Top 7 Apps Similar to AdminNotas (Edición USB)

Pensum Planner (Edición USB)
Aplicación de administraciónestudiantildiseñada especialmente para estudiantes de laUniversidad SimónBolívar, Caracas, Venezuela.Su objetivo es permitir a los estudiantes de la USB llevaruncontrol de las materias cursadas y poder planificar los cursosainscribir en los próximos trimestres.La aplicación se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo, pero yapuedeser descargada en su versión más reciente. Errores ysugerenciaspueden ser dejados en la sección de comentarios o ale-mail decontacto.Importante: La aplicación es para uso referencial únicamente.Esimportante chequear el pensum aprobado por su coordinación antesdeinscribir cada trimestre.======================================================Versión 2.1- Corrección en el Mini Proyecto de Ing. Química.- Corrección en la prelación de Física II de Ing.Computación.- Actualizados Pensums de todas las Matemáticas- Implementado Servicio para que aplicaciones externaspuedanacceder a los pensums de Pensum PlannerVersión 2.0- Mejora general de la interfaz- Añadido tutorial de inicio- Mejora en el desempeño- Muchas nuevas carreras!Versión 1.4-Corrección de errores en el Pensum de Química-Corrección de errores en el soporte de pantallas-Mejora en la pantalla de presentación-Se añadió el Pensum de BiologíaApplication ofstudentadministration designed especially for students of theUniversidadSimon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela.Its purpose is to allow students to carry a USB controlsubjectsstudied and to plan the courses to enroll in thecomingquarters.The application is currently in development, but it canbedownloaded in its most recent version. Errors and suggestionscanbe left in the comments section or e-mail contact.Important: The application is for reference use only. Itisimportant to check the curriculum approved by coordinationbeforeenrolling each quarter.================================================== ====Version 2.1- Correction in Chemical Engineering Mini Project.- Correction priority Physics II Computer Eng.- Updated pensums all Mathematics- Implemented Service for external applications to accessthepensums of Pensum PlannerVersion 2.0- Improved interface Overview- Added tutorial Home- Improved performance- Many new careers!Version 1.4Correction of errors in Pensum ChemistryCorrection of errors in display stand-Improved the displayHe added the Pensum Biology
USB Accessory Oscilloscope 2.11
This is an improved version ofJeremy'sOscilloscope.Features include:- View, measure, and capture waveform in real time- Automatically calculate frequency, Vpp, and DC offset- Frequency from 0.1Hz to 20kHz- Input voltage from +/-1mV to +/-20V- ADC resolution: 8 to 10 bits (depending on sampling rate)- Sampling rate up to 50kHz- 16 different T/div from 5sec to 50us- 10 different V/div from 5V to 5mV- Powered by micro-USB cable- Providing charging power to the Android phone/tablet
AVR BootloadHID USB uploader 1.0
AVR BootloadHID compatible firmware uploader.Requirement:- Android device with USB host.- AVR MCU with preinstalled BootloadHID bootloader (check itfromoriginal site).Intel hex file format is supported for uploading.You can use CCTools with avr-libc, binutils-avr, gcc-avrAdd-onsto compile AVR sources.BootloadHID site: questions, please write to email: [email protected]
Pensum Planner (Ciencias UCV) 1.2
Aplicación de administraciónestudiantildiseñada especialmente para estudiantes de la facultadde cienciasen la Universidad Central de Venezuela.Su función es permitir a los estudiantes llevar un control delasmaterias cursadas y poder planificar los cursos a inscribir enlospróximos semestres.La aplicación se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo, peroyapuede ser descargada su primera versión. Errores ysugerenciaspueden ser dejados en la sección de comentarios o ale-mail decontacto.Importante: La aplicación es para uso referencial únicamente.Esimportante chequear el pensum aprobado por su coordinación antesdeinscribir cada periodo.=======================================================Versión 1.1- Se añadieron nuevas notificaciones al usuario.- Es posible eliminar el primer plan creado.Versión 1.2- Se añadió el plan de estudios de LicenciaturaenComputación.- Cambios en la interfaz.
Degree Planner: GPA Calculator 2.0.1
Jesse Norris
This is more than a simple GPA Calculator.Usethis to achieve your college goals.This is one of the most feature rich GPA Calculator apps onthePlay Store. You add semesters and then it shows you your GPAforthat semester, your cumulative GPA, and how many credits andgradepoints you currently have. You can mark a courses grade asinprogress so it doesn't affect your GPA scores.It stores all your data, so no need to ever reenter yourgrades.All saved courses can be easily changed or deleted. With theproversion all your data is backed up to the cloud, andautomaticallysyncs with all of your Android devices.The Assignments feature allows you to track the individualgradesyou get in a course. With this information it will tell youthelowest grade you can make overall, the current by using theaverageof your grades, and the highest grade you can make.With the Degree Plan feature you can track what courses youstillneed to take before getting your degree. Enter the coursesneeded toget a certain degree, and as you add courses in asemester the appwill automatically mark the course in your DegreePlan as taken.From there you're able to see what courses you stillneed to take.When adding a semester the course name will beauto-suggested fromyour courses that have yet to be taken.With the pro version you can keep track of multipleDegreePlans.Have a hard time remembering your class schedule? WiththeSchedule feature you can easily enter the locations, times,anddays that each of your classes meet for the semester. Nomoredigging through your binder to find your schedule.With the GPA Calculator available you can easily see hownewcourses will affect your overall GPA without affecting yoursaveddata. Have a 2.8 GPA and want to raise it to a 3.5? Usethiscalculator to see how many A's you need to obtain for thattohappen.Ads can be removed by purchasing the app called DegreePlannerPro Key. This is only a key to enable the pro version. Bothappsmust be kept installed for it to work.Please take the time to contact me if there is something youdonot like about this app, and I will try to resolve the issue.All the permissions are required for syncing.
GPA Calculator 1.1
Jon Merwine
Simple, yet dynamic application that allowsyouto track your GPA for several semesters. Add course titles,creditsand grades and seamlessly move from semester to semester.Projectchanges in grades at the click of a button, and forecasthow youthink the next semester may turn out!
ADKProject2-USB 1.0
한백전자의 HBE-ADK-2560을 제어합니다.이 앱을 실행하기 위해서는 아래 앱들이 모두 설치되어 있어야 합니다. (USB 버전용 )Hanbaek electroniccontrolof the HBE-ADK-2560.In order to run the app under the apps are all installed.(USBversion)