Top 12 Apps Similar to Craft Of Ice Cream Sticks

DIY Stick Crafts 3.0
DIY Projects Popsicle Stick CraftIdeasforAdultsIf you have children, surely you've seen their handiworkwithafew popsicle sticks and a bottle of glue. Butpopsiclesticksaren't just for kids -- they are an environmentallyfriendlyandinexpensive medium for creative adults, too. Popsiclesticksareeasy to find at art and craft supply stores. They comeindifferentsizes and colors and some come in boxes of 1,000 forjusta fewdollars.Paint a PuzzleLay a piece of contact paper, sticky side up on atable.Placepopsicle sticks side-by-side in rows on the paper.Thecontactpaper prevents the sticks from sliding while you paintapicturewith acrylic or tempera paint on the neatlyorderedcollection ofsticks. When the sticks -- now puzzle pieces --aredry, peel themoff the contact paper.WreathUse natural or painted popsicle sticks to make awreath.Gluepopsicle sticks to a grapevine wreath form with a hotgluegun.Arrange them randomly, overlapping and poking outindifferentdirections to resemble drift wood and addseashells,ribbon,netting or found objects. Or make starbursts withthepopsiclesticks first and tie them on the wreath form withfloristwire.Finish with a wide piece of grosgrain ribbon tohang.Architectural ModelsSketch an architectural drawing. Your design can be assimpleorelaborate as you like -- all styles of popsiclearchitecturestartwith a simple, stable base. Make a wide, even basebygluingpopsicle sticks together in a square or rectangle.Attachthesquares and rectangles by overlapping and gluing layersofpopsiclesticks. Cut sticks with a coping saw if you needsmallerpieces.Allow each layer of sticks to dry beforeaddingcomplicatedelements like windows, turrets or balconies.Think BigMake a large serving platter, room divider or smalltablewithpopsicle sticks. Begin with a plan and work slowlyandcarefully asyou build the frame, or skeleton -- a structure isonlyas strongas its weakest point. Spray your finished piece withclearacrylicmedium or spray paint.
Popsicle Stick Craft Ideas 1.0
Popsicle stick crafts for teenagers –Likeeasybracelets, Kids have been making fun Popsicle stickcraftssince thebirth of, well, Popsicles. Limitless amountsofimagination from allacross the world have contributed tosomepretty ingenious craftideas. In this article, we will addresstwoof these ideas anddescribe to you how to make a couplePopsiclestick crafts of yourown!Popsicle stick crafts house – DIY Home made crafts in easystepbysteps are like wonderful art. in order to acquire enoughstickstomake something of any real measure, there is no needtopersonallyingest hundreds of frozen confections. That'sbecauseyou can findhundreds, and even thousands of these sticks inyourlocal craftstore or online, packaged and labeled "craftsticks."Thisundoubtedly makes them a whole lot easier to come by,not tomentionbetter for your teeth!Popsicle stick boat and Popsicle stick picture frame-Commonaccompaniments to go along with your sticks whenmakingPopsiclestick crafts will include glue, markers, glitter,googlyeyes, pipecleaner, tape, buttons, stickers, and more. Ofcourse,eachindividual craft will call for different items, aswellasdifferent quantities of sticks. You can get as simpleoraselaborate as you want, depending upon what you and/oryourkid(s)are up for.So without any further delay, let's make somePopsiclestickcrafts!Ice cream stick craft pen stand - This is as simple asitgets.Simply take a prized photo and glue popsicle sticksaroundtheedges, being sure to cut the sticks to the appropriatesizes.Youcan stagger and stack the sticks in any way you'd like.Youcanfind videos of this online, and they can helpyouimmensely.popsicle sticks house and popsicle stick braceletsaresamecreative craft for children.You can frame old cards, family photos, or any otherpictureyouknow the recipient would love. Once the glue has dried,youcancarefully color, paint, and/or decorate your framewithglitter,buttons, stickers, etc. These Popsicle stickcraftscouldn't be anyeasier, and they are recommended for youngchildrensuch astoddlers... with adult supervision, of course!Amazing Popsicle Stick Crafts - This one is a bittrickiertoexplain in words, but I'll do my best. For each wall, use8largesticks set side-by-side. On each one, glue two sticks (oneatthetop, one at the bottom) across the 8. In all, this willbe40sticks. Projects with Popsicle Sticks and Popsiclestickbraceletcrafts are very simple but incredible to becreated.Children's Crafts with Popsicle Sticks - You will thenwanttodraw a doorway with a pencil and cut it out using sharpscissorsora knife. Obviously, this task will be performed by anadult.Creative Things to Make with Popsicle Sticks - Toconnectthewalls, use a one-inch thick strip of construction paperwhich isasalmost as long as the sticks. Fold that strip inhalflength-wise,so that it creates a joint. Glue each outer edgeofthis foldedpaper to the edges of the stick walls to jointhemtogether. Repeatthis process three times, until all four wallsareconnected andstanding.Easy Popsicle Stick Crafts For Kids - Obviously, this isaverybasic foundation. You can get more involved if you'dlike.Roofingis more complex and requires cutting and measuring, soifyou'reinterested in creating a proper Popsicle stick home,Iwouldencourage you to learn all the little details via video.Ijustwanted to illustrate the point for you that withPopsiclestickcrafts, you can get as simple and basic or asgrandiose andcomplexas you'd like. All skill sets and ambitionlevels arewelcome!
