Top 7 Apps Similar to Het Talent

SkillCatch 7.0.5
Capture each talent on video and share them in a free, onlinespace.
NTSE - National Talent Search 1.0.2
NTSE - National Talent Search Exam conductedbyNCERT is India's most prestigious scholarship exam for Class10students studying in any school and any curriculum.It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be an NTS Scholar.With an increased scholarship amount of Rs. 1250 per monthduringClasses 11 and 12, NTSE is now an unmatched scholarshipexam.Prepare well for NTSE with our support. This app offers youaFREE 40 question Sample paper and a daily Question of the daytohelp you guide your preparation.You are supported by an NTSE Scholar and author of a book onNTSEMental Ability towards your preparation until the NTSE exam onNov2, 2014.NTSE comprises of:- 1 MAT & English Test paper having 100 questions- 1 SAT Test paper having questions of Maths, Physics,Chemistry,Biology, History, Civics, Geography & Economics- Detailed MAT & English solutions- Detailed SAT solutions- Each question and solution is linked to their doubts zone foryouto ask queries
Talents: Walkins&Freshers Jobs 0.2
Talents gives you access to all the opportunities in yourtown-Walk-ins , gigs or contract jobs. It's a personaltalentmanagerfor you. It suggests you right opportunities basedonyourinterests and skills.More you use the App, it learns your preferences andstartshowingyou more relevant information for you.Talents isbeyond theregularhiring portals. Talents comes out with a scorefor everyuser basedon the tangible and non-tangible parametersKey Features:Opportunities - Walkins & Gigs-Talentslistsout all the walk-ins & gigs related to you. Itjust givesyou theright information when you need it.Follow a Company -Talents allows youtofollowany company. You would get all the related Opportunitiesandnewsdelivered to you directlyQuantitative Aptitude -In Talentspracticeanynumber of QA, verbal and analytics questions. Justchallengeyourfriends with your score. We have enough questions tochallengeyouon various topicsTrivia -Talents gives you lot of triviaonyourfavourite subject. It's really a interesting read
Nanyang Talent Group 2.0
Nanyang Language & Business SchoolPteLtdis a professional language and business school founded in1993.TheSchool boasts a group of outstanding academicandnon-academicstaff, and provides a good learning environmentforstudents.
Talent Unleashed 1.0
Mvine Ltd
The livery ethos ofpromotingprofessionalstandards, supporting education and trainingandundertakingcharitable work is clearly relevant to themanysuccessful ITprofessionals who look to give something back totheindustry andto the wider community. With this in mind the ideaITLiveryCompany (WCIT) was established - becoming the 100thLiveryCompanyin the City of London with the motto of CITO,meaning‘swiftly’.There is a long tradition of links between City ofLondonLiveryCompanies and units of the United Kingdom's ArmedForces andit isthis connection which is being illustrated andcelebrated inWCIT’sentry into the 2015 Lord Mayor’s Show.On the day of the Show, the White Helmets motorcycledisplayteamwill lead our Float's presence - so noise, excitementandeyecatching stunts are a guaranteed attention grabber.Thefloatitself and accompanying walkers will tell the storyofourwork.Several Royal Signals officers are now members oftheCompanywhilst remaining on active service. The Company’sEmploymentPanelprovides pro bono advice and coaching to Signallersmovingfromtheir military careers into the civilian commercial worldand anewcareer. To date, over 450 Royal Signals officers andsoldiershavebeen assisted.Download the app to see hear of their stories and to watchusliveon YouTube….
