Top 10 Apps Similar to San-Zi-Jing 2: 三字經及易解有聲書下集

San-Zi-Jing 1: 三字經及易解有聲書上集 1.0
《三字經》是中國的傳統兒童啟蒙教材,在中國古代經典當中,三字經是最淺顯易懂的讀本之一。《三字經》取材典故廣範,包括中國五千年傳統文化的文學、歷史、哲學、天文地理、人倫義理、忠孝節義等等,內容相當豐富。背誦《三字經》的同時,能夠了解一般常識、傳統國學及歷史故事,以及做人做事的道理。為積極響應淨空法師將中華文化推廣到全世界的博愛理念,特將《三字經》進行數位行動加值,製作電腦與手機版本的電子有聲書與App,以期藉由網際網路與行動通訊更加廣泛有效地發揚光大中華文化的哲理精華,傳播世界大同的理念。中文繁體漢語拼音逐句點選發音導讀願 開啟心中善念 鼓勵親子共學提升語文能力 建立家庭倫理 營造社會和諧 祈願世界和平
三字经-动画视频朗读+歌唱精简版 1.4.0
三字经-轻松朗读+歌唱《三字经》内容包罗万象,是一部极其浓缩的文化小百科,也是一部多功能的启蒙书,兼具识字、传授知识、人格培育以及语文能力等,自南宋以来,流传最广,影响最大。三字一句,四句一组,配合轻快的旋律与节拍,孩童更容易唱诵。01. 人之初 (朗读)02. 人之初 (歌曲)03. 香九龄 (朗读)04. 香九龄 (歌曲)05. 曰水火 (朗读)06. 曰水火 (歌曲)07. 凡训蒙 (朗读)08. 凡训蒙 (歌曲)09. 有连山 (朗读)10. 有连山 (歌曲)11. 自羲农 (朗读)12. 自羲农 (歌曲)13. 赢秦氏 (朗读)14. 赢秦氏 (歌曲)15. 迨至隋 (朗读)16. 迨至隋 (歌曲)17. 昔仲尼 (朗读)18. 昔仲尼 (歌曲)19. 若梁灏 (朗读)20. 若梁灏 (歌曲)21. 犬守夜 (朗读)22. 犬守夜 (歌曲)ThreeCharacterClassic-Easy to read + singing"Three Character Classic" Everything from cultureisanextremelyconcentrated Encyclopedia, is aversatileenlightenmentbook, bothliterate, imparting knowledge,fosteringpersonality andlanguageability, since the Southern SongDynasty,the most widelycirculatedand influential. The words of one,a groupof four, withthe liltingmelody and rhythm, children are morelikelytochant.01. Beginning (reading)02. Beginning (song)03. Hong Jiuling (read)04. Hong Jiuling (song)05. Said water and fire (read)06. Said water and fire (song)07. Where a schoolmaster (read)08. Where a schoolmaster (song)09. There are Hill (reading)10. The Hill (song)11. Since Xi agriculture (read)12. Since Xi Agriculture (song)13. Win Qin (read)14. Qin Win (song)15. The cause of the Sui Dynasty (read)16. The cause of the Sui Dynasty (song)17. Xi Zhong Ni (read)18. Xi Zhong Ni (song)19. If Liang Hao (read)20. If Liang Hao (song)21. Dog Vigil (read)22. Dog Vigil (song)
必听儿童故事 7.0
Chinaihs Inc.
儿童故事是开启儿童智慧大门的一把钥匙。听故事可以丰富儿童知识,同时提升思维能力和想象能力,促进儿童的思维更加细微准确, 想象更加斑斓、开阔。让儿童插上一双有声的翅膀, 遨游在故事的海洋中。,必听儿童故事是少年儿童的童年好伙伴和良师益友。 这里有美好的童话寓言、经典的历史故事、好听的成语故事、国内外小说...妈妈再也不用为每天小孩睡前故事犯愁了, 轻轻开启你的手机, 今天的故事开始了...【系统特色】★ 10000以上儿童故事,常年不间断更新★ 幼儿必听大全,宝宝哄睡神器,儿童益智必备★ 30%内容完全不收费,支持在线或离线收听,无使用限制★ 购买VIP后可收听全部内容,不限时不限内容★ 超过500万人下载【关于我们】公众微信号: 必听儿童故事 (btingEducation)客服邮箱:[email protected]【部分内容】有趣的童话故事呵护心灵成长的温馨故事安徒生童话现代幼儿故事三字经故事成语故事儿童故事三十六计国外经典小说故事孙敬修.西游记中国历史故事大头儿子和小头爸爸淘气包马小跳系列东周列国志孙越叔叔说故事上下五千年-世界历史儿童百科全书名家诵读散文童谣世界了凡四训幼儿百科中国历史格列佛游记拉封丹寓言神话故事盒现代童话寓言希腊神话传说汤姆索耶历险记中英童话动物寓言王国中国现代童话大全唐诗三百首... ...
