Top 12 Apps Similar to برقية الحسين -ع

al-Sahifa al-Sajadeya 4.2
A collection of prayers attributed to the imam Ali ibnal-Husainal-Sajjad pbuh
Imam al-Husain Book 1.0.1
A biography and words attributed to the imam al-Husain ibn AliibnAbi Taleb
اضواء على ثورة الحسين 1.0
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ....لاتنسونا من دعاءكم والفاتحة للسيد الشهيد الصدر الثاني ولوالدي كلمنساهم في هذا العمل البسيط ...وايضا لاتنسونا من مقترحاتكم علىالايميل( [email protected])Peace be upon youandGod's mercy and blessings ....Atnsona the allegations and light Syed Shahid Sadr II and myparentsall those who contributed in this simple act ... and alsoto Atnsonathe suggestions on the E-mail ([email protected])
زيارة الإمام الحسين 1.5
زيارة الإمام الحسين عليه السلامالمطلقة والمخصوصة بخط واضح جداً
Sayings of Ali(RA) - Islam 1.2
All Praise is due to Allah(Swt) andmuchpeaceand many blessings be upon the Messenger ofAllah(Muhammad(pbuh)),his family, his companions, his followersandthose who disseminatehis call until the Day of Judgment.Sayings of Ali(RA) is a collection of 150 sayings ofAli(MayAllahbe pleased with him).Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the cousin and son-in-law oftheProphetMuhammad(pbuh), and ruled over the Islamic Caliphatefrom656 to661. Sunni Muslims consider Ali the fourth and finaloftheRashidun (rightly guided Caliphs), while Shi'a MuslimsregardAlias the first Imam and consider him and his descendantstherightfulsuccessors to Muhammad(pbuh), all of which are membersofthe Ahlal-Bayt, the household of Muhammad(pbuh).App Features:• 150 Sayings of Ali(RA)• Search box• Easy Browsing• Share Via Email• Favorites functionality• Change font size functionality• Universal App works almost will all Android Phones & Tabs
علي بن ابي طالب 1.8
ABarakat Apps
علي بن أبي طالب, هو ابن عم رسول الله،وزوجابنته فاطمة رضي الله عنها، ووالد سبطيه الحسن والحسين سيدا شبابأهلالجنة، له في الإسلام السابقة العظيمة، والمآثر الجليلة، فهو أولمنأسلم من الصبيان، ونام في فراش رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلمليلةالهجرة.
تفسير الاحلام بدون انترنت 2.1
كتاب تفسير الاحلام بدون انترنت كمايوحيإسمه هو تطبيق يسمح لكم تفسير الاحلام والرؤى باذن اللهبطريقةسهلة وميسرة و بدون الحاجة إلي أنترنت.تفسير الاحلام بدون انترنت هو تطبيق ممبوب إلي تسعة و خمسونبابلتسهيل وصول المستخدم الى تفسير المنام والحلم.فإدا كنتم تبحتون عن كتاب لتفسير الاحلام علي شكل تطبيقاندرويدلتفسير أحلامكم فانتم في المكان المناسب، لدي لاتترددوافي تتبيتهدا التطبيق فهو مجاني و يمكن إستعماله بدونانترنت.و هدا التطبيق مقسم عبر العديد من المواضيع مثل:تفسير رؤيا العبد نفسه بين يدي ربه عز وجلتفسير رؤيا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلمتفسير رؤيا الملائكة عليهم السلامتفسير رؤيا الصحابة رضي الله عنهمتفسير رؤيا سور القرآن العزيزتفسير حلم الزواجوغيرها من المواضيعمميزات البرنامج:✔ سهولة في الوصف و تفسير أحلامكم.✔ سهولة المشاركة مع أشخاص ٱخرين.✔ ملائم للهواتف الدكية والتابليت.✔ لايحتاج الوصل بالانترنت، يمكن إستعماله بدون انترنت.ابن سيرين هو أبوبكر محمد بن سيرين البصري التابعي الكبير،والإمامالقدير في تفسير الاحلام، والحديث، والفقه، وتعبير الرؤيا،والمقدم فيالزهد والورع وبر الوالدين، توفي أأ0 للهجرة بعد الحسنالبصري بمائةيوم، وكان عمره نيفاً وثمانين سنة.وقد اشتهر ابن سيرين بتفسير الاحلام و الرؤى بما شكل مدرسة فيعلمتفسير الاحلام، وهو علم من العلوم الشرعية والفراساتالربانية.Book DreamswithoutInternet as the name suggests is an application that allowsyou toDreams and visions, God willing, easy way and without theneed foran Internet . Dreams without the Internet is application Mmbob to nine andfiftydoor to facilitate user access to Interpretation of DreamsandDream .Fada you Tbhton book of Dreams in the form of an applicationAndroidto interpret dreams ye in the right place, I have a donothesitate in Tetbit Hedda application is free and can be usedwithoutthe Internet.and Hedda divider application across many topics such as:Interpretation of the vision of the slave himself in the handsofthe Lord AlmightyInterpretation of the vision of Muhammad, peace be upon himInterpretation of the vision of angels, peace be upon themInterpretation of the vision of SahabaInterpret the book of verses of the Qur'an AzizInterpretation of a dream weddingAnd other topicsThe program features:✔ ease in the description and interpretation of dreams.✔ easy sharing with people ٱchrin.✔ suitable for phones and Aldkih Altablat.✔ tubeless connecting to the Internet, you can use it withouttheInternet.Ibn Sirin is Abubaker Mohammed bin Sirin visual Tabi great, andtheImam of the Almighty in the interpretation of dreams, and talk,andjurisprudence, and an expression of the vision, and presentedinasceticism and piety honoring his parents, died aa 0 ofmigrationafter Hasan al-Basri hundred days, the age of a littleover eightyyears.He was known Ibn Sirin interpretation of dreams andvisions,including the form of a school in the science ofinterpretation ofdreams, which is aware of forensic science andLafrasatLord.
