Top 23 Apps Similar to Pirate Treasure Maths-Addition

Addition Multiplication Subtra 2.8
Learn math tables easy with our simple free application
Capt'n Hippocampus' Spelling C 2.0.1
reading learning 1st grade English free for kids writinggamepre-school pirate
Jigsaw Puzzles For Kids Games 2.1
This jigsaw puzzles for kids games allow the child to focus andusetheir skills
Division Flashcard Match Games 1.10.0
Eggroll Games
Building math skills and learning to divide has never been morefun!
Kids' Fun Math Learning 1.9.4
A fun-filled journey into math! Learn to add, subtract,multiply,and divide!
Math rescue: Mental Math Pract 1116
3rd-grade math and 4th-grade math games! Kids math playgroundandfun math facts
Letter Puzzle: Learn To Read 2.0.3
reading learning 1st grade English free for kids writinggamepre-school fun
Letter Puzzle: Learn To Read 2.0.3
learning 1st grade English free for kids writing gamepre-schoolmulti language
Times Tables Multiples - 3rd Grade Math Games Free 1.1.2
Take your multiplication table and 3rd grade math skills tothenextlevel with an advanced, multiplication facts game! 🎮👍Feelconfidentwith most of the times tables up to 12? 😎👌 Move tothenext levelwith advanced 3rd and 4th grade math conceptslikefactors /multiples and prime numbers. This 3rd grade math gameisdesigned tohelp kids perfect their multiplying speed andpreparethem fordivision and fractions. Learn fast and have fun! 😉😜TimesTablesMultiples features: • Enjoy 12 fun, themed levels!⚽🍄🌴🌷🍁🌵🐟🍭•Learning with rewards: Earn coins and get cool features!🤑💰 •Playwith up to 24 funny, animal characters! 🐵🦁🐷🐮🦊🐻🐼 • Learn3rdand 4thgrade math quickly on smartphone and tablet. 📱 • Accessallcontentfor free! 🎉🎉 • Prepare for division and fractions! ➗ HowtoPlayTimes Tables Multiples: Quickly run and collect thenumbersthatdrop before they hit the ground. Be careful though!Paycloseattention to the instructions and make sure to onlycatchthecorrect numbers. For example: multiples of 5. Collectnumberssuchas 10, 25 or 65 which you can divide by 5. All othernumberswhichyou can not divide by 5 (without a remainder) shouldbeavoided.You gotta be quick though! The numbers drop fasterovertime! Getin the division mindset! "Is this number a multiple of4?"is likeasking "Can this number be divided by 4?" Forthisreason,multiples are the perfect topic for transitioningstudentsfromlearning multiplying to dividing. Get ready forfractionsThesefun, yet challenging learning games help kids developastrongerunderstanding of numbers and how they relate tooneanother. Asstudents move forward from multiplication factsintodivision andfractions, multiples become increasingly moreimportantfor successin 3rd and 4th grade math. Times TablesMultiples helpsstudentscalculate fraction greatest common factors(GCF) and lowestcommondenominators (a.k.a., lowest common multiple)quicklyandconfidently. Working with fractions can be one ofthemostchallenging topics for 3rd and 4th grade math students.Makesureyour kids are ready! All Times Tables Multiples topics:•Positiveand negative numbers • Odd and even numbers • Greaterthanand lessthan • Multiples / Factors (2, 5, 10, 3, 4 & 6):Learntomultiply fast and identify fraction denominators. •Primenumbers:Fun and learning for 4th graders and adults!
MINTOW: Kids Educational Games 0.7
Mintow Kids
Activity-based learning and Entertaining app for kids with3000+Curriculum!
