Top 19 Apps Similar to Bart Simpson Gift

Botonera de Homero Gratis! 1.2
DESCARGA LA BOTONERA DE HOMERO J GRATIS!Podes divertirte con tu amigos y agregar las frasescomoringtones en tu celular!!!Las mejores frases en LATINO de la familia mas divertida delatelevisión mundial!Frases:*** Soy Homero el malo*** A la grande le puse cuca*** Tengo tu nariz*** El coco*** Me quiero volver chango*** Pequeño demonioY muchos mas!DESCARGA LA BOTONERA DE HOMERO J GRATIS!Tags: Homero, Botonera con sonidos, frases de homero, botonesconsonidos, Latino.DOWNLOAD THE BUTTONOFHOMER J FREE!You can have fun with your friends and add phrases asringtoneson your phone!The Best LATINO phrases of the funniest family onworldwidetelevision!Phrases:Homer'm bad ***A big *** I put cucaI got your nose ***Coconut ***I want to go back *** monkeyLittle Demon ***And many more!DOWNLOAD THE BUTTON OF HOMER J FREE!Tags: Homer, pushbutton with sounds, phrases from Homer,buttonswith sounds, Latino.
Frases graciosas Homero 1.0
Lizard Games
Ahora puedes tener a la mano más de 100frasesgraciosas de la familia más famosa de la tv enespañollatino.Puedes compartir el audio con tus amigos y establecerlos comotonode notificaciones y llamadas. Con esta botonera tambiénpuedessugerir sonidos para que las agreguemos en la aplicación enlaspróximas actualizaciones.Descargate Frases graciosas de Homero y sus amigos!!Puedes enviarnos tus sugerencias mediante la opción"Sugerir"Actualización: Opción de setear sonidos favoritos. Correccióndefunción Compartir por Bluetooth.Agregamos algunos sonidos sugeridos! Seguiremos actualizandoconmas frases en las próximas versiones.Now you can have onhandmore than 100 funny quotes from the most famous Spanish TV inLatinfamily.You can share audio with friends and set as notification toneandcalls. With this keypad you can also suggest that we add soundstothe application in future updates.Descargate Funny quotes Homer and his friends !!You can send your suggestions by using the "Suggest"Update: Option setear favorite sounds. CorrectionfunctionBluetooth share.Add some suggested sounds! We will keep updating withmorephrases in upcoming releases.
Crear Memes (2015) 1.3
Marvin Ce
Crea de manera gratuita tus propiosmemes,tarjetas, postales y dedicatorias. Compartilas directamenteenFacebook o descargala para enviar a quien desees.- Memes de la Rana Rene- Memes de Los Simpsons- Postales de Cumpleaños- Tarjetas & Postales de Amor- Plantillas de Fans Page Famosas+ Boludeces No+ Lo dijo Mama+ Que comience el juego+ Amo Quejarme+ Es de Metalero+ Es de Pobre+ Es de For#$+ Es de NerdActualizaciones de las platillas para memes todas las semanassinnecesidad de actualizar tu aplicacion. Comparte tus creacionesennuestra web y llenate de amigos!Create your own forfreememes, cards, postcards and autographs. Share them directlyonFacebook or download it to send to whoever you want.- Kermit the Frog Memes- Memes Simpsons- Birthday Post- Cards & Gifs- Fan Page Templates Celebs + No bullshit + What Mama said + Let the games begin + I love Complain + It is Metalero + Is Poor + It is For # $ + Is NerdUpdates the templates for weekly memes without upgradingyourapplication. Share your creations on our website and fullfillwithfriends!
