Top 1 Games Similar to Up Up n' Roll Away

Roll Away 1.3
Introducing Rock! Rock is a rock whoisalwayson the roll, but, he happens to be trapped in auniversewhere hemust be use his ability to jump to get out of theneverendinglevels. To do this, he must collect the keys, and reachtheend, ifhe doesn't get all keys, the universe start to rollhimfaster eachtime he reaches the end!A game which challenges you to time the jumping of arollingrock.The rock will be able to jump once for every time ithit theground,even in the air. You must collect the keys in thestorymode, tounlock the next level. After every key is collected,youmust reachthe end of the level. If you end up rolling outsideofthe level, therock will respawn in the beginning again, andyoucan keep rolling.If you reach the end without having all thekeysin a level, the rockwill also respawn in the beginning, butrollfaster! This can be usedto reach keys that isn't possible intheregular speed!The survival mode is a long level, and as the normallevelstheend will respawn the rock in the beginning with ahigherspeed.But, if you fall outside the level, your score willbesubmitted tothe leaderboards if you have logged in to theGoogleGamesService!