Kids Numbers and Math
Wouldn't it be just wonderful if there wasasimple game for preschoolers that made learning numbers andbasicmath skills enjoyable? There is! It's called Kids NumbersandMath.By playing the activities, kids earn puzzles pieces for theirBugCollection Puzzles.The paid version enables the number ranges to be set, withnumbersgoing up to 20.Just to make sure, you know we also have a readingcurriculum,right? It consists of Kids ABC Letters, Kids ABC Trains,Kids ABCPhonics and Kids Reading.Your child will love playing Kids Numbers and Math, and you'llbeable to relax, knowing your child is learning while havinggreatfun.Let's do the rest of the description in aquestion-and-answerform.★ What activities are included?✔ learning numbers✔ choose max/min number✔ addition✔ subtraction✔ find a match✔ advanced exercisesThere are more advanced exercises, too, and a surprising numberofchildren enjoy the game so much they do them, too.If you want your child to learn math – and enjoy it – you can'tfinda better choice than Kids Numbers and Math.★ What will my children learn?Your child will learn to compare, add, subtract andmatchnumbers.★ What won't my children learn?The game does not overload children and parents with too manyaudioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulationistherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing duringthisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.Once your child is involved and happy, you can relax, withtheassurance that he or she is having a great time –andlearning!If you'd like to test the game yourself before you buy it, weoffera free lite version.★ Hey, how did you take the top four spots in theEducationsection?✔ Kids love our games. Parents love to see theirpreschool-agedchildren being both educated and quietly happy.Google noticed ourgreat reviews and then featured and promoted ourapps.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.We hope your children enjoy all the fun and education we'vebuiltinto our game of Kids Numbers and Math – and that you'll enjoyourother kid-friendly games, too.
Kids ABC Letters
Kids ABC Letters invites yourpreschool-agedchildren to join along on an enchanting voyagethrough the alphabetwaters, to learn the names and shapes of thealphabet letters,practice letter recognition, and easily findletters in context ofwords and the alphabetical order. Eachactivity has a separatelearning objective and a differentgame.The game teaches the alphabet to the children one set of lettersata time. We split the alphabet into seven sets: ABC, DEF,GHIJ,KLMN, OPQR, STUV, WXYZ. As the children complete theactivities fora particular letter set, they build a specific boat.This givesthem motivation to play and learn.This app does not teach the phonetic sounds that thealphabetletters make. Knowing how the letters are pronounced is aseparateeducational goal, which is covered in Intellijoy's separateapp,Kids ABC Phonics. Including phonics in this app would detractfromthe focus and delight of this game.This game covers seven activities:✔ Naming Letters: A delightful way for kids to learn the namesandappearances of each ABC alphabet letter at their own pace.✔ Forming Letters: Kids assemble alphabet letters withcolorfulpuzzle pieces to recall the familiar letters they'velearned.✔ Recognizing Letters: Fishing for alphabet fish as they swimbyreinforces letter familiarity and its pronunciation.✔ Identifying Letters in Context: This simple game teaches kidstorecognize the alphabet letters as they appear in words. Asaresult, they learn that words are made up of letters.✔ Matching Upper Case to Lower Case Letters: Thisactivityreinforces that each letter has two variations; one upperand onelower case letter. The child will enjoy matching the letterstoeach other to build a raft.✔ Distinguish between Upper Case and Lower Case Letters: Listenandsearch for the upper case or lower case letter and toss it tothedolphin for some fun!✔ Ordering the ABC's: The child explores the deep sea tofindletter-coins, and uses these to create a segment of fourletters ina row within the alphabet.Kids ABC Letters is the first app in our Reading CurriculumSeries.It is followed by Kids ABC Trains, Kids ABC Phonics, KidsLearn toRead, and Kids Sight Words.
Alphachat by Helen Doron 1.8
Alpha Chat is a fun educational game aimed at Children ages 4-9.
