Top 40 Apps Similar to Amplatzer™ Portfolio

NAVICA 1.36.0-prod
View, manage and share results from select Abbott rapid tests
Navica Mobile Plus 3.9.8
Exclusive to Navica Real Estate Agents.
Continuous Glucose Monitoring using Ambrosia BluCon reader.
diasend 1.13.0
Glooko AB
Easy diabetes data management
IBM Micromedex Drug Info 3.0
Mobile Micromedex
IBM Micromedex® Drug Info is now available for only $2.99peryear.Now you can access the same evidence-based Micromedexcontentyourely on, anytime, anywhere, via your Android device.Pleasenote:if you or the organization you work for hasanInternet-basedsubscription to IBM Micromedex®, then this appisincluded withyour subscription at no charge. Please search intheGoogle PlayStore for the free version of this exact sameapp,called IBMMicromedex Drug Ref. IBM Micromedex® Drug Infoprovideson-the-goaccess to the industry’s most trusted andcomprehensivedruginformation, when and where it’s needed most.Users will findpeaceof mind knowing the content is backed by thesamethorough,unbiased editorial process as all Micromedexsolutions.Oncecontent has been downloaded or updated an internetconnectionisnot required, allowing for access at anytime fromanywhere. Theappis part of the Micromedex Medication Managementapps bundle,whichincludes Micromedex Drug Interactions andMicromedexIVCompatibility. The trio is an inexpensive solutiontoyouron-the-go medication management needs. IBM MicromedexDrugInfocontains concise information on 4500+ search terms,coveringcommonneeds such as: • Adult and pediatric dosage •Adverseeffects(separated into “common” and “serious”) • DruginteractionsAs wellas: • Administration • Black box warnings •Breast feeding •Commontrade names • Contraindications • Doseadjustments • Genericnames,including selected combination products• How supplied•Indications (differentiated as “FDA labeled” and“non-FDAlabeled”)• Mechanism of action • Monitoring • Precautions•Pregnancycategory • Therapeutic class *Not sure if youremployerhas anInternet subscription to IBM Micromedex® via theinternet?Checkwith your Chief Medical Officer, Director ofPharmacy,MedicalLibrarian, or others in your facility responsibleforclinicalreference information. Or reach out tousvia•Updated monthly • Ability to use without a WiFiorcellularconnection
Connect with your Abbott Cardiac Monitor and send informationtoyour doctor.
Cornerstones4Care® diabetes app
Cornerstones4Care® Powered by Glooko is a free diabetesmanagementapp
Pedi STAT 5.0.1
James Kempema
A rapid reference for healthcare professionals caring forpediatricpatients.
myPennMedicine 10.1.5
Penn Medicine
Secure access to personal medical records for Penn Medicinepatients
San Diego Gas and Electric® (SDG&E) 5.3
SDG&E is dedicated to helping our customers findeasierandbetter ways to access their accounts, no matter wheretheyare.Stay in control of your energy use and costs. View yourbillandmanage your payments, make service requests, view poweroutagemapsand set up alerts…all with the latest SDG&Eapp!Avoidsurprises by signing up for notifications and getaprojectedestimate of your next bill. It’s a snap to manageyouraccountsecurely – anywhere, anytime.
BolusCalc 1.84
Designed for simple calculations of insulin doses in thehome/schoolsetting.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 2.2.0
Endocrine Society's Clinical Practice Guidelines App
LibreLinkUp 4.7.0
Newyu, Inc.
LibreLinkUp lets caregivers receive glucose readings from lovedonesremotely.
