Top 22 Games Similar to Scanner Face What you Firamir

My Pet Firamir 1.0
"My Pet Firamir" – a prankapplicationwhichwill allow you to convert popular blogger in yourpet anddress upit in a prank garbs! Your pet-Firamir completelyunderyourcontrol, and you can do with him any pranks you want.Dress uphimto the new T-shirts, shorts, hats, accessories, showyour pettofriends, and do pranks with Firamir together!Features "My pet Firamir":* Image of a popular blogger* Own Firamir* The ability to dress up your pet* Diverse prank clothingInstall the game now and dress up the popular blogger!
Real Radar Firamir 1.0
"Real radar - Firamir" - it is asimulatorofradar tracks Firamir search around you. Want to find outif anyofyour friends those who are keen on his channel? Or youwanttolaugh and do prank in search of Firamir? Then usetheradar!Remember, this is a prank simulator and it does notfindtraces ofFiramir, so the search can only be a prank. Make aprankon yourfriends, substitute those who hate this popular bloggerandact insuch a way that they are actually watching it. Use thesearchradarand have to point to them. That is a prank!Install the radar now and search for traces of Firamiraround!
Face Scanner What Firamir 1.0
"Face scanner - what Firamir" – it isapranksimulator of analysis of faces. Youtube bloggerFiramiraddition tohis popularity, is also funny looks. With thisscanner,you canmake a prank to check any person on the similaritywithFiramir!Point the prank scanner at faces of yourfriends,acquaintances,and even on the faces of pets and see howthey looklike Firamir.Install the scanner, point to the person andmakeprank!Attention, "Face Scanner - What Firamir" gives resultsinrandomorder, and some of the real faces of analysis does nottakeplace.So use the app just as a prank!
Hologram Firamir Prank 2.0
Welcome to the Hologram FiramirPrankandLetsPlay!Do you want to prank a joke on your friends withyourvirtualfriend Firamir?You can call the hologram Firamir this mobile application -aprank!LetsPlay!Most comic Download our app and create a hologram! LetsPlay!Features of Hologram Firamir Prank:- LetsPlay with your friends!- Firamir InDaHouse!- Best hologram simulator!
Firamir Dress Up 1.0
Firamir is a popular blogger onYoutube,whichdue to its pranks and hype made a name for himself. Inthispranksimulator you can put this blogger in different outfits.Dressupit in different hats, shirts and pants, show new prankimagesofFiramir to friends! Set the "Firamir Dress Up" now and findouthowmany outfits you can dress up! Regardless of whether youlikethisvideo blogger or not, you can have fun here. Merrydressupblogger-Firamir and fun prank!Features:* Firamir person* Dress up popular blogger* The ability to make pranks
What Kind of Firamir 1.0
Familiar with the work of Firamir?Therearefriends who are also interested in this youtube channeloftheblogger or hate him? Then you have the opportunity to makeacoupleof pranks! "What kind of Firamir" In front of you is aprankfacescanner. Point the scanner at any face, make a photo andgetaresult - like face Firamir. Play the trick onyourfriends,acquaintances or even domestic pets! Find out who andhowsimilarto Firamir. The scanner will analyze any person - do notbeafraidto experiment!Attention! Scanner Face "What Kind of Firamira" is actuallyaprankand does not perform the actual analysis. Use the app asaprank!Scanner gives a faces at random, so use the app asaprank!
Search Firamir Radar 1.0
Interested in Firamir? Do you want tosearchfortraces of his stay? Or just do a prank on your friends?Thentheprank radar "Search Firamir" exactly like you! Turn ontheradar andsearch for everything related to the popularblogger.Radar indicatesas people familiar with Firamir activity,and theobjects associatedwith him. You can do prank on the hatredofFiramir and play withyour friends and acquaintances. Installtheradar now and search forpotential victims!Be aware that search of Firamir happens by chance and alltracesareactually a prank. It is best to use radar in order to makeaprankwith friends that do not like popular bloggers.
