Top 31 Apps Similar to French Tongue Twisters

Pronunciation App-English 38.0.1
Pronounce words correctly with Pronunciation App-English
French Pronunciation 1.0
This software mainly talks abouttheFrenchpronunciation by means of text-to-speech andautomaticspeechrecognition.
Articulation Essentials Lite 1.70.305
This is a free version app ofArticulationEssentials.Articulation Essentials is a great app that makes speech therapyfunand is the best way to practice articulation without SLPsupervisionat home. It has everything you would need forpracticingarticulation at one place, with each menu simple tonavigate so evensmall children can enjoy the app on theirown.The premium version of articulation essentials in on anintroductorysale price of $9.99. Articulation essentials containsno hiddencharges or additional costs. The app contains all theword and soundactivities for articulation and speech therapy inone package.To install articulation essentials premium version visitthislink essentials is designed to facilitate speech therapyforspeech delays, Articulation Apraxia, Aphasia, Phonology,Stuttering,Naming Therapy and Autism. It can be used by SpeechLanguagePathologists (SLP), parents and teachers to practicethepronunciation techniques taught in speech therapy.Articulation Essentials App contains:• Over 1400 words and associated images forarticulationpractice• Real life Images to keep children entertained• Non repetitive flash cards for words, phrases and sentences• Progressive techniques for articulation divided into levels• Voice recognition and real time sound playing• Easy to practice even without SLP or adult supervision• Stimulating activities and articulation games• Absolutely No AdsAnd more!!Articulation Essentials app can also be used for1. Babies who enjoy looking at everyday objects with sounds2. Toddlers first words3. Naming therapy for children with special needs4. Articulation picture tools5. Apraxia & autism flash cardsPlease share your suggestions & [email protected]+ : via Reviews Below
Learn FRENCH with Words FREE 1.3
Link to “_Words _Learn _Languages”Learn french with "_Words" is the only app to expand yourfrenchvocabulary that offers you a personalized training to learnmanynew words useful in improving your conversation in french. Itisavailable on the Android Market Google Play .-*- 4500 words divided into 65 categoriesThe words of "_Words" are organized into categories in ordertoallow you to learn words in french to specific areas of interest.You can select more than one category at a time and makelearningsessions more and more complex .-*- Improve listening and pronunciationListen to the words you're learning and improving your listeningandyour pronunciation in french. The app allows you to learnfrenchwords indeed to hear the correct pronunciation of words thatyou arelearning and allows you to enter your answers directly infrench,you just say them.-*- See your report cardTrack your progress from day to day to see how many new wordsinfrench are learning through "_Words" . The results of allyourtraining session is recorded , so you can see which words arewrongmore often and what you know now and that are part of yournewfrench vocabulary .-*- Share your achievements on FB and TWEvery time you make a good training session , publish yourresultson Facebook or Twitter and challenge your friends to dobetterusing "_Words" to learn french.Who will be the strongest to learn new words?-*- Less than 1mb of space and the possibility ofusingoff-line."_Words" to learn french does not weigh down yoursmartphone'smemory , all the data are automatically installed onthe sd card soas not to take up space. In addition, you can play"_Words" andlearn new words in french really where you want becauseyou do notneed to be connected to the internet (off-line). "_Words"to learnfrench is the way to improve your vocabulary fun, easy andalwaysat your fingertips .News in version 1.2.0:-*-Added other languages:- Chinese- Japanese- Korean- Arabic- Greek- Hindi- Russian- Thai.-*- Better translation of certain wordsNews in version 1.1.9:-*- Publish the results on twitter.-*- Support for the Portuguese language.-*- Improved the translation of certain words.News in version 1.1.8:-*- Publish results on your wall facebook.-*- Support for the French language.News in version 1.1.6:-*- Ability to change the language directly from themainmenu.-*- Improved the translation of certain words.