Movies, TV Shows, Live Sports
Tonos de Chespirito 1.0
Chespirito, hijo de la secretaria bilingüeElsaBolaños Cacho y del pintor, dibujante e ilustrador FranciscoGómezLinares, Roberto fue el segundo de tres hermanos (FranciscoyHoracio fueron los otros dos). Antes de convertirse en actor,fueboxeador principiante. También realizó gran parte de la carreradeIngeniería en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,peronunca se graduó, ni ejerció la profesión. Casado desde 2004conFlorinda Meza quien interpretó a doña Florinda en el ChavodelOcho, después de una larga relación amorosa.Inició su carrera como creativo publicitario, lo que loconectócon la radio y la televisión, en la cual fue, durante ladécada de1950, un muy activo guionista. También hizo varios guionesdepelículas para el dúo Viruta y Capulina y se inició fugazmentecomoactor con ellos en Dos Criados Malcriados, en 1960. Sinembargo,siguió dedicando la mayor parte de su tiempo aescribir,contribuyendo con diálogos para guiones de películas yprogramas dela televisión mexicana.Su nombre profesional Chespirito, se debe aldirectorcinematográfico Agustín P. Delgado, derivado del diminutivode lapronunciación españolizada del nombre William Shakespeare ,debidoa la estatura de Gómez Bolaños y por el talento de esteparaescribir historias que asemejaba a las de Shakespeare.EL DOCTOR CHAPATÍN (1968-1995)Uno de los primeros personajes en ser creados por donRoberto.Hizo su primera aparición en 1968 con los "Super Genios dela MesaCuadrada y formó parte de Chespirito en todas sustemporadas. Esuno de los más queridos por el público por sucarácter muyespecial.CHESPIRITO (1968-1995)Aunque no es estrictamente un personaje fijo, Chespirito noshamostrado performances tan variadas como geniales. No podemospasarpor alto ni negar que gracias a estas interpretacioneshemosaprendido mucho de historia, arte y música.CHARLES CHAPLIN (1970-1994)Cómo olvidar la emulación de uno de los más grandescomediantesde la historia del cine. Chespirito rinde de esta maneraun tributoa quien es uno de sus comediantes favoritos y a quienconsidera unmaestro. Sin embargo, con los años el alumno logrósuperar almaestro Chaplin.EL CHAPULÍN COLORADO (1970-1993)Inicialmente sería de color verde, mas porcuestionestecnológicas, el destino quiso que sea colorado. Estesuperhéroelatinoamericano ha dejado más huella que ningún otro anivelmundial. Es el personaje de televisión favorito de HomeroSimpson,y de nosotros también.EL CHAVO DEL OCHO (1971-1992)Sin duda el personaje de don Roberto Gomez que más éxitohatenido y es ya todo un fenómeno al estar vigente en latelevisiónpor más de 30 años con el mismo suceso de antaño.Don Ramón, Quico, la Chilindrina, Doña Florinda, elprofesorJirafales, Doña Clotilde y el señor Barriga,respectivamenteEL CHÓMPIRAS (1973-1995)Aquiles Esquivel Madrazo, mejor conocido como Chómpiras fueunode los personajes que más impacto causó entre todos losseguidoresde Chespirito por su reinserción a la sociedad luego depasarmuchos años dedicado al oficio de "caquito" junto a su eternoamigo"el Botija".EL GORDO Y EL FLACO (1974-1993)La magnífica adaptación de los geniales "Laurel y Hardy"mejorconocidos como el Gordo y el Flaco, son una muestra más delhumorfino y de la mejor calidad brindado por don Roberto. Demostróatodas las nuevas generaciones que el chiste mudo está másvigenteque nunca.CHAPARRON BONAPARTE (1980-1995)Esta pareja de enfermos mentales o "chifladitos" (léaseChaparrónBonaparte y Lucas Tañeda) hacen de sus males unadiversión constantey no deja de regalarnos sonrisas con susdesordenadas perohilarantes conversaciones. Menos a sus pobresvecinos.VICENTE CHAMBÓN (1980-1984)El reportero de "La Chicharra" estuvo con su público porpocastemporadas sin embargo nos regaló capítulos inolvidables.Chespirito, son ofElsabilingual secretary Bolaños Cacho and painter, cartoonistandillustrator Francisco Gomez Linares, Roberto was the secondofthree brothers (Francis and Horace were the other two).Beforebecoming an actor, was a boxer beginner. Also did much oftheEngineering in the National University of Mexico, butnevergraduated or practiced law. Married since 2004 with FlorindaMezaFlorinda who played Donna on Chavo after a long relationship.He began his