Craft Of Ice Cream Sticks 1.0
You are looking for ice cream sticks ??Youarelooking for craft popsicle stick ?? craft popsicle stickisanapplication that contains a collection of images andpresentsinmaking handicrafts from ice cream sticks, Becausethisapplicationcontains over one hundred images and can beenjoyedoffline.Basic Materials craft products from ice cream sticksoftenknownpeople with home crafts home, place paper towelsetc.Handicraftfrom ice cream sticks is a craft that use rawmaterialsof icecream sticks neatly organized, so as to producegoods orproducedisposable items or objects beautifulornamental.In the past many ice cream sticks is wasted, becausemostpeoplethrow it away, but through the thoughts of someone'popsiclestick'can be a pretty good craft for home decoration. Suchastowels,houses are very nice.To be able to assemble the craft sticks in need ofcreativeideasfor the results of the crafts are made to satisfyallparties.Because to make this craft is like assembling a puzzle,sothe finalresult depends on the creativity of thesecraftseachpengrajin.Buatlah a popsicle stick crafts as uniqueaspossible,because of the unique handicrafts tend to havepricesabove theaverage. It was in due to make a creation of thriftinneed skillstinggi.Tetapi if you do not find the idea, thisappprovides ideasin making crafts out of ice cream sticks.May be usefulThat is all and thank you
Sticks craft ideas 2.1
Handicrafts from ice cream sticks is aworktoproduce products using a popsicle stick as raw material.Thereareso many creative crafts from recycled materials that youcanmake,as well as materials to make it.If the craft usually only made of paper, cardboard, straworotherused goods, this time we will review the various craftsthatcan bemade of ice cream sticks. Today many people who loveicecream,snacks is indeed very popular because it tastesdeliciousthan thatcold sensation in the ice cream also provides itsownvalue.There are several kinds of ice cream that uses wooden sticksforthehandles, and the former usually sticks thrown away whentheiceshipping depleted. Yet rather than throwing the icecreamsticksinto the trash, you better use it for craftsmaterials.
DIY Popsicle Stick Crafts 1.0
DIY popsicle stick craftsGet the best DIY popsicle stick crafts here!DIY popsicle stick crafts application have been there intherealmof craft for a while because they are cheap, they arefun,and theyprovide choices are limited to what little imaginationcancreate.This app will give you the inspiration to make apopsiclestickcrafts. This application will provide you a galleryor ideascraftpopsicle sticks, such as: home popsicle sticks, icecreamstickscraftwork, popsicle stick ornaments, coloredpopsiclesticks, andmore. Popsicle stick houses are instant boredombuster.You can getinspired by a lot popsicle stick houses thatwillphotos shown here.Ideas home popsicle sticks can be the bestcraftprojects.DIY popsicle stick crafts application is very easy to do.Youcanfind ice cream sticks craftwork pictures here that willinspireyou.Ice cream sticks is crafting beautiful craftwork.Popsiclestickornament is a fun project for our whole family. Therewill besomany popsicle stick ornaments image in thisapplication.ThePopsicle stick ornaments ideas also can be used as anicegift.If you're looking for an easy kid craft, you might wanttostartby using DIY popsicle stick crafts application. Startbygluing astick on top and one at the bottom of the image. Thenextsectionyou'll go on two sticks form a rectangle. You cantryplacing astick two high, or you can set them to produce alayeredlook. Byadding a little glitter, glitter glue, or sticker,yourchildrenwould have made a nice little picture frame. To connectthewall,using a one inch thick strips of construction paper thatisbecausealmost all the sticks; Fold the strips are halfthelength-wise,thus creating joints. Glue each of the outer edgesofthe foldedpaper to the edge of the wall stick to jointhemtogether. Repeatthis process three times, until all four wallsareconnected andstand.Obviously, this is a very basic base. You can get moreinvolvedifyou want. The roof is more complex and requirescuttingandmeasuring, so if you are interested in making homepopsiclesticksright, I would encourage you to learn all the littledetailsviavideo. I just wanted to illustrate the point to you thatwithapopsicle stick crafts, you can get a simple and basicorasgrandiose and complex as you want. Colored Popsiclesticksareperfect for any craft. You can find coloredpopsiclestickspictures It can inspire you. The colored Popsiclesticks willletyour imagination run wild. This application is veryhelpful foryouwant It makes craft of easy material. DIY popsiclestickcraftsapplication will inspire you with lots of ideasshownhere.Download and install this app now!
