Top 19 Apps Similar to Normal Lab Values++

Normal Lab Values Reference 1.2.5
App Placer
Award winning Pocket tool for Medical Laboratory Tests - 'NormalLabValues '
Normal Lab Values 1.2.0
Normal Lab Values gives both non-medical readersandhealthprofessionals a fast-navigable and clearlystructuredoverview ofthe main routine laboratory parameters andpossiblecauses of theirincrease and decrease. Each lab containsimportantclinicalinformation, critical lab values, differentialdiagnosesand etc.The Normal Lab Values are clearly arranged,alphabeticallyorderedand quickly located. The most commonly usedclinicallaboratoryvalues and other useful relevant information suchasBiochemistryTest, Haematology Test,Immunology Test, SerologyTest,MicrobiologyTest, Molecular Test Detection, HormoneTest,SputumTest and etc.The application's interface isunderstandable, easy tonavigate. --More than 250 types ofexaminations for consultation;--Categories: Immunology,Biochemistry, Microbiology, HematologyandNutrition and etc. --Descriptions of the methodologiesused;Disclaimer All information iscurrent, but in view ofthepossibility of human error or changes inmedical guidelines,youshould always confirm the information.We arenot responsibleforforms of application usage by user. Orient alwaysseek adiagnosisand professional treatment for any medicalcondition.KeywordsMicrobiology test, blood test, disease,conditions, HealthRecord,Health Info, Diet, Nutrition, BiochemistryTest, HematologyTest,Immunology Test, Serology Test, MicrobiologyTest, MolecularTestDetection, Hormone Test, Sputum Test,Acidphosphatase,Adrenocorticotrophic hormone, Alaninetransaminase,Alkalinephosphatase, Alpha1-proteinase, inhibitor,Ammonia,Amylase,Ascorbic acid test, Aspartate transaminase, Biotin,Bloodureanitrogen, Carr-price test, Catecholamines inurine,Ceruloplasmin,Chloride, Creatinine kinase, Diabetes MellitusFolicacid, Folliclestimulating hormone test, Gammaglutamyltranspeptidase,Glycosylated haemoglobin, Hematuria, Highdensitylipoproteins,Iron and iron binding capacity in serum,Lactatedehydrogenase, Lowdensity lipoproteins, Lipase, Niacin,Protein,Prothrombin timetests
Laboratories 1.4
Laboratories application provides simple informationaboutroutinelab tests including normal, abnormal valuesandresultinterpretation. It was written in a simple languagetobeunderstood by general public. It can be a useful toolforstudents,patients and health care workers. A free labmedicalconsultationis available for users to enquire about theirlabreports. MedicalConsultation Work Team Dr. Ehab Badran RakhaMDClinical Pathology.Assistant Professor, Faculty ofMedicine,Mansoura University,Egypt. Consultant Clinical Pathology,KingKhalid Hospital, Hail,Saudi Arabia. Dr. Yousuf Khan KhasimDiplomain Clinical Pathology,Rajiv Gandhi University of HealthSciences,India. SpecialistClinical Pathology, King Khalid Hospital,Hail,Saudi Arabia. Allrights reserved for Senior Lab. specialistMr.Alshammri MutlaqLab. Specialist Mr. Alfouzan Fayez Hail,SaudiArabia For contact:@[email protected]
Pocket Lab Values 2.5
The app with the most lab values on the Android Market!!
Blood Test guide 2
Rola Tech
This application gives you the knowledge of what your bloodresultsay.
Medical Laboratory Master 1.0
AppNext Level
Medical Laboratory master is helping toolforthe medical technicians to calculate their results withoutanytrouble. They don't need to remember the formulas forcalculatingthe final results. Medical Laboratory master is usefulto findcholesterol, Serum Billirubin, Sugar, Urea and Uric Acid ina humanbody. This app is design to calculate the test results of apatientin any medical laboratory.Main Features required:Test ReadingTest StandardTest ConcentrationKeywords: Drug, Medicine, Medical Dictionary, Dictionary,MedicalAnnotator, Thesaurus, Laboratory.
