Top 18 Apps Similar to Numérologie Android

Numerology 1.02
Numerology calculator Find the meaning of your name Good Appforchoosing a baby name Created by Androcalc More freeandroidapplications on
Profilogy 5.9.1
Number Mind
Profiloly is a full-feature self-awarenesstooland a helpful approach to your own personal development.Profilogy has several common origins with numerology.Thefundamental difference is its unique modelling process, whichis100% structures and international.Indeed, it is a high-level human science at the origin (eventhede-mystification) of:• self-teaching• heart intelligence and its 5 families• superior intelligence and its 7 sub-families• traditional western Latin numerology• personal year and additional dataIt also includes the diagram and symbol of intelligence (only inPDFformat)The profilology tool is divided into 2 parts:1) The 9 domains (5 separate analyses)1. Structures2. Family - Work3. Personal Projects - Movements4. Harmony -Feeling5. Selflessness - Foreign countriesContent analysis (1): represents the basis of yourinternalconstructionForm analysis (2 to 5): represents your way of being:2) Supplementary information• life line, character line, personal year*• heart intelligence and superior intelligence*calculations specific to Profilology only.And other functions:• Archive• Profile reading in six languages• Conversion of analyses in PDF format (with anonymous functionbydefault)• your daily trends (simple star layout)The tablet version enables you to build a maximum of 4profilessimultaneously.
Sky Raptor: Space Shooter 2.4.2
Alien shooters are invading. Join Sky Raptor to save the Galaxy!
Numerology 2.0.0
In less than 5 minutes, Evan, our numerologist, performs acompletestudy of your personality. Discover the secrets of yourownpersonality, face your fears, measure your potential andimproveyour life! With Evan's application of numerology, youreceive anotification each morning giving your detailed forecastfor theday! Numerology is a science that helps you take control ofyourlife, by revealing your sentimental, personal orprofessionalpredictions. What's behind the Numbers? Evan tells youall aboutyour relationships, your intimate life, and your healthlevel, dayby day, hour by hour, right in your pocket ... and forFREE! If youwant to learn more, a premium offer is availabledirectly in theapplication. For the price of a coffee per month,you have accessto: Your Detailed Predictions everyday The completemapping of yourday Your Visual analysis, hour by hour The overalltrend of the dayYour lucky numbers of the day (Lottery) Occasionalexclusive dealsfor subscribers, up to -80% on certain PremiumAnalysis Good toknow: The Daily Predictions Premium Service hasbeen recognized asone of the most complete and accurate availableon the internet.Its innovative nature, including the invention ofthe MappingSchedule, is regularly praised and acclaimed by expertsinNumerology.
Numerology 8.5
Daily, Weekly, and Yearly Numerology 2023 Predictions onNumerologyapp
Numerology Calculator
Easy to calculate digital summation of your alpha-numeric input.
Numerology Reading Calculator 1.0
Numerology Calculator gives you afreeNumerology reading. The Numerology Calculator will defineyournumerology profile by calculating your various numerologynumbersand helping you in learning what these numbers represent andwhatcould be forecast about your future from these numbers. Enteryourname and date of birth and get a free Numerology reading.Numerologists believe that each number has its effect inaperson’s life and nature. There are various forms ofnumerologythat make use of name, birthplaces and date of birth ofthe userfor generating predictions and forecasts. The greatGreekmathematician Pythagoras, regarded as "The father ofnumerology",once famously postulated that “the world is built uponnumbers".According to Numerology, everything in this universe canbeexpressed using numbers or in other words the entire universe isanelaborate expression of numerical patterns and forms.This Numerology Calculator 2014 is an accurate tool forprovidinga detailed numerology profile for you. The profilecontain variousnumbers representing various aspects of your life.These numbersconvey a detailed picture of what you may face in thefuture and howluck and fate are going to affect your life.Numerology Calculatorreading helps you understand the cosmicnumerological pulsations andtheir connections with your life andthus gives you a profounderawareness about your life.Numerology identifies the hidden significance of numbers andhowvarious numbers affect your personality. Numerology Calculator2014calculates a bunch of numbers based on your inputs. Thesenumbersare Life Path Number, Bio Rhythm Number, Destiny Number,Innerdream number, Lucky number, Soul Number etc. All thesenumbers, inone way or other, shape the character of a person.The basic summary of the process behind this tool is asfollows.The calculator first calculate your destiny number, lifepathnumber, lucky number, soul number etc. by evaluating yourbirthdetails. Secondly the Numerology Calculator 2014 identifiesthefrequency of appearance of a specific letter in your name andusesthis information to calculate some of the other numbers inyourprofile. The letters in a name are always arranged in aspecificpattern. Based on the number of times of occurrence, theletters ina name are classified either as odd or as even. Then thenumber ofodd and even letters in both names are compared togenerate thereport.In Numerology the letters of the alphabet can beassociatednumbers. Using this principle, we can analyse a name andgenerateits equivalent number representation. Two of the mostwidely usedsystems for generating alphabet to number conversionsare: TheChaldean system and the Pythagorean system. In Chaldeansystemevery letter is associated with a unique vibration. Theseuniquevibrational value of letters are used as the basis forassigningnumbers to that specific letter. In the PythagoreanSystem, numbersare assigned to letters by sequence.Get a detailed numerology profile in 1 minute flat! Use thefreeonline Numerology Calculator 2014 and get a free numerologyprofileright now. Just fill in your name and birth day details.Thecalculator only uses the characters and letters in your nameanddate of birth for generating a personalized numerology profileforyou. The profile report and its readings will give your new anewperspective towards life and your character and will enable youtoface life with a positive attitude and let you overcomeyourweaknesses and achieve success.
