Top 19 Apps Similar to Kurdish: Arabic Dictionary

Arabic Kurdish Dictionary 1.0.2
Kurdish to Arabic and Arabic toKurdishDictionaryKurdish to Arabic to Arabic to Kurdish Dictionary is create sobothKurdish and Arabic people can learn each other languages andcanmake benefit of it.The dictionary can work offline and no need of internet to runthisKurdish Arabic dictionary. It will work without wifi ormobiledata.Kurdish to Arabic and Arabic to Kurdish Dictionary has millionsofwords that are stored in local database to run in offlinemood.Auto work suggestion is integrated which will find yourdesiredword if you made spelling mistake.Text to speech is integrated that will speak out the word inbothKurdish and Arabic languages.
Arabic<>Kurdish (Qallam Dict) 3.0
فەرهەنگی قەڵەم عەرەبی بۆ کوردی کوردی بۆ عەرەبی
kurd-arabic Dictionary offline 1.1
M.A.T company
قاموس عربي كردي بداخله اكثرمن1500كلمةو17محادثة يمكنك تصفحه بدون انترنت ويحتوي على الكثير منالمحادثاتداخل السوق داخل المطبخ داخل العزائم داخل البيت داخلالعملولكثير....Dictionary kurd arabicDictionary arabic kurdقاموس عربي كرديقاموس عربي كرديقاموس عربي كردي بدون انترنتInsideKurdish-ArabicDictionary of more than 1,500 words and 17 without aconversationyou can browse the Internet and contains a lot of talkswithin themarket in the kitchen inside wills inside the houseinside work andmany ....Dictionary kurd arabicDictionary arabic kurdKurdish-Arabic DictionaryKurdish-Arabic DictionaryArabic Dictionary Kurdish without Internet
English: Kurdish Dictionary 1.0.1
This is offline English to KurdishDictionarywhich work without internet connection. The Dictionary ismade foreducational purpose that our dear Kurdish peoples improvetheirknowledge. Local database is used in this dictionary so tomakethis dictionary functional in absence of internet.This English to Kurdish Dictionary is rich of vocabularyandcontain almost all difficult English words. The Dictionary ismadewith audio support so it will speak out the word that will helpinpronunciation.Features• Works 100% Offline• Auto search engine is integrated so no need to remember thefullspelling.• Make your favorite list.• Screen is made flexible so it will work on all screen mobilesandtablets.• Their includes audio support facilities that will speak outthewords.
ئەلفوبێکانی کوردی kurdish 1.0
بەڕێزان ئەم بەرنامەیە بۆ ئەو کەسانەیەکەهێشتاسەرەتان بۆ فێربوونى پیتە کوردیەکانهەر٣٤ پیت لەخۆ دەگرێت لەگەل دەنگیشوە بەوێنەو نموونەش لەگەلىهەروەها بەشى ژمارەکان ١تا ژمارە ١٠ بەدەنگیشەهەروەها لەچەند سوودێکیش پێک دێتهیوام وایە بەکارى بێنن بۆ مندالەکانتانبۆ ئەوەى بێ بەش نەبن لەزمانى شیرینى کوردى زمانى دایک
پرسیار و وەڵامی شەرعی 1.0
زیاتر لە ٦٠٠ پرسیارو وەڵامی شەرعی
Kurdish (Behdini) Dictionary 5.3.6
Abraham J
English-Kurdish-Latin-Arabic Dictionary for the people who liveinDuhok area
Ribaz English – Kurdish Dict. 1.0
SendBo Inc.