Biochemistry Normal Values 1.9
Tom Johnson
This application contains the normal rangesforfrequently used biochemistry lab tests.It is a perfect reference for clinicians and students in andoutof hospital, and does not require any network accesstofunction!Currently included test groups are:+ Full Blood Count+ Urea and Electrolytes (including Calcium)+ Liver Function Tests+ Arterial Blood Gases+ Inflammatory Markers+ Clotting Tests+ Thyroid Function Tests+ Lipids and LipoprotiensValues are given separately for males and femaleswhenappropriate, and many paediatric values are included as well.Allvalues are from approved and respectable sources!If you have any additional tests or values you would like tobeincluded in the application, feel free to get in contact!
Pathology Dictionary 0.0.9
pathology dictionary contain word related to cause and natureofdisease.
Lab Values + Medical Reference 3.0
Lab Values+ Medical Reference is the #1 resource for allmedicalprofessionals
Laboratory Values 1.2
* Languages Português, English Did you saw a laboratory testresultsand did not know what to think? Relaxe RELAB is anapplication thatcomes with the normal values for more than 200laboratory tests andalso comes with a commentary on all examswhich indicates the mainsituations, pathological or physiological,in that they can beincreased or decreased . Divided into "CBC","serum biochemistry andcoagulation", "urinalysis", "stool test","CSF (cerebrospinalfluid)," "pleural fluid", "ascites fluid" and"synovial fluide" theapplication was made thinking for helpprofessionals / students ofhealth are or even people in general tohave a light at the end ofthe tunnel in the test results. BloodCount: Hemoglobin / HematocritMCV MCH / MCHC RDW PlateletsLeukocyte Total Basophils EosinophilsNeutrophils LymphocytesMonocytes Serum Biochemistry &Coagulation: ACE ACTH Alaninetransaminase (ALT) Albumin AldolaseAldosterone AlkalinePhosphatase Alpha-fetoprotein AmylaseAntithrombin III Aspartatetransaminase (AST) Beta2-MicroglobulinBeta-HCG BicarbonateBilirubin Direct (BD) Bilirubin Indirec (BI)Bilirubin TotalBleeding Time BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) C1q C3C4 CA 125 CA15-3 CA 19-9 Calcitonin Calcium (Ca) CEA CeruloplasminCH50Chlorine Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL CholesterolTotalCholesterol VLDL CK-MB CK-MB mass Clotting Time Cobalamin(Vit.B12) Copper Total Cortisone (test) C-peptide C-ReactiveProtein(CRP) Creatine Kinase (CK) Creatinine D-dimer ErythropoietinESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) Ferritin FibrinDegradationProducts (PDF) Fibrinogen Folate Free ErythrocyteProtoporphyrin(FEP) G6PD (erythrocyte) Gammaglutamil transpeptidase(gamma-GT orGGT) Gastrin GH (suppression test) Globulin GlucoseFasting GlucosePostprandial Glycated Haemoglobin HaptoglobinHomocysteine LactateLDH Lead Lipase Magnesium MucoproteinsMyoglobin OsmolalityParathyroid Hormone (PTH) pCO2 pH PhosphoruspO2 Potassium (k)Prolactin Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) ProteinC ProteinElectrophoresis Protein S TAP PTT Resistance to ActivatedProtein C(factor V Leiden) Sodium (Na) Somatomedin C T3 T4 (Free)TBICTestosterone Thrombin Time Thyroglobulin Total ProteinTransferinSaturation Triglycerides (TG) Troponin TSH Urea UricAcidUrinalisys: Aspect Color Density pH Glucose Ketone BodiesProteinsLeukocyte esterase Nitrite Bilirubin UrobilinogenHemoglobin RBCsLeukocytes Cylinders Crystals Epithelial CellsBacteria 24 hoururine Isolated sample (spot urine) Urine 1h or 2hTitratableAcidity (24) Aminolevulínicos Acid (24h)5-hidroxiindoloacéticoacid (5-HIAA) (24h) Homovanillic Acid (24h)Uric Acid (24h)Vanillylmandelic Acid (24) Aldosterone (24) Aluminum(24) Arsenic24) Cadmium (24) Calcium (24) FractionatedCatecholamines (24) Lead(24) Chlorine (24) Copper (24) Creatinine(24) Chromium (24)Phosphorus (24) Hydroxyproline (24) Iodine (24)Magnesium (24)Manganese (24) Mercury (24) Total Metanephrines (24)Oxalate (24)Pyridinoline / deoxypyridinoline (24h) Potassium (24)Selenium (24)Serotonin (24) Sodium (24) Urea (24) Zinc (24) StoolTest: VolumeFats Coproporphyrins Urobilinogen Estercobilina pHOccult BloodLeukocytes Eosinophils Alpha-1 anti-trypsin Trypsin(activity) CSF:Pressure RBCs Leukocytes Total Protein Albumin IgGOligoclonalBands Myelin Basic Protein Glucose Chloride LactateLactate PleuralFluid: Color pH Glucose Cholesterol Proteins LDHAmylase ADA(adenosine deaminase) Interferon-gamma CellularityCytology SectionAscitic Fluid: Aspect Gradient Albumin SerumAscites CellularityCytology Section Synovial Fluid: ViscosityCellularity PolarizedMicroscopy Light Biopsy