career as an advertising creative, whichconnectedit to the radio and television, which was, during the1950s a veryactive writer. Also made several film scripts for theduo Chip andCapulina and briefly as an actor started with themMalcriados TwoServants in 1960. However, he continued to devotemost of his timeto writing, contributing dialogues and screenplaysMexicantelevision programs.His professional name Chespirito, is due to filmdirectorAugustine P. Delgado, derived from the diminutive ofthepronunciation of the name William ShakespearePeninsularizedbecause Gómez Bolaños's stature and talent to writestories thatresembled those of Shakespeare.Chapatín DOCTOR (1968-1995)One of the first characters to be created by Don Roberto. Hemadehis first appearance in 1968 with the "Super Heroes of SquareTableand was part of Chespirito in all seasons.'s One of the mostlovedby the public for its special character.CHESPIRITO (1968-1995)Although not strictly a fixed character, has shownChespiritoperformances as varied as great. We can not overlook ordeny thatthanks to these interpretations have learned a lot ofhistory, artand music.CHARLES CHAPLIN (1970-1994)I forget the emulation of one of the greatest comedians inthehistory of cinema. Chespirito thus pays tribute to who is oneofhis favorite comedians and who considered a master. However,overthe years the student overcame the teacher Chaplin.The grasshopper COLORADO (1970-1993)Initially it would be green, but by technological issues, asfatewould have it flushed. This superhero Latin American footprinthasleft more than any other worldwide. It is the favoritetelevisioncharacter Homer Simpson, and we.El Chavo del Ocho (1971-1992)No doubt the character of Don Roberto Gomez that mostsuccessfuland is already a phenomenon to be current on televisionfor over 30years with the same old event.Don Ramón, Quico, Chilindrina, Doña Florinda, ProfessorJirafales,Doña Clotilde and Mr. Barriga, respectivelyTHE CHOMPIRAS (1973-1995)Aquiles Esquivel Madrazo, better known as Chómpiras was oneofthe most impacting characters from all Chespirito followersfortheir reintegration into society after spending many yearsdevotedto the craft of "Caquito" with his eternal friend "theBotija".THE FAT AND SKINNY (1974-1993)The superb adaptation of the brilliant "Laurel and Hardy"betterknown as the Laurel and Hardy, are another example of thesubtlehumor and the best quality provided by Don Roberto. It showedallthe new generations that dumb joke is more relevant thanever.CHAPARRON BONAPARTE (1980-1995)This pair of mentally ill or "chifladitos" (readChaparrónBonaparte and Luke Taneda) make a fun ills constant andcontinuesto give us smiles with messy but hilarious conversations.Under hispoor neighbors.VICENTE Chambon (1980-1984)The reporter of "The Buzzer" was with his audience for afewseasons yet gave us unforgettable chapters.
Simpsonpedia 1.0
La más completa y detallada base dedatosdetodos las temporadas y episodios de Los Simpsons.Con buscador de palabras claves para que puedas saber toda lainfodeese episodio que tenes ganas de ver!Vas a poder consultar, fotografía, fecha deestreno,guionista,director y la sinopsis de cada episodio. NOCONTIENEVIDEOS DEEPISODIOS.Tamibién podrás guardar tus espisodios favoritosycompartirlospor Facebook o WhatsApp!Podés consultar todo la información offline (sólosenecesitaconexión a Internet para foto de episodio)The mostcomprehensiveanddetailed database of all the seasons and episodesofTheSimpsons.With search engine keywords so you can find all the infoofthatepisode that got excited to see!You'll be able to consult, photography,releasedate,screenwriter, director and synopsis of each episode.CONTAINSNOVIDEOS OF EPISODES.Tamibién can save your favorites and share them onFacebookorWhatsApp espisodios!You can check all information offline (only internetconnectionisneeded to picture episode)
Photo Warp+ 1.2.4