DIY stick crafts 1.0
Back Sodor
DIY stick craftsFor you, this is the special DIY stick crafts !Its summer time beat the heat and keeps your kids busywithPopsicleDIY stick crafts . Here, I am listing top 15 ideasthatmake themhappy, and they could also use those creationsforvarious purposes.People of all ages could try it out and haveagreat fun. Thesecrafts not only make them happy, but also agreatstress reliefbuster.• Photo frame:This is one of the easiest ways of DIY stick crafts using fourtotensticks to it. Arrange the sticks in Square, Pentagon, oranyshape ofyour choice, and stick the photo back of it. Youcoulddecorate withstones, buttons, beads, led light, and clay.Thereare manyvariations of photo frames, you could also do somesearchand gatherideas of making it.• Pen stand/ Vase:Pen stand/vase could be done in two ways. First, one isarrangingthestick's zigzag or in square shape. Second method isplacingcups ormagazine rolls as base, and pasting it onthem.• Coasters:Arrange it straight and wrap duck tape on them, now drawacircleusing compass or any shape devices. Paint your coasterswithfabricor Acrylic, and apply a final varnish to it.• Cell Phone Holder:Arrange four sticks and make it a square, now repeat thestepsforfive times. Next, you need to paste the sticks onthreesides,leaving one side. Now your phone holder is ready.• Letters Holder:Creating a card or letter holder is quite easy. You need abasewithsix to 10. It should look like a slim rectangular boxwithsticksmissing at one end. Don't paste it entirely, it shouldbepartialcovered.• Jewelry:Making your own jewelry with popsicle sticks is not an easytask.Youneed to master in cutting it in desire shapes. Sometimes,itmight gowrong, so using sharp cutters would help increatingfantasticpieces.• Home DIY projects:Most of the kids would have great fun in creating Home andtheirfarmanimals, characters, and other additional detailstotheirprojects.• Bookmarks:Draw your favorite characters on Cardboard or paste stickersatthePopsicle end. Even, you could make bookmarks withyourfriend'sphotos, magazine pictures, foam sheets, etc.;• Lamp shadow:You need some LED or fancy color changing lights, andmaketwopopsicle baskets. It should be of same size, and stickittogether.You could also goggle for various popsicle lampshadowstyles andideas.• Chandelier:It could be prepared around or square chandelierwithdifferentlayers. Arrange it with circular base with hooks toattachit onthe roof. Next, you have to create two or threelayers.• Box:You could create a simple box or multiple storage boxesforyourbeads, food spices, jewelry, etc.;• Puzzle game:Instead of spending some bucks for buying a puzzle game,youcouldmake one for yourself. You require some photos or if youcanpaint,paint the sticks.• Popsicle characters:You could make your own favorite characters likeDisney'scartoon,angry birds, animal faces, smiley, etc.; you couldalso useit asbookmarks.• Furniture:In kid's project, and home decorative, you could makefurniturelikechair, bed, swing, and baby cradle. Adding some dollsortoys,ornaments make your craft amazing.• Christmas tree:Take four green sticks or you could paint them usingacryliccolor.Place one vertically, and three horizontally withdifferentin sizelengths.For more Popsicle/Ice-cream DIY stick crafts and ideas, visitmyblog Source:
Sticks craft ideas 3.1
if you need or find referenceinformationaboutthe sticks craft ideas then you are in the rightplace,because herewe provide so much information and references aswellas the idea ofsticks craft ideas which may help you to addinsightand knowledge.handicrafts from ice cream sticks is a work toproduceproductsusing a popsicle stick as raw material. There are somanycreativecrafts from recycled materials that you can make, aswellasmaterials to make it.If the craft usually only made of paper, cardboard, straworotherused goods, this time we will review the various craftsthatcan bemade of ice cream sticks. Today many people who loveicecream,snacks is indeed very popular because it tastesdeliciousthan thatcold sensation in the ice cream also provides itsownvalue.There are several kinds of ice cream that uses wooden sticksforthehandles, and the former usually sticks thrown away whentheiceshipping depleted. Yet rather than throwing the icecreamsticksinto the trash, you better use it for craftsmaterials.finally, I hope this can help you in the search and addyourinsightsin the information and references about the stickscraftideas, anddo not forget to invite your friends to downloadtheapplicationsticks craft ideas, thank you very much, andseeyou
