Top 12 Games Similar to Khayrat

Dalail ul Khairat Arambagh 2.0.7
Tech 92
App provides ability to read Dalail ul Khairat Shareef withfriendlyinterface.
Dalail ul khairat
Dalail ul khairat is written by Imam Muhammad Bin Sulaiman Jazoli.
Dalailul Khairat 2.0.1
Dalailul Khairat by Imam Suleiman AlJazuli. New unique sortingforeasy reading.
Al Wazifa-tul-Karima 1.5
Zia e Taiba
My master, Ala Hazrat, Imam e Ahle Sunnat, ReviverofSunnah,Eridicator of Bidat, Scholar of Shariah, Guide ofTariqah,AllamaMaulana Al-Haj Al-Hafiz Al-Qari Ash-Shah Imam AhmedRaza Khanwasborn on Saturday, 10th Shawwal, 1272 A.H. (14th June1856) atthetime of Zuhr Salah in Jasoli, one of the districtsofBareillySharif, India. The name, corresponding to the year ofhisbirth(1272 A.H.) is Al-Mukhtar. (Hayat-e-Ala Hazrat, vol. 1,pp.58,Maktaba-tul-Madina, Karachi) The bookAl-Wazifa-tul-Karimawaswritten by Ala Hazrat Imam e Ahle SunnatMaulana Shah ImamAhmedRaza Khan. Ala Hazrat has given thepermission ofrecitinginvocations of Al-Wazifa tul Karima to all theSunniMuslimsprovided that they refrain from (the company of)religiousbigots.Preface: 1. Each and every letter of all the AwradandWazaif(invocations and recitals) included in this Mobile App,mustberecited with correct pronunciation, following the rulesofTajwidand Quranic recitation. 2. It is recommended togetyourpronunciation of these invocations checked by a Sunni QariorSunniScholar who knows the art of Qirat (Quranic recitation). 3.Ifyourecite all the invocations given in this Mobile App, انشاءاللہعزوجل you will gain countless blessings in this world aswellas inthe Hereafter. One may also recite a few invocations,butSawabwill be reduced. 4. Pick only as many invocations for youasyoucan recite consistently. 5. Recite Darood once in thebeginningandonce at the end of every invocation. If multipleinvocationsarerecited in one sessions, reciting Durood once in thebeginningandonce at the end of that session would be sufficient.It’sauser-friendly application with an eye-catching interface.Useitand do persuade others to make the most of it. Please emailusyourhelpful suggestions and comments on thefollowingaddress:[email protected].
Qur'an | Most Using Surah 1.1
iQra Apps
★Yā Sīn (Arabic: سورة يس‎) Surah Ya-seen, an easy touseapplicationis being provided to you to get the blessings ofAllahAlmighty byreciting the heart of Quran on your devices. Thisis abeautifullydesigned application. benefits of reading SurahYaseen✔ ReadingSurah Yaseen at the beginning of the day causesAllah tofulfil allyour needs for that day. ✔ it is equivalent toreadingthe wholeQuran 10 times ✔ Reading Surah Yaseen andmemorizingSurah Yaseeninvokes the blessings of Allah. ✔ ReadingSurah Yaseenbenefits thereader in this life as well as in theHereafter. AndMore★Al-Waqʿiah (Arabic: سورة الواقعة‎) ✔The Prophetsaid,‘Whoeverrecites surah al Waqiah at night would neverencounterpoverty’ [IbnSunni 620] ✔ The Prophet said, ‘Surah alWaqiah isthe Surah ofWealth, so recite it and teach it toyourchildren'[Ibn Asakir] ✔TheProphet(PBUH) said, ‘Whoeverrecitessurah al Waqiah at night wouldnever encounter poverty’★SuraAl-Kahf (Arabic: سورة الكهف‎) ✔youwill get in the habit ofreadingSuratul Kahf every Friday. You canbegin on Thursday eveningas itis technically "the night of Friday"once Maghrib hasarrived.