Davis's Lab & Diagnostic Tests 2.8.16
** Easy-To-Understand Guidance for Before, During, and AfterEveryTest **
Blood Test Results Explained 1.0
Laboratory tests are tools helpful in evaluating the healthstatusofan individual. It is important to realize thatlaboratoryresults maybe outside of the so-called "normal range"for manyreasons. So thisapp is about that Blood Test Result andalso youwill know theexplanation of Blood Test Result. So manyinfo thatyou will know :-- How to interpret and understand yourblood testresults... - Normalrange of uric acid... - Normal whiteBlood cellcount... - And manyqueries about Blood Test Result thatyou wantto know...
ABIS bacteria identification 12.8
Laboratory tool for bacterial identification. ABIS online.
Lab Tests Online-M 3.10
LabTestsOnline-M is the mobile version ofLabTests Online®, the award-winning website developed bylaboratoryprofessionals that has helped millions of people betterunderstandthe many clinical lab tests that are part of routinehealthcare,diagnosis, and treatment.Whether you are a patient looking for information on certainlabtests that you may have had performed or a medicalpractitionerseeking quick confirmation regarding a particulartest,LabTestsOnline-M puts the information into the palm of yourhand.This app loads the website’s content onto your Android phoneortablet, meaning you won’t be dependent on an Internet connectiontonavigate to the information you need, when you need it. Becauseweare routinely adding and updating content, an Internetconnectionis needed, however, to download new and revisedcontent.Lab Tests Online® offers users detailed information on hundredsoflaboratory tests as well as descriptions of diseases thatarecross-linked by the tests used to screen for, diagnose, andtreatthem. In addition, Lab Tests Online® provides a number offeaturearticles that explain concepts such as test reliability andthedifficulty in defining and using reference ranges (which, inmostcases, are not included in our test articles). The site alsohasoriginal news items that briefly summarize the latest advancesinlaboratory science and the policies and guidelines that governtheuse of the tests. LabTestsOnline-M makes access tothispeer-reviewed information more convenient than ever.Here’s what our users and reviewers have said about LabTestsOnline® since it launched on the web in 2001:“It is Friday afternoon and I received test results that I didnotunderstand. I won't see my doctor until Monday afternoon.Theinformation on this site helped ease my anxieties abouttheresults. It was easy to understand and relevant to myneeds.”“My Doctor ordered many tests and I did not know what they wereallfor. Reading your descriptions made me feel secure and gave meaclue about what the Doctor was looking for or trying to ruleout.Now he seems pretty smart!”“Clear, concise info that helped my understanding of currenttestresults.”“This is an excellent, thorough and very well composed site. Itis,without doubt, the finest site providing the mostusefullaboratory-related information. Keep up the good work.”“My wife and I are RN’s. Your site is, excuse the pun,‘bloodygood.’”Lab Tests Online is produced by AACC, a global scientificandmedical professional organization dedicated to clinicallaboratoryscience and its application to healthcare, incollaboration with 16other laboratory professional societies in theUnited States andCanada. On the web, Lab Tests Online is currentlyavailable in 17countries and 14 languages. Among its many honors,Lab Tests Onlinereceived a Summit Award from the American Societyof AssociationExecutives as an “innovative contribution that hasenhancedAmerican society.”To ensure that the site is accepted as a trusted source formedicalinformation, we adhere to the principles espoused by theHealth onthe Net Foundation, an international not-for-profitorganizationthat seeks "to guide lay persons or non-medical usersand medicalpractitioners to useful and reliable online medical andhealthinformation.”
