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Beserkers Lite 1.3.7
Beserkers Lite is a turn-based 4X space strategy game. Each gameisunique; never play the same game twice! Choose yourstartingtechnology level, from 0 to 25, and number of planets, from20 to80, required for victory. The lower the starting technologylevelthe harder the game, and choosing more planets for victorywilllengthen the game. You will begin your quest forgalacticdomination with a single planet. Based on the startingtechnologylevel, you will begin the game with no fleet ordefenses(technology level 0), up to a small fleet and planetarydefenses(technology level 25). But beware, the Beserkers will startthegame with the same technology as you! The Beserkers are aroboticbased race determined to eliminate the humanoid race youplay inthe game. Beserkers can convert humanoids (Population) intoRobotsand also have the special ability to sense other robotictechnologyon planets and attempt to convert Robots to Beserkers.Explore -Use the scanning ability of Scouts to quickly explore thegalaxy.Find the best planets to colonize and write notes within thegameto help you remember. Search the galaxy for the Beserkers andwatchfor signs of their activity. Expand - Build Freighters totransportcolonists (Population) to colonize unowned planets.Factories mustalso be transported so new planets can begin toproduce PlanetaryImprovements and technology to continue yourexpansion. Exploit -Use the wealth of Resources on your home planetas well as planetsyou colonize to build a vibrant economic empirethat encompassesthe galaxy. Gain new technology by convertingProduction Creditsinto Technology Levels. Further exploit yourplanets byTerraforming and using Core Tap technology to gain moreResources.Exterminate - Build a massive fleet of Cruisers andBattleships toattack and crush the evil Beserkers horde. TheBeserekers are doingthe same, so don’t leave yourself defenseless!Can you defeat theBeserkers?