ئەپدەیتی نوێی ئەم فەرهەنگە، لەم لینکە داونلۆدبکە
Belajar Bahasa Arab 1.0
DESKRIPSI APLIKASIAplikasi ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat kepada orang laindanmembantu proses pembelajaran dalam dunia pendidikanmelaluiaplikasi pembelajaran bahasa arab sehingga para siswa-siswidi MTsnantinya mudah dalam belajar berbahasa sebab materi bahasaarabyang ada dalam aplikasi nantinya disajikan secaramenarik,interaktif dan mudah dipahami.Aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa arab ini nantinya akan memberimodelingpembelajaran dan diharapkan berguna secara efektif danefisiendengan memiliki beberapa kelebihan antara lain :1. Efektifitas Pembelajaran MeningkatAplikasi ini dapat membantu pengguna aplikasi dalam belajarbahasaarab dengan tepat dan cermat karena materi pembelajarannyadapatberisi genre (bisa diartikan sebagai jenis artikel ataubacaanbahasa arab) dilengkapi dengan kosa kata, teks, kalimat,suara,gambar dan video.disusun sesuai kurikulum kementerian agama,mulaidari kelas VII samapai IX. serta nantinya pengguna aplikasibisamemilih bagian-bagian materi yang disuguhkan, bisa dengancepatberpindah halaman pembahasan karena dilengkapi dengan “pagebutton”dan ditambah lagi aplikasi dilengkapi dengan fasilitaspencarian“find” dengan judul materi atau pembahasan yang diinginkansehinggadiharapkan bisa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang maksimaldariyang diharapkan dalam hal ini pengguna bisa dengan segeramemahamimateri yang diajarkan melalui aplikasi.2. Efisiensi Waktu Dalam BelajarAplikasi ini dapat menghemat waktu pengguna dalam halpembelajarankarena bisa diakses kapanpun dan dimanapun secara cepatkarenatersimpan di dalam smartphone serta praktis dan amandigunakankemana-mana.3. Efisiensi TenagaMenghemat tenaga karena hanya tinggal membuka aplikasinyadismartphone dan dinikmati sunguhan materi yang ada dantentunyatidak perlu lagi membawa bacaan fisik yangterkadangberat/merepotkan untuk dibawa kemana-mana dan harus terusdijagadan diperhatikan serta tidak perlu khawatir lagi kehilangankarenalupa manaruhnya dimana karena bukan dalam bentuk buku bacaanatausejenisnya melainkan aplikasi yang aman tersimpan dan akanselaluikut kemanapun kita membawa smartphone kita, Sehinggasemuanyamemberikan manfaat semestinya.4. Efisiensi BiayaBila belajar bahasa arab dari buku-buku yang ada atau melaluimediaon-line maka kita mungkin mengeluarkan biaya untuk melakukanitusemua mulai dari membeli buku bacaan tersebut ataupunbiayainternet yang kita keluarkan bila kita menggunakan koneksikitasendiri atau koneksi yang disediakan oleh orang lainuntukmengakses bahan bacaan pembelajaran bahasa arab melaluihalaman webataupun pembelajaran elektronik lainnya, namun disinisemuanyaberbeda karena pengguna nantinya bisa saling berbagiaplikasi“Share” mengenai belajar bahasa arab praktis kepada oranglainmelalui Bluetooth untuk dipasang “install” di smartphonerekan,sahabat, kakak, adik kelas dan sebagainya dengan tujuan agarbisasaling belajar dan berbagi pengalaman pembelajaran bahasaarabmelalui aplikasi ini.DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONSThis application is expected to be useful to others and helpthelearning process in education through the application oflearningthe Arabic language so that the students in the junior willeasilylearn to speak Arabic because the material is in thelaterapplication is presented in an interesting, interactive andeasy tounderstand.The Arabic language learning applications will be expected togivemodeling and useful learning effectively and efficiently byhavingseveral advantages, among others:1. Increase Learning EffectivenessThis application can help users learn the application in Arabicwithcorrect and accurate because the learning materials canincludegenre (can be interpreted as a type of article or readingArabic)equipped with vocabulary, text, words, sounds, imagesandvideo.disusun appropriate ministry curriculum religion,rangingfrom class VII samapai IX. as well as future applicationsusers canchoose which parts of the material presented, can quicklymovethrough the discussion because it is equipped with a "pagebutton"and added another application comes with the search "find"with thetitle of the desired material or discussion that isexpected toachieve the learning objectives the maximum of which isexpected inthis case the user can immediately understand thematerial beingtaught through the application.2. Efficiency Time In LearningThis application can save users time in learning because it canbeaccessed anytime and anywhere as fast as stored in thesmartphoneas well as practical and safe to use anywhere.3. Energy EfficiencySaves energy because only stay open applications on smartphonesandenjoyed sunguhan existing material and certainly no longer needtocarry physical readings that sometimes heavy / cumbersome tocarryanywhere and must be maintained and cared for and never havetoworry again lost since forgotten manaruhnya where due not intheform of textbooks or the like, but a secure application storedandwill always go wherever we carry our smartphones, so allshouldbenefit.4. Efficiency CostWhen learning Arabic from existing books or through on-linemediathen we might spend money to do it all started from thepurchasetextbooks or internet costs we spend when we use our ownconnectionor connections provided by others to access readingmaterialsArabic language learning through a web page or otherelectroniclearning, but here everything is different because userswill beable to share the application "Share" on the Arabiclanguagelearning practical to others via Bluetooth to beinstalled"install" in the smartphone colleagues, friends, brother,sisterclass and so on in order to learn and share the experienceoflearning the Arabic language through this application.
