Top 6 Apps Similar to Dove sono i funghi porcini

Trackeen Mushroom Edition 1.6.3
www.trackeen.comDo you want to have all the locations where you hadfoundmushrooms under control?Do you want to return with GPS accuracy, year after year totheplaces where you know there's mushrooms and always succeed?You will never forget an ubication in the forest!We are sure that Trackeen is the best fit for your needs, soweoffer 100% satisfaction guarantee... or your money back!With Trackeen Mushrooms Edition you can:- Use your device as a GPS to store the positionofmushrooms.- Store information about the type of mushrooms,quantity,weight... and type of location or species of mushroom (50differentkinds of the most common comestible mushrooms.- Synchronize (only if you want) all the Please check for acompletedemo.- Send your points to your Friends (with orwithoutTrackeen).- Use map or radar feature to find again the stored points.Trackeen is new, so we offer it now at a promotional veryspecialprice for a limited time.Change log:- Translated to Basque. Thanks to Mikel Lizarraga.- Support for yards, feets and miles.- Xperia bug solved.- You can send points to your friends (email or directly toTrackeenaccount).- Automatic redirection to GPS settings page.- Better German translation. Thanks to David Kießling.- You can choose common or latin names for mushrooms (gotosettings).- New Radar function.- Exit with back button twice.- Italian, French and German translations.- Minor changes.- New point types.- Language selection in application.- Crash bug in some models, solved.- Satellite maps.- Center map in location function.- New icons.- Radar scale increased.- Icons on location list.
MycoIdent 4.3.0
Yellow Birds
MycoIdent - a wild European mushroom identifier and encyclopedia
GPS Trova Luogo 1.0
Pensato per quelle persone chedimenticanodovehanno parcheggiato la macchina o per i cercatori difunghichespesso non trovano la via di casa dopo una lungapasseggiataneiboschi :-)Usatela come volete ma, non dimenticate di attivare ilGPSetenete il telefono lontano da magneti, metalli eretielettricheper non falsare le misurazioni della bussola ericordandocomunqueche, la precisione delle misurazioni dipendonofortementedallecapacità tecniche del vostro dispositivo.Questa applicazione permette di condividere la posizioneconsms,mail ecc.E' anche possibile precaricare un luogo nonancoravisitato,utilizzando ad esempio le coordinate fornite daGoogleEarth.Inoltre, all'avvio dell'applicazione è opportuno calibrarelabussoladel dispositivo, disegnando un otto nell'aria coniltelefono in manooppure, mettere il telefono davanti a séinposizione verticale, poiinclinarlo in avanti e indietro di90gradi due/tre volte, poigirarlo di 90 gradi a destra ed asinistraper altre due/trevolte.Designed forthosepeoplewho forget where they parked the car or for mushroomhunterswhooften do not find their way home after a long walk in thewoods:-)Use it as you want, but do not forget to turn on the GPSandkeepthe phone away from magnets, metals and electricalnetworkstoprevent distortion of the compass readingsandremembering,however, that the accuracy of measurements relyheavilyontechnical capabilities of your device.This application lets you share your location with SMS, emailandsoon.It 'also possible to preload a place not yet visited,forexampleusing the coordinates provided by Google Earth.In addition, application startup should calibrate thecompassdevice,drawing an eight in the air with the phone in hand,or putyour phonein front of her upright, then tilt it forward andback90 degrees two/ three times, then turn it 90 degrees to therightand to the leftfor the other two / three times.
Mushrooming Lite 4.2
An extraordinary database, revisedandexpanded, to help yourself in the recognition and in theresearchof good or poisonous mushrooms!The first application of its type published on GooglePlayStore.The species of mushrooms described are more than 230. Youcancompare similar species.This application allows you to see some edible otherpoisonousmushrooms and recognize the main characteristics.There are information such as: scientific name and common nameofspeces, family, edibility, cap, gills, stem, flesh, habitatandcomments.Store maps of your favorite mushroom picking locations using GPSandhelp you to go back.You can quickly save Photos on your own Gallery.You can also access an educational section includes GlossaryandQuestionnaire.In the original version a specific section is present alsothataffords to visualize the map of own current position of theplacesof search of the mushrooms, to save own coordinates and toaddpersonal notes.From the list of the saved points it is passed to the map oftheplace already visited directly and therefore also in varioustimesit can be returned in the same place, launching the Navigatorwitha click and be repeated positive collections.All the memorised places are visible also in a global map thathehelps in deciding where to go for new fruitful researches.Make sure that this application does not collect any personaldataof its users.The required permissions for the GPS location, Internetaccess,acquisition and storage of photos are essential forthefunctioning.