Learn French for beginners 3.6
Learn French easy, the learning game for beginners , 500vocabularywords
Speech Essentials Therapy App 1.39
Speech Essentials is a great app formakingspeech therapy fun! Great for any SLP or parent, thisspeechtherapy app contains:Games for practicing speech therapyStimulating activitiesWord flashcardsTwo kinds of sentence flashcardsA mirror function to help visualize lip and tongue placementand more!The Speech Essentials speech therapy app has everything youneedfor articulation practice, and each station is very simpletonavigate so even a small kids can enjoy it on their own. Try theBsound out for free, then pay $1.99 for any additional soundsyoumay need.For Speech Therapists, the full sound suite version of thespeechtherapy app includes articulation stimuli for all 23consonantsounds in the English language including blends,multi-syllabicwords, sentences, and phrases. The app also containsthe ability tokeep and save scores for individuals during speechtherapy appsessions. When doing speech therapy with SpeechEssentials you havethe ability to isolate the sound in theinitial, medial, or finalposition for all of the games andstations to help refinearticulation. Best of all the app containsthousands of images andsound recordings to provide a variety offresh stimuli in eachstation, session after session.Speech Essentials is a speech therapy app designed tofacilitatespeech therapy for articulation, speech delays, andapraxia. Can beused by an SLP or by a parent to practice thepronunciationtechniques taught in speech therapy.
Appli Orthophonie 1 :Exercices 2.24
Appli d’orthophonie pour les enfants:exercices d’articulation et de prononciationFull You Tube-Vidéo / Ortho  La version d’essai gratuite, contient uniquement lesonB ( position initiale, médiane ou finale).La version complète d’Appli-Orthophonie 1 coûte 7,99€.Cette application est destinée à mes collègues orthophonistesetaux parents qui sont motivés pour aider leur enfant à la maison!Elle est conçue pour aider les enfants présentant un ouplusieurstroubles d’articulation. Le support ludique, lesillustrations,la diversité des jeux visent à rendre cetravaild’automatisation du son moins rébarbatif etinciteront lesenfants à faire plus d‘efforts. Les progrès serontdonc plusrapides.Les exercices sont progressifs. Chaque son est proposé dansuneliste de mots en situation initiale, médiane oufinale.Certains sons particulièrement difficiles, comme le R etle Lpourront être travaillés tout d’abord isolément puis dansdesgroupes complexes.La quantité de mots et d’illustrations proposés fait égalementdecette application un excellent outil pour enrichirlevocabulaire.L’appli-Orthophonie a été mise au point avec mon aide. Jem'appelleFrédérique Pétroffe, je suisorthophonistediplômée d’état et j'exerce à Provins en Seineet Marne depuis denombreuses années.J’ai sélectionné et enregistré en studio tous les motsprésentsdans cette application si bien que, même à la maison,lesenfants peuvent s’entraîner en bénéficiant d‘uneexcellentequalité de son et d’articulation.Remarques:- Ces exercices ne peuvent pas remplacer des séances faites avecunorthophoniste. Mais si tout le monde joue le jeu, Ilspeuventreprésenter une aide supplémentaire, un gain de tempsprécieuxpour tout le monde: l’orthophoniste, les parents et surtoutpourles enfants qui souffrent souvent beaucoup de ne pouvoir sefairecomprendre comme ils le souhaiteraient …- Avant de réaliser ces exercices, les enfants doivent déjàêtreen mesure d’articuler correctement le son de façon isolée,puis dansdes syllabes simples. A la suite de quoi, avec lesexercices et jeuxproposés dans cette application, ils serontcapables petit à petitde placer le son à l’intérieur d’un mot etd’automatiser saprononciation. (pour obtenir le son de façonisolée, je vous renvoievers ma chaîne YouTube: Ortho Channel  sur laquellejevais progressivement ajouter des vidéos explicatives)Dans l’Appli-Orthophonie 1 se trouvent lesexercicesconcernant les sons suivants :B CH D F G J K L PL BL CL GL FL ML’Appli Orthophonie 1 propose 988 mots contenant les sons indiqués dansledescriptif.Dans l’Appli-Orthophonie 2  setrouventles exercices concernant les sons suivants : N P R PRBR TR DR CRGR FR VR S T V ZJeux et exercices d’articulation / de prononciation1.Répéter : Exercice d’orthophonie2. Enregistrer – Exercice d’orthophonie3. Nommer : Exercice d’orthophonie4. Trouver – jeu d’orthophonie5. Mémory – jeu d’orthophonieGet speech therapyforchildren: articulation and pronunciation exercisesFull / Ortho Channel The free trial version , contains only sound B (initialposition,medial or final).The full version of App-Speech costs 1 € 7.99.This application is for my colleagues speech therapists andparentswho are motivated to help their child at home! It isdesigned tohelp children with one or more articulation disorders.The