Top 9 Games Similar to Magical Drink Shop

Magical Drink Shop 2 1.0.4
Drinks are processed liquid, fordrinking,divided into soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.Common classificationAccording to packaging (canned drinks, bottled drinks, aluminumfoildrinks)Whether it contains alcohol (alcohol, no alcohol)According to the temperature (cold drinks, hot drinks)sugar(sugar-free drinks)This is a surprising infinite joy of the application, everyonelikesto drink, do not download this game to drink, veryinterestingstrategy simulation game Oh!The types of beverages are also divided intoWine: wine, beer, brandy, whiskey, vodka.Tea: wheat tea, white tea, green tea, yellow tea, green tea(oolongtea), black tea, black tea, milk tea.Juice: orange juice, apple juice, lemon juice, grape juice,mangojuice, pineapple juice.Carbonated drinks: soft drinks, cola, SARSDrinking water: mineral water, pure waterCoffee: latte coffee, American coffee, mocha coffee, smallfruitcoffee, medium fruit coffee, large fruit coffee,high-yieldingcoffeeOther: milk, soy milk, honey water, sports drinks,cocoa(chocolate), white cocoa, vanilla cocoa, lactic acid drinks,and soon.Wait for you to drink Oh!Game description:* Keep shaking the middle of the drink.* When you shake to a certain number of times, will bepleasantlysurprised* Collect all the drinks to quench your thirst!Enjoy the drink of this drink bar, in the end will getanymysterious surprise it, only to play the people know thatthedelicious and rhythm of the drink, absolutely delicious,absolutelydelicious, absolutely amazing endless, come and drink,the magic ofthe beverage shop Wait for you to download.Increase the new play, you can use the following two buttonstoimprove the speed of drinking drinks, enhance the difficulty,thedifficulty will gradually become faster with the advance ofthelevel, I hope you can drink drink, do not leave regret!Features:* Optimize the game interface picture and style* Add new play and TOUCH button* Fine tune the difficulty to improve the average difficulty* Change the touch effect and increase the playability* Optimize the music, soft and sweet voice* Optimize Android compatibility* Improve the game performance, the overall upgradeThe best drink, so you play! Very refreshing drink, is acasualentertainment simulation game, definitely when you rest, thebesttime to pass the time, you can let the boring afternoon.
Cola Drinks Shop 1.0.6
Summer is the drink cola, ice cooltaste,coupled with a unique bubble, a drink down, the body throughthewhole body up and down cool, very tasty drink, drink a big canofevery day, the bubble in the mouth and esophagus in the feeling,It is the enjoyment of special products.Shake the phone in the cola, so that bubbles hold out, must bekeptat any time to shake to the point where crazy, may take alongtime, because he is the game to pass the time, but alsocontainsspecial surprises exist, you Will like him, shake Coke willmakeyou addictive, be careful not to play phone too long yo!Childrenand adults are very suitable for playing virtual surprisegame,simple and unique gameplay, favorite Coke and beautifulscreenrendering, comfort great application, you will fall in lovewithhim, and strive to Coke shake to burst Come ~This is a virtual Coke application, feel the sound of bubblesandthe flow of feeling, are included in the drink inside, a childisnot often mischief shaking someone else's Coke he burst, youcantry to play this game to try, and Your friends to play with, toseewho can shake the first Coke, will become the final winner, sothatthe strength of milk to shake it, he may need to shake to theolddays, do not give up, I cheer for you!