DragonBox Big Numbers 1.1.4
Kahoot DragonBox AS
Put your child in charge of building a wonderful world fortheNooms. Learn how big numbers work through play andexploration.Learn to perform long additions and subtractions. Grow,gather andtrade resources to unlock new worlds, and build houses,and shops.***Perfect for kids between 6 and 9, or kids who havemasteredDragonBox Numbers*** FEATURES - An innovative interfacethat makessolving long additions and subtractions easy - Aninfinite amountof additions and subtractions to solve. - Over 10hours of engaginggameplay - No reading required - 6 worlds toexplore - Learn tocount in different languages - 10 Differentresources to collectand trade - 4 Noom houses to furnish anddecorate - No third-partyadvertising - No in-app purchasesDragonBox Big Numbers is based onthe same pedagogical principles asthe other games in theaward-winning DragonBox series, and works byintegrating thelearning seamlessly into the gameplay, no quizzes ormindlessrepetitions. Every interaction in DragonBox Big Numbers isdesignedto heighten your child’s understanding of mathematicswhilemotivating them to keep learning through play and exploration.
GeoBoard coordinates cartesian 2.0.7
Puzzle game for kids and adults Flow and single line Logicalandmath thinking
Arithmagic - Math Wizard Game 1.1.2
🔮 Math and magic - what more do you want?
Patrick's Math Tasks for kids 1.8
Tobias Eckert
Train Math Tasks: Multiplication Table, Addition,Subtraction,Double & Halve
Addition Premium 1.28-premium
Educational game for kids.
Code Adventures : Coding Puzzl 3.1
Cyborc Games
Teach your kids the wonders of programming
RMB Games 2: Games for Kids 1.2.25
Play tons of fun learning games for kids, including sorting, 123andABC games!
Times Tables & Friends: Free Multiplication Games 2.3.77
Free multiplication games for kids! Learn times tableswiththecoolest, multiplication flash cards out there! 5 easy,timestableactivities make learning multiplication tables fun forall!😄Practice and learn to multiply now in just onemultiplicationapp.These cool, times tables flash cards are agenuinely funandeffective 3rd grade teaching method. 🎓📚👍 Choosefrom 5free,multiplication games! 🎮 Game Mode 🎮 Your child willbegintheirtimes tables quiz their hamster and his colorfulballoons. 🐹🎈Laughwith and join his journey discovering new mysticalworlds.⛰️🏞️🌴Answer the math flash cards correctly and thehamstercontinues hismathematics adventure. Miss more than 2x andPOP! It’sgame over.Can you beat all 20 themed levels covering up to20x20?These arethe easiest and funniest multiply games around! 🤗 📕3LearningStages 📕 New to 3rd grade math? Learning mode is wheretostart!Our brain 🧠 can memorize material best when we engagealloursenses! The 3 step-by-step stages of this sectionfeatureadvanced,Montessori-backed, teaching methods focused onperceptivememory.Each auditory 👂, verbal 🎤 and kinesthetic ✍️lessonexercises thebrain and its memory storage. Even visual cuesareused by givingMontessori color assignments to every timetableschart. 1.Listening 👂: Listen to each problem spoken out loud.2.Repeating(voice recognition) 🎤: Repeat the equation 3x 3.Tracing✍️: Tracewith your finger the problem and solution tofinishthememorization exercise. Parents with prodigy children in1stgradeand 2nd grade should consider starting with this sectionfor aheadstart to multiplying. 🏆 Challenge mode 🏆 Answer asmanymathproblems as possible with a timer and threehelpfulbonuses!Eliminate 50% of the answers, freeze the timer orskip tothe nextquiz question. 💪 Training mode 💪 Select and focus onthemath factsof your choice. By focusing on their weaknesses,childrencan focuson improving their grades for their next exam.Practiceand trainyour brain multiplying with voice audio andwithout atimer!👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Multiplayer mode 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Challenge friends,parentsandclassmates to a times table face off! Who can answereachflashcard more quickly? A fun, split-screen, multiplayer gamefor3rdgraders and adults! More Features - Fulfillcool,mathematicsquests and get rewarded with fun badges. 🥇🥈🥉 -Track allprogresson the achievements board.🏆🏆🏆 - Practice how tomultiply in12voice audio languages! 🌐 - Great for playing ontablets! Takeyourstudents education to the next level! Startlearning 3rd grademathwith free multiply games now and ace the nextelementaryschoolmaths quiz.