playfulsupport, illustrations, diversity of games designed tomake itautomation of its work less forbidding and encouragechildren totry harder. The progress will become faster.The exercises are progressive. Each sound is offered in a listofwords in initial position, middle or end. Someparticularlydifficult sounds like the R and L will be worked firstindividuallyand then in complex groups.The amount of words and illustrations also proposed thisapplicationa great tool to build vocabulary.The app-Speech has been developed with my help. My name isFrédérique Pétroffe I SLP graduate status and I work inProvinsSeine et Marne for many years.I have selected and recorded in the studio all the words in thisappso that, even at home, children can train enjoying a excellentsoundquality and hinge.                                                                                                                                     Note:- These exercises can not replace sessions made with aspeechtherapist. But if everyone plays the game, they can accountforadditional help, a valuable time for everyone: thespeechtherapist, parents and especially children who often suffermuchfor not being able to be understood as they would like...                                           - Before performing these exercises children must already be abletoproperly articulate the sound in isolation and in simplesyllables.Following this, with the exercises and games offered inthisapplication, they will be able gradually to place her within awordand automate its pronunciation. (To get sound in isolation, Ireferyou to my chain YouTube:OrthoChannel which I will gradually add explanatoryvideos)In-App Speech 1 are the exercises on the following sounds:B CH D F G J K L PL BL CL GL FL MThe App offers Speech 1 988 words containing the patches listed inthedescription.In Appli-Speech 2 are the exercises on the following sounds:NPRPR CR DR BR TR FR GR VR STVZGames and exercises of articulation / pronunciation1.Répéter: Year Speech 2. Save - Year Speech 3. Name: speech therapy exercise 4. Find - game speech therapy 5. Mémory - game speech therapy
Tongue Twisters 2022 1.15
400+ tongue twisters for you
Articulation Essentials 1.70.305
Articulation Essentials is a great appthatmakes speech therapy fun and is the best way topracticearticulation without SLP supervision at home. It haseverything youwould need for practicing articulation at one place,with each menusimple to navigate so even small children can enjoythe app ontheir own.Articulation Essentials app is free from any additional orhiddencosts for extra words and activities. This is a packagedfullversion app, called essentials and you get everything you needtopractice articulation or speech therapy for only $9.99.To try out the app’s demo visit this Link essentials is designed to facilitate speech therapyforspeech delays, Articulation Apraxia, Aphasia, Phonology,Stuttering,Naming Therapy and Autism. It provides and extensivelibrary of wordflash cards which cover a full range of sounds thatchildren oftenhave difficulty pronouncing. It can be used bySpeech LanguagePathologists (SLP), parents and teachers topractice thepronunciation techniques taught in speechtherapy.For Speech Therapists, Articulation Essentials appincludesarticulation techniques for 22 consonant sounds coupledwithblends, multi-syllabic words, sentences and phrases in theEnglishlanguage. Teachers also have the ability to isolate theinitial,medial and final position sounds for all spoken words tohelprefine articulation. The app also enables you to keep andsavescores for everyone during speech therapy sessions.Articulation Essentials App contains:• Over 1400 words and associated images forarticulationpractice• Real life Images to keep children entertained• Non repetitive flash cards for words, phrases and sentences• Progressive techniques for articulation divided into levels• Voice recognition and real time sound playing• Easy to practice even without SLP or adult supervision• Stimulating activities and articulation games• Absolutely No AdsAnd more!!Articulation Essentials app can also be used for1. Babies who enjoy looking at everyday objects with sounds2. Toddlers first words3. Naming therapy for children with special needs4. Articulation picture tools5. Apraxia & autism flash cardsPlease share your suggestions & [email protected]+ : via Reviews Below
Tongue Twisters 1.5
This app is a compilation of Tongue Twisters that canhelpyouimprove your Speaking skills. Includes Popular TongueTwisters:-Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. - SeaShells-Woodchuck chuck - Unique New York v1. featuresIncreaseanddecrease font sizes Clean design, "Notepad" theme Wemade thisappfor personal use that we wanted to bring handy notes ofourTongueTwisters. We use this in preparation for ourIELTSSpeakingexamination.
