Top 12 Games Similar to PERU TAXI

Conductor de Taxibeat
Taxibeat Ltd
Atención: Esta aplicación sólo podrá serusadapara el registro de los conductores.¡INCREMENTA TUS INGRESOS AHORA!Regístrate GRATIS y únete a Taxibeat, sin contratos ni horarios.Enmuy poco tiempo podrás incrementar tus ingresos. ¿Quéesperas?¡Sácale el jugo a tu auto!Inscripción gratuita: Sólo debes registrarte en la aplicacióndeConductores (disponible en Android & iOS).Sin compromisos y obligaciones. Utiliza la app durante el tiempoquedesees, manejando tus propios tiempos.Sé tu propio jefe: Responde a la demanda de los pasajeros atravésde la aplicación.*Aumentas tu reputación entre los clientesDescarga la aplicación y regístrate como #ConductorBeat. Unmiembrode nuestro equipo se contactará contigo.Visita nuestra página web:¿Tienes alguna consulta? Escríbenos a [email protected]: Thisapplicationcan only be used for recording drivers.INCREASE YOUR INCOME NOW!FREE Sign up and join Taxibeat, no contracts or schedules. Innotime you can increase your income. What are you waiting for?Makethe juice to your car!Free registration: You just sign up for the application ofDrivers(available on Android & iOS).Without commitments and obligations. Use the app during the timeyouwant managing your own time.Be your own boss: It responds to the demand of passengersthroughthe application.* You increase your reputation among customersDownload the application and register as #ConductorBeat. A memberofour team will contact you.Visit our website: you have any questions? Write to [email protected]
3555555 Satelital
Demand 3555555 Satellite Taxi in Lima
Chapa Taxi - Conductor 1.7.6
(Aplicación para conductores)¡SE TU PROPIO JEFE E INCREMENTA TUS INGRESOS DEFINIENDO TÚTUSPROPIAS TARIFAS!Chapa Taxi es una Aplicación 100% peruana hecha a la medida paraloque los peruanos necesitan. Permite conectar a pasajeros quedeseantener un servicio particular de traslado con conductoresdispuestosa trasladarlos, estos ofertando sus tarifas.Chapa Taxi - Conductor de manera muy simple le permitirá elegir asupasajero, la ruta que le convenga al precio que mejor se leacomodey todo esto en los horarios que usted desee.Chapa Taxi - Conductor traslada la tradicional negociaciónqueocurre en las calles peruanas entre taxistas y pasajeros almundovirtual de los Smartphones para brindarles la comodidad queambaspartes merecen. De esta manera se reduce el consumo decombustiblecirculando sin destino en búsqueda de pasajeros ycontribuye alordenamiento vial al minimizar la congestión vehicularen lascalles debido a las colas de vehículos formadas para negociarconun pasajero la tarifa.Mira los requisitosíguenos en Facebook como "Chapa Taxi Conductor Oficial" your own boss AND INCREASING YOUR INCOME YOU DEFINE YOUROWNRATES!Taxi Chapa is a 100% Peruvian tailored to what Peruviansneed.Connects to passengers who wish to have a private shuttleservicewith drivers willing to take them, offering theserates.Chapa Taxi Driver - very simply allows you to choose yourpassenger,the route that suits you the best price that fits andall this atthe times you want.Chapa Taxi - driver moves the traditional negotiation that occursinPeruvian streets between taxi drivers and passengers to thevirtualworld of smartphones to give them the comfort that bothsidesdeserve. In this way fuel consumption circulating aimlesslyinsearch of passengers and contributes to the system to minimizeroadtraffic congestion in the streets due to queues of vehiclesformedto negotiate with a passenger fee is reduced.Look us on Facebook as "Chapa Official Taxi Driver"
Take Me Taxi e Mototaxi
De qualquer ponto da cidade. Comalgunscliquesno site ou no aplicativo você descobrirá um novo mododechamartáxi.Siga as instruções abaixo e baixe agora mesmo o app Take Me!1 - Baixe o aplicativo é totalmente grátis!2 - Abra o aplicativo faça seu cadastro e em seguida informeoseuendereço.3 - Aguarde até que encontramos os condutores maispróximodevocê!4 - Escolha o tipo de condutor, taxistaoumototaxista.Posteriormente é apresentado os dados do condutor,logovocê teráduas opções: LIGAR ou Chamar via CHAT. O custo daligaçãoé o mesmoutilizado para ligações locais da sua operadora,semnenhum vínculoa Take Me.5 - Pós contato com o condutor ajude os demais usuáriosavaliandoocondutor.Competidores:EasyTaxiEasy TaxiTaxiJa99TaxisResolveAiWayTaxiTaxibeatBeatTaxiBeat TaxiSaferTaxiMyTeksiUpTaxiubertags: taxi , táxi , aplicativos de taxi , take me,takeme,montesclarosFrom anywhere inthecity.With a few clicks on the site or application youwilldiscover a newway to call taxi.Follow the instructions below and download now the TakeMeapp! 1 - Download the app is completely free! 2 - Open the application free to register and thenenteryouraddress. 3 - Wait until we find the closest drivers you! 4 - Select the type of driver, taxi ormototaxidriver.Subsequently it is presented driver's data, so youhavetwochoices: ON or Call via CHAT. The cost of the call is thesameasfor local calls from your service provider, with no tiestoTakeMe.5 - After contact with the driver help other usersevaluatingthedriver.Competitors:EasyTaxiEasy TaxiTaxiJa99TaxisResolveAiWayTaxiTaxibeatBeatTaxiBeat TaxiSaferTaxiMyTeksiUpTaxiuberTags: taxi, cab, taxi applications, take me, takeme, clearhills
taxiplon passenger
Taxiplon! The new revolutionary way tocallataxi directly from your smartphone, wherever you are.You just run the app, press a button and in a few minutesataxiwill be at your doorstep, that simple!Make an appointment and get rid of the concern to find ataxi:Youcan reserve a taxi for a specific date and time withnoextracost!Features• Simplicity & Ease of Use: With taxiplon, finding aTaxiiseasier and simpler than ever! You just press a button!• Low Cost: No telephone call is required and thus thereisnocharge while you give your information• Security: You know from the start everything aboutthedriverwho is assigned to pick you up (name, platenumber,distance). Youcan also see his exact location on a map ashe/sheapproaches.• Set Pick-Up Location: You can pinpoint the exactlocationwherethe driver should pick you up.• Ride History: Did you forget something in the taxi?Usingtheride history you can see the vehicle's plate numberandthedriver’s name that picked you up, information that willhelpyouget in contact with him/her,• Message to driver: If you wish to inform thedriverbeforepickup of any special requirements, such as "I have alotofbaggage!" or "Ι have an injured person with me", you can dosobypre-sending him/her a simple message through the app.For more information visit
Peru Taxi - Corporativo 1.0.4
Nelica S.A.C.