Dress Firamir in Homeless 1.0
In front of you a prank simulatoraboutFiramir.Dress up him in homeless! Dress up a popularyoutube-boyin the newimage of the homeless, do prank! He is in ashort periodof timebrought hype around himself and made a lot ofeasy money.Jealous ofhim or want to somehow release your hatred toFiramir?Then turn theordinary Firamir into Firamir-homeless! Youarewaiting for someprank images of the homeless, which you can tryonFiramir. Dress up,kidding, show the prank-images of ahomelessblogger tofriends!
Scanner Firamir Prank 1.0
Do you know now popularYoutube-bloggerFiramir?Through him videos, pranks, behavior anddeceit he broughtaround himsensation and earned a name for itself,even if notpleasant. He isnot only crowds of fans, but also a hugeamount ofhaters. Searchthose and other, you can use this prankscanner! Hesearch for tracesof Firamira around you and thereforeallows youto scan the knowledgeof other people on Firamir. Searchfor allprospective viewers of thepopular blogger, use the scannerto themand find out their attitudetowards Firamir!Attention! Of course, this scanner is a prank and it isnotsearchingfor these traces of Firamir. But with the help ofascanner can dopranks and expose even those who are notfamiliarwith the"creativity" of the blogger. Turn on the scanner,achievethat he is"searching for" your friends and make a prankonthem!
Laser Firamir Prank 1.0
Laser Firamir Prank – it is apranksimulator,which simulates laser for Firamir. Keep an eye onthispopularblogger and want to have fun? Then install the simulatorandhavefun! Shine in his eyes, even in the ears, and watchthereaction.Make a prank on Firamir and show result to friends.Thelaser worksforever, so you should not worry about the battery -youcantorment Firamir forever. The simulator offers you severaltypesofprank laser and blogger images.Attention, "Laser Firamir Prank" is just a joke simulator, sonoraywill emerge from your phone. Simulator is freeandabsolutelysafe.
Laser for Firamir Simulator 1.0
Interested in Firamir and want to havefuninthe app, which is somehow connected with it? Or youhatehispopularity and want to somehow throw your anger? Against youorforcreative of Firamir you in any case like this pranksimulator-Laser for Firamir. Here you can play with Firamir with alaserbeamas with kitten. Turn on the laser and point to yourbloggerandwatch the reaction - provided plenty of pranks!Thesimulatorprovides a choice of several prank lasers, so do notworryabout avariety of tools for pranks. Do not forget to show toyourfriendsthe simulator and crank with them a few pranks!Attention! "Laser for Firamir Simulator" - is a joke, andyourphonewill not emit rays. Also, the simulator iscompletelyfree.
Laser Firamir Simulator 2016 1.0
Firamir is a popular today Youtubebloggerwhoby deceit and him pranks earned a name for himself.Firamirhasquite fun appearance and due to this we can well have funinthesimulator! "Laser Firamir Simulator 2016" simulates thelaserbeam,which you can send to Firamir. Annoy him, create thelight inhiseyes - just do pranks and watch the reaction of theblogger.Showthis prank to a friend and share the results ofsimulator witheachother. At your disposal are several types oflaser, so itissomething to experiment! Use every opportunity tomakeaprank!"Laser Firamir Simulator 2016" is completely free and isaprank.Naturally, you do not get the laser beam from the phone -forthisreason, the simulator is also completely safe.
Звезда Ютуба ALPHA 1.2
8-Bit Games
ВНИМАНИЕ!!!Игра недоделанная!Это только BETA тест игры!Следующее обновление запланировано на 28-30 ноября,будетдобавленвиртуальный топ ютуберов.Что нас ждёт в релизе:1.Виртуальные подписчики которые будут ставить лайки иписатькомментарии.(Уже в игре!)2.ТОП Виртуальных ютуберов.3.Смена названия канала.(Уже в игре!)4.Подключение партнёрской программы.5.Возможность продолжать игру.(Уже в игре!)6.Возможность выкладывать видео.(Уже в игре!)И многое другое...Релиз запланирован на 8 декабря.ATTENTION!!!Game unfinished!This is only a BETA test the game!The next update is scheduled for November 28-30, will be addedtothe virtual top yutuberov.What awaits us in the release:1.Virtualnye subscribers that will put the Huskies andcomment.(Already in the game!)2.TOP Virtual yutuberov.3.Smena channel name. (Already in the game!)4.Podklyuchenie affiliate program.5.Vozmozhnost continue the game. (Already in the game!)6.Vozmozhnost upload videos. (Already in the game!)And much more...Release is scheduled for December 8th.