Lab Online 9.0
About Lab OnlineLab online is a unique, customized smartphone applicationforphysicians. This allows physicians to have customized testresultsto their network through a dynamic secure 24-hour onlineportal.Physicians can download this app for FREE from apple storeand login to have an exclusive digital experience of orderinglaboratorytests online for their patients and view lab results inPDFformat.This is the most potent way that better suits the realitiesofdelivering laboratory results to healthcare professionals.Key Advantages:• 24 hours online order• Track the status of test reports• Receive instant notification upon completion of test and/orabnormal report• Secure and instant routing of test results• Download reports from secure site• Receive assistance to diagnosis based on medical andscientificrecommendationPhysician’s Benefits:• Physician’s referral discounts on test prices• Physicians can customize their own favorite test lists• Access to free medical and clinical knowledge materialsconcerningpathologies and diagnostic tests• Receive invitations to local medical seminars with CME awardsHow to Sign up?• Please register yourself by completing theRegistrationform• Our marketing representative will visit you to demonstratetheprocess of using the app• You will be given an user manual for the app• Your unique User name and Password will be required each timeyouwant to place an orderApps Features:Lab online is an exciting new addition to the family ofappsreleased by Eastern Clinical Laboratories. Use our mobile appstosearch and browse the test catalog information andutilizationresources found on, in a format optimized foryourdevice's screen.In addition to test catalog and information, the exclusiveappoffers physicians the following features-• On-line accession, speeding instant request tolaboratoryservices• Refer patients from the remote site• Online booking details• Tracking orders and predict the time of report delivery• Instant notification of completion of report and/or alertsystemfor abnormal results• View and download both the preliminary and final results• Easy and Secure access to technicians and pathologistsforinterpretation of test resultsAbout Eastern Clinical laboratoriesEastern Clinical Laboratories (ECL), a laboratory facilityofEastern Groups was established in 2013 to bring a wholenewdimension to Middle Eastern diagnostic market. At ECL, allmedicalprofessionals are passionate about developinginnovative,diagnostic tests and tools to enhance patient care,provide valueto our clients, and transform information intoknowledge andinsights. Our aim is to provide a diagnostic servicewithoutstanding standards of efficiency, ethics and quality atanaffordable cost. We are committed to providing a superiorcustomerservice and convenience to our clients. ECL servesprimarily as areference laboratory for Clinical Chemistry,Immunology, ClinicalPathology, Microbiology, Serology, Hematology,Histopathology andMolecular Biology & PCR.
Medical Terminology (OFFLINE)
A quick Medical Terminology Reference appforall. App is complete OFFLINE and FREE. Medical Terminologyappcontaining list of medical terms.Medical Terms and Dictionary with common and uncommon words,termsand phrases. Used by physicians, nurses, PAs, NPs,medicalstudents, nursing students and more.With this simple, powerfull and free app you can reveal meaningsofthousands of medical terms in English language.It contains dictionary of most common used medical terms,diseases,tests and symptoms extended by external sources with tonsofmedical terminology.Features:- medical reference book and thesaurus covering allmedicalterminologies and abbreviations.- a very quick Search for Medical Terms;- complete offline access for dictionary, No Internetconnectionrequired;- huge database of Medical Terminologies;- email any of the terms instantly;- unlimited Book Marks;- history;- compatible with versions of Android Devices;- very efficient, fast and good performance;- automatic free updates whenever new terms gets added;- application is designed to occupy as much as less memoryaspossible.