Kurdish: English Dictionary 1.1.1
It’s a Gift for our Dear Kurdish People;HereYou can easily find difficult English words with Kurdishmeaning.English to Kurdish Dictionary contain almost all difficultEnglishword, Auto word suggestion intelligent system is integratedso noneed to worry about the spelling mistake. Voice text Speech isusedthat will help you in your pronunciation.English to Kurdish Dictionary is 100% Free and Offline. Youdon’tneed to have internet. It contain local database, so norequire ofinternet or any other mobile data connection. It willwork 100% inyour mobile off-line mode.Make a list of your favorite difficult English words so yourequireno effort to search it again in dictionary. It will increaseyourvocabulary.Features:• Work 100% Offline• Auto word suggestion is integrated so no worry aboutspellingmistake• Word text speech system is used that will help you inyourpronunciation.• No need of internet• Screen adjusted to all mobile and Tablets.• More than anything its 100% Free
Karzan Dict فەرهەنگی کارزان 4.8
فەرهەنگی کارزان کوردی <> ئینگلیزی + فەرهەنگێکی ٨ زمانی
Tishk Dictionary - Kurdish 1.0
First Kurdish Dictionary withKurdish,English.Arabic,German,FrenchMeanings .
Fast Dict فەرهەنگی فاست 3.0
ئەنجامێکی خێرا و گەراندنەوەی کاتێکی زۆر فەرهەنگی فاست
Arabic Kurdish Dictionary 1.0
Arabic Kurdish Dictionary isspeciallydesignedfor Kurdistani and Arabic people so that they canlearneach otherlanguage easily.Arabic to Kurdish & Kurdish to Arabic Dictionary havemillionsofwords so that our Kurdish and Arabic clients can getbenefitfrom itin FREE.
In this application, User can find the meanings of ArabictoKurdish& Kurdish to Arabic easily because we haveinsertsearch optionin it. 
Through search option, the user can find their desirewordmeaningjust milli seconds without wasting time.
The Database is local so no need of internet to downloaddatabaseormeanings of the words, just install once applicationandthenenjoy.
User can send difficult words with meaning in SMS as wellasinEmail.User can make a list of favorite words so that he/she caneasilyreadtheir desired words meanings.
User can pronounce their words as well as meanings intherelevantaccent.

We have try our best to deliver thebestDictionary so ifsome one found any bug or mistake or wantanymodification or anysuggestion than please EmailUs:[email protected].
Kurdish Dictionary & Translato 8.5.4
English to Kurdish, Kurdish to English offline dictionary&translator
Complete Mathematics 1.11
✦ Complete Mathematics App is one uniqueandcomprehensive app that is particularly designed as aone-stopsolution for College Grade/Higher Grade Students.Regularpractice of these app will definitely help you learn mathand yourgrades will see an exponential rise which will make you amathsexpert.✦ All Maths Formulas covers basic and high school maths inasimple way. It categorizes different aspects of math in such awaythat you can pick up what you plan to learn and startlearning..✦ Math Discussion forum which enable user to register andaskor answer any number of mathematics Questions. Visitat✦ Complete Mathematics Help App has the followingsectionsmath worksheet, mathematical formulas,math calculator,mathgames,math problem solver, math converter, math dictionary,mathematicsquiz, graphing calculator, maths tricks, unit converter,statisticscalculator,Math Discussion Forum, Applied Mathematics,AlgebraCalculator, Maths Online, Math test, Math Solver,lengthconversion, metric conversion, Algebra Solver,TrigonometryFunctions, Calculus formula, ,Matrices formula,,Determinantsformula, ,Differential CalculusYou can enjoy the following topics:✔ Math Scientific calculator.✔ Math Graphing calculator.✔ Math Problem Solver✔ Mathematical Dictionary : Browse meaning of morethen3000 math words.✔ Math youtube Videos✔ All Math Formula✔ Why to do maths? Math is fun to do and completeexplanationon why anyone should study mathematics and its uses ineverydaylife.