Top 5 Apps Similar to Di-Zi-Qui弟子规中英简体有声書_5信CN-En

弟子规-动画视频朗读+歌唱 1.3.0
弟子规-轻松朗读+歌唱弟子,是学生的意思;规,是规则,《弟子规》顾名思义,是强调学生应有之行为规范的人格教育,并从日常生活当中教导孩童修养品德;整篇文章主要叙述孝悌、谨信、亲仁和学文四件事;三字一句,朗朗上口,易读易诵。01. 弟子规 (朗读)02. 弟子规 (歌曲)03. 入则孝 (朗读)04. 入则孝 (歌曲)05. 出则弟 (朗读)06. 出则弟 (歌曲)07. 谨 (朗读)08. 谨 (歌曲)09. 信 (朗读)10. 信 (歌曲)11. 泛爱众 (朗读)12. 泛爱众 (歌曲)13. 亲仁 (朗读)14. 亲仁 (歌曲)15. 余力学文 (朗读)16. 余力学文 (歌曲)Disciples regulation-Easy to read + singingDisciple, is the student's mean; regulation, is the rule,"Rules"by definition, it is to emphasize the student code ofconduct propercharacter education, moral training and teachchildren from theirdaily lives; the whole article main narrativefilial piety, wouldlike to believe, benevolent and academic textfour things; words acatchy, easy to read and recite.01. disciples regulation (read)02. disciple Regulation (song)03. into the filial piety (read)04. into the filial piety (song)05. that the brother (read)06. that the brother (song)07. honor (reading)08. honor (song)09. Letter (read)10. Letter (song)11. Pan-loving public (read)12. Pan-loving public (song)13. benevolent (read)14. benevolent (song)More than 15 mechanics text (read)More than 16 Mechanical Man (song)
弟子規學習卡 4.37
The best supplementary teaching material for learningdisciplerules!
Di-Zi-Qui弟子规中英简体有声書_1总序CN-En 1.0
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弟子规中英简体双语App电子书共计8个单元1.总序 2.入则孝 3.出则弟 4.谨5.信 6. 泛爱众 7.亲仁 8.余力学文愿 开启心中善念 鼓励亲子共学提升语文能力 建立家庭伦理 营造社会和谐版权公开欢迎复制流通 尊重智财请勿增删更改免费结缘 禁止贩卖 敬请珍惜