Top 7 Apps Similar to Creative Bamboo Product Design

Clothes Matcher 2.0.9
+ Help people resolve difficulties inchoosingclothes on weekends or holidays.+ Help everyone choose suitable clothes by taking picturesfromcamera or using available photos.+ The more exactly you draw the outline on clothes,themoreaccurately you get.
Mặc đẹp 2.3.3
Macdep inc
Trước tiên, chúng tôi xin được cảm ơn cácbạnđã quan tâm đến ứng dụng Mặc đẹp - Mac dep của chúng tôi.Đây là một ứng dụng kết nối giữa người mua và người bán quần áohoặcnhững món đồ về thời trang. Bạn có những bộ "cánh" mới bạnkhôngbiết khoe cùng ai hoặc không có người cùng sở thích. Bạn cầnxem xuhướng thời trang để tiện "mix đồ" cho phù hợp, bạn cũng đangbănkhoăn không biết chọn đồ để đi chơi cùng bạn bè ra sao. Đó làmộtvài chức năng tổng thể của ứng dụng. Vậy, nó mang lại cho bạnđiềugi. Chúng tôi xin được chia nó làm 2 phần chính như sau.- Bạn là người dùng hoặc là khách+ Bạn có quyền được xem xu hướng sản phẩm theo thời gian, bạn cóthểnhờ tư vấn mix/phối đồ miễn phí.+ Bạn có thể đưa ra một vài nhận xét cho sản phẩm của bạn hoặcbạncủa bạn hoặc ai đó mà họ cần giúp đỡ.+ Bạn cũng có thể chia sẻ những bộ cánh của bạn qua các mạng xãhộicùng bình luận về nó.+ Bạn có thể tìm sản phẩm bằng cách sử dụng bộ lọc thông minhvớicác hashtag về màu sắc, kích thước, thương hiệu sản phẩm.+ Bạn có những món đồ, bạn không dùng nó nữa hoặc bạn có thểđănglên làm từ thiện hoặc giao bán với giá rẻ+ Bạn cũng có thể xem thông tin của cửa hàng thời trang thôngquachức năng bản đồ chỉ đường trực quan của chúng tôi- Vậy còn bạn là các trung tâm thương mại, của hàng thời trang,shopquần áo, sạp hàng vỉ hè.+ Bạn quá mệt mỏi khi không tìm được khách hàng tiềm năng, bạncầnbán đồ online và bạn cần lựa chọn một kênh phân phối uy tín thìbạnđang lựa chọn đúng hướng đi cho mình.+ Bạn muốn có một lượng người dùng quan tâm đến sản phẩm củamìnhhoặc biết đến sản phẩm của mình khi có sản phẩm mới về, bạn cóthểđăng sản phẩm lên gian hàng của chúng tôi. Ứng dụng của chúngtôisẽ thông báo ngay lập tức đến thành viên yêu thích trong shopcủabạn.+ Bạn có thể quản lý sản phẩm của bạn dễ dàng với chức năng đơngiảndễ sử dụng.+ Bạn cũng có thể dễ dàng liên hệ với người dùng thông qua ứngdụngnày.+ Vậy việc của bạn là gi: Bạn chỉ cần đăng sản phẩm của bạn,đưathông tin của bạn lên, người dùng sẽ liên hệ với bạn để có đượcsảnphẩm ưng ý.Cuối cùng cả người tiêu dùng và của hàng đang băn khoăn khôngbiếtứng dụng này miễn phí hay mấy phí. Chúng tôi xin được trả lờingaynó hoàn toàn miễn phí, vâng hoàn toàn miễn phí.Trước khi sử dụng ứng dụng vui lòng được điều khoản sử dụng vàchínhsách của chúng tôi ở phía dướiWebsite chính thức của mặc đẹp 24h : http://macdep24h.comNếu bạn có bất kỳ thắc mắc vui lòng phản hồi về cho chúng tôibằngcách gửi email tới: [email protected], we would liketothank you for your interest in applications Even beautiful -ourMac dep.This application is a connection between the buyer and sellerofclothing or fashion items. You have the "wings" new breezewithwhom you do not know or do not have the same interests. Youshouldsee fashion trends for convenience "mix map" for the match,you arewondering what to choose furniture to go out with my friendslike.That's some overall functionality of the application. So, itgivesyou something. We are pleased to split it into 2 partsasfollows.- You are a guest user or+ You have a right to see the trend over time, you can askforadvice mix / map for free distribution.+ You can make a few comments for your product or your friendorsomeone they need help.+ You can also share your outfits through social networksandcomment on it.+ You can find products using smart filters with the hashtagofcolor, size, brand name products.+ Do you have items you do not need it anymore or you can signupfor charity or sold cheaply delivery+ You can also store the information of functional fashionthroughvisual road map of our- What about you is the commercial center, fashion stores,clothingshops, stalls summer blisters.+ Are you tired of not looking for potential customers, you needtosell online and you need to choose a reputabledistributionchannels, you're choosing the right path for you.+ You want to have a user base interested in your products ortheirproducts known to have new products, you can post yourproducts onour booth up. Our app will notify immediately to themembers ofyour favorite shop.+ You can manage your products easily with simple function easytouse.+ You can also easily contact users through this app.+ So what is your job: You just signed your product, giveyourinformation to the user will contact you to get a productlikethat.Finally both consumers and the goods are wondering whetherthisapplication for free or little cost. We are pleased to answerrightaway it's free, yes free.Before using the app please be terms of use and our policy atthebottomDressed official website of 24h: http://macdep24h.comIf you have any questions please give us feedback by sendinganemail to: [email protected].