✔ Math Games✔ Math for kids✔ Secondary Math -Profit and loss,Area and Volume,Geometry,Compound and simple interest,Average,Number System,Percentage,Clocks,Time and Distance etc✔ Math News : Read Recent Maths news on the app.✔ Mental Mathematics✔ Funny math facts & math quotes✔ Math Quiz / Math ProblemsAptitude quiz / Aptitude ProblemsAlgebra quiz / Algebra ProblemIQ quiz / IQ ProblemsTrigonometry quiz / Trigonometry Problem✔ Mental Math for kids✔ Fun Maths Tricks✔ Math Problems with math answers✔ Mathematics Game with Time Limit for kids andadults✔ Math shortcuts.✔ Online Math websites tab✔ Math exams across the globe✔ measurement converter - Unit converter, From timetotime you may need to convert units to another one, like CelsiustoFahrenheit and so on.✔ Decimal converter, Hexadecimal converter, octalconverter,binary converter*Math Formulas covered in this app*Algebra Formulas- Factoring formulas- Roots formulas- Powers formulas- Logarithmic formula- Complex number- Binomial theoremGeometry Formulas- Cone- Cylinder- Isosceles Triangle- Rhombus- Parallelogram- TrapezoidAnalytical Geometry FormulasTrigonometry FormulasDerivation Formulas- Limits formula- Trigonometric functions- Inverse Trigonometric functions- Hyperbolic functions- Inverse Hyperbolic functionsIntegration FormulasTrigonometry Formulas- Basics of Trigonometry- General Trigonometry formula- Sine, Cosine rule- Table of Angle- Euler's formula- Allied angles tableSeries Formulas- Arithmetic series- Geometric series- Finite series- Binomial seriesProbability and statistics Formulas- Basics of probability- Expectation- Variance- Distributions- Permutations- Combinations✔ All this features are combined in this app and will makeyourmathematical life a lot easier.✦ If you have a suggestion or issue with this app pleasekindlyemail us [email protected].✦Upgrade to Pro version to have more fun, learn moremaths& solve more quizzes. . You can download ithere
Kurdish - لوقمانی حەکیم 5.2
سەرجەم وتە و بەسەرهاتەکانی لوقمانی حەکیم !
جوزى عەمە وەک مامۆستا kurdish 1.0
ئەم بەرنامەیە باشترین بەرنامەیە بۆهەمووتەمەنێکبۆ ئەوانەى بیانەوێ قورئانى پیرۆز لەبەربکەنوە هەروەها ٤ قورئان خوێنى تێدایەوەهەروەها تەفسیرى تێدایە بەکوردىهەروەها دەتوانى ئایەتەکان دووبارە بکەیتەوەهەروەه دەتوانى دەنگ وڕەنگى ئایەتەکان بگریوە دەتوانى بە پەنجەکانت ئایەتەکان ببەى بۆ هەرلایەک بتەوێت وەدووجارپەنجە بنێ بەئایەتەکە گەورە دەبێتوە دەتوانى دەنگى خۆت تۆماربکەى لە گەل ئایەتەکانبەڕێزان لە دوعاى خێر ئێمەو ئەوانەى یارمەتى منیان داوەبەماددىومەعنەوى بێ بەشمان نەکەن.
Rebin Dictionary - Kurdish 2.1
Rebin Ali
Rebin dictionary is the firstkurdishdictionary which includes more than 40,000 words with((English-Kurdish-Arabic-Persian-Turkish )) meanings.WORKS OFFLINE-no Internet connection needed when searching words.Features:• Fast, easy, convenient to look up words and viewthemeanings.• Offline access – no Internet connection needed formostcontent.• Offline audio pronunciations for english words .• Searches as you type – no waiting for results.• Favorite words.• You can search for kurdish words.•• Five Dictionary in Just OnedictionaryKurdish,English,arabic,Persian (Farsi ),Turkish• Best For those who want tolearnKurdish,english,arabic,persian,turkish at the same time.• History - lets you keep track of the words you've lookedup.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ئه‌م فه‌رهه‌نگه‌ زیاتره 40,000 وشه‌ پێك هاتووه‌ ویه‌كه‌مفه‌رهه‌نگیكوردییه‌ كه‌ توانای وه‌رگێرانی هه‌یه‌ بۆ زمانه‌كانی ((ئینگلیزی-كوردی - عربی - فارسی - توركی )) به‌بێ بوونی هێڵیئینته‌رنێت.:تایبه‌تمه‌ندیه‌كان•بۆ هیچ یه‌كێك له‌ بابه‌ته‌كان پێویستیت به‌ هێڵیئینته‌رنێتنیه‌.•خوێندنه‌وه‌ی ووشه‌ ئینگلیزیه‌كان به‌ ده‌نگ به‌بێ بونیهێڵیئینته‌رنێت.•زیاد كردنی ووشه‌ بۆ لیستی ئاره‌زوو.•پاراستنی ئه‌ و ووشانه‌ی كه‌ گه‌رانت بۆ كردون .تێبینی: به‌ بێ چالاككردنی فه‌رهه‌نگه‌كه‌ ته‌نیا ده‌توانی مانای%٣٠ووشه‌كان ببینی.