Top 16 Apps Similar to Prophet Muhammad (pubh) Quotes

Sahih Bukhari in Urdu 1.75
Quran Reading
Sahih Bukhari Urdu is a Smartphone Application thatcomprisestheentire collection of sayings and deeds (hadith) ofProphetMuhammad(PBUH) compiled back by Imam Bukhari. ThisApplication isin Urdufor the native user for their bestfacilitation andbetterunderstandings. Main Screen consists of Listof Books,Introductionalong other embedded features. List of Bookscontainall6483-compiled Hadiths in 97 separatechapters.Introductioncontains brief description to the compiledSunnah ofProphetMuhammad (PBUH) and the work of Imam Bukhari.Otherfeaturesinclude: • Translation of Hadiths in available UrduandEnglishlanguages. • Change of theme for clear visibility. •Changeof Fontsize and Font style for user assistance. • Hadith ofthedaynotification in order to get daily alerts from the Appandstayconnected to the teachings of beloved Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).•Bookmarking for favorite and later-to-read Hadith. • GoTooptionfor quick access and launch to the required HadithsofMuhammad(SAW). • Share and save settings. FollowingProphetMuhammad (PBUH)is a direct following of Allah Almighty;hencedownload thisApplication, as nothing is better than adoptingandacting on theSunnah of Muhammad (PBUH).
Islamic Stories Life Of Sahaba 5.0.4
Inspiring & Motivational Islamic Islam stories of Prophet&Sahaba-قصص الأنبياء
Prophetic Medicine 2018 22.0
Islamic Medicine - Concise collection of Medicines from Quran&Sunnah in Islam
Qasas ul Anbiya aur Maloomat 1.2
UApps Studio
Anbiya Kay Qissay aur aur unki Complete Maloomat E ZindagiURDUlanguage main
Quran se Ilaj – Ayat e Shifa 1.2
Quran Reading
Quran se Ilaj (قرآن سے علاج) is a spiritual aiding Urdu AndroidApp,which is designed to cure the diseases with the help ofsacredverses (Ayat e Shifa) of Quran. Quran is a blessing andholdsailment for almost all diseases that is why Allah says inQuranthat nothing but in the remembrance of Allah, hearts findsolace.[13:28] Main Menu: Modern treatment though is more effectivebutwhen it comes to spiritual healing then it surpasses everyothertreatment. The main menu of the App comprises diseases andtheirrelated spiritual cure as per specified organs enlisted in theApp.Screen contains different body parts, tapping on whichfurtherleads to their related diseases and cure accordingly. Thecure aswell as the Dhikar is included in the App to facilitate theuser atmaximum. List of Body parts & related diseases:Diseasesincluding eye diseases, oral diseases, hair diseases,braindiseases, heart diseases, kidney, blood, stomach, and allotherdisease are included in detail. Ayat e Shifa: This sectioncontainsthe blessed verses of Quran along their Urdu translation,whichimparts spiritual healing and soothing effect to the soulwhenrecited. All such verses are included in this section of theApp.All these verses are included with their respective referencefromthe Holy book of Quran. Indeed Quran is a complete packagetowardshealing regardless of the body part or disease type. In thetime ofworrisome and anxiety this kind of App is a pure relief tohave inour smart phones which will provide spiritual treatmentwheneverone will be in dire need. Download, get maximum benefit,and rateus! Jazak’Allah!
Tafheem ul Quran
Complete Tafheem ul Quran by Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maududi inUrdulanguage.
