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OBS De Heksenketel 1.04
Obs de Heksenketel is een basisschoolvoorervarings gericht onderwijs behorend bij PlateauOpenbaarOnderwijs.De ligging van o.b.s. de Heksenketel is centraal in dewijk"Marsdijk" aan de rand van het Anne Frankpark in Assen. Er iseenomheind plein met speelattributen. Het nieuw ingerichteAnneFrankpark biedt de school allerlei sport- en spelmogelijkheden.Kortom: een mooie en doelmatige accommodatie.De school is een openbare school. De school staat open voorallekinderen ongeacht hun sociale, politieke en religieuzeachtergrond.Openbaar onderwijs is ontmoetingsonderwijs. De schoolschenktbewust aandacht aan verschillen tussen kinderen. Kinderenleren vanjongs af aan respect te hebben voor verschillendegewoontes,opvattingen en overtuigingen. Samen leren, samen werken,samenleven is het motto voor alle scholen van Plateau.In deze app vind u alle informatie over ons die unodigheeft.Obs the Cauldron isaprimary school for experience-based learning associatedwithPlateau Public Education.The location of o.b.s. Witch Cauldron is central to thedistrict"Marsdijk" on the edge of the Anne Frank Park in Assen.There is anenclosed square with toys. The newly appointed AnneFrank Park, theschool offers a variety of sports and gamesfacilities. In short, abeautiful and effective accommodation.The school is a public school. The school is open to allchildrenregardless of their social, political and religiousbackground.Public education is education meeting. The school paysconsciousattention to differences between children. Children learnfrom anearly age to have different habits, attitudes and beliefsrespect.Learning together, working together, living together isthe mottofor all schools in Plateau.In this app you will find all the information about us thatyouneed.
BAÜ OBS Balıkesir Universitesi 3.0
Balıkesir Üniversitesi - Öğrenci BilgiSistemiuygulaması******YEMEK LİSTESİ UYARISI*********Birçok mobil cihazda, internete bağlı iken yemek listesini 1kezgörüntülediğinizde, daha sonra internete bağlı olmadan da hızlıbirşekilde yemek listesine ulaşabilirsiniz.Ancak her haftayenilenengüncel yemek listesine ulaşmak içintelefonunuzunAyarlar>Uygulamalar>BAULIFE kısmına girip'Verileri Temizle'butonuna basmalısınız.BAU öğrencilerinin sınav sonuçlarına,dersprogramlarına,akademiktakvimlerine,günlük yemek listelerine,otobuskalkış saatlerine veBAU mail sistemine kolayca ulaşabilmeleri içinhazırlanmış biruygulamadır.****Diğer BAU OBS uygulamalarından farkı şudur;diğer uygulamalarOBSsistemini aynen karşınıza getiriyor ve bu durumda telefondansistemegirmeye çalışan öğrenciler sorun yaşayabiliyor.Kendikazandığımızdeneyimlerde gördüğümüz üzere Sony,Samsung ve diğerbirçok marka vetelefon modelinde OBS menusundeki Raporlar>SınavSonuçlarıkısmına ulaşmak imkansız.OBS sistemimiz mobil platformauyumsuz birweb sitesi oldugu için sınav sonuçları yerine sayfasureklianasayfaya yönlendiriliyor.Bu sorunuygulamamızdayaşanmamaktadır.Balikesir University-Student Information System applicationWARNING ****** FOOD LIST *********Many mobile device connected to the internet whilst dininglistfirst time you view, and then connected to the internetwithoutquickly eat list ulaşabilirsiniz.ancak refreshed everyweek-to-datemenu to access your phone's Settings>Applications> BAULIFportion enter the 'Clear Data' button mustbe pressed.BAU students' test scores, course schedules, academiccalendar,daily food lists, bus departure times and the UAE to themailsystem is an application designed for easy access.**** Other UAE OBS practices with the difference that theotherapplications OBS system exactly opposite brings you and inthiscase the phone system to enter the students working on theproblemyaşayabiliyor.k was our experience we have seen in theSony,Samsung and many other brands and models of phone in the OBSmenuReports> Exam Results imkansız.obs part of our system toreachthe mobile platform that is incompatible with a websitehomepagefor the exam results page instead of constantlyyönlendiriliyor.bproblem does not happen in our application.
OBS Pluspunt 2.6.7
School Talk is the smart app for all primary schools intheNetherlands!
OBS Het Sterrenschip 1.05
OBS Het Sterrenschip is eenopenbarebasisschool in de wijk Kloosterveen in Assen.Samen met 12 andere openbare scholen maken wij onderdeel uitvanPlateau openbaar onderwijs Assen.Download deze app en u vindt alle informatie overHetSterrenschip!OBS The Starship isapublic elementary school in the district KloosterveeninAssen.Together with 12 other public schools, we are part of Plateaupubliceducation Assen.Download this app and you will find all the information aboutTheSpaceship!