Numérologie 1.0
Cette application permet dedonnerdesprédictions par la méthode des nombre, ces nombres sontgénéreràpartir de votre données personnellesThis applicationallowstogive predictions by the number of method, thesenumbersaregenerated from your personal data
YourSelf 2.73
Numerology and astrology in one app! Learnmoreabout yourself, family and friends through numerologyandastrology.
Numerology Secrets 1.0
Withthe tap of a number, you will discover your 12uniquenumbersthatreveal your spiritual blueprint that will empower you tolivethelifeyour soul intended.Divine timing is at your fingertips, when youknowyourPERSONALNUMEROLOGY every day.Includes 10 fun and entertaining features:* Personal Day Calendar* Periodicity - (7) 52 day energy cycles* Phases of the moon* Daily Forecasts - Insights & Inspiration (Kari Samuels)* SOULPRINT - Your full personal reading* ABOUT - Definitions for Numbers, Charts and Colors* COLOR know what to where to enhance your energy every day* VOCATION discover your true passions and your innatetalents* RELATIONSHIPS - find out your compatibilitywithfamily,friends,colleagues and romantic partners* YIN/YANG your lows and highs so you can navigate thedaywitheaseYour destiny is waiting...Download your FREE Numerology app today.
Numerology Reading 2016 1.1
Numerology Calculator and Reading gives youafree reading and a look at your numbers and helps you learnwhatthey forecast about your future.This Free Numerology Calculator generates numerology chartsforindividuals based on the name and the date of Birth Provided bytheuser.The app also provides your accurate reading on thefollowing:Your Lifepath Number and explainationYour Destiny / Expression NumberYour BirthDay NumberYour Soul Urge / Heart's Desire NumberYour Inner Dreams / Personality NumberYour Challenge Numbers areYour Attitude NumberYour Karmic Lessons NumberYour Karmic Debt NumberYour Personal YearYour Personal DayYour Personal MonthYour Balance NumberYour Realization / Maturity NumberYour Hidden Passion Number.Your Rational Thought NumberYour Subconscious Self NumberYour Personal AspectYour Personal Aspect is towards EmotionalYour Current LifePath Period NumberYour Capstone NumberYour Cornerstone NumberYour First Vowel NumberYour L / E Bridge NumberYour H / P Bridge NumberMinor Heart Desire NumberMinor Personality NumberMinor Personality Number
Kabbalah Free Course
Kabbalah Course - Reveal the biggestanswersofthe world and your place in the world.This app is not for everyone - it is for people that feelthereismore in the world than just the daily routine.If you feel that something is missing in your life (eventhoughyouhave material abundance), if you can't agree with livingwithoutapurpose,you definitely should explore this different new angleoftheworld.We will ask and answer on our course some of thebiggestquestionsthere are, questions like Where is God? What isthe Roleof Man inthis world? What is the origin of evil? HowdoesReincarnation work?Descending spiritual Worlds,Spiritglobalization, Levels of the souland more.In a world of globalization and abundance of knowledge wetendtoleave our spirit and soul behind, the really big questionsarebeingforgotten. The Kabbalah has both questions and answerstosome ofthese questions.We have a few tools for you, that will help you get themostofthe app:* Weekly reminder - Schedule lessons time and days of theweek,inwhich you want to use the time learning our real estatecourse.Theapp will notify when it's time.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'llwanttoremember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learnedwithyourfriends.Download Now!