Imago LLC
This app is perfect for both academicandclinical settings, providing clear, concise coverage of 375 ofthemost commonly performed laboratory tests. Organized by bodysystemand lab panels, and presented in a consistent format withnormalfindings, indications, test explanation, test results andclinicalsignificance.*********************************WHY USE #1 LAB VALUES :********************************** 375 common and uncommon lab values.* Conditions related to abnormal lab values* Customizable lab values and tops* Notes section* Quick Diagnosis* Switch between US values and SI* Links to outside references, find more information faster* Full search* Order of draw example!* Differential Diagnosis* Easy to use!!!With an easy to use interface, this app contains thefollowingvalues:+ Cardiovascular (24)+ Electrolytes (29)+ Endocrine (28)+ Gastrointestinal (19)+ Hematology (59)+ Immunology (33)+ Neurology (14)+ Oncology (12)+ Renal (26)+ Respiratory (12)+ Toxicology (33)Common lab panels:+ Antibody Screen+ Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)+ Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)+ Complete Blood Count (CBC)+ Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)+ Iron Panel+ Kidney Function Tests (KFTs)+ Liver Function Tests (LFTs)+ Lipid Profile+ Lumbar Puncture (LP)+ Thyroid Function Tests (TFTs)+ Urinalysis (UA)*Disclaimer: The information contained in this application isforgeneral information purposes only. The information is providedbyImago LLC and while we endeavour to keep the information up todateand correct, we make no representations or warranties of anykind,express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy,reliability,suitability or availability with respect to theapplication or theinformation. Any reliance you place on suchinformation istherefore strictly at your own risk. In no event willwe be liablefor any loss or damage including without limitation,indirect orconsequential loss or damage, or any loss or damagewhatsoeverarising from loss of data or profits arising out of, orinconnection with, the use of this application.
Clinical Skills
Saleh khalid
Clinical Skills meant to be anevolving,evidence-basedguide to history-taking and the physical exam and simple ECG .Thisis thefirst release and it well be regularly updated bymedical students at the Mosul Medical College in mosul, Iraq.If you find the application useful, have any feedback,or if it saved your hide rounding one day, let us know
LabDx - the Lab Values App 1.0.1
LabDx is the application for medicalstudents,doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals whoneed quickaccess to information on over 300 laboratory tests. LabDxwasdeveloped by a board-certified pathologist with more than 25yearsof experience in a large teaching hospital. The informationiscurrent, relevant to medical practice and, above all, accurate.Tests are arranged into categories by organ system or typeofanalyte. They can also be searched alphabetically. Eachtestdisplays:Reference range (normal values)- both conventional and SI units- includes pediatric ranges for hematology tests- values are from a major academic medical centerCauses for increased and decreased values- arranged in a logical manner to help you learnandremember- supports diagnostic reasoningBrief description of the test- describes what the test measures- includes information on ordering and interpretationExternal link to Lab Tests Online ( award-winning, peer-reviewed website onlaboratorytesting- authoritative source for patients and medical professionalsYou can add your own information for each test by tapping theNotesbutton. Customize each test to include all the details youneed toknow for rounds, diagnostic workups, and patientconferences.Tutorials are another unique feature of LabDx. These areshort,focused articles that deal with a single topic. Sometutorialsdescribe general concepts related to laboratory testing -othersgive an approach to a clinical problem. You can think of themaslecture notes, edited to provide the essential informationasclearly as possible.Here are a few of the comments we have received:"I really love this app and use it in my daily practice asaGP.""It has proven to be an essential medical resource for me inmyprofession as a nurse educator.""I use your app constantly - best of breed."Whether you are a health sciences student or a practitioner inthefield, this app will help you to understand lab tests.Moreinformation is available on our website - please contact us ifyouhave any questions.