Absolvent Talent Days 2016 1.1.5
Absolvent Talent Days to największe wPolscetargi pracy i praktyk. Jesienią 2016 roku odbywają się wośmiunajwiększych miastach. Pobierz aplikację mobilną, którabędzieTwoim podręcznym przewodnikiem w czasie wydarzenia.W aplikacji znajdziesz:· oferty pracy, praktyk i staży największych pracodawców,· agendę Absolvent Talent Days w każdym mieście,· opisy wystąpień oraz możliwość zapisów na szkolenia,· możliwość zapisania się na wybrane warsztaty,· prezentację prelegentów, którzy podzielą się swoimizawodowymidoświadczeniami,· informacje praktyczne związane z lokalizacją i dojazdem namiejscewydarzenia.W czasie Absolvent Talent Days możesz:· wysłuchać inspirujących prelekcji gwiazd specjalnych,liderówbiznesu oraz ekspertów HR,· wziąć udział w praktycznych szkoleniach, dziękiktórymzorientujesz się w realiach rynku pracy,· skonsultować swoje CV,· zrobić profesjonalne zdjęcie do CV,· odbyć próbną rozmowę kwalifikacyjną zdoświadczonymirekruterami,· porozmawiać z przedstawicielami interesujących Cię firm,· otrzymać propozycję pracy.Aplikacja jest bezpłatna. Aby wziąć udział w AbsolventTalentDays, pobierz bezpłatny bilet na www.talentdays.plHarmonogram targów:11 października 2016 - Łódź - EXPO Łódź13 października 2016 - Gdańsk / Sopot - ERGOARENAGdańsk/Sopot18 października 2016 - Kraków - ICE Kraków Congress Centre20 października 2016 - Katowice - MiędzynarodoweCentrumKongresowe25 października 2016 - warszawa - PGE Narodowy27 października 2016 - Rzeszów - Uniwersytet Rzeszowski16 listopada 2016 - Wrocław - Hala Stulecia22 listopada 2016 - Poznań - Międzynarodowe TargiPoznańskie,Pawilon 1Absolvent Talent Days to świetna okazja do wymianydoświadczeńmiędzy studentami i absolwentami oraz pracodawcami.Wydarzeniepozwala młodym ludziom zorientować się w realiach rynkupracy, jegowymaganiach i możliwościach. W ciągu poprzednich edycjiAbsolventTalent Days blisko 8000 uczestników zdobyło zatrudnienie!Następnymożesz być Ty!Jeśli znalazłeś błąd w aplikacji lub masz pomysł jak jąulepszyćnapisz na: [email protected] Talent Daysisthe largest fair in Poland and working practices. In autumn2016years they held in eight major cities. Download the mobileapp,which will be your handy guide during the event.In the application you will find:· Jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships largest employers,· Agenda Absolvent Talent Days in each city,· Descriptions of instances and the possibility to subscribefortraining,· The ability to save the selected workshops,· Presentation of speakers who will share theirprofessionalexperiences,· Practical information related to the location and reach ofthevenue.During Absolvent Talent Days, you can:· Listen to inspiring lectures star special business leaders andHRexperts,· Take part in practical training, so that know the realities ofthelabor market,· Consult your resume,· Make a professional image to your CV,· Held a trial interview with experienced recruiters,· Talk with representatives of companies that interest you,· Get ​​a job offer.The application is free. To participate in Absolvent TalentDays,download a free ticket for www.talentdays.plTradeshow Schedule:October 11, 2016 - Łódź - EXPO LodzOctober 13, 2016 - Gdańsk / Sopot - ERGO ARENA Gdańsk / SopotOctober 18, 2016 - Kraków - ICE Krakow Congress CentreOctober 20, 2016 - Katowice - International Congress CentreOctober 25, 2016 - Warsaw - PGE NationalOctober 27, 2016 - Rzeszów - Rzeszów UniversityNovember 16, 2016 - Wroclaw - Centennial HallNovember 22, 2016 - Poznan - Poznan International Fair,Pavilion1Absolvent Talent Days is a great opportunity toexchangeexperiences between students and graduates and employers.The eventallows young people to get an idea of ​​the realities ofthe labormarket, its requirements and capabilities. In the previouseditionof the Talent Days Absolvent nearly 8,000 participantsgainedemployment! The next could be you!If you found a bug in the application or you have an idea howtoimprove it, write to: [email protected]
Learn Japanese N2(Quiz) 2.9
Viet Talent
Learn Japanese N2 (Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz) app istheeasiestway to prepare the JLPT N2 Test . ◇) Characteristic _Hasonlinedictionary, you can touch any word to find meaning. _Include993Grammar questions and 915 Vocabulary questions _Compatiblewithall devices, special with tablet can use landscapeorportraitorientation _ Easy to use and learn, has threeModes:Examination,Practice, Collection (all Quiz type). +)ExaminationMode : fromthe total of the questions take out 10,20 or25(userselection)questions to test. After testing is complete,right andwrongresults for all questions, and displays the user'schoice andtheanswers to each question. +) Practice Mode: Allquestionsaredisplayed in numerical order, the user can choose anyquestiontotest. The question that has been tested will benoted.+)Collection Mode: collection of favourite questions.