I Ching - O Oráculo 3.0.4
Creative Code
Este aplicativo é o milenaroráculochinêstotalmente em português!A princípio o I Ching ficou conhecido no mundo ocidentalpelasuafunção oracular. Mas para aquele (a) que ler todo o livroetambémrefletir sobre cada texto, será, então, capaz deincorporarosensinamentos e por si próprio (a) encontrar o caminho earespostaque busca.Para consultar mentalize bem sua pergunta e seusentimento.Aresposta é baseada na sua atual situação, nas forças emplanodefundo que a compõe. As sugestões variam de prosseguir ouagirparamodificá-la. Em geral, aquele (a) que não sabecomoperguntar,saberá muito menos reconhecer a resposta quandoaobtiver.Obrigado ao Alvin Hew (Thank you Alvin ;) sistema de atualização de textos# correção de pequenos bugsv2.0.4# melhoria na perfomance do aplicativo (exibição dostextosmaisrápido)# melhoria na perfomance do aplicativo para androids 2.x# correção de erros de português em alguns textosv2.0.3# correção de bug no carregamento da tela do oráculo (aovoltarparao aplicativo em plano de fundo)# correção dos 6 primeiros textos (erros de portuguêsemaisdescrições sobre o texto).v2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2# melhorias na tela de leitura dos textos (melhoresfontes,melhorcor de letra, melhoria nos logos, mais legibilidadeparatelaspequenas)# correção da tela branca durante a inicialização# adicionado hexagrama complementar durante a consulta"quando há linhas móveis, o hexagrama atual geraumhexagramacomplementar. Deve portanto ser lido o texto doprimeirohexagrama,as linhas mutáveis e o julgamento dohexagramacomplementar."# correção de bug em android 4.2 e 4.3# correção de bug carregar diário após atualizaçãov1.0.2# suporte a telas LDPI (telas de dispositivos pequenos, comooGalaxyY/Pocket)# suporte a dispositivos antigos rodando android 2.2v1.0.1# correção de bugs.v1.0.0# 64 textos revisados em português com as linhas.# Acesso direto a qualquer um dos 64 textos.# Consulta ao Oráculo.# Diário oculto (através do símbolo)This applicationistheancient Chinese oracle entirely in Portuguese!At first I Ching became known in the western worldforitsoracular function. But for that (a) to read the whole bookandalsoreflect on each text will then be able to incorporatetheteachingsand himself (a) find the path and seeking theanswer.Mentalize well to consult your question and yourfeeling.Theanswer is based on your current situation, the forcesinthebackground composing it. The suggestions range fromactingtopursue or modify it. In general, that (a) does not know howtoask,know much less recognize the answer when obtained.Thanks to Alvin Hew (Thank you Alvin;) Update system texts# Fixing small bugsv2.0.4# Improvement in application performance (fasterdisplayoftexts)# Improvement in the performance of the applicationforandroids2.x# Bug fix of some texts in Portuguesev2.0.3# Bug fix loading of the oracle screen (to go back to the appinthebackground)# Fix the first 6 texts (Portuguese errors and moredescriptionsofthe text).v2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2# Improvements in the reading of the texts (bettersources,bettercolor lettering, logos improvement in morereadability forsmallscreens) Screen# Fix the white screen at startup# Added complementary hexagram during the consultation   "When there's furniture lines,thecurrentgenerates a complementary hexagram hexagram.Shouldtherefore beread the text of the first hexagram, the changinglinesandcomplementary hexagram's judgment."# Bug fix on android 4.2 and 4.3# Bug fix daily load after updatev1.0.2# Support screens LDPI (small screens of devices like the GalaxyY/Pocket)# Support older devices running android 2.2v1.0.1# Bug fix.v1.0.0# 64 in Portuguese texts revised with the lines.# Direct access to any of the 64 texts.# Query to Oracle.# Daily hidden (by symbol)
Numerology Rediscover Yourself 3.4.1
Get your free numerology chart, horoscope, affirmations&crystals guide
Numerology - The Numeroscope 7.2
Azioo Apps