★Al-Mulk (Arabic: سورة الملك‎) ✔ TheProphet said, ‘There isasurah in the Qur’an which is only thirtyverses. Itdefendedwhoevere\recited it , until it puts him intoparadise ‘i.e.Surahal Mulk[Fath al Qadir 5/257, Sahihul Jamiea1/680,TabraniinAl-Awsat & Ibn Mardawaith] ✔ The Prophet said,‘Surahal Mulkis the protector from the torment of the grave‘[SahihulJamiea1/680, Hakim 2/498 & Nasai] ✔ Jabir (radiAllahuanhu) saiditwas the custom of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihewasallamnotto go to sleep until he had read TabarakalladhiBiyadihil MulkandAlif Laam Meem Tanzeel. [Ahmad, Tirmidhi andDarami]★Ad-Dukhan(Arabic: سورة الدخان‎) ✔Whoever recitesad-Dukhan(44) onthe nightof al-Jum’ah, 70,000 angels will ask forforgiveness forthatperson until morning”. If anyone recites surahDukhan in thenighthe will see the morning while 70,000 angels seekforgivenessforhim.” ★ Sūrat ar-Raḥmān (Arabic: سورة الرحمن‎, "TheMostMerciful")✔ Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that recitingthissurah onFriday after the dawn prayers carries great reward.Surahas-Rahmanremoves hypocrisy from one’s heart. On the DayofJudgement, thissurah will come in the shape of a human beingwhowill be handsomeand will have a very nice scent. Allah(s.w.t.)will then tell himto point out those people who used torecite thissurah and he willname them. Then he will be allowed tobeg pardonfor those whom henames and Allah (s.w.t.) will pardonthem. App ByiQra
Tafseer-e-Haqqani 1.7
Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Quran Translation and Tafseer by MuhammadAbdulHaq Haqqani
Tafseer As-Saadi 1.6
Tafseer As-Saadi - Complete Urdu Translation and Tafseer.
Tafseer Madarik-ut-Tanzil 1.7
Madarik-ut-Tanzil - Quran Translation and Tafseer byAbdullahAn-Nasafi
eQuran Library Official App 1.3
EQuran Library - Quran Translation, Tafseer, Ahadith and WordbyWord Collection
Tibyan ul Quran - Maulana Ghulam Rasool Saeedi 2.1
Tafseer Tibyan ul Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) andTafseerbyMaulana Ghulam Rasool Saeedi. نام: تبیان القرآن مصنف:مولاناغلامرسول سعیدی Application Features: - Complete TafseerTibyan ulQuranby Maulana Ghulam Rasool Saeedi - Colored Word byWordQuranTranslation - Advance Search functionality inQuran,Translation(Tarjuma) and Tafseer - Latest Material Design UI- Five(5)Different Arabic Fonts - Four (4) Different Urdu Fonts-MultipleColor Themes - Customize Arabic Font Size and Color-CustomizeUrdu Font Size and Color - Save Unlimited Bookmarks-Continue fromLast Read Ayah - Share Ayah with or withoutQuranTranslation(Tarjuma) and Tafseer - Customize Layout:List/Slider -Quick Jumpto Ayah - Quick Jump to Ruku - Mushaf Mode:Recite QuranwithTranslation (Tarjuma) or Tafseer - TranslationMode: ReciteQuranTranslation (Tarjuma) only - Share Multiple Ayat -View RukuandPara information for every Ayah - Dark and Night themesforbetterreadability at Night - Ability to show/hide Word byWord,QuranTranslation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer Please share this appwithyourfamily and friends and give us your valuable feedbackonPlayStoreor via Email. Jazak Allah khair
Tafseer Fahm ul Quran 1.9
Fahm ul Quran - Urdu Translation and Tafseer by Mian MuhammadJameel
Tafseer-e-Namoona 1.85
Urdu Translation app for Tafseer e Namoona (Interpretation ofHolyQuran)