipapp from your APP market and register with one of thesupportedVoip brands. Saving on your cell phone calling plan wasnever thiseasy!The VoipDiscount app offers three call options. Here's how youcanget the most out of your VoipDiscount app:Voip CallThis is the standard calling option; your call gets connectedrightaway. You'll need a working 3G/WiFi connection to use thiscalloption. You will be charged the regular rates of your VoIPbrands;no extra costs or hidden charges.Call BackThe Call Back option is a nice way to stay in touch with friendsandfamily, even if the internet connection you're usingisn'tparticularly strong. With a weaker 3G/WiFi connection, or ifyouwould like to use as little data as possible, you can set up aCallBack call through the VoipDiscount app. We'll set up a call toyourphone first, and then connect you with your contact. You willbecharged for both the A-side and B-side call, as well as a setupfee.Local AccessFor a selection of countries we have Local Access numbersavailable.If you're in one of these countries, you can use theVoipDiscountapp to set up a Local Access call in case of a weakinternetconnection. You will be charged for a local call, plus thetarifffor the destination you're calling.Of course, you can send Text messages using ourVoipDiscountapplication as well!
Amber Connect 5.0.6
Protect yourself, your loved ones and your assets.
Interactive ICT 1.1.230827
কম্পিউটারের পরিপূরক আইসিটি বিষয়ক ডাইনামিক সমাধান ওসিমুলেটরযুক্তসহায়ক অ্যাপ
Telbo cheap phone service
Use Telbo on your Smartphone to makecheapinternational calls. Download the Mobilevoip application andstartsavingThe Mobilevoip application works on IOS, Symbian and now alsoonAndroid and you will still benefit from the standard advantagesyouare used to as a Telbo use;- good quality calls at the best rates in the market- no SIP blockages- cheap SMS ratesSo download Mobilevoip and stop sponsoring theMobileproviders!Using our app as a default dialer may interfere with dialing911emergency services.
TELINK 050 Low-cost Call 1.2.3
With this low-cost 050-number Call, It costs only 1 yen/3secwherever you are.
IBBL iSmart 4.4.5
IBBL iSmart - the Mobile App for IBBL iBanking services whichhasthefollowing features: iRecharge - Mobile airtime top upofanyoperators in Bangladesh. iTransfer - Transfer fundtoIBBLaccounts. – Send fund to any IBBL account.iTransfer(OtherBank) –Send fund to any other bank's account or cardusingEFT/NPSBchannel. Issue Cheque Book Requisition – Issue a newchequebook tobe printed for you. Utility Bill Payment – Pay billsofyourutility services like electricity, gas, water. iCashRemit -Youcanwithdraw cash from ATM, or you can send money to anypersoninBangladesh who has a mobile number. Wimax Recharge -RefillWiMAXservice accounts of Banglalion and Qubee. AccountInformation-Account detail of a particular account in iBankingProfileAccountStatement - Statement of a particular account. Youcandownload thestatement in PDF Find IBBL Location service usingMap –Find anyIBBL ATM or Branch location. More services willbeintroduced inversions following. We want to come up witheveryservice you areenjoying at IBBL iBanking in phases. With everynewversion, youmust have a new feature. We want yourvaluablesuggestions on theservices you want to see next in IBBLiSmart -the mobile app ofIBBL iBanking. We want good reviews andrating toinspire us. A bighand for being with us and inspire us todelivernew things.
eQall 1.7.3
Epygi eQall is a SIP softphone highly optimized for Epygi IPPBXproducts.
SWAP 4.1.0
Selling made simpler, safer, faster and convenient.