Peru Taxi - CorporativoPeru Taxi-Corporate
Corona Taxi 1.1.4
Corona Peru
Corona Taxi (T&R Corona Perú), empresadeTaxi & Remisse con más de 13 años de experiencia, presentasumoderna aplicación móvil para reservas de servicios, concoberturaen toda la provincia de Lima y próximamente enotrasProvincias.Trabajamos con empresas y con clientesparticulareswww.taxicorona.comCon esta app puede establecer su punto "O" de origen y "D"dedestino con un solo toque, y luego presionando el botón“Solicitartaxi”, su taxi llegará en menos de 10 minutos. Ustedsabrá latarifa del servicio al finalizar el servicio.En la zona de NOTAS, colocar algún detalle de su ubicación(númerode oficina o departamento, etc.) ó indicación especial sobresuservicio ó número de vuelo.Se grabarán sus viajes ya realizados.Las características más importantes de la aplicación* Interfaz de usuario fácil e intuitiva* Enlaces rápidos para llamar o enviar correo electrónico alaoficina de Taxi Corona.* Ubicación de taxis cercanos en el mapa.* Reservar un taxi para el momento o más adelante.* Historial de reservas.Descargar ahora y haga más sencilla su forma de pedir unTaxi.Crown Taxi (T &RCorona Peru) Taxi & Remisse company with more than 13 yearsofexperience, presents its modern mobile application forbookingservices, with coverage throughout the province of Lima andsoon inother provinces.We work with companies and privatecustomerswww.taxicorona.comWith this app you can set your point "O" of origin and"D"destination with one touch, and then pressing the "OrderTaxi"button, your taxi will arrive in less than 10 minutes. Youknow theservice fee at the end of the service.NOTES area, place some details of their location (officeordepartment number, etc.) or specific information about yourserviceor flight number.their trips already made will be recorded.The most important features of the application* User-friendly interface and intuitive user* Quick to call or send e-mail to the office of TaxiCoronalinks.* Location of taxis nearby on the map.* Book a taxi for now or later.* History of reserves.Download now and make easier their way to order a taxi.
Conductor Perú Remisse 2
Somos una Empresa de Servicio deTaxiRemisseEjecutivo.We are acompanyTaxiService Executive Remisse.
Athens Next Bus 2.3.4
Go anywhere in Athens by public transport, knowing what time thebuswill come.
Free Uber Trip 2.0.7
Download this app and get at least onefreeUber trip! But it only works if you haven't done an Ubertripbefore.Dit it work? Share with your friends! =DDisclaimer: this app doesn't have any official link withUberTechnologies Inc. It's purpose is to promote Uber and helppeopleto have an Uber Experience with a discount.
Desitio 2.5
Tu destino está a solo un clickdedistancia!.Desitio te brinda una experiencia fácil, segura, divertida ycómodapara viajar en taxi. Con el más avanzado y preciso GPS enelmercado y tecnología de primer nivel.Con DeSitio podrás:Asegurarte de que el taxista llegará a tu destino, sin erroresnipérdida de tiempo.Ver cómo se aproxima tu taxi hacia ti en tiempo real.Paga con efectivo, tarjeta de crédito o débito. Los datos detutarjeta están seguros y no los compartimos con nadie.También puedes pagar con efectivo.Sólo necesitas una conexión a internet y activar tu GPS.Nosotrosnos encargamos del resto.Disfruta de tu experiencia en DeSitio!Your destiny is justaclick away !. Desitio gives you an easy, safe, fun and comfortable to travelbytaxi experience. With the most advanced and accurate GPS onthemarket and world class technology. With DeSitio Unlock Ensure that the driver will arrive at your destination withouterroror delay.See how your taxi is coming to you in real time.Pay with cash, credit card or debit card. The card detailsaresecure and not shared with anyone.You can also pay with cash. You just need an internet connection and activate your GPS. We'lldothe rest. Enjoy your experience DeSitio!
TaxiCaller Driver
Our easy-to-use app gives driverseverythingthey need to get the job done right!With TaxiCaller, you can use your smartphone or tablet toacceptbookings from licensed taxi companies in over 40 countries ontheTaxiCaller network!- User-friendly and intuitive- Step-by-step navigation- See where jobs are about to be dispatched- Built-in chat with preset notifications- Easy to use in-app taximeter- Optional cashiering system- Silent and discrete alarm buttonFor more information, please contact [email protected] your 14 day free trial, please contact [email protected] or sign up on our websiteFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook: