Top 15 Games Similar to Знание - сила

Интеллект-баттл 2.2.23
Intelligent Battle in real-time!
Борьба Умов
FEO Media AB
«Борьба Умов» - это интеллектуальнаяиувлекательная социальная игра-викторина, в которойможносостязаться в знаниях с друзьями и другими игроками.Новинка лето 2015• Новый дизайн > Обновлённая и улучшенная графика, аватары,топлисты, шрифт, интерфейс и цвета!ОсновноеБолее 25 000 интереснейших текстовых и визуальныхвопросов,написанных командой «Борьбы Умов» и нашими игроками. Навыборимеется множество различных категорий вопросов.• Покоряй вершину топ листа — сравнивай свой уровень знанийсдругими игроками из списка лидеров.• Присылай собственные оригинальные вопросы в игру иполучайнаграду.• Привяжи игру к социальным сетям и приглашай своих друзей сыгратьв«Борьбу Умов».• Создай собственный уникальный аватар.• Новые текстовые и визуальные вопросы добавляются ежедневно!Посоревнуемся в знаниях!www.feomedia.comFacebook: Борьба Умов Борьба Умов"Fighting Minds" -afascinating intellectual and social quiz game, in which youcancompete in the knowledge with friends and other players.New Summer 2015• New Design> Updated and improved graphics, avatars, toplists,font, interface, and color!MainMore than 25,000 of interesting text and visual issues, written byateam of "Fight Minds" and our players. The choice there aremanydifferent categories of questions.• Conquer the top of the top sheet - Compare your level ofknowledgewith other players from the leaderboard.• Please send your own original questions to the game and getareward.• Tie off social networks and invite their friends toplay"Combating Minds."• Create your own unique avatar.• New text and visual questions are added every day!Posorevnuemsya knowledge!www.feomedia.comFacebook: Fighting Fighting Minds
World Geography - Quiz Game 1.2.135
Geography Quiz Game: Maps, Flags, Capitals, Population, andmuchmore
Правда или Ложь 2.0
Determine whether the statement is true or false.
Riddles. Just riddles. 4.2
Best logic riddles, puzzles, brainteaser and who am I? Besmarterwith this app!
Логические задачки 3.4.0
Alexus Games
It’s not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to useitwell
Эврика! Логические Задачи Игры
Ally team
Puzzles for adults: logic tasks and riddles without theInternet.Smart games.
If I say "Something you eat with yourhands,"what comes to mind first? Hamburger? Corn on the cob? Ribs?In 94%,the object of the game is simple: find 94% of thegivenanswers!Try the third app from Scimob, the creaters of 94 Seconds and94Degrees with more than 25 million players worldwide!Examples of questions:The first thing you do in the morningSomething you don't have time to doAnimals hatched from an eggSomething that is often out of orderDownload 94% today to discover hundreds of questions based onwords,expressions and images!
Интеллектуальная игра Suzerain 2.1.2
GC Game Core
Испытай себя в интеллектуальных батлахсдругими игроками в интеллект-лиге Сюзерен.Викторина, проверка интуиции, знаний и рефлексов в поединкахсдрузьями и случайными игроками.Suzerain – интеллектуальные игры, где главным оружиемсраженияявляется эрудиция.Любая дуэль длится до 60 секунд. Каждая новая битваформируетперсональную карту навыков:эрудиция;рефлексы;мудрость;логика;знания;интуиция;разум.С каждой победой в борьбе разума повышается позиция вглобальноми локальном рейтинге.Получай титул за самый развитый навык. Щит указывает на твой опыт,аорел – на твой статус и долю побед в интеллектуальныхдуэлях.Каждый баттл – это фитнес для мозга, тренировка важнейших качествиIQ. Всегда под рукой удобный инструмент, чтобы заставитьмозгработать быстрее и эффективнее.Отвечай на нетривиальные вопросы, выполняй разнообразные задания–играй с пользой, прокачивая скиллы и совершенствуйсякаждыйдень!Тебе ничего не мешает завтра стать умнее, чем ты былвчера.Будь гениален!Test yourselfinintellectual battles with other players in theintelligence-leagueoverlord.Quiz, testing intuition, knowledge and reflexes in fightswithfriends and random players.Suzerain - intellectual games, where the main battle weaponisknowledge.Any duel lasts up to 60 seconds. Each new battle forms thepersonalskills card:erudition;reflexes;wisdom;logics;knowledge;intuition;mind.With each victory in the struggle of reason rising positioninthe global and local rankings.Get the title of the most developed skill. Shield points toyourexperience, and an eagle - on your status and share ofvictories inintellectual duels.Each Battle - this is fitness for the brain, the mostimportantqualities of training and IQ. Always handy handy tool toforce thebrain to work faster and more efficiently.Answer the non-trivial questions, perform a variety of tasks -playwith advantage, pumping skills and perfection every day!You do not interfere with tomorrow's smarter than youwereyesterday.Be a genius!
Smart IQ tests 1.6.3
Professional collection of IQ tests (IQ)Classic test is in Russian. Others are universal.You get the objective assessment.Each time you pass the test, you will respond to thenewquestions!You will solve:Classic testVerbal test.Visual-spatial test.Numerical test.Each of the tests will help you assess your logic and thetruelevel of IQ!Let's go!
Brain Games - Brain Trainer 1.0.4
Exercise is the key to good health, bothforbody and mind-and now there's finally a way to make mentalexercisesimple, fun, even competitive.Download our new app from Google Play: 5 cool brain gamestotrain your brain !★ Human Calculator: Train your brain. Get mental agilityandimprove your mathematical logic.★ Press the numbers: Train you lateral view and improve yourmemory.If you like "Touch the Numbers", you will love ourgame.★ Solitary: Your objetive is to remove all tokens from theboard,except one of them.★ Cavemen: You have two cavemen, each one with several stones,andeach stone with a economic value. Which cavemen is the richest?Tryto beat your own record.★ Dolphins: You have to move the dolphins in the left to theright,and the dolphins in the right to the left, but be carefull,becauseyou don't have UNDO option..All games have time out, so you can check your achievementsgameby game.By using Brain Games just minutes a day, you are going tonoticehow your brain works better day by day.Try it !Improve your agility !Train your brain !Languages available:★ English★ Spanish
Миллионер 2019 1.23
Вы мечтаете стать участником популярного шоу "Кто хочетстатьмиллионером"? Для начала проверьте свой интеллект и логикунапрочность и заработайте свой первый миллион в приложенииМиллионер2019! Миллионер 2019-это увлекательная бесплатная игра длялюбоговозраста. Вас ждут интересные вопросы, новый дизайн, простойиудобный интерфейс в стиле известного ТВ-шоу. Проверьтесвоюэрудицию и почувствуйте себя участником знаменитойтелевизионнойвикторины! • более 10.000 вопросов из различныхобластей знанийразной направленности и сложности • вопросыобновляются ежедневно •помощь зала, 50:50 и звонок другу •спрашивайте совета узнаменитостей, если возникнут затруднения •делитесь своимиуспехами с друзьями • сразитесь в интеллектуальномбаттле с другимиигроками Хотите разбогатеть и стать миллионером?Играйте ивыигрывайте! Удачи!
Миллионер 2023 Игра викторина 303.163
Intellectual and entertaining game Millionaire BEST rating system
Riddles, Brain Teasers, Logic 1.15
Polis apps
Everyone should be able to solve thesetasks.Some of them might be suggested to solve while interviewinginserious companies to check candidates analytical skills. Alsothisapplication is eminently suitable for training problemsolvingskills of children and adults.Many of the puzzles in this Brain Teasers App will take hours,ifnot days, to solve. But be patient, try to think properly. Wehavea best riddles and brain teasers for you. This App have riddlesinthe following categories: Brain Teasers, Funny Riddles,LogicalRiddles, Math Riddles, Name The Object Or Person, RiddlesWithWords.Application will first show the Brain Teasers (problem)only.Take your time to solve the problem by yourself first. Afterthatyou can click on answer button to see the actual answer.♥♥♥♥♥ Awesome This game is sooooo cool nun of my familymemberscan figure this out ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Cool it makes my mind work but some of it are justsimple♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ NC nc logics but some are easy hehe ^_^ ♥♥♥♥♥In free version the App has limit of answers for 10 days.
Викторина онлайн и оффлайн 2.0.1
How many people need to stand on the scalestooutweigh the blue whale? Which number in French soundslikeFour-times-Ten?What is the percentage of women who turn right enteringasupermarket?Welcome Lord of Numbers, a game with the most amazinginformativefacts about our wonderful home planet! Become a masterof numbersaccomplishing tough and exciting missions. Travel thru amap toknow answers to the most unexpected questions.Did you know that a giraffe reaching for leaves can stick itstongueas much as 40 centimeters! This is the length of your hand!How manysatellites have ever been striken by meteorites? When wasthe firsttoilet paper used and when were tomatoes supposed to bepoisonous inEurope?Play Lord of Numbers, learn new facts and share your knowledgeamongyour friends. Why wait? Go and invite them to the game rightawayand fight an exciting battle! Compare your results, attackyourrivals. You can find your friends by name or via socialnetworks.Reach new dizzying levels, get ranked and become a Nobellaureate.Invite players to join the fight and participate inspecial missionsobtaining huge bonuses and rewards!Lord of Numbers is an absorbing quiz for which we have selected3000questions from various topics: geography, world cuisine,cinema,literature, music, art, sports, space, tales, what’smissing,science, animals, ocean and people. We came up with threegamemodes: Guess, More or Less and Who is more accurate. You willnotfind anything like this in any quiz game. You can be a judgeandparticipate in ranking with other players online. Play when itsuitsyou most – use online or offline mode.Well? Are you ready to test your knowledge and compete againstrealopponents in an uncompromising battle of wits? Then go ahead.Theadventure begins!