The most popular photo warping app is backwitha sequel and it is better than ever!Photo Warp was downloaded more than 30 million times, andnowPhoto Warp+ is here with more! We rewritten it from scratch,soPhoto Warp+ is faster, has more functions and got a new UI!Just take a picture then warp, bend and distort it toyourheart's content.Make yourself skinnier, buff yourself up or enlarge any bodypartsthat might need some enlargement ;) Or go crazy and havefunputting several pounds of fat on your friends or giving themthebiggest cheese-eating grin you can imagine. With Photo Warp+,youtoo can be an instant, super-cheap plastic surgeon! Howhilariouscan you be?REVIEWS:“Messing around with Photo Warp is a great way to brighten upyourday and you can really make fools out of your friends!” -JamesThornton, SoftonicFEATURES::★ Save high resolution pictures!★ Animate your warps!★ Use pinch-zoom for more detailed editing!★ New, more streamlined UI!★ Speed improvements - smoother interactions...and the old favorites:☆ Warp tool (Moves pixels around as you drag the cursor),☆ Pinch and Bloat tools (Move pixels towards/away from the centerofyour brush)☆ The unique Reconstruct brush (gradually resets the picture toitsoriginal state as you brush over it)☆ Twirl clockwise and counterclockwise tools (rotates pixelsaroundthe center of brush)☆ Set brush size and strength☆ Use any picture to warp whether it's from your camera or anyphotofrom your device☆ Save pictures to your device or SD card☆ Share your creations online☆ Installing to SD card is supported====================================Facebook:
Guia Springfield 4.0.0
Guia del juego para móviles Springfield(TappedOut) de Los Simpsons. Contiene una parte del modo historia,donde tedescribe las misiones paso a paso. También encontraráslasconstrucciones con sus precios, recompensas etc. Y una seccióndetrucos y consejos para el juego.Aviso Legal: esta guia es una guía no oficial del juegoparasmartphones Springfield (Tapped Out). No está afiliado aloseditores o desarrolladores del juego. La guia está destinadaparalos fans de Los Simpsons y del juego descrito, para ayudar alosjugadores y usarlo de modo complementario Los logos yutilizaciónde nombres pertenecen a sus propios autores. Todos lospersonajes,lugares y las imágenes de los logos del juego sonpropiedad de susrespectivos propietarios, y el uso de esta guía caedentro de laspautas de "uso justo".Mobile GameGuideSpringfield (Tapped Out) of The Simpsons. Contains part ofthestory mode where you describe step by step missions. You'llalsofind buildings with their prices, rewards etc. And a sectionoftips and tricks for the game.Disclaimer: This guide is an unofficial game guideforSpringfield smartphones (Tapped Out). It is not affiliated withthepublishers or developers of the game. The guide is intendedforfans of The Simpsons and the game described to help players andusecomplementarily use of logos and names belong to their authors.Allcharacters, places and images of the game logos are propertyoftheir respective owners, and using this guide falls withintheguidelines of "fair use."
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Memeitor - The best memes! 1.5.8
NOW WITH MORE THAN 700 MEMES!!!!!!After listening to our users... We have made Memeitor the bestappto create and share memes in Android! Now you will be abletopublish your own memes and see the latest that our thousandsofusers have already created!Creating memes hasn't ever been so easy! Create your own memeinthree simple steps:1.- Either choose one of the more than 700 most famous memes wehaveincluded for you in Memeitor, or pick an image from yourgallery orcamera2.- Choose a design for your meme. There are three of them!3.- Be creative and choose the text for your meme!and share it with your friends through WhatsApp,Facebook,Twitter...!10 Guy1950s Middle Finger1990s First World Problems1st World Canadian Problems2nd Term ObamaAaaaand Its GoneActual Advice MallardAdmiral Ackbar Relationship ExpertAdvice DogAdvice GodAdvice YodaAlan GreenspanAlbert Einstein 1Alright Gentlemen We Need A New IdeaAm I The Only One Around HereAncient AliensAnd everybody loses their mindsAngry AsianAngry BabyAngry BrideAngry Chef Gordon RamsayAngry DumbledoreAngry ToddlerAnnoying Childhood FriendAnnoying Facebook GirlAnti Joke ChickenArt Student OwlAwkward OlympicsAw Yeah Rage FaceBabushkas On FacebookBaby CryBaby GodfatherBack In My DayBad Advice CatBad Joke EelBad Luck BearBad Luck BrianBarbosa And SparrowBarney Stinson WinBart Simpson PeekingBatman Slapping RobinBatman SmilesBazooka