Симулятор Программиста 1.2
8-Bit Games
В этой игре выпочуствуетесебяпрограммистом!In this game youwillfeelyourself as a programmer!
Real Moto Off-Road 2016 1.0
Real moto off-road racing!Take part in the race! Drive your own bike! The off-roadwillteststrength of every rider! Motocross racing is not somecitytrafficjoke!Compete with other rider in the wild! In the crazy trafficontheoff-road only best one wins! Ready to become a realMotoRider?You'll get:● Feel like a real Moto Rider!● Test your bike on the off-road!● The traffic on a difficult track!● Extreme stunts!● Realistic motorcycles!Real Moto racing awaits the new champion! Take roadtothevictory, win in extreme traffic challenge!
Путин Сканер лица Шутка 1.0.0
Сделай селфи с помощью фото сканер,которыйсделает анализ фото и определит, на какого ВладимираВладимировичаты похож.Путин лучший президент России. Все это знают, потому чтопрезидентговорит дельное и отвечает на вопросы! Президент РФвнушает довериеи уважение, потому что стоит во главе великойдержавы. Сканер лицаПутин дает уникальный шанс быть похожим напрезидента, но при этомне нести его тяжелую ношу.Это как сканер лица какой ты котик или какое ты животное,толькоболее серьезное про Владимира Путина.Внимание! Сканер лица является симулятор сканер, результатынеявляются реальными, они всего лишь выдаются в случайном порядке!Насамом деле фото сканер всего лишь, шутка, розыгрыш, приколдлядрузей.Если вы любите Россию, то попробуйте скачать президентПутин,возможно вам понравится быть похожим на нашего президента,пускайдаже в шутку.Do self using aphotoscanner, which will make the analysis of image and determineonwhat you look like Vladimir.Russian President Putin best. Everyone knows it, becausethepresident says and sensible answers to the questions!Presidentinspires trust and respect, because it is at the head of agreatpower. Scanner Face Putin gives a unique chance to be likethepresident, but it does not carry his heavy burden.It's like a scanner you face a cat or any pet you, just moreseriousabout Vladimir Putin.Attention! Scanner is a simulator face scanner, the results arenotreal, they are only issued in a random order! In fact, thephotoscanner is just a joke, a hoax, a joke for friends.If you love Russia, you try to download President VladimirPutin,perhaps you will like to be like our president, even if it isajoke.
How old face scanner prank 1.0
How old face scanner prank - Asimulator,funny, who jokingly appreciate how old you look! Ofcourse this isa joke, and the phone can not determine your age! Butyour friendswill definitely be laughing when she saw the photo onthe socialnetworks on which you 1,000 years!THIS IS NOT A REAL SCANNER PERSON IS ONLY SIMULATOR-FUN! It doesnothave the intellectual face recognition system, which wouldassessthe presence and depth of facial wrinkles, graying hair andcolor, asmile on his lips, the size and shape of the face as awhole! Nocomplicated technology in the scanner is not! Thisapplication is ajoke!We do not say, "Do you want to know your age using the phone -thisis the app for you!" - It is not real!Keep scan results chamber, place them on social networks toyourfriends appreciated your sense of humor! And always stayyoung,because laughter prolongs life!
How Beautiful Photoscan Prank 1.0.4
How pretty am I? This question askseverywomanand girl in the world. And we can answer the question!Wedevelopedapp Face scanner How beautiful are you. Youshoulddownload it, takea selfie and analyze the snapshot. Beautymeteruses few dozensmetrics to calculate your level of prettiness.Forexample, thereare full lips, nose shape, eyes color, earsshapeand so on. Alsoyou shouldn’t forget that pretty or uglyscannercan determine yourugly level if you have ugly face.Attention! We must tell you that beauty detector isn’treal!Thisbeauty test is a joke for you and for your friends.Youshouldn’tworry, if camera scanner thinks that you have uglyface,because itis not true! Results of beauty meter are determinedbyrandom,there are just fake.