汉语拼音 轻松朗读+歌唱 1.2.0
说说唱唱《汉语拼音》 一共有六个课程:声调练习、声母b p m f等、单韵母aeiou等、复韵母ai ei ou等、鼻韵母anangong ing等以及标调口诀;轻松、愉快学好汉语拼音,学习华语就不会有太大的困难。 声调 01. 声调是什么? 02.平扬拐弯降03. 平扬拐弯降 (歌曲) 04. 声调练习 05. 声调顺口溜 06. 声调顺口溜 (歌曲) 07. 声调绕口令108.声调绕口令2 声母 09. 声母是什么? 10. 声母 11. 声母练习1 12. 声母练习1 (歌曲) 13. 声母练习214.声母练习3 15. 声母练习4 16. 声母练习4 (歌曲) 17. 声母顺口溜 18. 声母顺口溜 (歌曲) 19. 声母认字韵母20. 韵母是什么? 韵母之一单韵母 21. 单韵母 22. 单韵母练习1 23. 单韵母练习 2 24. 单韵母练习2(歌曲)25. 单韵母练习3 26. 单韵母认字 韵母之二复韵母 27. 复韵母是什么? 28. 复韵母练习1 29. 复韵母练习230.复韵母练习2 (歌曲) 31. 复韵母认字 韵母之三鼻韵母 32. 鼻韵母是什么? 33. 鼻韵母 34. 鼻韵母练习135.鼻韵母练习2 36. 鼻韵母练习2 (歌曲) 37. 鼻韵母认字 标调 38. 小贴示1 39. 标调口诀1 40.标调口诀1(歌曲) 41. 小贴示2 42. 标调口诀2 43. 标调口诀2 (歌曲) 44. 小贴示3 45. 标调口诀3 46.标调口诀3(歌曲) 47. 发音练习 48. 四声练习 49. 汉语拼音快乐颂 50. 汉语拼音快乐颂 (歌曲)
汉字转拼音 - 快速掌握汉语拼音 1.2
汉字转拼音是一款将汉字转换出对应拼音的工具应用。比如:相思似海深,旧事如天远。对应的拼音是:想(xiăng) 思(sī,sāi) 似(sì,shì) 海(hăi) 深(shēn) ,旧(jiù) 事(shì)如(rú)天(tiān) 远(yuăn) 。注:- 数据仅供参考。Pinyin is akanjiconversion to the corresponding Pinyin tool applications.For example:Acacia deep as the sea, old things such as days away.Corresponding Pinyin is:Think (xiăng) Si (sī, sāi) like (sì, shì) Sea (hăi) deep (shēn),old(jiù) thing (shì) as (rú) days (tiān) away (yuăn).Note:- Data for reference only.
三字经 5.0.1
數位評量習字簿 1.1
Pinyin Table 1.1
Simple and elegant! TutorMing’ s Pinyin Appisbuilt with a simple three steps format in an elegantinterface.With all the Mandarin Chinese pinyin table componentslaid out, youcan combine consonants, vowels, and tones to hear howit’s supposedto sound in Chinese!FeaturesAll Pinyin Combinations (1,600+)TutorMing’s certified consultants give you all possiblecombinationsof pinyin in this easy-to-use table. Learn everyChinese sound withour pinyin table app.Choose Consonants and Vowel Sounds SeparatelyThe TutorMing Pinyin table lets you pick the consonant soundsfromthe pinyin table separately. This lets you examine patternsandrhymes between different Chinese Pinyin combinations.Audio PronunciationsHear all the Chinese Pinyin combinations pronounced by acertifiedconsultant! Practice echoing the speaker, and you canimprove yourown pronunciation!Word SuggestionsA Chinese character suggestion will appear for the pinyin soundyouselected, so you can match the sound to the character! TheChinesecharacter will appear in both simplified and traditionalChinese.The English meaning of the character will also appear.What is Pinyin?Pinyin is the Romanization of the Chinese characters based ontheirpronunciations. In Mandarin Chinese, the phrase “pinyin”literallytranslates into “spell sound.” It is used for spelling outChinesephrases with letters from the English alphabet.Additionally, thetones indicate to the reader what emphasis toplace on the wordcombination. There are 22 consonants (initials,)36 vowels(finals,) and 4 tones, and total of 1,600+ combinations.EveryChinese character can be pronounced with one of the1,600+combinations.Free registration is required after download.TutorMing: https://www.tutorming.comRegister for TutorMing:’ s blog:
Di-Zi-Qui弟子規中英有聲書_6汎愛眾TW-En 1.0
弟子規中英繁體雙語App電子書共計8個單元1.總序 2.入則孝 3.出則弟 4.謹5.信 6. 汎愛眾 7.親仁 8.餘力學文願 開啟心中善念 鼓勵親子共學提升語文能力 建立家庭倫理 營造社會和諧版權公開歡迎複製流通 尊重智財請勿增刪更改免費結緣 禁止販售 敬請珍惜
Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary 0.2.6
Note: Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary App is a complement toitsprintmaterial. The access code to the app may be found withinthebook.Kindly note that each access code can only be used on upto3devices. Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary book is availableatallmajor bookstores in Singapore. Fun Chinese PictureDictionaryiswritten based on Ministry of Education, Singapore'slatestsyllabus(2015) and specially created for Primary 1 & 2pupilsas areference book to learn the Chinese Language in a funway!•Inclusive of vocabulary from the latest 2015ChineseLanguageTextbook for Primary Schools • Contextualisedlearningofvocabulary from 50 familiar daily-life settings • Over600commonlyused nouns with linking of appropriate measurewords,collectivenouns, verbs, to extend learning • The app makeslearningintuitive- listening to audio playbacks and learning verbsthroughanimation• Corresponding Hanyu Pinyin and Englishtranslation forall nounsfeatured • English-Chinese index providedat the end ofthe bookHave fun learning with MCE Chinese PictDict! encounter issues, please tryout the following steps.Step 1:Please delete and download the appagain. Step 2: Oncedownloaded,please enter the access code whenprompted by the app toactivateit. (This step requires internetconnection.) If theproblempersists, please [email protected].