SCF Mobile 4.0.0
With the official app of State CollegeofFlorida, stay connected anytime, anywhere. SCFmobile placesusefulSCF information in the palm of your hand. Get instant accessto thecollege directory, maps, courses, athletics, events, news,libraryand more.Features include:Directory: Find faculty or staff member contactinformationinstantly.Maps: Find buildings and locations in Bradenton, LakewoodRanchand Venice.News: Read the latest SCF news.Athletics: Check the latest news, schedules and scores fortheSCF athletic teams. Go Manatees!Events: Browse a wide variety of College events.Getinvolved!Courses: Access class schedules, including times, locations,andinstructors. Register early!Library: Access library services and resources.State College of Florida (SCF) is the region's first andlargestpublic college, serving 30,000+ college credit studentsannually atcampuses in Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch and Venice, andvia onlinelearning opportunities.Another 25,000+ participants annually attendprofessionaldevelopment and personal enrichment classes. As of2012, theCollege has graduated over 39,000 students since 1960.SCF athletics include five intercollegiate sports teams:men’sbasketball and baseball and women’s softball, tennisandvolleyball. The Manatees’ winning history has produced morethan1,000 athletes who have gone on to play sports at theuniversityand professional level.
Heidelberg Catechism
Puritan Soft
The Heidelberg Catechism was named after the city in which itwascompiled and was published in Heidelberg Germany in 1563.TheHeidelberg Catechism was quickly embraced by theReformedProtestants and has been an enduring means by whichthousands havebeen taught biblical doctrines of the Christianfaith. Thisapplication can assist you in learning the catechism andProtestantReformed Christian doctrine. You can track your progressas youlearn, study, and memorize the catechism questions andanswers. Aquick comment on the graphic I picked for thisapplication: thepicture comes from Pilgrim's Progress by JohnBunyan. This seemedto me a nice illustration of what is depicted inquestion 3, "Fromwhere do you know your sins and misery? Answer:From the law ofGod." May God bless you in your study of His wordand, if He hasnot already, may He awaken you to your woeful stateand show youhow you too can be delivered from your sin and miseryand come toknow what your only comfort in life and death truly is.:-)
cMT Viewer 2.21.53
cMT Viewer lets you control machines anywhere, anytime, fastandeasily.
mySCS 1.9.3
Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) Trial with mySCS
Sanford Guide Collection 4.2.19
Sanford Guide Collection providessubscribersto The Sanford Guide Collection App and Sanford GuideAll Access(available directly from The Sanford Guide) withintegratedcoverage of Antimicrobial Therapy, HIV/AIDS Therapy andViralHepatitis Therapy for maximum convenience, interactivity andeaseof use. A subscription is required.Full text search provides fast access, detailed search results,andhighlighted search terms. Intuitive menus provide analternativeway to navigate our extensive content collection.Interactivecalculators simplify complicated dosing and algorithmswalk youthrough decision processes. Together with user-createdbookmarksand notes, you can further organize and access contentaccording tothe way you work.Sanford Guide Collection reflects 46 years of editorialexcellenceprepared and updated by leading experts in infectiousdiseases.Coverage includes: clinical syndromes (by anatomicsystem/site ofinfection), pathogens (bacterial, fungal,mycobacterial, parasiticand viral), anti-infective drugs (dosing,adverse effects,activity, pharmacology, interactions),comprehensive coverage ofHIV/AIDS and viral Hepatitis, specializeddosing tables and tools,calculators and preventative therapy, allevidence-based,extensively referenced and updated monthly.