Fashion Forum 1.0
1 ) Overview is a fashion forum , was founded to along withyourloveand care about fashion discussions, sharing new trendsinfashion,you can also submit questions online fashionconsultantnext inforum, Team Associates, Editors and Forum Memberswill helpadviseyou. Also there are sub-forums where you chat,share the sadandhappy life, helping us closer together, understandeach otherandempathy .2 ) Linked in Anmacdep App:The application was developed by the founder . The application brings a newexperienced,moresimple and convenient for a handset. Linked inAnmacdep thefirstapplication, it is still flawed, the developmentteam isconstantlyupdated interface and new features .- The categories in Linked in Anmacdep :Male fashionGroomingWomen's FashionMakeup, Beauty Care tipsFashion AccessoriesFashion ConsultantMen's Fashion LookbookWomen's Fashion LookbookMen's Fashion WeekWomen's Fashion WeekFashion Magazine- Custom Function Menu :Refresh page : Refresh the contents in casesomethinggoeswrong.Main screen : Return to the first screen of the application.Website : Go to the official website of groomedmobileversion.Share comments : Share your comments, refer theirfriendsthroughFacebook or use contact and comments directly viaemail toourAnmacdep integrated within the application veryhandy.Information : Introduction and summary of the Linked inAnmacdepApp.Exit : Exit the application .- Other functions :Posts Comments button : The button appears in the bottomofthescreen in each article . Button Link to post in theforums,comment display function of the forum posts , facebooksharebuttonand post .3 ) Feedback and Contact Us :You can directly use the " Share This feeling " intheapplicationmenuOr email :- [email protected] [email protected]: you for downloading and using .
Upupme - Mua sắm combo 4.48.A.5
Combo shopping app for the community of fashion lovers
Bamboo is one kind of plant that wehaveencountered in this country because it is strategic to thegrowthand spreading was easy and quick, this is because the climateinIndonesia is highly suitable for growing planting bambooplants,especially in rural areas can we encounter plant this one.Inaddition to its deployment is Bandal this bamboo proved tohavemany benefits it can even be used as traditional medicineforgenerations, while the advantages of bamboo which stemsbendingcausing it is not easily broken, the wooden walls were hardandpemnafaatannya repeated also the life time of this plantarelong.No wonder bamboo dijadiakan one reason in the way ofmakinghandicrafts in addition to having its materials areeasilysearchable also handicrafts from bamboo has more valuebecause itlooks unique and interesting though pengerjaanyafairlycomplicated. Well here I will share how how to makehandicraftsfrom bamboo material because there is no doubt theresult of craftsbamboo is a lot of demand by local communities andeven abroad itled to the production of handicrafts made of bamboois growingrapidly even though overseas.
Bamboo Furniture Design 1.0
Bamboo is a herbaceous plant thatiseasilyfound in our State. Our ancestors have long usedbamboomaterialfor making houses, home furnishings or furniture suchaschairs,tables, beds and other furniture.However, it is unfortunate the technical development anddesignoffurniture made from bamboo does not grow. Furnishingtheirtechnology(polishing) so that products of wood andbamboofurniture is becomingmore beautiful is not put to gooduse.Despite the development ofbamboo furniture design there,thesedevelopments are very limited inboth quality and quantity.Theresult is that the economic value ofthe bamboo itself becomeslessattractive to users and designers.In contrast to the technical development and designofbamboomaterials in foreign countries like Japan, and China andeventheStates of Europe. The development of supportingtechnologiestomake bamboo into a work of art that has high economicvalue isverygood. Just look at the creative designs of some of the works of furniture frombamboomaterialsthat hopefully can inspire you to be excited todevelopand utilizebamboo as raw material manufacture of bothinterior andexteriordesign.1. Charging Stationthis craft according to the needs of today's society.Bamboocanbe made a place for mencharger all kinds inelectronicequipmentsuch as tablets, mobile phones and laptops.2. Bed Of bamboobed of bambooIf our grandparents had a bamboo couch or bed ofbamboousual,because of what? Desainya usual. Try to design a bamboobedwith athick foam and furnish interesting. The result islikethis.3. From Bamboo Folding ChairsBamboo stoolsChair this one is pretty unique. Of bamboo with an elegantdesignandcan be folded. But think hard tuh mendesainya let alonewearstraps,straps of any material yah?4. Dim Lights Of BambooThe lights dim home of bambooBamboo is a versatile material. This time as the lamp housingismadeof bamboo. Not less tampilanya with the house lightsfromthefactory.5. Various Furniture of bambooFurniture from BambooBamboo can be made of various kinds of furniturerangingfromshelves, tables, chairs and so forth. Engineering anddesigniscrucial to produce good work and wonderful.6. Bamboo as a wallWall of the house from bambooThis design is suitable for your house or home garden inthebackgarden. To block the wind outside directly but stillgetenoughfree air vents. I think the need to use bamboo as awall.7. bench or chair classic of bambooBamboo chair classic designThe classic design is still relevant and in demand.Suchdesignsshould look natural coloring and no extra pillows onit.8. Sofa From bamboobamboo sofaBamboo sofa from there in the living room gives theimpressionofnatural and classic. However, modern and artisticimpression canbehighlighted with the color of the sofa cushions andseatitselfwhich has a skeleton of bamboo. 9. The shoe rack of bambooshoe rack of bambooShoe rack of bamboo can be an alternative plasticmaterials.Bamboomaterial is strong enough andBamboo Furniture Design
Handycrafts 2.0
Crafts are matters relating to the handmade or activities relatedtogoods produced through manual skills (handicrafts). Crafts madeareusually made from various materials. This results fromcraftdecoration or art objects as well as disposable items. Usuallytheterm is applied to traditional way of making goods. Crafts canbemade of the goods - used goods such as bottles, cardboard,andplastic food. Another meaning is a continual effortvigorouslyperseverance, kecekalan, persistence, dedication andpower forwardin doing something case Crafts can be referred to anactivity increating a product forms the dominant use of humanhands, which wasminimal in the use of machinery or automated tools.It iscommonplace in the manufacture of handicrafts is lifting avalue ofmaterials or goods are unfit for use (thrift), so it has afunctionfor life and certainly economic value. In Crafts,scalableproduction capacity from the number of people involved. Inadditionto the influence of the main raw material ketersedaanandsupporters, because of the availability of scrap materials cannotbe predicted, except in the manufacture of handicrafts usingmorenew material. Materials commonly used for handicrafts is anewmaterial that we can buy at the store also use secondhandgoods,and materials through recycling. Examples of commonlyusedmaterials are: 1. Fabric: Flannel, Rag / Cloth Waste Dust 2.Yarn:Yarn Sewing, Wool Yarn 3. Straws 4. Paper: Samson Paper,Paper,Recycled Paper, Paper Cartons, Hardbot, etc. 5. Bottles Used6. NewWood / Wood Waste, Triplek 7. Bamboo 8. Spare Parts UsedVehicles9. Neon Used 10. Former Glass 11. Dry leaves and Bungan 12.SeaSand 13. Waste Frame 14. Can Redemption 15. Iron: Iron Begel,PlatIron, Iron Pipe, Iron Used other 16. Clay 17. Plastics:ShoppingBags, Coffee Wrap, bottles, and other plastic packagingforms 18.Other Material Type In crafting course required artistryandcreativity high. An understanding of the business opportunitiesisnot easy, but it also is not complicated. The key is we must haveahigh willingness and earnest. Changing the junk into usefulitemsis a huge opportunity. Nowadays we see popping upentrepreneursused items can certainly bring a lot of money.Moreover, with atouch of creativity will certainly create valuemuch greater.Hopefully it will be a lot of young creative who canturn junk intoa product that has a high value through handicraftbusinesses.