Face scanner: Elections 2016 1.0
Face scanner: Elections 2016 is asimulationofscanning face! Find out which American president willbeyou’relook-alike! Set camera in front of your face andpressAnalyze!Watch the result and find out the USA electionscandidateyou looklike! The American president will appear onscreen! Awareofpolitical situation in the country and in the world?Voteforcandidates? Face scanner: Elections 2016 works aspsychologicalagescanner but only with USA presidents! Scan yourfriends’andrelatives’ faces! Get to know what Americanelectionscandidatesthey look alike! Share your Americanpresidentlook-alikeness insocial networks!ATTENTION! Face scanner: Elections 2016 is only asimulatorwhichworks with randomized algorithm! It brings results inrandomorder!It does not scan your face for real! Nevertheless it’saperfectentertainment for you & your friends intheelectionsperiod!
Censorship Photo You 1.0
FunXL Apps
Censorship Photo You - this is a game toyourfunny photo editing photos and censorship.You want to hide your face? Just Cover censorship in ourphotoeditor. No one will know who really in the picture, ifyoucarefully close your face or the face.Indecent photos that will not be allowed to instagram andothersocial networks can be made available - a special censorbannedCover!Girl asks not to upload photos and videos without censorship?Laidout without breaking the rules and the law, just covered hisface.Or other body part))18+ adults-only can be allowed to do! The reception, which isusedTV channels, the secret services and the police. Averagefunnyphotos can be made using the application Fotosebyashkacensorship.Surprise everyone! Instagram is a must see! Share thephoto ininstagrame, instagram, facebook, vkontakte vk, twittertwitter andother social networks. What once could do only specialeditors youcan make in a snap!
Homeless Face Prank 1.0.2
Homeless face is tramp simulator. It is akindof face scanners. If you download it for free, you will have alotof fun with friends. Also you can check that this applicationisfunny joke, photo scanner is cool prank for your close.Homeless Face scanner give a great opportunity to try to be therealhomeless with programm about tramp face. Being homeless ortramp isinteresting experience. You should not survive on thestreets, livein homeless shelters and loose everything. You justneed to take aselfie and tap “Analyze”, after that you will knowresult. Resultsare kinds of tramps who look like you. Ha-ha, youare similar withhomeless!Actually It was created for fun and pleasure with close,photoscanner is good time killer.Face scanner Homeless can tell what tramp is similar with youtoday.Keep calm, It’s jest.The result of scanning is random and not real. Homeless gamesarejust imitator of detecting, parody! Results are not realcamerascanner!This application gives a chance to be in shoes of homeless. Itisopportunity for understanding everything about surviving atthestreets.Attention! This face analyzer is a pleasantry, simulator. Resultaredetermined at occasional. Photo scanner cannot analyze realface anddetermine what trampa are similar with you or yourfriends. Don't beso serious when detector analyzes photos, becausewe createdapplication for amusement only.P.S. Application works with all kinds of photo, e.g. selfie!Justdownload photo analyzer for free at device and use it. We hopethatyou will have fun with family! Remember, you shouldn’tsmashhomeless, be peaceful!
Face scanner: Orcs vs Men 1.0
Face scanner: Orks vs Men is asimulationofscanning face! Define fantasy races that look likeyou:orcs,elves, humans or trolls! Find out which race willbeyou’relook-alike! Set camera in front of your face andpressAnalyze! Theresult will tell you who you look like! The raceandcreature willappear on screen! Aware of middle earth world? Fanofthe orcs universe? Face scanner will help you findyourfantasylook-alike! Scan your friends’ and relatives’ faces! Gettoknowwhat breed of race they belong! Share your Orc vs.Menworldlook-alikeness!ATTENTION! Face scanner: Orcs vs Men is only a simulatorwhichworkswith randomized algorithm! It brings results in randomorder!Itdoes not scan your face for real! Nevertheless it’saperfectentertainment for you & your friends!