EMC mobile 3.4.4
Médecins, chirurgiens et professionnels de santé,téléchargezgratuitement EMC mobile, la référence médicale etparamédicale pourAndroid. Tous les articles des incontournablestraités EMC en accèsdirect. EMC mobile, c’est : ■ Plus de 10 000articles de référenceet plus de 100 000 illustrations issus desprestigieux traités EMC■ Un moteur de recherche précis qui vouspermettra de filtrer lesinformations recherchées par domaine ou partraité ■ Au choix, unerecherche transversale sur plusieursdisciplines ou ciblée parspécialité ■ Un accès direct dans chaquearticle au planinteractif, au résumé et, à tout moment, à la tabledes matières dutraité ■ Des annotations sur vos articles favoris etla possibilitéde les consulter sans connexion internet ■ Pouvoirsynchronisertous vos contenus sur l’ensemble de vos appareilscompatibles.Adoptez dès aujourd’hui l’application EMC mobile,l’outilindispensable pour votre pratique au quotidien ! Lestraitésactuellement disponibles dans l’application : ■ AKOS (Traitédemédecine) ■ Anesthésie-Réanimation; ■ Angéiologie ■Appareillocomoteur ■ Biologie médicale ■ Cardiologie ■ Cosmétologieetdermatologie esthétique ■ Dermatologie ■ Endocrinologie –Nutrition■ Gastro-entérologie ■ Gynécologie ■ Hématologie ■Hépatologie ■Kinésithérapie – Médecine physique – Réadaptation ■Maladiesinfectieuses ■ Médecine buccale ■ Médecine d'urgence ■Néphrologie■ Neurologie ■ Obstétrique ■ Ophtalmologie ■Orthopédiedentofaciale ■ Otorinolaryngologie ■ Pathologieprofessionnelle etde l'environnement ■ Pédiatrie - Maladiesinfectieuses ■Pédopsychiatrie ■ Pneumologie ■ Podologie ■Psychiatrie ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : abdominale –digestive ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : cardiovasculaire –thoracique –cervicale ■ Radiologie et imagerie médicale :génito-urinaire –gynéco-obstétricale – mammaire ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale :musculosquelettique – neurologique –maxillofaciale ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale : principes ettechniques – radioprotection ■Savoirs et soins infirmiers ■Techniques chirurgicales - Appareildigestif ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Chirurgie plastique,reconstructrice et esthétique ■Techniques chirurgicales -Chirurgie vasculaire ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Gynécologie ■Techniques chirurgicales - Orthopédie– Traumatologie ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Tête et cou ■Techniques chirurgicales - Thorax ■Techniques chirurgicales -Urologie ■ Urologie ■ Vétérinaire
UHealth 5.1.1
Navigate your entire experience using our UHealth appwithwayfinding technology
ACCU-CHEK® Connect App - US
The ACCU-CHEK Connect app provides easy tracking of yourdiabetesdata.
My Cincinnati Bell
Lets you manage your services, receive messages, and view andpayyour bill.
Drug Infusion 2.6.1
App containing calculation of concentration and drug infusionspeed.
AgaMatrix Diabetes Manager 1.13
AgaMatrix Inc
Track blood glucose, insulin, carbs, and weight to help manageyourdiabetes.
Learn Arabic with the Quran 2.0.47
Quran Progress - The easiest way ever to learn arabic withQuranvocabulary
My DiabetesConnect 0.2.9
Helping you take control of Diabetes.
KPI Mega Library 1.2
KPI Mega Library Phone App provides you a powerful unlimitedaccessto 36,000 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Thisbusinessapplication is divided into three parts: • 11,000Organization KPIs(32 Industries) • 12,000 Government KPIs (32Sectors) • 13,000International KPIs (24 Topics) BENEFITS: •Unlimited access to36,000 KPIs • Fully downloadable KPI library •No membership,update, hidden fees • No extra purchases are required• Off-linebrowsing capability (no Wifi) • Easy to navigate menusystem •Powerful, instant, and smart search • Access to latest Appupdateinstantly • Ability to save your favorites KPIs • ShareAppdescription with friends PURPOSE: The purpose of this APP istogive you a quick and effective access to the mostappropriatemeasure. The 36,000 KPIs or metrics are categorized in alogicaland alphabetical order. You can easily find (in few seconds)thebest key performance indicator for measuring any function inanyindustry or sector. Many organizations are spending a lot offundson building their strategic planning and performancemanagementcapabilities. One of the current challenges is thedifficulty toknow what measure or metric is used in