Améliorez votre français !
Cette application est destinée à vous aideràaméliorer votre orthographe, votre grammaire etéventuellementdécouvrir de nouveaux mots en français.Elle est composée de 209 leçons issues du livre "209 leçons debasepour bien écrire" de Jacques Beauchemin et de près de750exercices.Cette application contient tout ce qu’il faut pour améliorervotrefrançais tout en vous amusant. Venez perfectionner votremaîtrisedu français grâce a ses quizz interactifs!Si vous souhaitez apporter une contribution, contactez-moiparemail.Si vous détectez une erreur, n'hésitez pas à me contacter parmail,ou à vous rendre sur le site www.ameliorez-votre-francais.comet àl'indiquer en commentaire sur la page de la leçon.This applicationisdesigned to help you improve your spelling, grammar andpossiblydiscover new words in French.It consists of 209 lessons from the book "209 basic lessons towritewell" by Jacques Beauchemin and nearly 750 years.This application contains everything you need to improve yourFrenchwhile having fun. Come improve your fluency in French thanksto itsinteractive quiz!If you want to contribute, please contact me by email.If you find a mistake, do not hesitate to contact me by email,orvisit the website and indicateinthe comments on the page of the lesson.
french common misspellings 3.0
common misspellings is an application developed android thathelpsyou learn the French spelling and avoid the most commonmistakescommitted by the apprentices of this beautiful Frenchlanguage.With this app you can improve your level of French andauthenticway to write sentences without spelling errors. Simple touse witha nice design, you'll be able to learn at least one ruleper dayand above apply. learn authentic French and spelling is noweasywith this applications, please do not forget to exercise(writingand speaking French) This application is developed byfrancisationteam that helps you learn the authentic French whileimprovingvocabulary, spelling, conjugation, grammar, analysis,prepare forcompetitions, correcting exames cm1 cm2 cm3 .. .Voltaire projectand conjugator in French and free spelling checkerwe wait withmany other applications such as translation, EnglishFrenchdictionary, English French dictionary learn french andfrenchphrasebook or french verbs and grammar checker with freespellcheck_________________ Images provided by:
french phrases dictionnary 2.0
French Dictionaries of expression is a dictionary developed bytheteam francisation android. Very useful and contains over600frequently used in French language expressions with meaningsandexamples in order to understand the meaning of the sentenceandhaving lots of pocket to improve your vocabulary and learntheauthentic French phrases and verbs. the application is freeandeasy to use with good design and a random list of expressionstoalways find new words and learn the definition andauthenticFrench. and our dictionary will send you a dailyexpression of theday. to facilitate the search you will find asearch bar at thebottom of your screen. With our app you may alsoimprove your levelof French thanks to expressions and vocabularythat you find in allcategories: Idioms, slang, familiar, diverseand varied that youcan find them in quotes, proverbs or Frenchbooks and frenchphrases and french verbs. You can use these phrasesin your speechand conversation to speak authentic French. well goodluck toimprove your level and learn vocabulary. If you have anycommentson our dictionary or suggestions, thank you leave acomment. Theteam francisation. ********************** Learn Frenchphrases andverbs online for free with francisation team. it offerscourses andlessons easy and advanced, conjugation, spelling, andexercises anda lot of training to study this language. FLE
Learn French Free 10.90