99 Names of Allah: AsmaUlHusna 2.0.5
Thank You For Helping Us Reach 1 Million Downloads! >VotedBestIslamic App > Memorize 99 Names Of Allah WithMeanings>Islamic Radio > Memorizing Asma-ul-husna testsincluded >99Names Of Allah - Asma-ul-Husna Audio/MP3>Multi-LanguageCapability Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “Thereare 99names ofAllah, and that anyone who memorizes all the nameswill beawardedparadise.” Finally an app that helps you to learnandmemorize the99 names of Allah. The amazement does not stoptherethis app alsohelps you remember the meanings of each name ofAllah.The 99 namesof Allah are called 'Asma Ul Husna' (PronounceAsma AlHusna) whichin Arabic means ‘The Most Beautiful Names’.Theseislamic names areattributes of Allah SWT by which MuslimsregardGod in Islam. InArabic, the word Allah means ‘The God’. Itisderived from theunion of the word ‘Al’ meaning ‘The’ and‘Ilah’Meaning ‘God’. Theword Allah is the supreme and allcomprehensivedivine name. InIslam, the name Allah is unique andunmatched andindicates theexistence of one creator of the universe.ProphetMuhammad’s (PBUH)life, traditions and his Islamic lectures(Sunnahof prophetMuhammad) are of great significance & Muslimsfollowhistraditions all over the world. 99 names of Allah arewritteninEnglish and Arabic along with the meanings of each nameinArabic,English and Urdu. Install this android app today to getAsmaulhusna, the beautiful names and attributes of AlmightyAllahinEnglish and Arabic along with the meanings of the names.Reciteormemorize the 99 names of Allah any time any where fromyourphone.* Features of AsmaUl Husna (99 names of Allah) -99AllahNames(Asma Ul Husna) in English. - 99 Allah Names(AsmaUlHusna) inUrdu/Arabic. - For each name of Allah, a shortEnglishtranslationof Quranic-meaning is provided. Detailed meaningof eachname isalso provide within the app. - Did you know? Islamicfactssection- Asmaul Husna with synchronized audio for most names.-CompletelyOffline Islamic God names and meaning App! Nointernetconnectionrequired to use this Islamic app after itsfirstdownload.-Quiz/Test – Test yourself to see how well yourdoingmemorizingAllah’s names. - FREE app. No cost or purchasesrequired.Justdownload for FREE today, for use during Islamic prayertimes-Adhan / Salaah. We have tried our best to provide themostaccurateinformation within the smallest possible size forandroidphones.This pro app is completely Offline and FREE!! Wearededicatingthis to all Muslims and non-Muslims alike tounderstand& learnabout Islam, in hope to spread the knowledgeof Islam.This is anAd-supported version. Support the developer ofthis appwith yourpositive feedback & good ratings, so that wecan bringto youmore quality Islamic apps for FREE on demand! Thankyou foryoursupport. New Feature Added: CallerID feature forunknownnumberidentification. This feature will showCallinformationduring/after calls and you can fully adjust it toyourpreferences.Enable / disable or configure the CallerID at anytimein thesettings menu. Updated c04eab4a47
Fulkul Hussein 1.0
Read/Listen complete Fulkul Hussein + Maana• Flipping Audio Book accessible in both Landscape &portraitmode• Search for a particular Bund by clicking the search.• Bookmark on bund. (Bund resumes if the app closed throughmenukey)• Replay audio of a particular Bund.• Mute/UnMute Bund Audio.Aqa Moula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Ane Apna MansusSyediMufaddal Saifuddin Moula ni umr shareef ne qyamaat na din lagdarazane daraz kare...Ameen
Biography of Ali ibn Abi Talib 2.2
Ali ibn Abi Talib (13th Rajab, 22 or 16 BH – 21st Ramaḍān,40AH;September 20, 601 or July 17, 607 or 600 – January 27, 661)wasthecousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad,rulingoverthe Islamic Caliphate from 656 to 661. A son of AbuTalib, Aliwasalso the first young male who accepted Islam. SunnisconsiderAlithe fourth and final of the Rashidun (rightly guidedCaliphs).AppFeature : -Have 7avalaiblelanguageEnglish,Arab,Indon,Malay,French,Benggali,Russiaand Turkish
Islamic Audios Library
Islamic library vocal lessons and sermons and lectures Islamist
Siratul Jannah - English 1
Duas (supplications), Surah, Ziyarat and Namaz in Indian style font