similarsituation. Forexample, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology whichwas developedby Robert Kaplan and David Norton is a greatmeasurement tool or adashboard that needs good performance measuresto be effective.USERS: This mega KPI list is a valuable resourcefor consultants,executives, directors, and managers. This includesstrategy,performance, planning, and statistics professionals inpublic andprivate organizations. CONTENTS: This APP is based on our“KPI MegaLibrary” book first published in 2010. This powerful APPobjectiveis to acquaint you with available metrics measuringperformance inthe following 32 industries, 32 government sectors,and 24international topics: A) ORGANIZATION (32 INDUSTRIES)Agriculture |Banking & Investment | Communication & PR |Compliance |Construction | Consulting | Services | Customer Service| Education| Energy | Engineering | Financial | Health & Safety|Healthcare | Hospitality | Human Resources | InformationTechnology| Insurance | Leisure & Recreation | Livestock &Dairy |Management | Manufacturing | Media & Advertising |Mining &Metals | Pharmaceuticals | Procurement | ProjectManagement | RealEstate | Research & Development | Sales &Marketing |Telecommunication | Textile Production | TransportationB)GOVERNMENT (32 SECTORS) Agriculture & Food | CivilDefense& Disaster | Civil Rights | Culture & Heritage |EconomicDevelopment | Education | Energy | Environment | Governance|Government Workforce | Healthcare | Human Services |IndustryDevelopment | Information Technology | Justice | Labor |Military& Defense | Municipalities | Pension Management |Police &Security | Population | Prison Management | PublicFinance |Regional Development | Social Development | Sports | StockExchange| Telecommunication | Tourism | Transportation | UrbanPlanning |Water & Electricity C) INTERNATIONAL (24 TOPICS)Agriculture& Food | Children | Coastal Ecosystems | Debt |Development& Aid | Economy | Education | Energy | Environment |Finance |Health | HIV/AIDS Epidemic | Industry & Services |IntellectualProperty | Labor | Pensions | Population &Demography | Poverty| Public & Market Regulation | Research& Development |Social & Welfare | Telecommunication | Trade& Balance ofPayment | Transportation TRY IT TODAY…. Thiscomprehensive KPIlibrary could be under your fingertips at anintroductory lowprice. Inject this mega KPI database and its 36,000metrics in yoursmart phone today…
Inside Rx 1.4.0
Did you know you could be overpaying for your prescriptions?InsideRx can help!
HOS247 ELD Logbook 2.34.0
HOS 247
HOS247 - ELD Logbook You Can Rely On. Avoid ViolationswEasy-to-Use/Edit Logs.
Pacific Power 2.1.0
KUBRA iMobile
With this free app from Pacific Power, youcanpay your bill, report a power outage or check the status ofanoutage from anywhere 24/7. Bill-ready and payment alerts helpyoustay up-to-date with your account. Outage alerts keep you intheknow during storms.Features:• Report an outage or check the status of a previouslyreportedoutage for your home or business.• Get the latest outage details including estimatedrestorationtime, crew status and cause of the outage.• Receive outage restoration alerts on your device to stayinformedduring a storm or service interruption.• Review your account balance.• Pay your bill quickly with your debit card, credit card orthroughyour checking or savings account.• Receive payment confirmations and bill-ready alerts onyourdevice.• Easily navigate between multiple electric accounts to paybillsand get outage details for each.• Log in with your existing Pacific Power user ID and password,orquickly and easily create an account to access secureservicesthrough the app.• Stay connected with direct dial to customer service, getthelatest news and tips, and follow our social mediachannels.Data charges may apply for notifications. Fees apply for debitandcredit card payments.
SourceView Bible 1.2.2
Introducing a fresh, innovative way to discover more about what'sinthe Bible.
QTc Calculator v1.6
Upbeat Lime
Bazett's formula for calculating QTc interval.
Infusions PRO Calculator 3.3
A modern drug infusion amd drip calculator.
Purdue Sports
The Purdue Sports Official App!
Navi Radiography Pro 2.0.0
Navi Radiography 2.0 Released
IV Infusion Calculator 3.1
A simple, straightforward, and useful IV infusion calculator
TopTracking HOS 254
FMCSA-registered, driver-preferred ELD with latest HOSregulationchanges
ELDMandate HOS 3.0.2212.220822
LB Technology
Official ELD Mandate app for tracking electronic driver logs