Top 18 Apps Similar to VBE GHOST COM-0216

8 Audio BanksAuto randomizationK2 Mute Button ( Added in Update )Manual scan rateChop rate for manual controlsK2 (45° - 0° angle )Volume controlPlay / stopFacebook and YouTube linking.Helpful usage hints, tips and tricks.Thank you for choosing VBE INC.
NEW Ghost Hunting TechnologyTurns your Android device into a working "Spirit Box"NO false positives.Guaranteed to be free of ANY phonetic sounds and free of allradiointerference.NOT A NOVELTY ITEM, This APP is designed by ghost hunters forghosthunters!NEW Ghost hunting Technology!Turns your Android device into a working “Spirit Box”.*TOP 20 IN GOOGLE LIFESTYLE APPS!*USED AND TRUSTED BY BILL MURPHY OF TV'S FACT OR FAKED.BARRYFITZGERALD & ROBB DEMAREST FROM GHOSTHUNTERSINTERNATIONAL.**NEW VERSION CLASSIC FREE**I am so happy to announce the release of the Sv-1 SpiritVoxGhostBox for Android Version 2.1! (SEE "WHAT'S NEW") NEW AUDIOENGINESRECORDING FUNCTION AND FILE BROWSER!This is the update since the app launch 3 months ago. I wasworkingon a new way to produce the random noise and create a wholenewaudio engine for SpiritVox 2.0. However, unable to decide whichtouse in the new version I decided to include BOTH audiogenerators!There are 2 channels of random noise. Channel 1 is theORIGINALSV-1 SpiritVox sound proven to work by Ghost Hunters aroundtheworld & Channel B, the NEW SpiritVox Random carrier signal.TheNEW "Noise Blend" feature allows you to blend the 2 signals anywayyou wish for more ways to experiment.Also fixed: App now runs in the background allowing you to recordonthe same device. (User requested) Added social bookmarks andbloglink / Exit on menu press.I am now recommending leaving wifi on and using headphones duetothe overwhelming amount of reports of this being effectivebySpiritVox users.I hope you enjoy this new version of the SV-1. I cannot wait tohearwhat you catch!*******This Ghost hunting / Paranormal investigation app uses yourdevicesinternal audio playback algorithms to generate 2 sets ofrandomcarrier sounds that changes every 8th of a second. The 2channelsof random sounds can be blended as you wish. Channel A istheoriginal SV-1 sound and channel B is the NEW audio enginesound.Created with hundreds of random sounds from static tospeech.Trusted and used by thousands of Paranormal researchers aroundtheworld from professional to amateur. Thousand of resultsreportedworldwide. SpiritVox has been used in the worlds mosthauntedlocations by some of the most famous and well respectedghosthunters in the US, Canada, Norway and the UnitedKingdom.NO false positives. Guaranteed to be free of ANY phonetic soundsandfree of all radio interference.Hardware "Spirit boxes" can cost hundreds of dollars andaredifficult to build yourself. They are also open toradiointerference and random phonetic sounds. The SV-1 SpiritVoxiscapable of producing results you can be confident in for aFRACTIONof a hardware device! This is one tool your research groupcannotafford to go without!NOT A NOVELTY ITEM, This APP is designed by ghost hunters forghosthunters!SpiritVox onYouTube: 2.0 AudioDemo NOTE: users are reporting results with wifi and dataetcenabled. Some report that voices and sounds are clearer orlouderthis way. Feel free to experiment and try for yourself. Itdoesseem possible to me that the wireless signal could aid inthisphenomenon. ###*For best results turn your devices volume to 10, place on ahardsurface with your device speaker facing down and prop thedevice up1/2 to 1 inch above the surface. External speakers arerecommendedif you are using a phone without a loud speaker. Tabletspeakershave been found to work very well and seem to be loudenough ontheir own.PLEASE NOTE: Results may vary! Please don't rate low if youdon'thear a ghost, neither me or anyone else can guarantee thiswillhappen!Questions? Got results you would like to share?VISITBIGBEARDLIVEPARANORMAL.COMfollow on Twitter: @spiritvoxapp TO REACH ME DIRECTLYANYTIME!
MurMur Box 1.1
MurMur Box uses banks of reversedmurmuredvoices.For best results use external speaker & record sessiononexternal recording device..V5 Pentagram orientation Symbol removed.Proximity alarm disabled.Sweep rate now from 50 to 1050Ms.This app is part of the Project Unity Build.
