Top 2 Games Similar to Mod Parrots for MCPE

Mod Parrots for MCPE 1.0
Games by MiMi
About a day ago or so it got officialthatweare getting parrots in Minecraft Pocket Edition.This will be the first flying birds in the Overworld (andno,batsaren’t birds)but if you can’t wait and want them in your game right awaythengivethis mod a try.There’s a downside though and that’s the fact it willreplacethebat.Caution: This application created by a third party that isnotasubsidiary of Minecraft Pocket Edition ormanufacturers(MojangAB). Title Minecraft, Minecraft brand andassets are thepropertyof Minecraft Mojang AB or its owner. Allrightsreserved.Inaccordancewith
Mod Birds for MCPE 1.0
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the early stages of development butthebaseidea is to add birds to Right now it uses the behaviors ofbatsbutin an upcoming update it will have new behaviorsandhopefullythere will be a couple of more birds. But this demowilllet youget a gist of what to expect in the future!Caution: This application created by a third party that isnotasubsidiary of Minecraft Pocket Editionor manufacturers (Mojang AB). Title Minecraft, Minecraftbrandandassets are the propertyof Minecraft Mojang AB or its owner. All rightsreserved.Inaccordance