Top 3 Apps Similar to AHINSA SANGH

OrganiserNewspaper 1.0
ORGANISER, one of the oldest andmostwidelycirculated weeklies from the capital, first hit thestands in1947,a few weeks before Partition, Edited and enrichedbyeminentpersonalities like A.R. Nair, K.R. Malkani, L.K.Advani,V.P.Bhatia, Seshadri Chari, R. Balashanker and nowPrafullaKetkar(Email: [email protected])tonamebut a few, ORGANISER has come to believe that resistancetotyrannyis obeisance to God.REPEATED attempts to muffle its voice and themotivatedoppositionto it by some powers did not succeed..GURUJI Golwalkar (the second SarsanghchalakofRashtriyaSwayamsevak Sangh) once said: "Forclear,straightforward,impartial views on subjects of nationalandinternationalimportance and for imbibing unadulteratedpatriotism,it is usefulto read ORGANISER. It will fulfil theexpectations forcorrectguidance in all current affairs.A strong bond of commitment has continued to contributetothegrowth and popularity of ORGANISER on the part oftherightthinking public, carving out a niche for itselfinnationallife.NOT a small number of thinkers,writers,opinion-makers,legislators, members of both the HousesofParliament, editors ofdailies and other periodicals withacountrywide circulation areregular readers of ORGANISER.IT is not surprising that the ORGANISER is oftenquotedinParliament, a host of national journals and is widely readinUK,USA, Canada, and 54 other countries of the world.Eagerlyawaitedby the young and the old alike every Sunday,ORGANISER hasbecomestaple reading for them. The readership ofORGANISERcomprisesstudents, teachers, lawyers, doctors,charteredaccountants,company executives businessmen and otherenlightenedsections ofthe population. Our commitment to truthfuland unbiasedreportingis appreciated by our friends and foesalike.SERVICE to the Motherland and a sense of dedication tothenationcoupled with true secularism is the hallmarkofORGANISER.EDUCATIVE, informative, enlightening andyetentertaining,ORGANISER is rated as one of the best Englishweekliesin thecountry. The kaleidoscopic changes in all fieldsarefaithfullyreported in national interest.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 2.0
This app is an effort by Swayamsevaks'tokeepall the other Swayamsevaks updated with the activitiesofSangh.Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is the organisation ofnationalistand"Desh-bhakt" people who are working selflessly forthebetterment ofthe country. RSS is helping all the humanbeingsacross the worlds inthe tragedy and other disasters. RSS hasmorethan 51,000 Shakhasacross the India and more than 60 Lacmembers(Swayansevaks).Mission of Rashtriya Swayamsevak SanghFor the welfare of entire mankind, Bharath must standbeforetheworld as a self-confident, resurgent and mightynation.TheRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has resolved to fulfillthisage-oldnational mission by forging the present-day scatteredHinduSocietyinto an organized and invincible force both on theplaneofAdhyaatma and on the plane of material life. Verily this istheonereal practical world mission – if ever there was one.The mission of reorganizing the Hindu society on the linesofitsunique national genius which the Sangh has taken up is notonlyagreat process of true national regeneration of Bharat butalsotheinevitable precondition to realize the dream of worldunityandhuman welfare. Our one supreme goal is to bring tolifetheall-round glory and greatness of our Hindu Rashtra.In order to take our nation to the pinnacle of glory,thefirstand foremost prerequisite is the invincible organized lifeofthepeople without which even the highest nationalprosperitywillcrumble to dust in no time.Expressed in the simplest terms, the ideal of the Sanghistocarry the nation to the pinnacle of glory throughorganizingtheentire society and ensuring the protection of HinduDharma.------This app is an humble effort to keep all theinterestedpeople,informed about the Sangh Activities, so that theycanpromote theactivities and contribute the sangh from"tan-man-dhan"in buildingthe nation.For all the feedback please write us at [email protected]
Hulchul News TV 1.3
Hulchul News TVNews TV Application....