Ghost Host Events Ghost box F 2.0
Please visit: Added X2 Sensitivity to application andDisturbanceScanner Radar.This collaboration took place between VanBrakle EntertainmentandGhost Host Events Uk.We both created the basic concept and are now sharing it withtheworld.This Ghost box, works off the Geo Sensors in your device.Youhave multiple ways of using this device and it has autocalibrationto boot.UPDATE: Disturbance Scanner Radar:This works with Super Sensitivity Mode.The radar will scan randomly looking for the mostdisturbance.This gives you an idea of where the spirit energy maybelocated.Option 01: Sensor Alarm ( No Audio )1) Place on a Flat surface.2) Start the application. ( Do not move the device )3) Simple slide the shutter down, once the application hasbootedup.Q: What am I looking for?A: You are looking for the straight green line to fluctuate.Q: How can I use this to communicate?A: Simply ask yes or no questions. Make sure to let the spiritknow,how many time to effect the sensor for Yes, no and maybe.Option 02: White Noise ( No Sensor visual )Constantcontamination audio1) Start the application2) Hold the device and press play ( If moving. Move slowly! Trytokeep you hand very still)3) Ask you questions. ( Audio is in reverse and will beaudible,once a sensor is effected!)Q: I hear speech, but it is in reverse.A: Exactly. The point here is to listen for forward Speech.Theaudio in this application is in Reverse. So, if you hearforwardspeech. That would be impossible or a spirit.Q: Why does it cut in and out?A: The Reverse speech audio, only comes on when the sensoriseffected. Thus, try not to make sudden movements or placethedevice on a flat surface.Option 03: White Noise and Sensor Visual1) Do exactly as option 02. Only slide down the shutter buttontoreveal the Visual data.Option 04: Perfection Communication and Recommended use. (Movingwhile trying to retrieve sensitive data, is never a goodidea. Thus,this is the recommended use for this and any of mydevices.)1) Place the device on a Flat and level surface.2) Start the application and wait for it to load completely.3) Slide down the Shutter button.4) Press Play Button( You will hear white noise. The visual Data, will be aflatHorizontal line. If you see this. You have done everythingcorrectso far. )5) Ask your spirit to communicate by touching your device orbyspeaking loud, slowly and clear.6) Wait at least 10 seconds, between questions.Q; What am I listening or looking for?A: You are waiting for the device to display a visualdisturbanceand/or Reversed audio.Q: What does that mean?A: It means, something is effecting the GEO Sensor in yourphone.Something being a Spirit or vibration of some sort.Q: I can not understand the words.A: At first, the chances of that happening are slim to none.Reasonbeing. Spirits are human beings, without a body. They have tolearnhow to use new things, just as you and I, do. It takes timeforthem to manipulate it properly. Once a spirit gets itdowncorrectly. You will hear Clean and clear responses inforwardspeech. There is no other way for Forward Speech to comethrough adevice playing forward speech in reverse.Please, only download my apps if you understand a Ghost isahuman being who past away and not a circus animal, there foryouramusement. There is plenty of apps out there, that will speakallsorts of sweet nothings to you, every time you start it up. Minedonot! Be respectful to the dead. You can learn a ton ofveryinteresting things from them. Still to this day, I am learningfromthem.Thank you for downloading, and be safe. = )
The Portal 1.6
The Portal app Experimental ITC Tool. Please read appopeningmessage carefully.
AD-V-8ch Spirit box BETA 1.3
AD-V-8ch Randomized True Spirit box,Utilizes 2000+ 800ms clips of audio.New expansion packs will be out soon!Now easier to use with on/off switch added for quickerstoppingof the sessionThe mute button temporary silences the App whilst you hold downthebutton "Push to talk" featureThis is handy if recording the session and want toeliminateexcessive noise in order to be picked up on therecorderor video recording.Simply press on button once app initializes then once screenisred slide the channel sliders to the left to activate thatchannel,You can activate as many as you like, You can adjust thechannelrate of speed by adjusting the slider left or right, Fullleft willmute that channel. You can also have them all playingrandom byusing the randomizer slider which auto selects allchannelspeeds
Divination Box 1.0
Divination Box experimental ITC toolusesbanksof reversed whispers & speech with sweep rate of50Msto1000Ms.Arrow works on device orientation, if device is placed onaflatsurface to see if this can be manipulated.App is for android phones & some tablet usersmayexperiencealignment issues.This app is part of Project Unity.
Matrix ITC Spirit Box 1.3
Matrix spirit box sweeps live IP stations with option to sweep4reversed speech banks at the same time. Features Sweep rate 500Msto 3000 Ms on audio banks. Random volume sweep across the 4audiobanks at set sweep rate. 4 channel audio bank thumb slidersformanual setup. 5 random IP station sweep from a list ofshoutcaststations. Internet connection required to use IP sweepfeature.Record your sessions using an external device for bestresults& review your recordings for intelligent replies toquestionsasked. Android devices running KitKat & above maysuffer slowerIP connection issues. If device screen timeout is lessthan 60seconds change this setting before running the app as it cancauseIP connection issues. App developed on from base code suppliedfromUnity Project by Appydroid.
This app is a collaboration effort Between Myself andGhostsINC.Simple Voice Box, with Ghosts INC. audio.
The Spirit Light 1.2
End the flashlight experiment paranormal controversy forever w/theSpirit Light
Video: "Get out."Ghost Box is a more traditional approach to ghost huntingthanthe Spirit Box 2.0, The Ghost Box is a white noise/phoneticvoicegenerator that is not triggered by EMF readings, radarscanners,touches or taps on your screen.In theory, the Ghost Box has approximately a 10% chance ofmakinga noise that is not static. Sounds are played in rapidsuccession,working to emulate the scanning of radio frequencies inatraditional ghost box. However, in practice it may producewords,phrases or even full sentences. Experiment with your WiFiinternet,Bluetooth and GPS settings to find what works best withyour phoneand surroundings.Ghost Box Features:Master Power Control (On, Off)Customizable Skins (Classic, Copper, Carbon Fiber,BlackWhite)Adjustable Sensitivity (High, Medium, Low)Custom Backlight Modes (Normal, Night, Day, Off)A warning to those who choose to open Pandora's (ghost)box...TheGhost Box has the capability to produce many, many words.As such,it is intended for mature paranormal investigators only.No gradeschool ghost hunters. Some of those words may be badwords. Some ofthem may frighten or disturb you. Not for use byanyone under theage of 18. Keep away from children.As with any spirit box/ghost box/frank's box...due totheexperimental and random nature of this application, I cannotofferany guarantees to the frequency or accuracy of any vocalsoundsthis app may produce, but if there are any spirits nearby,they'llfind some way to let you know :)All promotional recordings for this software were recordedusingmy EVP Recorder app, Audacity, Vox Recorder for Windows orProTracks. The only signal processing I do is the OCCASIONALnoisereduction or compression.#12 in Top New Paid Tools Apps! (3/12/2013)#173 in ALL TOP NEW PAID APPS! (3/12/2013)#170 in Top Grossing Tools Apps! (3/17/2013)If you have any questions, comments, criticisms orconcerns,email me at [email protected] phone is always with me, and I'll get in touch with youassoon as possible. Developers cannot respond to reviews or inappreports. Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24 hoursaday to serve all your supernatural needs.
DESCRIPTION:This bad boy is packed with everything that has workedwithmyprevious Audio Boxes.Everything is put into one device.Audio can be turned on and off by Bank.Rate goes between 0 and 100. ( 8-15 my favorite )RED ILLUMINATION for Hunting in the dark with NIGHT VISIONorFULLSPECTRUM.Full Volume Control on screen.Added Touch Menu to top. Simply tap the menu, it opens. Tapbeloworon info to close.Trigger objects in menu. Two Music boxesfor Investigating Child spirits.Plus a Little Medley I made, to attract other spirits.FEATURES:Cut Rate ControlNEW USER CONTROLLED ECHO ( Simply tap the play more thenoncetocreate your effect )RED Light display for Video in FieldVolume Control ( Tap, push or Hold to adjust feature )POWER OFFRESET ALLTRIGGER OBJECT MENUTRIGGER OBJECTS MENU - Create your own echo. ( Tap theplaymultipletimes )SOUND BANKS:Male Reverse AudioFemale Reverse AudioNEW V4AUDIORS 12-589 OLD SCHOOL HUNTING AUDIOWhite Noise ( REPLACED WITH THE ALREADY FAMOUS - V3Audio )Trigger Object MENU Sounds:Music Box 01Music box 02RICKYZJAM by: Ricky VanBrakleNEW VERSION VIDEO PREVIEW:COMING SOONOLD VERSION VIDEO PREVIEW:Kevin HimesWhy do I use Video Previews from fellowinvestigators?Because,it's an honest opinion. Not mine! = )
VBE HS 12-589 Free Edition 1.2
Latest FREE Release...VBE HS 12-589 FREE EDITIONThis bad boy, has 6 Looped Audio Files, Created by me andmyHackshack 12-589.There is one Forward, typical easy everyday Scan.4 Reverse Scans with multiple effects eachPlus, the already proven but revisited V3Audio.There is a new Function called AUTO SELECT.This bad boy goes through all the banks at a rate of 10/100persecond.Cut Out Rate, still functions like all my old apps, with anewawesome function of effecting the AUTO SELECT, function.Cut out Rate, now has Touch or select, to increase ordecreasethe Rate.Volume is now an Easy Slider.Selected Audio Files, light up on the main page and staylit.This makes it easy to deselect.In the upper Right Hand Corner, is your FLASHLIGHT control.You can use The Cut Out Rate and the Flashlight as one.Meaning, turn on the Flashlight, Select your audio file.ThenAdjust the Rate. Your Light on your phone will flash with theCutOut Rate.Nice trigger for any spirit.THIS IS THE FREE VERSION.The Paid app will have much more.Thank you, for your support. = )USER VIDEOS:
VBE G-INC Ghost Box Ultra 3
From the Minds of the community here atVanBrakleEntertainment,comes the Second installment of VBE GHOSTBOX. Thisone usesreverse audio, provided by Wes King and WayneFernandez atGhostsinc. Idea by: BrianHollowayat: one or play allbanks.Cut out rate between 0 - 20. Any wordsyou hear forward, Yup,Spiritvoices. Version 2.1.2 is availablenow. I added a MuteButton,thanks to user input by: Kevin Himes.Check out his Youtubechannelat: enjoy!!!
Pandora's Box GHOST SPIRIT BOX 1.00
No "random noise ripoff" here! Checkout excerpt from my latest Pandora's Box session.Professionalquality spirit box application...Any and all voicescaptured withthis software are GUARANTEED to not come from the appitself. ItDOES NOT have the ability to trick you with random noisesandCANNOT pick up signals from radio interference, the internet oranyother means of vocal production.Pandora's box is pure sonic energy, expertly timed, tunedandprogrammed. There is no speech synthesis or samples ofanythingother than radio interference free static noise, but youwill getresponses. The perfect ghost box application for theseriousparanormal researcher who expects more than randomnoises.Pandora's box is THE ONLY application software capableofproducing the sonic energy required to hear and record ClassC,Class B and Class A EVP messages AND CONVERSATIONSconsistentlythrough traditional recording and/or direct digitalrecording. Nophonetics, no voice samples and no BS. The voices youwill hear ARENOT prerecorded and these voices are REAL andRELEVANT. Pandora'sBox has captured spirits telling me where theyare, "I'M ON YOURBED" who I am, "IS IT JAMES? IT IS JAMES!" and hasevenacknowledged members of my family while they're in the room"HEYTHERE, L****."#14 in Top New Paid Tools Apps! (3/5/2013)#51 in Top Grossing Tools Apps! (3/5/2013)#188 in ALL TOP NEW PAID APPS! (3/5/2013)THANK YOU!!!Spirit detection and communication in just a few quick tapsonyour touch screen, with ZERO vocal samples, NO radar scannerandZERO paid customer reviews. The best and most advanced spiritvoicecapture software on the market.Pandora's Box is not triggered by EMF readings, radarscanners,touches or taps on your screen. Experiment with your WiFiinternet,Bluetooth and GPS settings to find what works best withyour phoneand surroundings.A warning to those who choose to open Pandora's (ghost)Box...ithas the ability to allow spirits to communicate. As such,it isintended for mature paranormal investigators only. No gradeschoolghost hunters. Some of those words may be bad words. Some ofthemmay frighten or disturb you. Not for use by anyone under theage of18. Keep away from children.I DO NOT recommend using this application by yourself if youareeasily frightened. Something about it attracts energies, andit'sas if they're surrounding you almost instantly. Using ear budsorheadphones, it has a similar effect to the KorenHelmet/GodHelmet/Shakti. With an external speaker, it is amazingfor call andresponse ghost box sessions. I do recommend puttingyour device inSilent mode when working with this app.Some of the best EVPs that I have captured with this apphavecame from external recording AND direct digitalsimultaneously.Different methods can capture different voicesduring a singlerecording.I've had several customers ask me for my favoritesetup...Androidheadphone jack,1/8" (3.5mm) cable,laptop micinput,AudacityAs with any spirit box/ghost box/ frank's box...due totheexperimental and random nature of ITC research, I cannot offeranyguarantees to the frequency or accuracy of any voices this appmayproduce, but if there are any spirits nearby, they'll find somewayto let you know :)All promotional recordings for this software were recordedusingmy EVP Recorder app, Audacity, Vox Recorder for Windows orProTracks. The only signal processing I do is the OCCASIONALnoisereduction or compression. No signal processing is required tohearEVP voices, however.If you have any questions, comments, criticisms orconcerns,email me at [email protected] phone is always with me, and I'll get in touch with youassoon as possible. Developers cannot respond to reviews or inappreports. Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24 hoursaday to serve all your supernatural needs.
Spirit Box 2.0 EMF EVP GHOST 1.08
The Spirit Box 2.0 is the ultimate paranormal research tool.
This Digital Version of an OUIJABoard,usesyour Device's Geo Sensors, to manipulate thePlanchetteEYE.Built into this app is a White Noise, Video BackgroundthatisEffected by the Geo Sensors. Also, there is aLooped Reversed Audio Track, that Activates by the Sensors.Included in app:Digital Ouija BoardWhite Noise ITCLooped Reversed Audio Ghost BoxCalibration ControlsPlanchette Auto Calibration Reset ButtonHelp files and Links to Help at our Group and VideosFeel free to join ourgroupat andThank you for your support.
Ghost Host Events Ghost Box P 3.0
VBE - Ghost Host Events Uk Ghost Box,FreeEdition = CollaborationWorking with Medium Ed Booker from Ghost Host Events Uk.Wecreated this Ghost Box, for free. This version uses the GeoSensorsto activate the reverse audio. All the while, White noiseisplaying softly in the background.Pleasevisit: collaboration took place between VanBrakle EntertainmentandGhost Host Events Uk.We both created the basic concept and are now sharing it withtheworld.This Ghost box, works off the Geo Sensors in your device. Youhavemultiple ways of using this device and it has auto calibrationtoboot.UPDATE: Idea provided by user H Gray.He asked for the app to run in the background. Use the PowerButtonto now end the app completely.PRO VERSION:Calibration Control Menu:Left Center:+ Add seconds in between Calibrations- Lower amount of time between CalibrationsRight:This is your Sensitivity Control.Simply slide your finger to the desired Sensitivity.Default is 0.010 TOP ( Recommended down to 0.005 )0.00090 Is extremely SensitiveSKIN COLOR MENU:Red, Green and Default Grey selections.RADAR BUTTON:SImple on / offOption 01: Sensor Alarm ( No Audio )1) Place on a Flat surface.2) Start the application. ( Do not move the device )3) Simple slide the shutter down, once the application hasbootedup.Q: What am I looking for?A: You are looking for the straight green line to fluctuate.Q: How can I use this to communicate?A: Simply ask yes or no questions. Make sure to let the spiritknow,how many time to effect the sensor for Yes, no and maybe.Option 02: White Noise ( No Sensor visual )Constantcontamination audio1) Start the application2) Hold the device and press play ( If moving. Move slowly! Trytokeep you hand very still)3) Ask you questions. ( Audio is in reverse and will beaudible,once a sensor is effected!)Q: I hear speech, but it is in reverse.A: Exactly. The point here is to listen for forward Speech.Theaudio in this application is in Reverse. So, if you hearforwardspeech. That would be impossible or a spirit.Q: Why does it cut in and out?A: The Reverse speech audio, only comes on when the sensoriseffected. Thus, try not to make sudden movements or placethedevice on a flat surface.Option 03: White Noise and Sensor Visual1) Do exactly as option 02. Only slide down the shutter buttontoreveal the Visual data.Option 04: Perfection Communication and Recommended use. (Movingwhile trying to retrieve sensitive data, is never a goodidea. Thus,this is the recommended use for this and any of mydevices.)1) Place the device on a Flat and level surface.2) Start the application and wait for it to load completely.3) Slide down the Shutter button.4) Press Play Button( You will hear white noise. The visual Data, will be aflatHorizontal line. If you see this. You have done everythingcorrectso far. )5) Ask your spirit to communicate by touching your device orbyspeaking loud, slowly and clear.6) Wait at least 10 seconds, between questions.Q; What am I listening or looking for?A: You are waiting for the device to display a visualdisturbanceand/or Reversed audio.Q: What does that mean?A: It means, something is effecting the GEO Sensor in yourphone.Something being a Spirit or vibration of some sort.Q: I can not understand the words.A: At first, the chances of that happening are slim to none.Reasonbeing. Spirits are human beings, without a body. They have tolearnhow to use new things, just as you and I, do. It takes timeforthem to manipulate it properly. Once a spirit gets itdowncorrectly. You will hear Clean and clear responses inforwardspeech. There is no other way for Forward Speech to comethrough adevice playing forward speech in reverse.Thank you, for your support. = )