So, you want to learn French in no time?Youneed MosaLingua! Innovative, easy and effective, ourSRS-basedapplication has helped more than 1,500,000 people all overtheworld learn French in only 10 minutes per day - withactualresults!Popular on app stores, MosaLingua also comes highly recommendedbythe media and many specialized blogs:--- one of the best applications ------ It really works ------ MosaLingua isn't just a success, it's a revolution ---Learn more about MosaLingua and its effective SRS system bywatchingthe demonstration video on free to try our smartphone application for free: you'll seeforyourself how well it works!It's a powerful, easy and effective tool - ideal for people whowantto speak French in no time, without taking long, boringlanguagecourses or a French translator.It's useful in any situation: our method can help youlearningFrench quickly while you travel in France or Paris, intheworkplace, and in everyday life with our courses that suityourlanguage needs.THE BENEFITS OF MOSALINGUA:1) Useful, practical content to learn French word, French verbs,andFrench pronunciationDon't waste your time with notions, courses, or a Frenchdictionarythat won't help you learning French. Instead, learn the20% of thelanguage that you'll use 80% of the time in France orParis. Betterthan using a French translator!2) An innovative method based on scientific researchOur international team is made up of expert polyglots who'veusedthe most modern and proven learning, memorization andconsolidationtechniques (SRS, active recall, metacognition,etc.).3) Coaching throughout the learning processTo succeed, you can count on our review sessions thatconsolidatewhat you've learned, our mini French lessons, and ouradvice forbetter understanding French vocabulary, French verbs, andFrenchpronunciation.4) Learn French words quickly and have fun at the same time!Achieve great results and have fun doing so: your progresswillboost your MOTIVATION, which is key to any learning plan.To learn French, download MosaLingua now - you won'tregretit!
Learn French Conversation :AR
Learn French Conversation With everything you need ineverydaylifeMost of the phrases you need to speak the nativelanguageperfectlyThe correct pronunciation of each phrase in theFrenchlanguageConversation in the following cases: meet peopleandwelcome themessential phrases Telling the Time Age andbirthdayssmokingTalking to agents Traffic dates university Love andmarriagePetsreligion Sport time Phrases in public places Asksomeone whatit isor was Ask for details of a phone call Ask howsomeone isAsksomeone what they will do More sections
Appli d’orthophonie 2 : exerci 2.24
Get speech therapy for children and adults.
Learn French - 5,000 Phrases 3.1.2
Learn common phrases for conversation. Speak French fluentlyandfast.
Mr. Vocabulary: French words 1.2.3
Adil Gounane
Mr vocabulary will help you enrich your french vocabularybylearning hundreds of words. The application will help you learnandacquire key skills in French language: vocabulary, spelling,whilehaving fun with a colorful environment and word games.Thisapplication will also help improve your pronunciation of words.Thechosen learning methodology is designed in a pedagogical waythatbegin with learning phase and end with evaluation phase(wordsgames), The good scores you get will allow you to unlockothercategories to be always motivated to learn more. Learningprogramsaddressed: • Vocabulary • Spelling • PronunciationTrainingobjectives: . Enrich the French vocabulary . Mastering thespellingof words learned . Improve pronunciation of words MainFeatures : -Word games - 100% free: No limit of content orfunctions,Everything is free. - No Internet connection required forlearning(offline) - Teaching with pronunciation of words (audio) -Forbeginners - Good images and sound quality - The applicationiscompatible with smartphones and tablets - Quickly learnFrenchlanguage words - For kids and adults
Word Domino - Letter games 2.7
Fun word game for the whole family
French expressions 3.0
French expressions is a useful dictionary to learnFrenchphrases,verbs and sentences and improve your Frenchvocabulary.Youdiscover each French phrase with meaning and anexample tobetterlearn French it is free and easy to use, with can also use the application French phrases asafrenchdictionary language and french verbs through the searchtool.toimprove your French, in this application we offer you alistofover 400 idioms, slang, familiar, diverse and varied thatyoucanfind them in quotes, proverbs or French books. you canalsousethem in your speeches and conversations for wellspeakauthenticFrench. there is also a collection of slang wordswiththeirmeanings and usage examples to learn very well theslanglanguageyou would not need to use a dictionary, all thephrasesareexplained to improve your vocabulary and otherapplicationsarecoming, like spelling, verb conjugation andexercises the besttoolto learn french phrases
Articulate Mobile Player 4.2
Experience Storyline courses on Android devices withArticulateMobile Player.
Saison 2 Activités en français 1.0
Editions Didier
Vous voulez parler français ?Here is the App that will make French easy !For level A2-B1, discover more than 300 exercices and teststoimprove your level !Saison is a French course published by EditionsDidier,specialist of French as Foreign Language for more than ahundredyears !
I learn cursive writing 2.2.5
Serpodile offers a new method forlearningcursive writing by decomposing the 26 letters of thealphabet in 13basic shapes (circle, candy cane...) using visual andaudiodirections.Each screen includes :* A colorful frame to help children orient themselves inspace(ground, sky, beginning/green, ending/red )* A letter or a basic shape* Verbal instructions to draw the letter or basic shape* A green arrow showing where to start and a red dot showingwhereto stop* A carefully crafted minimalistic interface helps childrenstayfocused.The drawing direction is checked by the app. While the drawingisnot done correctly, the child is corrected until hesucceeds.This method has been build and tested by occupationaltherapists(OT). This method is particularly adapted for childrenhavingdisabilities like dyspraxia and autism, but is of course ofgreathelp for children just trying to learn to writecursiveletters.This application is a digital version of an existingwritingmethod available as erasable workbooks at http://serpodile.comIn our opinion, your privacy matters more than somemarketingstatistics. This app does not contain any sort of trackingcode,nor does it collect nor transmit any data on the usage of ourapp.This app does not contain in-app purchase.
G H K Articulation 1.0
This game was designed by a speech therapisttoimprove your child’s G, H, and K sound production while keepingthementertained with fun interactive graphics and over 400 words.Targetsounds are presented in initial, medial, and final positionsin 1-3syllable words. This game not only addresses articulationbut canalso improve your child’s receptive and expressive languageskills.Blends covered are:GL, GR, KR, KL, SCRFeatures:Over 400 target wordsDozens of immersive sound effectsFull narration by a Speech TherapistInteractive graphicsVibrant, hand-drawn illustrations and animationsPerfect for children ages 3-12
Endless Alphabet 2.9.0
Set the stage for reading success with Endless Alphabet.
Perfect English Pronunciation 1.6.6
The "Perfect English Pronunciation" (PEP)appis the perfect app for anyone seeking to reduce their accentandimprove their English pronunciation. These easy touse,comprehensive lessons include: retraining yourarticulationmuscles, interactive jaw exercises and face diagrams toinstructproper tongue placement. Simply follow these lessons anddailyexercises and you will be on your way to speaking clearerEnglish.You can also practice and track your progress with theincludedaudio and video recorder features.Mobile App : "Perfect English Pronunciation" is a TrademarkofVictoria Productions Inc.Copyright © 2015 Victoria Productions Inc. All rightsreserved : Trademarked as The Cameron MethodThe most effective method for reducing your accent. Heraccentreduction approach is so unique and effective, it hasbeentrademarked as "The Cameron Method"Copyright © 2015 The Cameron Method - All Rights Reserved : Copyright 2014 © McGraw-Hill Global EducationHoldings,LLCOriginal Contents "Perfecting Your English Pronunciation "ISBN-13: 978-0071750172 ISBN-10: 0071750177 Edition: 1st*Table of contents Introduction*Part I Getting Started1. Retraining the Articulation Muscles2. The IPAPart II The Difficult Sounds of English3. The Consonant TH4. The Consonant R5. The Consonant L6. The Consonant NG7. The Labial Consonants B, V, and W8. The Consonant J/G9.-16. Vowels with IPA symbolsPart III The Rhythm of English17. Syllable Stress w/in Words18. Word Stress w/in SentencesPart IV Putting it all Together19. Marking a Speech20. The Results Appendices
1000 Expressions françaises 1.0
1000 Expressions françaises etsignificationsest un dictionnaire français très utileLa langue française est remplie d’expressions. Certainessontutilisées chaque jour, d’autres plus rarement.1000 Expressions françaises permet d’en dresser une liste delamanière la plus complète possible avec explications,exemplesetorigine.Êtes-vous curieux de connaitre ces expressions,dictons enfrançais.téléchargez l'application et promenez-vous dans cetuniverslinguistique.elle est gratuite et facile à utiliser, avec beaucoupdevocabulaire.afin d’améliorer votre français communication et écrit, danscetteapplication on vous propose une liste de plus de 1000expressionsidiomatiques, argotiques, familières, diverses etvariées que vouspouvez les trouver dans les citations, proverbes oulivresfrançais.l'application est gratuite et facile à utiliser avec unbondesign et une liste aléatoire d'expressions pour trouvertoujoursdes nouvelle phrases et définition et apprendre lefrançaisauthentique.ainsi que notre dictionnaire va vous envoyer chaque jouruneexpression du jour.bon courage pour bien améliorer votre niveau et apprendreduvocabulaire avec application 1000 Expressions françaises
Make Free Tango Calling Guide 1.2
This app guide for Tango Messenger apptosendmessages and calls (video/voice), send and share photos,andenjoyto chat with animate sticker at no cost to you tostayconnectedwith family and friends in other countries easily.This isaunified communications application for all built-intextmessagingwithout charge.This app Best Tango Video Calls Guides is an excellentappthatallows you to call video & phone with yourfriendsorparents,share your photos,videosand morewith your friends,meet new freinds who are nearby. Thisalsogivesthe ability to communicate by voice, text andvideo regardless of your operating system.Tango is a free all-in-one messaging andentertainmentplatformenabling people to connect with friends andfamily in a waythat iseasy, spontaneous and fun!We hope you find this app useful.Disclaimer: this application is not an officialTangoapplication
French Dialogues 3.2.1
Dialogue is an exchange of words, an interview between two ormorepeople called interlocutors (in Greek, dia and logos mean"between"and "speech" respectively). Dialogue is thus the set ofwordsexchanged by the characters, it is the way in which theauthormakes the character speak directly. "Dialogues en Français"isdesigned to help you improve your level of French(communication,grammar, conjugation ...), and discover new words inFrench. Youcan learn the French language quickly and efficientlywith realdialogues and conversations every day, you willautomaticallyreceive dialogues every day. You can easily findconversations andhow to handle general situations in everyday lifeusing the Frenchlanguage. It is also very important to know how tocommunicate tomake friendships with foreigners and to have a careerin the worldof work ... Communication is essential for humanbeings. Everyoneneeds to communicate to feel live, love, laugh, etc... Features: ♥More than 100 conversations in French. ♥ Share andSend by allsocial networks (WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS ...) ♥ Dialogueof the dayat the preset time. Several categories are available: -In class -Professional situations - With the host family - Food -Firstcontacts - Services, coffee, ... - Job interview - HELPINGOTHERS -To give his opinion - To receive guests
Auto Exec! Easy tasker
If existing task managers seems too complicated, try Auto Exec!
French Writing Baccalaureate 1.1
Best selection of writtenexpressionsandproductions 1st Baccalaureate 2016 tray will teachyou towritewell written expressions to your regional review,andothercompetitions.Written Production Bac Morocco in 2016 will help you learnFrenchina proper and efficient manner due to this hugecollectionofvocabularies.A majority of students in difficulty in drafting awrittenproducing,writing in French effectively due to lack ofvocabularyor grammarproblems.This educational app Written Production Baccalaureate 2016tohelpyou improve your level and your marks in frenchwritingortest.These written expression carries all the themesthatareincluded:- This app is your guide or manual forasuccessfulBaccalaureateI wish for all students of the first year Bachelor good luck.