DIY Ice Cream Stick Craft 1.1
Hello my lovely friends onInstructables!Thistime let us refresh some childhood memories andonce more makeaneffort of making an Easy Recycled Crafts.Every crafter has a special place always for ice cream stickboxandwho knew that with a dash of creativity and imagination youcanmakea pretty and sparkly Handmade Jewellery Box using IceCreamSticks.Aren't such DIY Home Craft Projects so much fun?What costs next to nothing and often comes with a coldtreatonthe end? Popsicle sticks! And guess what?Popsicle sticks can be glued, taped, or evenfriction-fittogetherto create all sorts of cool objects anddesigns. Check outtheseawesome projects with popsicle sticks tosee what you canmake!
Photo frame diy craft 1.0
Craft Picture FramesCan't think of ideas use up the junk you don't have thehearttothrow? Here's how to do it with craft picture frames forkidswiththese waste materials.Photographs are priceless treasures, which deserveacreativeexhibition. Making craft picture frames is the perfectwayoffixing the unforgettable memories in handmade frames.Theseframesare also a great ideas of keeping kids engaged in anactivitythatmakes them think differently. When boredom strikes onlazySundayafternoons, making handmade picture frames is an idealwayofspending time with kids. Such frames can be made outofwastematerial such as woolen threads, bits and piecesofpaper,never-to-be-used cloth pieces, randomly collectedshells,feathers,colorful stones, and other random materials.Making Picture Frames for KidsFlower FrameThis is one of the popular craft ideas for picture frames.Tomakethis, you will need cardboard rectangle, scissors,colors(paint orcrayons), and the photograph you intend to frame.Markthemeasurements of the photograph on the cardboard. Now traceoutaflower template on the cardboard and cut it out.Decoratetheflower as per your liking and let it dry. You can useyourwildestimagination to make the wildest flower fordecoratingpictureframe. Meanwhile, cut out another piece ofcardboard, whichisslightly bigger than the picture. Paste thepicture onto itandplace the flower on top. Voila...your flowerpicture frame isreadyto adorn the wall in your bedroom!Foam FrameCraft foam picture frames look amazing and colorful. Youcaneitheruse foam stickers or cut out shapes to make scenes ontheframeswith foam sheets. To make this picture frame you willneed,coloredfoam sheets or stickers, scissors, glue, ruler,andphotograph. Cuta piece of foam from the foam sheet a littlebiggerthan the sizeof your picture. Stick the photograph on thesheet.Make border ofcontrasting color and decorate it with stickersorcut outs. Youcan make footballs, clouds, flowers, stars, andotherabstractdesigns too for a decorative frame. Once thestickingdries, make asmall loop with a thread on the back and hangit onthe wall.Potpourri FrameThe old potpourri is of no good use. Recycling itasdecoratingmaterial for your craft wooden picture frames,creativeriddance ofrubbish material is a good idea. For making awoodenframe, youdon't really need wood. Remember those wooden stickonice creamcandies? Yes! That's all you need to make woodenframes.Cleanthose sticks and paint them in the color of your choiceforaframe. Cut out a cardboard piece a little largerthanthephotograph you want frame. Paste the picture on thecardboardandpaste the frame around the picture. Now decorate theframe withthepotpourri, for an autumn look!Bottle Cork FrameColas are the perfect drink for summers. But what do you dowithainnumerable bottle corks? A picture frame, of course!Forframingthe picture, you will need corks, adhesive glue,cardboard,andpicture. Cut out a cardboard piece a little biggerthan the sizeofthe picture and paste the photograph on it. On theremainingborderof the cardboard piece, paste the bottle corks tomake adesign ofyour choice. You can use an adhesive magnet tape forthisframe tokeep the bottle corks in place.You can also use with shells, instead of bottle corks tomakethesecrafty frames. All you need to do to come up withwonderfulframes,is, think creatively. Making picture frames is veryeasyandentertaining. Have fun making these frames andframingmemoriesforever!