Numerology - The Numeroscope hasover10kdownloads. Thank-you for all the support that we haverecieved.Wewill keep improving the app.►► Best Reviews ◄◄● Meenu Aggarwal ❝Best numerology app ever - Best appevermadefor numerology , amazing showed me amazing results..❝● Charmaine Dudley ❝Spot On, love It! As far as theinformationisconcerned it's amazing! I showed and tested it on acouple offriends- we were all blown away by the accuracy ofthe'Personality' and'Destiny' was incredible..❝This app runs on both tablet and smartphones.Supportedlanguages: ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH. Check out ournumerology apptoday andknow about your future.►► App Features ◄◄● Daily Numerology analysis, check out how your day willgo.Youcan check your today's reading , yesterday's readingandtomorrow'sreading.● Name analysis , a detailed analysis to show what yournamesaysabout you.● Personality analysis , a detailed analysis thatshowsdeeperunderstanding of oneself (Both prominent qualitiesanddrawbacksare available).● Destiny analysis , a detailed analysis to showaboutfuture.● Personal day analysis , a detailed analysis to showwhatfutureholds for you on the selected day.● Personal year analysis , a detailed analysis to showwhatfutureholds for you on the selected year.● A home screen that shows your ruling number and rulingplanet.Aday / night cycle and quotes from famous people.►► A Story ◄◄❝ Man has been using numbers at least since6000years.Thecalculation of hours and minutes, pyramids,ratios,fractions,calculation of waning and waxing moon etc requireexactknowledgeof numbers. Early man discovered planets, vibrationofnumbers andtheir influence in day to day life.Theirobservationskills wereremarkable and best. Numerology helps us tonotice thatsomenumbers are associated with fortunate events whilesomenumberscontinuously play unfortunate role inourlives.Characteristics ofa planet and association of a numberwith aplanet has been same inall the cultures, religions, languagesetc.Numerology is reallyfascinating and marvelous!!, After earlymanmany people did greatwork in it like Pythagoras.According tohimelectromagnetic powerof each number should be properlyunderstandand there was nothingthat numbers cannot explain.CountLouis Hamonbetter known asCheiro,his contribution in advancementand researchis admirable.Hefollowed Chaldeans system. Chaldeans orBabylonianswere first tostudy occult sciences too deeply.Dr WalterGorn Oldpopularly knownas Sepharial made prominent contributions toit intwentiethcentury.It is the fascinating science of numbersinrelation withEnglish alphabets.Every alphabet is assigned anumbervalue.It isoccult game revolving in single digit number 1to9.Number zero isconsidered to representnothingness.InNumerology,each numberbesides having its ownvibration and certainpower,has its owncharacteristics havingnegative andpositivemarks,talents,potential,ambitions,drawbacks,misfortunes andsoon.With adeep understanding and classificationrevealsopportunities andchallenges a person has to face inhislifetime.Numerology is aninteresting and great tool forselfhelp.With knowledge of it onecan grab the best opportunitiesandcan deal with drawbacks.It isone of those spiritual scienceswhichhelp us to better understandour lives. Numerology likemanyreligions, believes in the processof Reincarnation too. Thistheoryis now a scientifically acceptedphenomenon too. It isrepresentedby number 13 and 20. Numerologybecame very famous as itspeaksabout name change A suitable namecan give prosperity,luck,improvement in relations andsuccess.❞⚠ PREMIUM ONCE PURCHASED WILL NOT BE RETURNED ⚠Numerology - The Numeroscope developed by AziooEntertainment-Anupam Paasan.© 2016-2017 Azioo Entertainment, Azioo EntertainmentLogo,TheNumeroscope™ all rights reserved.
Numerology Psychic Reading
Numerology is the mystic power ofnumbers-Learn what is your numerology number and what can you learnaboutyourself and loved ones.Numerology is a fascinating mystical field, discovered separatelybyBabylonians, Pythagoreans, Christian mysticism (on theBible),Jewish Kabbalah, Hindu Vedas and others. Can they allbewrong?In this app you can use the numerology calculator to find ouryournumber and learn about your character, tell you the best timeformajor changes and activities in life, let you know about yourbestromantic love match and moreThe Kabbalah numerology has long deep roots, and is incorporatedinthe bible.You will find what your name means according to numerologykabbalahreaders.Free numerology reading (as many readings as you like).We have a few extra tools for you:* Reminder system- Schedule when you want to continue usingtheapp.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll wanttoremember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learnedwithyour friends.Download now and learn the secrets of Kabbalahnumerologyreader
Telugu Horoscope - Jatakam 3.2
Telugu Astrology application for daily use and check yourHoroscopeetc..
Numerology 1.0
MJG Apps
Know your Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge.