Top 22 Apps Similar to Locale Timer Plug-in

Locale - TTS+ Plug-in 1.0.1
Ed Kawas
The Locale TTS (Text to speech) +settingsplug-in enables you to have customized messages read outaloudwhenever a condition is triggered on your Android device.This lightweight Locale TTS+ settings plug-in will allow youtoautomatically have messages read out, using the text tospeechfunctionality bundled in Android, whenever the condition isright.For instance, imagine you wanted to know when conditionswheretriggered. With this Locale plug-in, you will now be notifiedwithany custom message you choose. We dont stop there! For those ofyouwith multiple text to speech voices installed on your device,thisplug-in allows you to decide which voice to use on a persettingsbasis! The possibilities are endless!TTS+ Plug-in uses the Text-to-speech functionality ofyourandroid phone to speak to you so make sure to enable and setthatup first! TTS+ Plug-in also uses the voices that are builtintoyour Android phone. If you want more voices, they are availablefordownload on the market and are most likely compatible withthisapp.Note that this is a plug-in for Locale and requires that youhaveLocale installed. Locale is sold separately by two forty foura.m.LLC.This Locale TTS+ Plug-in should also be compatible withTasker(which is sold separately by CRAFTY APPS).This is the initial release. Please report any bugs,suggestionsor feedback directly to us through email.Unfortunately,suggestions and bug reports in market comments willbe ignoredsince we cannot follow up with you. Please contact usdirectly forrefund requests within 24 hours of initialpurchase.
UGL Locale Plug-in 1.019
To use this plug-in you need the followinginaddition to the plug-in:- Ultra GPS Logger- An app compatible with Locale API. e.g. Automagic, Locale,Taskeror EasyProfilesThis plug-in allows remote control of Ultra GPS Logger viaLocaleAPI.The following commands are supported for remote control:StartLogStartLogDlgPauseLogStopLog;StopUGLMarkPOIDlgBackgroundGPS_OnBackgroundGPS_OffStartStop_Toggle
Locale Play Sound Plug-in 1.1
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plug-in to Play ANY sound on yourphone!Choose the sound using the android ringtone picker.Ringtones, Music, Alerts, anything on your phone!Requires Locale 1.0version 1.1- Fixed Android 1.5 crash
Locale Gmail+ Plug-in 1.7.1
Ed Kawas
With Locale and the Locale Gmail+ Plug-in,yourcan send email messages automatically whenever a conditionistriggered on your Android device.Keep your family up-to-date. Control your home automationsystem.The possibilities are endless!With this Gmail plug-in, your security is a top priority! We donotrequire you to enter or save a password. Just enter messagedetailsand leave the complex configuration to us! All messages sentaredone silently with no interaction required. If a conditionistriggered and you don't have an internet connection, Gmail+Plug-inwill queue up the messages and send them when a connectionisestablished.This Locale Gmail+ Plug-in is also be compatible with Tasker(soldseparately by CRAFTY APPS), Settings Profiles Lite / Full(soldseparately by probeez) and Llama (sold separatelybyKebabApps).This plugin supports Tasker variables.
SSH Tasker Plugin 1.0.9
SSH Tasker is a plugin for Locale/Tasker thatallowsyouautomatically log into a server via SSH andexecuteremotecommands. * Tasker or Local is require to operatethisplugin, theplugin will show up under plugin section when addinganaction to atask. * Keyfile and password authentication issupportedwith rsaand dsa keys. * Encrypted keyfiles are supported.*Commands allowfor variable substitution. * Username, Host, andPortnow allow forvariable substitution * Output can be piped to alocalTaskervariable (only available during the task) and be acteduponas soonas the command is completed without a Tasker wait.*Multipleservers are supported, with unique authentication foreach.*Multiple commands can be stringed together using a;NOTE:Currently only openSSH keyfile is supported. (Thismeansthatconnectbot keys will not work without converting themfirst).
Locale Text-to-Speech Plug-In 1.0
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plugin for Text-to-SpeechRead a message whenever a situation is triggered!Requires the Text-to-Speech Libraries for Android(FreelyAvailable in the market)Locale 1.0 RequiredKeywords: Locale plugin, Plug-in, TTS, Text to Speech, Speak
KeepWiFi Locale 1.5
BK Mobility
KeepWiFi is forcing your Android phone nottoturn your WiFi off during sleep.KeepWiFi can be used as a Locale plug-in plus it hasanotification icon for easy access and status message.
Locale Calendar Plug-in 1.3
DroidMunkey LLC
This Locale Plug-in will allow youtouseCalendar Events as conditions!Set your phone to vibrate when you are in a meeting, Turnupyourringer while you are at Gym.Filter by exact match, or any events that contain acertainwordin the title or location!v1.3- Froyo (android 2.2) Compatible!* Locale 1.0 Required *
Locale Notify Plug-in 0.3.3
Top Download
With Locale and the Notify Plug-in, youcanautomatically update your phone so that you hear SMSnotificationswhile email notifications are silent.You can update your default notification to silence otherappslike Facebook, gTalk and gVoice too.You must purchase Locale from the Android market first.v0.3.3Ringtone
Locale Speakerphone Plug-in 1.0
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plug-in to AutomaticallyenableSpeakphone for Incoming and Outgoing Calls!Don't forget to add this to your 'Default' to turn itbackoff!* The 'Speaker Phone' Indicator may take a few seconds tochangeon some phone apps- but trust me, it's on :-)Keywords: Locale Plugin, Auto Speaker PhoneLocale 1.0 Required
Locale Variables Plug-in 1.2
DroidMunkey LLC
Variables for Locale!This plugin will allow you to set and change variablesinonesituation and have them used as conditions in another!Ever wish you could have one situation trigger another one?Or, do one thing when you get home from work, and anotherwhenyouget home from school?Now you can!Requires Locale 1.0
Tasker / Locale Plugin 1.0
Tablet Talk
Tasker / Locale Plugin for Tablet Talk.****This app is not a standalone app and does not functionbyitself. It is an add on for Tablet Talk. It requires TabletTalkand either Tasker or Locale.****Incorporate Tablet Talk into your Tasker or Locale profilesusingthis plugin. It provides actions so you can, for example,activateTablet Talk in Bluetooth mode when docked in your car,then switchback to Wi-Fi mode when you get home or are tetheredwith yourphone. The plugin also provides conditions so you can setactionsdepending on Tablet Talk's state, such as silence yourphone whenconnected with the tablet.If you have previously enabled any of Tablet Talk'sbuilt-inautomatic settings, remember to disable them beforeswitching toTasker/Locale profiles.This plugin is slightly updated from the 2012 version whichhasbeen available for download through a Dropbox link. Futureupdateswill be released here.Tasker and Locale are separate applications and arenotassociated with Tablet Talk in any way.
Locale Wi-Fi Match Plug-in 1.1.2
Apps Talk
This is a plug-in for "Locale" which allows you to make settingsofyour phone in a specific location or situation.** If you don't have or want to install 'Locale', you DON'Tneedthis application. **Wi-Fi Match gives you a condition based on a Wi-Fi name.Thereare many Wi-Fi hot spots. So you can find a Wi-Fi SSID, thename ofthe Wi-Fi hot spot, in the location where you want yourphone to bea specific condition; vibrate mode, turn on/offBluetoth, etc.ver. 1.1.1Fix a crash when it is upgraded from pre-v1.1.0.ver. 1.1.0* Add MAC address for condition. But it's optional.* User interface change.Tested on Galaxy S.Please share your experience by sending me an email.