Hell in Islam 2.0
Jahannam, is one of the names for the Islamic concept ofHell.Othernames for hell (or the different gates of hell) occurringintheQuran include: an-Nar ("The Fire"), Jaheem ("BlazingFire"),Hatamah("That which Breaks to Pieces"), Haawiyah ("TheAbyss"),Ladthaa,Sa’eer ("The Blaze"), Saqar. The hadith of IslamicprophetMuhammad,and some writings of later Islamic scholars alsodescribeJahannam.According to the Qur'an, on the Last Day the worldwillbe destroyedand all people (and jinn) will be raised from thedeadto be judgedby Allah as to whether they deserved to be senttoparadise (Jannah)or hell. Hell will be occupied by those whodonot believe in God(Tawhid), have disobeyed His laws, and/orrejectHis messengers.Onegroup that will not have to wait until theLastDay to enter hellare "Enemies of Islam", who aresentencedimmediately to Hell upondeath. Suffering in hell is bothphysicaland spiritual, and variesaccording to the sins of thecondemned.As described in the Quran,Hell has seven levels (each onemoresevere than the one above it);seven gates (each for aspecificgroup of sinners); a blazing fire,boiling water, and theTree ofZaqqum. Not all Muslims and scholarsagree whether hell isaneternal destination or whether some or evenall of thecondemnedwill eventually be forgiven and allowed toenter paradise.AppFeature : -Have 7avalaiblelanguageEnglish,Arab,Indon,Malay,French,Benggali,Russiaand Turkish
Biografi Ahlul Hadits 4.0
Muslim Media
Para Ulama Ahlul Hadits, Biografi Ahlul Hadits, ParaSahabat,Tabi’in dan Tabiut Tabi’in beserta KeluargaRasulullahBiografi para ulama ahlul hadits mulai dari zaman sahabathinggasekarang yang masyhur :1. Khalifah ar-Rasyidin :Abu Bakr Ash-ShiddiqUmar bin Al-KhaththabUtsman bin AffanAli bin Abi Thalib2. Al-Abadillah :Ibnu UmarIbnu AbbasIbnu Az-ZubairIbnu AmrIbnu Mas’udAisyah binti AbubakarUmmu SalamahZainab bint JahsyAnas bin MalikZaid bin TsabitAbu HurairahJabir bin AbdillahAbu Sa’id Al-KhudriMu’adz bin JabalAbu Dzarr al-GhifariSa’ad bin Abi WaqqashAbu Darda’3. Para Tabi’in :Sa’id bin Al-Musayyab wafat 90 HUrwah bin Zubair wafat 99 HSa’id bin Jubair wafat 95 HAli bin Al-Husain Zainal Abidin wafat 93 HMuhammad bin Al-Hanafiyah wafat 80 HUbaidullah bin Abdillah bin Utbah bin Mas’ud wafat 94 HSalim bin Abdullah bin Umar wafat 106 HAl-Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr Ash ShiddiqAl-Hasan Al-Bashri wafat 110 HMuhammad bin Sirin wafat 110 HUmar bin Abdul Aziz wafat 101 HNafi’ bin Hurmuz wafat 117 HMuhammad bin Syihab Az-Zuhri wafat 125 HIkrimah wafat 105 HAsy Sya’by wafat 104 HIbrahim an-Nakha’iy wafat 96 HAqamah wafat 62 H4. Para Tabi’ut tabi’in :Malik bin Anas wafat 179 HAl-Auza’i wafat 157 HSufyan bin Said Ats-Tsauri wafat 161 HSufyan bin Uyainah wafat 193 HAl-Laits bin Sa’ad wafat 175 HSyu’bah ibn A-Hajjaj wafat 160 HAbu Hanifah An-Nu’man wafat 150 H5. Atba’ Tabi’it Tabi’in : Setelah para tabi’ut tabi’in:Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak wafat 181 HWaki’ bin Al-Jarrah wafat 197 HAbdurrahman bin Mahdy wafat 198 HYahya bin Sa’id Al-Qaththan wafat 198 HImam Syafi’i wafat 204 H6. Murid-Murid atba’ Tabi’it Tabi’in :Ahmad bin Hambal wafat 241 HYahya bin Ma’in wafat 233 HAli bin Al-Madini wafat 234 HAbu Bakar bin Abi Syaibah Wafat 235 HIbnu Rahawaih Wafat 238 HIbnu Qutaibah Wafat 236 H7. Kemudian murid-muridnya seperti:Al-Bukhari wafat 256 HMuslim wafat 271 HIbnu Majah wafat 273 HAbu Hatim wafat 277 HAbu Zur’ah wafat 264 HAbu Dawud : wafat 275 HAt-Tirmidzi wafat 279An Nasa’i wafat 234 H8. Generasi berikutnya : orang-orang generasi berikutnyayangberjalan di jalan mereka adalah:Ibnu Jarir ath Thabary wafat 310 HIbnu Khuzaimah wafat 311 HMuhammad Ibn Sa’ad wafat 230 HAd-Daruquthni wafat 385 HAth-Thahawi wafat 321 HAl-Ajurri wafat 360 HIbnu Hibban wafat 342 HAth Thabarany wafat 360 HAl-Hakim An-Naisaburi wafat 405 HAl-Lalika’i wafat 