Top 4 Apps Similar to مجلة الرائدة

Hakaya mahdi
It is a free, integrated platform rich in cultural andentertainmentcontent.
Aik Ankh Wala Dajjal In URDU 1.1
Dajjal ki asliat jana, Is app ko ajj hi download karain.
مدخل لدراسة العلوم السياسية 1.0
يحتوي تظبيق مدخل لدراسة العلومالسياسيةعلىتلخيص مهم للعلوم السياسية سوف يفيد بصفة خاصه طلبةالقانونالجددبعتبارها مادة من المواد التي تدرس في المستوى الاول بحيتتعرفالطالببالمفاهيم و المبادئ و المصطلحات والنظريات والمؤسساتبالدراسةالعلمية للظاهرة السياسية؛ و تزيد الطالب بالمادةالاولية علمالسياسةوكيف تطور هذا العلم من خلال المدارس و الفلسفات والمناهجالمتنوعوكما تتناول كذلك الحديث عن علم السياسة وبقية العلومأي موقعالمادةضمن المجالات المعرفية الاخرى مثل: القانون والاقتصادوآلاجتماع......يشمل التظبيق تلحيص كتاب مدخل لدراسة العلوم السياسيةلدكتورالفحصيالمهديالمرجو مشاركة التظبيق لتعم المعرفة وترك تعليق لنستمرفيتلحيصالكتب على شكل تظبيقات ليسهل حفضها واخيرآ بالتوفيقللجميع" اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنَا بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنَا ،وَعَلِّمْنَامَايَنْفَعُنَا ، وَزِدْنَا عِلْمًا إِلَى عِلْمِنَا"Tzbaiq entrancetostudypolitical science at important summarize politicalsciencewillbenefit particularly freshmen law Battabarha substanceofthesubjects taught in the first level contains Laket knowthestudentconcepts and principles and terminology, theoriesandinstitutionsof scientific study of the political phenomenon;andthe studentincrease rule preliminary Political Science and howtheevolutionof this science through schools and diversephilosophiesandapproaches and also addresses as well as talkingabout politicsandthe rest of the Science article aware of any siteincluded inothercognitive areas such as law and economics andmeeting......Altzbaiq Tlhas book includes entrance to the studyofpoliticalscience Dr. Mahdi mammogramPlease post Altzbaiq to pervade knowledge and leavethecommentsto continue in the form of books Tlhas Tzbiqat to makeiteasier intable and finally success for all "Oh God, including Anfna taught us, and we knowwhatbenefitus, and we have increased the note to ourattention."
Mahdi School 1.0
This product is aim toprovidebettercommunication to Parents. This application providestheinformationlike Attendance detail, Test / Marks details,FeesDetails, Noticeboard, recent activity photographs as well astheirprofile.Attendance: This option of the application providetheinformationall about the attendance of their child. On whichdaythey remainpresent or absent.Test Marks: This option gives the marks details of theexamsgivenby the student with option of selected subject as wellas allthesubject at a time.Fees: This option gives the details of the sum of amountoffeeshas been paid by the student parents.Notice: This will show any notice provided byinstitute/management which is very important to the parentsinPDFformat.Profile: This option of application provide the informationofthestudent such as name, roll no, date of birth, contactnoregisteredwith institute, photograph along with rankstudentsecure in his /her class.