Top 9 Apps Similar to Capillaroscopy

Manual MI 4.0.0
Quick Reference - Internal Medicine
Medical Formulas 3.0.1
Sanapps Dev
Use intuitively the validated scores and formulas formedicalpractice.
Harrison's Manual of Medicine 2.8.06
**Features latest, 20th Edition Content**
MIR MirMeApp
Quizit Mobile
Find out why your fellow MIR and ENARM have already installedthe👩⚕️🏥
iDoctus 2.5.614
iDoctus: Avoid mistakes and save time in your daily practice.
LDL en 2 pasos 1.0
Luzán 5 S.A.
Las enfermedades cardiovasculares causanel47%de las muertes que se producen en Europa.Las causas de estas enfermedades son múltiples, peroentreellasdestacan los niveles elevados en plasma de colesterolunidoalipoproteínas de baja densidad (cLDL).Existenevidenciasincuestionables de que la reducción de cLDLpuedeprevenir laaparición de las enfermedades cardiovasculares.Los pacientes con mayor riesgo de morirporenfermedadescardiovasculares, llamados pacientes de muyaltoriesgocardiovascular, requieren un control muy estricto delosniveles decLDL. Sin embargo, el grado de consecución deobjetivosen estegrupo de pacientes es alarmantemente bajo.Para planear el tratamiento de los pacientes de muyaltoriesgocardiovascular el médico debe realizar variasbúsquedasendiferentes tablas para concretar su riesgocardiovascular,elobjetivo de cLDL, la terapia o terapias con lasque sepuedealcanzar ese objetivo y las dosis más apropiadas segúnelperfildel paciente. Este proceso puede resultar laborioso.Presentamos una herramienta simplificada que puedefacilitarlalabor del clínico a la hora de diseñar unaestrategiadetratamiento óptima en pacientes de alto riesgocardiovascular.Suutilización podría redundar en un gran beneficioclínico paralosenfermos.Esta aplicación permite determinar si un paciente tieneunriesgocardiovascular alto y establece la pauta de tratamientomáseficazpara conseguir, en dos simples pasos, un controlóptimodelcolesterol.Además, permite resolver de manera sencillaalgunasdudasfrecuentes que se encuentran los médicos a la hora detratarapacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular en suprácticaclínica.Es una herramienta diseñada y validada pormédicosespecialistasen cardiología y medicina interna, expertosdecategoríainternacional en el tratamiento delaenfermedadcardiovascular.Por este motivo, con la intención de limitar el usodelaaplicación a estos profesionales, será necesario queelusuariointroduzca una clave para su ejecución que leseráfacilitada enpersona por el promotor del proyecto.Cardiovasculardiseasescause 47% of deaths occurring inEurope.The causes of these diseases are many, but among them arethehighplasma levels of cholesterol bound to lowdensitylipoproteins(LDL). There is unquestionable evidence thatreducingLDL-C canprevent the onset of cardiovascular disease.Patients at greatest risk of dying fromcardiovasculardisease,called patients at very high cardiovascularrisk, require averystrict levels of LDL-C control. However, thedegree ofachievementof objectives in this group of patients isalarminglylow.To plan treatment for patients at very highcardiovascularrisk,the physician must perform multiple searches indifferenttables tonarrow your cardiovascular risk, the targetLDL-C, therapyortherapies with which you can achieve this goal andthemostappropriate dose based patient profile. This processcanbelaborious.We present a simplified tool that can facilitate the workoftheclinician in designing an optimal treatment strategyforpatientsat high cardiovascular risk. Its use could result inalargeclinical benefit for patients.This application allows you to determine if a patient hasahighcardiovascular risk and establishes the mosteffectivetreatmentregimen to get in two simple steps,optimalcontrolcholesterol.It also allows to easily solve some commonquestionsthatclinicians encounter when treating patientswithhighcardiovascular risk in clinical practice.It is a tool designed and validated by specialistsincardiologyand internal medicine, world-class experts inthetreatment ofcardiovascular disease.Therefore, with the intention to limit the use oftheapplicationof these professionals will require the user to enterapassword forexecution that will be provided in person bytheprojectdeveloper.
Diagnose 2.0.1
This app is intended FOR PHYSICIANS with a working knowledgeoflikelihood ratios and only available in ENGLISH. Otherwise,pleasedo not download the app as it will not fit your needs.This popular app which is used by over 130,000physiciansworldwide has just launched a premium version, which isupdatedwith latest evidence from series such as the Journal oftheAmerican Medical Assocation's Rational ClinicalExaminationSeries.**** 'The top 10 quick reference medical apps for iPhonereleasedin 2013' - iMedicalApps *****Diagnose is a novel medical app which aids clinicians inthediagnosis of common internal medicine conditions. The appallowsusers to incorporate validated findings from the history,physicalexamination and investigations to calculate anevidence-basedlikelihood of disease. This app is intended for useby internalmedicine physicians and trainees, with the goal ofimprovingpatient care and medical education at the bedside.Diagnose provides you with an evidence-basedpre-testprobability, validated likelihood ratios and a calculatedpost-testprobability based on your findings for over 45 of the mostcommonlyseen conditions in internal medicine. The data is validatedfromsources (JAMA Rational Clinical Exam Series, etc).When examining a patient with a presumptive diagnosis, suchasstroke, physicians can now see in real-time how specificfindingson the history, physical exam and laboratory evaluation ofpatientsalters the likelihood of disease."Diagnose is a fantastic app that encourages the applicationofevidence-based medicine in clinical practice."- Daniel Schwartz, MDThe following evidence-based summaries are included inthisapp:Acute CholecystitisAcute Otitis Media, ChildAlcohol ProblemsAscitesBacteremiaCancer, Family HistoryCardiac Arrhythmia, AnyCardiac Arrhythmia, SignificantCentral Venous PressureCHFCirrhosisCompliance and Medication AdherenceCOPDCOPD (Multivariate)Death after Cardiac ArrestDeep Vein ThrombosisDeliriumDyspepsiaEctopic PregnancyHeadache, Need for NeuroimagingHemorrhagic StrokeHypovolemia, AdultHypovolemia, ChildInfluenza, >60 years oldInfluenza, any ageIrritable Bowel SyndromeKnee Injury, ACLKnee Injury, Meninscal TearMeningitis, AdultMyocardial InfarctionOsteomyelitis, DiabeticParacentesisPeripheral Arterial DiseasePleural EffusionPneuomnia, Adult, Community-AcquiredPneumonia, Infant and ChildPneumonia, Ventilator-AssociatedRenal Artery StenosisSeptic ArthritisSinusitisSplenomegalyStreptococcal PharyngitisTemporal ArteritisThoracic Aortic DissectionUpper GI Bleed, LocatingUpper GI Bleed, SeverityUrinary Incontinence, WomenUrinary Tract Infection, Women
Specializzazione Medicina 1.1
Bruno Mendola
Practice for the entrance examination to the School ofPostgraduateMedicine.