SquirrelBeard BabyBear GryllsBeboBecause Race CarBeyonce Knowles Superbowl FaceBig Bird And SnuffyBig Ego ManBig Family ComebackBill Murray GolfBill Nye The Science GuyBill OReillyBlank Colored BackgroundBlank Yellow SignBoardroom Meeting SuggestionBrace Yourselves X is ComingBrian Burke On The PhoneBrian GriffinBritney SpearsBuddy ChristBuddy The ElfBurn KittyBusiness CatButthurt DwellerCaptain HindsightCaptain Picard FacepalmCASHWAG CrewCastaway FireCereal GuyCereal Guys DaddyChainsaw BearChallenge Accepted Rage FaceChavezChef Gordon RamsayChemistry CatChester The CatChocolate SpongebobChubby Bubbles GirlChuck Norris ApprovesClose EnoughCollege FreshmanCollege LiberalComic Book GuyComputer Guy FacepalmComputer GuyCondescending GokuConfession Bearconfession kidConfused GandalfConfused LebowskiConfused Mel GibsonConspiracy KeanuConsuelaCool ObamaCool Story BroCourage WolfCrazy DawgCrazy Hispanic ManCreepy Condescending WonkaCrianaCrosseyed GokuCrying Because Of CuteCURLEYCute PuppiesDafuq Did I Just ReadDarth MaulDarti BoyDat AssDating Site MurdererDeadpool Pick Up LinesDepressed CatDepression DogDerpDetermined Guy Rage FaceDexterDisappointed TysonDisaster GirlDJ Pauly DDont You SquidwardDoucheBag DJDown SyndromeDownvoting RomanDr EvilDr Evil LaserDrunk BabyDuck Face ChicksDuck FaceDwight SchruteEfrain JuarezEighties TeenEminemEngineering ProfessorEpicurist KidErmahgerd BerksErmahgerd BeyonceErmahgerd IPHERN 3GMError 404Evil CowsEvil OtterEvil Plotting RaccoonEvil ToddlerEye Of SauronFacepalm BearFamily Guy BrianFamily Guy PeterFast Furious Johnny TranFat CatFather TedFat Val KilmerFear And Loathing CatFernando LitreFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUFifa E Call Of DutyFinn The HumanFirst Day On The Internet KidFirst World Problems CatFirst World ProblemsFirst World Stoner ProblemsFk YeahForever Alone ChristmasForever AloneFoul Bachelor FrogFRANGOFriend Zone FionaFrowning NunFrustrated BoromirFuturama FryFuturama LeelaFuturama ZoidbergGandhiGangnam Style2Gangnam StyleGangnam Style PSYGasp Rage FaceGeorge BushGeorge WashingtonGhetto JesusGladys FalconGollumGood Guy GregGot Room For One MoreGotta Go CatGrandma Finds The InternetGrumpy Cat Bed....
Comic & Meme Creator 14.1
Tilted Chair
Create Marvel style comics with super heroes and villains andsharethem online.
FOX: News, TV Series, Live 7.0.269
FOX Türkiye
Access FOX series, programs and news anywhere with asingleapplication.
Search for Simpsons Episodes 1.4.0
Search information about all episodesofTheSimpsons. Search for episodes by name, season numberorepisodenumber.Contained background information for each episode:- Episode title- Plot/Summary- Chalkboard gags of Bart- Couch gags- Guest star(s)- Statistics of US viewers- Directors, writers and showrunners- Air dates of episodes- Production Codes- Wikipedia articles- IMDb linksThis app is free: Enjoy!
Mi Telefe 4.06.05
I lived the experience of enjoying Telefe signal wherever you are.
Mood Scanner Detector (Prank) 2.0
Gosi Apps
How are you feeling today? Lazy? Moody? Angry? Use theMoodScannerto help you find out! Place your finger on the screenandMoodScanner detects your mood. * Analyzes your fingermotiontodetermine your mood and feelings. Translations:German,English,Spanish, Indonesian , French This app is intendedforentertainmentpurposes only and does not provide truemooddetectorfunctionality.
Canal 5 1.0.17
Con la App de Canal 5 disfruta del contenidodetus pelis y series preferidas y comparte con miles depersonasnuestro contenido a través redes sociales, Si eres geek,trendy,rud@, hipster, de la realeza o una mezcla de todo, estaaplicaciónes para ti. Activa la alarma que te recordará que está a punto de empezartuprograma favorito  en CANAL 5. Además, vive unaexperienciadiferente con nuestros videos exclusivos, artículosyfotogalerías.With the App Channel5enjoy the content of your movies and favorite series and sharewiththousands of people our content through social networks If youaregeek, trendy, rud @, hipster, royalty or a mix of all,thisapplication is for you.Activate the alarm that will remind you that you are abouttostart your entertainment CANAL 5. In addition, live adifferentexperience with our exclusive videos, articles andphotogalleries.
Drawissimo Kids-Learn to Draw
Drawing and coloring book for kids and adults-Drawissimo Kids, is the only step-by-step drawing tutorialsapp,that uses your camera lens to teach drawing techniques fasterandmore efficiently. All you need is your tablet or smartphone andapen and sketch pad. Find a glass, holder or prop for yourdeviceand start drawing!This drawing app is truly one-of-a-kind. Learn to drawanimals,characters, shapes and anime with step-by-step drawingtutorialsfor drawing directly onto sketch paper, and not just onthe devicelike many other free drawing apps. Just follow thedrawing steps wehave prepared for each illustration.Our drawing tutorials are fun for kids and adults, and comewithhundreds of illustrations! Unleash your inner artist, and letusknow what you think!Drawissimo Kids is currently featured for tablets, but worksgreaton smartphones too.**** DRAWISSIMO KIDS FEATURES ****Learn to Draw – Drawing tutorial phase featuresstep-by-stepinstructions- Drawing lessons are fast and fun with Drawissimo! Drawanythingyou can dream up with guidance each step of the way- Enjoy drawing games for kids and adults! Anyone can learn andhavefun with our simple instructions- Draw on paper, or directly on your tablet/phone withintuitivetouch drawingPicture Drawing Is Easy – Drawissimo Kids is the only drawing apptouse your camera lens to accurately teach drawingtechniques- Drawing pictures is easy, with step-by-step instructionsfordrawing hundreds of images- Sketch pictures accurately by watching your hand movementstomaster line techniques- Doodle on pictures and other physical pieces, not just onthescreen of your tablet or phone- Draw anime, animals and much more by handFree Coloring Tools - Coloring and drawing are easy withourspecialized tools!- Interactive coloring book with colored pens, special brushes,apen for following the lines, and more- Sketching and coloring is fun with special effects andstickers!Make your drawing glow – literally!Drawing for Kids – Sketching is easy with our newDrawingHelper®- Drawing Helper’s ® easy draw interface guides new artistswithcolored dots. Connect them all to finish your picture!- Drawing games make learning fun for kids and adults alike! Trytotrace the lines with as much precision as you canShare Drawings – Draw Pictures and Share With Friends- Show your sketch book to friends to share your pictures- Compare progress and share inspirationOffline Mode – Draw Even When You’re Not Online- Learn to draw anytime and anywhere with Drawissimo’s offlinemode.It’s perfect for drawing on vacation, with limited mobiledata andmore- Drawissimo’s small file size means you can start drawingquicklyand easilyDrawissimo Kids helps you learn how to draw incategorieslike:- How to draw animals- Drawing for kids- How to draw pop culture- How to draw fantasy- How to draw cartoons- How to draw anime & manga- How to draw nature- How to draw peopleDrawissimo Kids is the only drawing game that teaches realskills,using your device’s camera to trace your hand movements!Learn todraw shapes, characters, cars and more withstep-by-stepinstructions that make it easy to learn importantdrawingtechniques.Download Drawissimo Kids for hundreds of amazingdrawingtutorials! or write at [email protected] take customer privacy very seriously. Have your kids draw freeofany risks. We do not collect ANY personal data from ourusers.
Fatos Ocultos - Curiosidades e Fatos Desconhecidos 6.0
Você adora curiosidades, ama ciência e tecnologia e nos momentosdetédio gosta de conhecer algumas teorias da conspiração? Entãoesseaplicativo é ideal para você! Sempre trazendo coisas queforamocultas ou que poucas pessoas conhecem sobre ciência,assuntoscreppypasta, curiosidades bizarras e conteúdo divertido.Aqui vocêtem novas matérias a todo momento, de todos os tipos eníveis deconhecimento, assim fica por dentro de tudo. | Não precisadeinternet, use- o offline e onde estiver | As melhoresCuriosidadese Fatos Desconhecidos na palma de sua mão | Favorite asnoticiasque mais gosta e as encontre com facilidade | Escolha otema quemais lhe agrade e tenha um aplicativo bonito e funcional |Tenhatotal controle com configurações fáceis e rápidas |Atualizações doconteúdo diárias e constantes | Compartilhe ascuriosidades comquem quiser por Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter e muitomais | Rotaçãoautomática da tela, escolha se quer usar o aplicativocomSmartphone deitado ou em pé A Fatos Ocultos surgiu em 2016paraocupar um espaço deixado de lado por grandes empresasdeentretenimento e curiosidades que não levaram seus sites eblogspara a nova geração, os aplicativos. Por sua qualidadecresceurapidamente e se tornou o aplicativo de curiosidades,ciência etecnologia, entretenimento, assuntos de terror ecreppypasta com amaior nota da Play Store, atualmente 4.8, beirandoas 5 estrelas esendo um dos únicos aplicativos completamentebrasileiro com maisde 100.000 downloads com nota tão alta.
Azteca Live
On the Azteca APP you can watch live allyourfavorite shows, along with a large selection of exclusivecontent,coverage, videochats, interviews and eventbroadcasts.