Où sont mes cèpes 1.0.50
Vous voulez chercher les cèpes, c'estlasaison, mais vous ne savez pas vraiment où aller, ni quand?Vous n'êtes pas forcément un spécialiste, mais vous vousvoulezavoir des chances raisonnables d'en trouver sans gaspiller unpleind'essence, ou une journée pour rien. "Où sont mes cèpes ?" estfaitpour vous !Ce n'est pas à proprement parler un radar à cèpes qui faittoutle travail à votre place, mais plutôt uneapplicationcartographique qui va montrer les zones précoces ou enretard pourle boletus edulis. Ces zones potentielles apparaissentselon ungradient de couleur différent en fonction de l’indice depousse :de faible poussée à forte poussée car les cèpes comme levinconnaissent des millésimes différents en fonction delamétéorologie.L’indice de pousse est calculé par un modèle de prévisionquiintègre la climatologie européenne ainsi que desdonnéesenvironnementales. Le résultat est une carte de prévisionpour lasemaine suivante mise à jour régulièrement survotresmartphone.Comme le randonneur consulte sa météo avant de sortir,lechercheur de cèpes consulte "Où sont mes cèpes ?" avant dechausserses bottes. Quant à savoir sous quel arbre chercher, c'està vousde jouer !You want to look forthemushrooms, in season, but you do not really know where to goorwhen?You may not be an expert, but you want to have a reasonablechanceto find without wasting a tank of gas, or a day for nothing."Whereare my porcini?" is made for you !This is not strictly a radar ceps that does all the work foryou,but rather a mapping application that will show areas early orlatefor boletus edulis. These potential areas appear in adifferentcolor gradient based on the index grows: low-thrust highthrustbecause the mushrooms like wine vintages experiencingdifferentdepending on the weather.The index of growth is calculated by a prediction modelwhichincorporates the European climate and environmental data.Theresult is a prediction map for the next week regularly updatedonyour smartphone.As the hiker consults its weather before going out, theporciniresearcher consults "Where are my porcini?" before puttinghisboots. Whether under what tree to look for is up to you!
MycoIdent lite 4.1.1
Yellow Birds
MycoIdent lite is a mushroom identifier andencyclopediaparticularly well suited to amateurs who wish toidentify fleshymushrooms with pores such as ceps and boletes,without any previousknowledge or equipment. It is also particularlyefficient for moreexperienced mycologists, thanks to its databasecontaining morethan 100 species of the most common ceps and boletes(900 of themost common species of fungi in the Premium version).All will beable to improve their expertise in a playful way, thanksto anidentification quiz with increasing difficulty. Done withbeinglost in a determination key because of a barely visiblecharacter!Thanks to its simple and easy to understand questions,you'llquickly get a list of the most relevant candidatescorresponding toyour unknown mushroom. Any doubt about the answerto give to one ofthe questions? a detailed help will guide youthrough with realexamples... You don't know what to answer at all?No problem, theengine will do without! It is even capable of takinginto accountpotential mistakes you could make on the most complexcriteria.Mycoident Lite is also an encyclopedia solely made outfrommaterial published by renowned experts of the field. Itprovidesits own original material such as a descriptions of allspecies ofthe database (together with published references used),and whenavailable, photographs of mushrooms identified by fieldexperts,which will help you confirm your identification. You caneven addyour own pictures or photographs and private notes, anddefine yourfavorite species. MycoIdent Lite provides additionally aGPS andcompass navigation capability, so that you can wander aboutin theforest without risking to get lost, while markinginterestingsites. All personal data (locations, notes,identifications,pictures...) are exclusively kept on the user'sdevice and are notcollected in any way. -- Features -- -Identification of over 100of the most frequent European ceps andboletes, and other fleshypored fungi. - Encyclopedia withdescriptive sheets for allspecies, with a summary of distinctivefeatures for most of them,with scientific names, classification,authorities, look-alikes,edibility, synonyms, common names, andreferences used. - 5 levelidentification quiz with field details -Zoom in of photographs -Keyword search in the database - Originalphotographs (more than800 photos embeded in the Premium version, ofwhich more than 600species). - Availability of downloadable higherresolution versionof any photograph of species, plus extraphotographs (3000+photographs available). - Possibility to addone's own photographs,favourites, notes, locations, etc. - GPS andcompass-basednavigation capability, with a management of points ofinterests andlinks to species - Specific information availableconcerning theforest of Rambouillet, France. - English and Frenchversions -Common names of mushrooms are also available in Italian,German andSpanish. All materials contained in this application areoriginal.-- Permissions-- Each permission may be changed intheapplication's options - internet access, exclusively fortheoptional download of free higher resolution photos -optionallocation detection through GPS or network-based location,to helpidentification or navigation