Beverage Grocery Store 1.0.7
This is a virtual strategy puzzle simulationofthe magical beverage shop application, how to sell more drinks,needcareful thinking, and tactical layout of the method, as wellas theuse of the hands of the funds to make a good decisionmaking.In the opponent played "100 yuan to sell 90 yuan," thebillboard,the Pharaoh was in their own supermarkets put up thedoor, "100yuan to buy 110 yuan of goods" brand. As a result,Pharaoh'sbusiness was significantly better than the door a lot.What is thereason?The original "100 yuan to buy 110 yuan of goods", on thesurfacewith the "100 yuan to sell 90 yuan" no difference, it seemsthatare playing a 10% discount. actually not. "100 yuan to buy110yuan" discount goods than Jiuzhe less than 10% discount increase1%of the profits.For discount promotions, the general decline in profits occasion,l%net profit increase may already be a very importantnumber.Moreover, the 10% discount for the sale of $ 100 at $ 100will giveconsumers the first intuitive feeling of selling at alower price,while the $ 100 purchase of $ 110 will raise theperceived value ofmoney.In order to attract customers, toy store owner Lee into HongKong'smost popular new toys. But for some reason, to buy toys,childrendo not see, go to another store to buy some commoncommontoys."What is the reason for this?" Lee to the opposite toy storelookedat, come back immediately after the new toys on the shelvesin thelow-level. As a result, the children are rushing to the storetothese toys. It turned out that adults look most eye-catchingplace,often it is the children can not see the dead ends.Differentproducts according to the customer base to choose theright displaylocation, it is more convenient for customers tobuy.Shake the drinks in your cell phone! You can get a specialsurprise,before you buy drinks, be sure to be able to buy morelow-costmoney, Come on!Well run your beverage shop! Be careful not to fly off the phone,itmay be tragic, and try to shake the phone in order to drink onebyone are sold, this is a very interesting surprise game, fruitjuice,Coke, sports drinks all have!
Best-selling Drinks Shop 1.0.7
This is the most hot summer drinksstore,packed with many people, in order to come to a cup of icecold caneliminate the pressure accumulated in daily life, the mostthroughthe cool frozen beverage, the taste is also very rich, howtooperate a good Beverage stores, which are great for learning,areapplications that contain surprises and strategies forvirtualsimulations of beverage stores surprises.Beverage shop refers to the sale of goods or services,retail,wholesale two categories. Shop includes a ground floor,shopupstairs and mall stores, department stores, specialty storesandso on. They may be self-employed or chain operation.Every summer, every day I go to the beverage shop to buy a drink,sothat life can live a more dynamic day, the drink is not justtasty,but also contains more far-reaching significance, he isouressential life drinks, , Life can become colorful, andeveryoneloves to drink fruit juice, soft drinks, Coke, Sprite, andsodrink, and quickly for the guests to make a drink they want it!Forthe masses!Summer drinks features:* Simple mode of operation and pages* Make a unique drink for each guest* Exciting time management adventures* Interesting and exciting beach drinks selling game* More customers can earn more money* It also contains a unique surprise and games* Play the best game to kill timeLet's make a new drink! Everyone loves to play the drinkgame,offering drinks for the people drink.
Бои Элементов: Драконы и Герои 1.0.0
Бои элементов : драконы и герои–станьвластителем могущественных элементов природы.В существование магических элементов природы людиверилииздавна.Античные философы считали, что естьпервоначальныематериальныевещества, из которых состоит окружающиймир. Онивыделили четыреэлемента: это огонь, земля, вода и воздух.Огоньзаставил мракотступить, а земля, вода и воздух, заполнивсобойпустоту, зародилижизнь.Люди верили, что могущественные элементы могут слегкостьюуничтожитьвсе живое, поэтому поклонялись им, подносядары.Каждый элемент связан с целым сонмом духов. Управлятьимимогуттолько те из людей, кто одарен особой силой – маги, герои,онижевластители духов.Бои элементов активно используются в современных играхразногожанра:настольных, мморпг , ммо битвы , рпг ,пошаговыестратегии.Бои элементов : драконы и герои – это новая бесплатная игракликерсэлементами clash mmo rpg, бои и битвы каких вы ещеневидели,эпические сражения, испытать свои силы вкоторойможнобесплатно.Бои и задания:Битвы и сражения происходит не автоматически, аподполнымруководством пользователя. На руках у него 9 элементов.Ониделятсяна несколько категорий: необычные, редкие,эпические,легендарные имифические. На экране видны только по триэлемента уигрока и егопротивника. Выбирать нужно элемент не толькоболеевысокого уровня,чем у врага, но и учитывать его принадлежностькопределеннойстихии. Здесь действуют следующие правила: водаможетпогаситьогонь, огонь в силах сжечь воздух, воздух без трудасдуваетземлю,а она, в свою очередь, засыпает воду. Элементы разноговидананосятболее ощутимый урон друг другу.Одна из приятных особенностей онлайн игры – герой самвыбираетсвоегопротивника и вызывает на бой. Если уровень оппонентавыше,можнонажать кнопку «Искать еще» и продолжить поискиподходящего поуровнюгероя на бой.Кампания и стратегия:Это основная сюжетная часть онлайн игры Бои Элементов :драконыигерои. Пройдя испытания и задания, герой ведет бой сзомбиибоссом. Победа героя в битве приносит в качествебонусаэлементаль.Сражения с боссами можно вести каждые двачаса.Виды элементов и коллекции:Перечислить всех персонажей элементов невозможно, ихслишкоммного.Есть среди них древние и редкие драконы,морскиемонстры,поражающие своими размерами, зомби, лесныечудовища,герои,фантомы, маги, орки и многие другие мифическиесоздания.Бой кланов:Герои онлайн, достигшие 10 уровня, могутприсоединитьсякпонравившейся гильдии и участвовать в еженедельныхвойнах ивестисражения против орков и зомби. Клан даетвозможностьполучатьприятные бонусы и опыт.Бои Элементов : драконы и герои – захватывающая ммоигракликер.Ее по достоинству оценят как поклонникикачественныхлогических игри стратегий, так и любители мморпг битвыи рпгсражения.Fightselements:dragonsand heroes - become the ruler of the powerfulelements ofnature.The existence of the magical elements of nature, peoplebelievedalong time. Ancient philosophers believed that there istheoriginalmaterial substance of which the world around us.Theyidentified fourelements are fire, earth, water and air. Thefireforced the darknessback down, and the earth, water andair,filling the void engenderedlife.People believed that the powerful elements can easilydestroyallliving things, so worship them, bringing gifts.Each element is associated with a whole host of spirits.Canmanageonly those people who are gifted with a special power-magicians,heroes, they are the masters of spirits.Fights elements are widely used in modern games ofdifferentgenres:desktop, MMORPG, MMO Battle RPG, turn-basedstrategy.Fights elements: dragons and heroes - a new free gameclickerwithelements clash mmo rpg, fights and the battle which youhavenotseen, epic battles, to test their strength in which isfree.Fights and tasks:Battle and battle is not automatic, but under full usermanual.Inthe hands of his 9 elements. They are dividedintoseveralcategories: uncommon, rare, epic, legendary andmythical.Thescreen is only visible on the three elements of theplayer andhisopponent. Select the item you want is not only ahigher levelthanthat of the enemy, but also to take account of itsbelonging toaparticular element. Here, the following applies: thewatercanextinguish the fire, the fire burned to power the air, theairiseasily blown off the ground, and she, in turn, fallsasleepwater.Elements of different types of cause more significantdamagetoeach other.One of the nice features of the online game - the herochooseshisopponent and causes a fight. If the level is higherthanyouropponent, you can click "Search More" and to continuethesearchfor a suitable level of the hero to fight.Campaign and strategy:This is the basic story of the online gamesFightingElemental:dragons and heroes. Passing tests andassignments, thehero fightsa battle with zombies and boss. Thevictory of the heroin thebattle brings a bonus Elemental. Battlewith the bosses canbecarried out every two hours.Types of items and collections:List the elements of all the characters is impossible, therearetoomany. Among them are ancient and rare dragons, seamonsters,amazingfor its size, zombies, monster tree, thecharacters,ghosts,wizards, orcs, and many other mythicalcreatures.Battle clans:Heroes online have reached level 10 can join a guild and youliketotake part in the weekly wars and lead the battle againsttheorcsand the undead. Clan allows you to get a nicebonusandexperience.Fighting the Elements: Dragons and Heroes - addictivemmogameclicker. It will be appreciated by fans of highqualitypuzzlegames and strategy, as well as fans of MMORPG battlesandRPGbattles.
Sugar King 3.0
Unique puzzle game of sugar drop basedonparticle physics and gravity. Draw lines with the help of fingertodirect sugar into cups. Interesting sugar stumbleupon game.Collectall the sugar in cups and enjoy solving sugary sweetlevels.Sugar King exciting game features:• Transform all the sugar into different color of maroon,green,blue and fill all the cups.• Kitchen theme• Particle physics game based on sugar• Tele porters and sugar converter• Thrilling game• Keeps mind very active• Great work of graphicsBecome sugar king of this interesting particle physics game. Thisissugary sweet game of sugar drop for all the intelligentusers.Transform all the sugar into different color of maroon,green, blueand fill all the cups. In sugar king sugar is limited soplanbefore your move in each level. The game play is simpleyetinteresting at the later stages because of different sugarcolortransformation such as maroon, green, blue and more with thehelpof converter.Sugar king is a new game of sugary sweet puzzles with manyaddictiveand interesting levels.The sugar stumble upon each other and are overflowing with thehelpof gravity, give them direction and become sugar king ineachlevel.This is a sugar smash game of sugary sweet maroon, green andbluesugars.Transformation of sugar using converter increases charm in thegame.Direct sugar particles into the cups smartly so that nolineintersects one another and also that all the cups gets filledin.Sugar is limited so count your moves before drawing lines anduseyour brain logic to win all the levels.Sugar king is refreshing game of sugar drop with physics impliedinall the unique levels.Download Sugar king and say no to boring time!Don’t forget to leave your valuable feedback and suggest us howwecan make this game better .
Alcohol Factory 24
Alcohol Factory Tycoon, remember old times and the oldschoolalcohol recipes?
Fresh and Natural good Drinks 1.0.6
Drink is very tasty, is a favorite drinkeveryday things, and fresh and natural pure fruit juice ismoredelicious for our health also help our body needs rich vitaminC,folic acid, potassium and other substances beneficial to thehumanbody, Select the game drinks, constant click, will be able togetnutrition, and absorb a lot of material, and finally will bethefinal surprise, so amazing.Juices are usually able to provide the nutrients the fruit has.Butalso a good source of antioxidants, and can reducecholesterol.Jujube juice can promote digestion, cranberry juice haslong beenconsidered to help prevent or treat bladder infection, andeven itis now known to prevent bacterial infection of the juice ofthebladder. The name "fruit juice" is usually used to drink100percent pure fruit juice.Juice is divided into orange juice, apple juice, lemon juice,grapejuice, mango juice, pineapple juice, people who like to drink,donot imitate to see this simulation of the application, Ibelieveyou will love the drink, Favorite application, choose thedrink youwant to drink, ready to start the game now!Product Features:* The picture is fine, and the feeling is comfortableandpleasant* Drinks are mouth watering and very tasty* Children's favorite drink drink game* Realistic drinks and high purity fruit juices* Play is simple, suitable for all ages* Naughty play, infinite pleasure exists
Ice Drinks 1.0.6
Hot summer, in the big sun, playingbasketballor sports people whom many, and people want is a cup ofcolddrinks, a smooth drink, why not give them what they need? Inthissummer, ice drinks shop is definitely one of your best choice,withyour touch, there will be a magic surprise, waiting for you toplay~At the beach food party, sitting on a bench, drinkingcomfortableand cool and comfortable drinks, it can be said thatlife is agreat satisfaction, watching the ocean ocean, blessing forthisbeautiful world! Beverage coolness is absolutely beyondyourimagination, to meet your needs, this ice game isabsolutelyadults, boys, girls are playing a great surprisegame.Product Features:* Fun drink games* A solution of all the hearts of boredom* Let the body and mind all feel comfortable and cool* Drinks to addictive great drinks* There is also hidden treasures* Digestion of hot summer ice products