Locale/Tasker Headphone Button 0.2
Ryan B
A Locale plugin that simulates pressing a headphone orheadsetbutton. Available buttons are the "hook" ie single headsetbutton,Play/Pause, Play, Pause, Next, Previous, Fast Forward,Rewind,Stop. Also optionally checks whether anything is currentlyplaying.This is useful because headphone buttons automatically usethecurrent "preferred" media player on your device, which isusuallythe most recently used one, instead of any one specificplayer. Iuse this to restart whatever was playing last when I plugin myheadphones. It's nice that Android automatically pauseswhenthey're unplugged, but it's annoying to have to unlock thescreen,navigate through the player app, and press play again. Add aLocalesituation with headphones connected as the condition andthisplugin with "Play/Pause" as the setting, and voila, your musicorpodcast automatically restarts when you plug your headphonesbackin! Warning: some media player apps don't handle headphonebuttonsconsistently, or even at all, even built-in apps. If thisplugindoesn't work with a specific app, check that it supportstheheadphone button you've selected, and/or try other buttons.
Uptime Locale Plugin 1.7
This plugin requires Locale, a paid app!The plugin determines if the amount of time since thedevicehasbooted is more than what you set.So for example, if you set 5 minutes for settings youwanttoapply at boot, such as turning off wifi, after five minutesitwillapply the changes.Then, after every five minutes it will re-apply thesettings.It is intended for my Soft Reboot Plugin, so the device willdoasoft reboot as often as you configure it. So forexample;weekly,the device will automatically reboot.
Locale SmartNight Plug-in 1.0
**This is a plug-in for Locale v1.x**** BETA ****The purpose of this plug-in is to detect that your phonemustswitchto night mode (or back in a day mode).For this ambient noise and movement of the phone are analyseNo more forget to force your phone to silent for the night!Beta = freeplease email for support
Locale Airplane Mode Plug-in 1.4
Creative apps
With this plug-in for Localeyoucanautomatically turn airplane mode on/off. For exampleusefulltosave battery power during the night. If you have a PIN onyourSIMcard you have to enter the code when disabling airplanemode.Note:* This is a plug-in: it requires "Locale" fromtheAndroidMarket.* This free app is ad supported and may contain adsinthenotification tray and/or home screen.
Material Design Tasker Plugin 7.1.3
A Tasker Plugin to show a diverse range of Material Design actions
Locale Mobile Signal Plug-In 1.21
A condition plug-in for the popular'Locale'application that allows you to detect if you have a cellsignal.Requires android 2.0+ and locale 1.1+Version 1.21: Bug fix for displaying incorrect blurb onconditionscreen, thanks Parth!
Locale Call Status Plug-In 1.1
Plug-in for the Locale app, which allows youtohave a condition for when there is a call in progress.Requires Android 2.1+ and Locale 1.0+Note: This plug-in runs a small background service to keepphonestate. Please exempt it from any task killers, if you haveone.Version 1.1: Ask if ringing counts as on a call.
Locale Auto Sync Setting 1.1
A Locale Plug-In that can turn automaticsyncon and off.Requires Locale 1.0+ and Android 2.0+
Tasker Utils 1.01
Vincent Z
Supports actions that are not availableinother popular Tasker plugins, including:1. Get SMS message ID by address and body. The ID can beusedlater by action #2 and #3 below.2. Delete a message by ID. It requires App Ops in 4.4+3. Mark a message as read by ID. It requires App Ops in 4.4+4. Get the importance of a running process. It can be usedforforeground/background check5. Wipe data. It'll perform a factory reset, can be usedinanti-theft tasks.6. HTTP Get. It's a replacement for Tasker's own HTTP Get actiontounblock execution of other tasks.7. Watch always-on screen. Toggles the always-on screen settinginconnected Android Wear watch.Permissions:READ_SMS: Get SMS message IDWRITE_SMS: Delete SMS & Mark a SMS as readINTERNET: HTTP GetNote: This is not a standalone app, it requires Tasker andisvisible only in Tasker.