DIY Popsicle Sticks Crafts 1.0
Kids have been making fun Popsiclestickcraftssince the birth of, well, Popsicles. Limitlessamountsofimagination from all across the world have contributedtosomepretty ingenious craft ideas.Its summer time beat the heat and keeps your kids busywithPopsicleDIY crafts. Here, I am listing top 15 ideas that makethemhappy,and they could also use those creations forvariouspurposes. Peopleof all ages could try it out and have agreat fun.These crafts notonly make them happy, but also a greatstressrelief buster. Commonaccompaniments to go along with yourstickswhen making Popsiclestick crafts will include glue,markers,glitter, googly eyes, pipecleaner, tape, buttons, stickers,andmore.• Photo frame:This is one of the easiest ways of creating using four totensticksto it. Arrange the sticks in Square, Pentagon, or anyshapeof yourchoice, and stick the photo back of it. You coulddecoratewithstones, buttons, beads, led light, and clay. Therearemanyvariations of photo frames, you could also do somesearchandgather ideas of making it.• Pen stand/ Vase:Pen stand/vase could be done in two ways. First, one isarrangingthestick's zigzag or in square shape. Second method isplacingcups ormagazine rolls as base, and pasting it onthem.• Coasters:Arrange it straight and wrap duck tape on them, now drawacircleusing compass or any shape devices. Paint your coasterswithfabricor Acrylic, and apply a final varnish to it.• Cell Phone Holder:Arrange four sticks and make it a square, now repeat thestepsforfive times. Next, you need to paste the sticks onthreesides,leaving one side. Now your phone holder is ready.• Letters Holder:Creating a card or letter holder is quite easy. You need abasewithsix to 10. It should look like a slim rectangular boxwithsticksmissing at one end. Don't paste it entirely, it shouldbepartialcovered.• Jewelry:Making your own jewelry with popsicle sticks is not an easytask.Youneed to master in cutting it in desire shapes. Sometimes,itmight gowrong, so using sharp cutters would help increatingfantasticpieces.• Home DIY projects:Most of the kids would have great fun in creating Home andtheirfarmanimals, characters, and other additional detailstotheirprojects.• Bookmarks:Draw your favorite characters on Cardboard or paste stickersatthePopsicle end. Even, you could make bookmarks withyourfriend'sphotos, magazine pictures, foam sheets, etc.;• Lamp shadow:You need some LED or fancy color changing lights, andmaketwopopsicle baskets. It should be of same size, and stickittogether.You could also goggle for various popsicle lampshadowstyles andideas.• Chandelier:It could be prepared around or square chandelierwithdifferentlayers. Arrange it with circular base with hooks toattachit onthe roof. Next, you have to create two or threelayers.• Box:You could create a simple box or multiple storage boxesforyourbeads, food spices, jewelry, etc.;• Puzzle game:Instead of spending some bucks for buying a puzzle game,youcouldmake one for yourself. You require some photos or if youcanpaint,paint the sticks.• Popsicle characters:You could make your own favorite characters likeDisney'scartoon,angry birds, animal faces, smiley, etc.; you couldalso useit asbookmarks.• Furniture:In kid's project, and home decorative, you could makefurniturelikechair, bed, swing, and baby cradle. Adding some dollsortoys,ornaments make your craft amazing.• Christmas tree:Take four green sticks or you could paint them usingacryliccolor.Place one vertically, and three horizontally withdifferentin sizelengths.As you can see, crafting with craft sticks couldn't beeasier,andyou'll be totally amazed at how nice your creationsturnout.
Creative Homemade Crafts 3.0
Everyone loves receiving somethingthatishomemade! This is one of the reasons Homemade Craftsaresopopular.Whether the creations you give are "perfect" or not, theyaresureto be appreciated by the receiver. From our earliest daysinschoolwhen we made cards or gifts for Mother's Day or Father'sDayfor ourparents, we learned that giving a handmade gift broughtjoyandappreciation. Somehow, as we get older, we somehow forgetthepowerin giving something that we took the time to makeourselvesand thatis a shame. People do love to get homemadegifts!Learning to make Homemade Crafts will reintroduce youtothespecial feeling you will get when you give a gift made byyourownhands. This is a special feeling that you can sharewithyourentire family as you can do many of theseprojectstogether.There is a huge range of popular crafts todayincludingPopsicleStick Crafts, Craft Ideas for Adults, Easy KidCrafts,ToddlerCraft Ideas, Craft Ideas to Sell, Decoupage Ideas,SewingIdeas,Duct Tape Crafts and more!There is something for everyone in crafting. Fromtoddlerstoteens, from men to women, there are hundreds ofdifferent!Thereare projects for all skill levels, ages andinterests!Most crafts are really simple and easy to learn so why notgiveita shot? Want to learn How to Make Duct Tape Wallets?HowaboutPopsicle Stick Crafts? How about earning extra cashbymakingCrafts to Sell? If you have kids, do you need Easy KidCraftsorToddler Crafts?People of all ages will love and appreciate the effortyouputinto your homemade gifts so lets put our creative hat onandstartmaking Homemade Crafts today! It is a fun andrewardingexperiencewe can share with our entire family.
5000+ DIY Craft Ideas 1
Find and save a handful of useful ideaswithourDIY app ( do it yourself ), We have all the diy ideas tomakethingsoriginal and unique almost out of nothing. so,recycle,create andsave money using our DYI ideas.Not only you'll be surprised by our great diy ideas butalsothedetailed instruction to build things from scratch with ournew,improved DIY app.It's a real joy to your whole family members , for weofferideasthat suit every member . eventually , it'll turn out tobe afungroup activity !☀ CategoryDIY IdeasDIY ProjectDIY FlowerDIY BraceletDIY Popsicle StickDIY CrochetDIY Greeting CardDIY Birthday CardDIY CraftDIY Gift BoxDIY News Paper CraftDiy Garden IdeaDIY Recycle CraftDIY Rubber Band BraceletDIY Fashion ClothsDIY Plastic BottleDIY Storage IdeaDIY Best out of West☀ Eye MakeupDIY Blue EyeDIY Brown EyeDIY Green EyeDIY Eye LinerDIY Natural EyeDIY Smokey Eye☀ Nail ArtDIY Nail DesignsDIY Dot NailDIY Flower NailDIY Glitter NailDIY Love Nail☀ Hair ColorDIY Blue ColorDIY Light Brown ColorDIY Rainbow ColorDIY Red ColorDIY Hair Style☀ Silk Thread Jewelry DesignsDIY Silk Thread BanglesDIY Silk Thread Ear RingsDIY Silk Thread NecklaceDIY Silk Thread Jewellery☀ Home DesignsDIY Wall DecorationDIY Living RoomDIY Sofa SetDIY Space SavingDIY Bed Room DesignsDIY Bathroom DesignsDIY Kids Room DesignsDIY Kitchen DesignsDIY Modern HomeDIY Wall StikersDIY Wall UnitDIY Ceiling DesignsDIY Stairs IdeaDIY 3D Home Plan 2 BedDIY 3D Home Plan 3 BedDIY Swimming PoolDIY Home PlanDIY Villa IdeaDIY Curtain Design Idea☀ Paper QuillingDIY Step By StepDIY Paper Quilling FramesDIY Paper Quilling Envelope & CardsDIY Paper Quilling CandlesDIY Paper Quilling CraftDIY Paper Quilling JewelleryDIY Paper Quilling Hair Belt & ClipDIY Paper Quilling EarringDIY Paper Quilling Alphabet - ABCD☀ Mehandi DesignsDIY Mehandi DesignsDIY Multi Color MehandiDIY Bridal MehandiDIY Arm MehandiDIY Hand MehandiDIY Leg MehandiDIY Neck MehandiDIY Tatoo MehandiDIY Arabic MehandiDIY Wedding MehandiDIY Heena Mehandi☀ Dress DesignsDIY Salwar Kamiz DesignsDIY Saree DesignsDIY Lengha CholiDIY Long DressDIY Short DressDIY Ball GownDIY Prom DressDIY Wedding DressDIY Summer Dress☀ Features5000+ ImagesCategory Wise DesignsEasy To UseH D ImagesFast LoadingFree Download☀ Download It Now ☀