416 HAl-Baihaqi wafat 458 HAl-Khathib Al-Baghdadi wafat 463 HIbnu Qudamah Al Maqdisi wafat 620 H9. Murid-Murid Mereka :Ibnu Daqiq Al-led wafat 702 HIbnu Taimiyah wafat 728 HAl-Mizzi wafat 742 HImam Adz-Dzahabi (wafat 748 H)Imam Ibnul-Qoyyim al-Jauziyyah (wafat 751 H)Ibnu Katsir wafat 774 HAsy-Syathibi wafat 790 HIbnu Rajab wafat 795 H10. Ulama Generasi Akhir :Ash-Shan’ani wafat 1182 HMuhammad bin Abdul Wahhab wafat 1206 HMuhammad Shiddiq Hasan Khan wafat 1307 HAl-Mubarakfuri wafat 1427 HAbdurrahman As-Sa`di wafat 1367 HAhmad Syakir wafat 1377 HMuhammad bin Ibrahim Alu Asy-Syaikh wafat 1389 HMuhammad Amin Asy-Syinqithi wafat 1393 HMuhammad Nashiruddin Al-Albani wafat 1420 HAbdul Aziz bin Abdillah Baz wafat 1420 HHammad Al-Anshari wafat 1418 HHamud At-Tuwaijiri wafat 1413 HMuhammad Al-Jami wafat 1416 HMuhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin wafat 1423 HMuqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi’i wafat 1423 HShalih bin Fauzan Al-Fauzan hafidhahullahAbdul Muhsin Al-Abbad hafidhahullahRabi’ bin Hadi Al-Madkhali hafidhahullahDan ulama Hadits yang lain....
Du3a2 Ya Allah - Islam Quran 10.3
Mobile Plasma
Dua Tasbih takbir and Azkar in arabic
Biography of Prophet Muhammad 2.8
The Prophet Muhammad was a perfect example of anhonest,just,merciful, compassionate, truthful, and brave humanbeing.Though hewas a man, he was far removed from allevilcharacteristics andstrove solely for the sake of God and Hisrewardin the Hereafter.Moreover, in all his actions and dealings,he wasever mindful andfearful of God. Features: Offline app,withoutinternet access, 29chapters (How It All Began, The ChildrenofIshmael, The Promise AtZamzam, The Elephant Refuses To Move,TheProphet Is Born, A TimeWith Halimah, The Orphan's Childhood,TheProphet's Marriage, TheComing of The Archangel Gabriel, TheFirstMuslim, The TroublesBegin, The King Who Believed, The CrueltyofQuraysh, The Year ofSorrow, The Night Journey And The AscentToHeaven, The Treaty of‘Aqabah, Al-Hijrah, Arrival In Yathrib,TheBattle Of Badr,Uhud-Defeat Comes From Disobedience, The BattleOfThe Trench, TheTreaty Of Hudaybiyah, The Invitation, EntryIntoMecca, The LessonOf Pride At The Valley Of Hunayn, Tabuk-TheTestOf Faith, TheFarewell Pilgrimage, The Prophet’s Death,GLOSSARY),Quick and easynavigation, User friendly interface Pleasereview andrate our app,I hope you'll give us five stars. Thank you.
Muhammad's(pbuh) wives story 3.1
Bangla Droid
This app contains the stories of our beloved prophetMohammad's(PBUH) wives.
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (p.b.u.h) 1.0
Biography of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 2.3
Muhammad PBUH(c. 570 – 8 June 632), full name Abūal-QāsimMuḥammadibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim PBUH, fromMecca,unified Arabia into a single religious polity underIslam.Believedby Muslims to be a prophet and messenger of God,MuhammadPBUH isalmost universally considered by Muslims as the lastprophetsentby God to mankind. Muslims consider him to haverestoredtheunaltered original monotheistic faith of Adam A.S,AbrahamA.S,Moses A.S, Jesus A.S, and other prophets.
Quranic Quotes 1.2
Adeel Qureshi
Quranic Quotes comprises of translations ofarelatively small collection of Quranic verses.The ayaat (or Quranic verses) included in this app touchonvarious topics discussed throughout the Quran - providinganinsight into what Islam stands for, and the way of life itsuggestsfor the mankind.Browse through all the ayaat in the app or add theapplicationwidget to your home screen!This app is currently a work in progress and shallbeupdated.The translations of most of the verses are adopted from theworksof Yusuf Ali and Mufti Taqi Usmani.
Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 3.8
Quran Reading
Complete App about the Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH