Top 14 Games Similar to Guide Teknik Dasar Parkour

Parkour Tutorials 2.1
Nick Provost
Want to learn how to do ParkourandFreerunning? In Parkour Tutorials, you will learn how to dodozensof different tricks that are useful for Parkour, Freerunning,andeven Tricking. The tricks are separated into 4 categories:Vaults,Flips, Flat Ground Tricks, and Wall Tricks.For every tutorial there is a written description of how toperformthe trick along with a video of a parkour athlete explaininghowyou can learn it. At the end of each video, there is a slowmotionclip of the trick so that you can see for yourself how todoit.You have the option to stream the video or to download it.Thismeans if you want to watch it later when you don't have accesstointernet, its no problem at all!Through the updates, we will add on to the categories andaddtutorials to the existing categories!
Parkour and Freerunning 2.0
This is an amazing collection of BestParkourand Freerunning Videos , hand picked and resized for yourphonesand tablets. One of the best Parkour and Freerunning galleryvideoavailable on the market.This sport originally termed Art du Deplacement, now alsooftenreferred to as Parkour or Freerunning, was founded in Francein the1980s by a group of nine young men. The founders are DavidBelle,Yann Hnautra, Chau Belle, Laurent Piemontesi, SebastienFoucan,Guylain N’Guba Boyeke, Charles Perriere, Malik Diouf andWilliamsBelle.You can find a lot of Parkour and Freerunning videos withhighquality (HD)The app has is a very simple application! This app has a veryclearinterface. Easy to navigate and a joy to use.Install this application and you'll be given an access to Thisgreatcollection of HD VideosWe hope you enjoyed our app,DISCLAIMER/LEGAL NOTICE:None of the content in this app was created or modified by us.Weare a curator providing direct access to content publiclyavailableon Youtube. The content of this app is powered by YouTube.This appis just an organized in a way to browse and view theseYouTubeVideos to make it convenient.We are not responsible foranycopyright issues as the app gives access to YouTube videosasis.If you are an author of some photos posted in galleries or videosofthis application and you don’t want those to be there pleasecontactus by email: [email protected]
Parkour Guide 1.3
Parkour is the sport of traversing environmental obstaclesbyrunning, climbing.
Parkour Spot Finder 2.0.2
Dominik Süß
Find the spots for tomorrow - Today
UKH Parkour 1.2.2
Parkour - aber sicher! Ein Präventionsprojekt der UKHfürSportlehrkräfte
Guide Parkour 1.0
Sport is an activity that aims tomovethehealth agency.Although the initial objective was to health, but many alsomakethesport as a hobby.Not infrequently acted relatively extreme hobby.Yardstick of extreme sports is whether or not an injuryinflictedinthe event of an accident.If the injury inflicted can result in disability or even death,itisclassified as extreme sport.PARKOURParkour or read paar kur is the art of moving on themovethroughmany obstacles from one point to another point asquicklyandefficiently as possible.Parkour itself has been used since, but it used to be knownasfreerunning.Parkour was popularized by a French man.Not difficult to find the sport in Indonesia, if you arelocatedinArea Depok, you can find a parkour.
Parkour Run Generator 1.2
This app will allow you to choose thetypeofobstacles at your location, your skill level, and thenumberofmoves you want in your run. It will then automaticallycreatealist of moves based off those parameters that you have toputintoyour line!It's an incredible tool to help grow your creativity, asitwilllikely break you out of your comfort zone and help showyouthetrue potential of every spot :D
Wespot - Parkour & Workout Map
Wespot est la 1ère application pourtrouverdesspots autour de toi et savoir qui prévoit de s'y rendre.100% gratuite et 100% pratique :► GEOLOCALISATION DES SPOTS : Trouve les spotsdeParkour,Freerunning et Street Workout pour aller t'entraîner► SPOTS VÉRIFIÉS : Visualise en un instant touslesspotsofficiels.► SPOT ALERT : Abonne-toi à tes spots favoris poursavoirquiprévoit d'aller s'y entraîner► E-REPUTATION : Propose tes propres spots à la communauté.Situes le premier à proposer ce spot et s'il est utiliséparlacommunauté, nous passerons le spot en "Vérifié" et ilgarderatonnom en tant que créateur du spot.► ORGANISATION DE SESSIONS GROUPEES : Experts,associationsetprofessionnels, bénéficiez d'un profil vérifiéetdefonctionnalités avancées pour organiser vos sessionsgroupées.Pourplus d'info, envoyez-nous envoyez-nous unemailà[email protected] tu sois débutant, intermédiaire ouexpertpassionné,l'application te permet de trouver des athlètesettraceurs motivéspour t'entraîner et progresser gratuitement surlesmeilleurs spotsde Street Workout, Calisthenics, ParkouretFreerunning.Télécharge vite l'appli et motive toi, c'est 100 % gratuit !#SportMotivated #WespotTrainingWespot isthefirstapplication to find spots around you and know who planstoattend.100% free and 100% practical:► GEOLOCALISATION SPOTS: Find spots of Parkour,Freerunningandstreet workout to go train yourself► AUDITED SPOTS: Visualize in an instant alltheofficialspots.► SPOT ALERT: Subscribe now to your favorite spots to seewhoisplanning to go train there► E-REPUTATION: Propose your own spots in the community.Ifyouare the first to offer this spot and if it is usedbythecommunity, we will pass the spot by "Checked" and it willkeepyourname as the creator of the spot.► ORGANIZATION OF SESSIONS GROUPEES: Experts,associationsandprofessionals get a profile checked and advancedfeaturesfororganizing your sessions grouped. For more info, send ussend usanemail to [email protected] you're a beginner, intermediate or expertenthusiast,theapplication allows you to find athletes and plottersmotivatedtotrain you for free and advance to the best spots ofstreetworkout,Calisthenics, Parkour and Freerunning.Download the app quickly and motivates you, it's 100% free!#SportMotivated #WespotTraining
Parkour Freerunning Tutorials 1.15
Easy to follow video tutorials. Learn parkour and freerunningtrickson the ground, trampoline and fitball with "MyFavoriteNinjas", twoyoung and talented athletes. Learn how you can too doamazingtricks. They'll show you their secrets. IncludingFrontflip,Backflip, Side Flip and much more. Slow motion at theend of eachvideo tutorial so you can see each trick in detailedsequences.Tutorials are conveniently arranged by categories. Withsomepractice, you too will master these cool tricks!
Parkour training 1.00
Training parkour is an application designed for learningandimproving the techniques necessary for the development ofthissport urban. You will find tutorials to prepare your body forthischallenging and fun sport. Amazing videos of the practiceofparkour, so that you can learn from them or simply havefunwatching them. The app is intended for all audiences, bothforthose who want to start in the world of parkour and for thosewhowant to refine their exercises. Parkour is a sport in whichpeopleuse their body to navigate from one point to another,avoidingobstacles in your way. Parkour, also known as the artofdisplacement. Parkour, also called free runnnig, also has as agoalthe beauty of the movement. You can also find people with whomtotrain, thanks to the questions and answers section and mountyourown RT(reminder between practitioners)
Parkour Training Workout 1.1.0
Parkour is one of the fastest growing formsofexercise in the world right now. With the aim to get from oneplaceto another with precise movements that have the utmostefficiencywith regards to both time and energy expended, itrequires largephysical demands by the body to perform theseexercisescorrectly.The health benefits of parkour are numerous, with one of themostimportant factors being that it encompasses both yourmentalabilities as well as your physical skills.By practicing parkour with the exercises provided inthisapplication, you will not only gain a great deal ofphysicalbenefits, but you will also learn how to trust your bodyand yourjudgments. This will translate over into the rest of yourlife witha definite increase in self-esteem.With the parkour exercises provided by this app you willincreaseyour resistance, speed and agility, improve yourreflexes,situational awareness and environment comprehension so youwillknow how to react in different situations.Tips and tricks:Start easy and then increase the difficulty for maximum gain.
Parkour 1.1
Apprenez à Parkour de la plus célèbre entraîneur professionnelavecces vidéos
Parkour Strength & Athleticism 8.2.1
Maximize your Parkour potential by improving your athleticismandstrength
Urban Sports - Parkour & Skate 1.0
New in town and want to find bestparkourspots? Have you been skating in the same skate park foryears?Urban Sports App lets you find the best urban sports spotsaroundthe city or add your own!Features:-Browse spots near you easily on map-Add new spots with pictures taken from your phone camera-Filter interesting spots by sportSports currently supportedParkour, Skate, BMX, Outdoor conditioning