Top 12 Apps Similar to Beautiful Garden Fence Design

Vegetable Gardern Ideas 1.0
You may have been pondering how toplanavegetable garden, if you want fresh vegetables this year.Youdonot have to restrict yourself to the customarystraightorderlyrows. There are other options available. You canunleashyourcreativity and construct a container or raised bedgarden.Youcould even make a more formal flower type bed and fillitwithplant life which produces vegetables as an alternativetoflowers.Sublime SimplicityTidy rows are the first step in thelong-establishedconventionalvegetable garden. A specific vegetableis dedicated toeach row. Anorth to south orientation, whenpossible, is usuallyrecommended.To easily reach the rows you shouldtill the soil andmake it level.This makes it easier to reach theweeds in the rowsand tend to theplants other needs. For largervegetable gardensyou may wish to addwalkways so that you do notstep on plantstending to the garden.Remember to plant your rowsacross a slopeto keep the seeds frombeing washed away. It also aidsthe rootgrowth.Spice it upWhen you begin planning the layout of your garden, youmayperhapsthink about making use of a raised bed as a substitutetothe tidyrows of conventional gardens. The raised bed systemusesblocks forplanting. In addition to the unique look thissystemtakes up lessspace. Another benefit this type of garden isthat itis off of thelocal dirt. Tending to the needs of yourgarden ismuch easier. Yourknees and back will thank you also. Allyou needare some old bricks,a few cinder blocks, or maybe leftovertimbers to build up yourraised bed vegetable garden.Flair is GoodKitchen gardens have a bit more eye appeal. If you areagardenerthat likes a bit of flair you might consider this typeofgarden.Kitchen gardens usually mix vegetables and herbs intoasmallerspace as close as practical to the kitchen. Mostkitchengardens setthe plants into geometric patterns between thestonesor bricks thatform the paths. This makes the kitchengardensprettier than moretraditional gardens. Some kitchen gardensevenhave well trimmedsurrounding them. Picture some bright redhuedlettuce mixed withcurly parsley set against a backdrop oflatticecovered with peasand beans. Add a few marigolds, which keepbugsat bay, and you havea wonderfully whimsical garden thatretainsits true function.Still More OptionsBe a little flexible and you will find an assortmentofoptionsavailable to layout your garden. The beauty is intheflexibility.Consider your lifestyle, the space you have, andtheamount of timeyou will invest in your garden. A four squaregarden(one that isrectangular with a central focal point, like astatue)or anasymmetrical garden (one that has no defined rules) maybeotheroptions for you to consider.
If you’re looking for garden designideas,you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a collectionofphotos showing a variety of garden styles to help get youstartedplanning the garden you’ve always dreamed about.A decorative garden is one that focuses on plants that will havethelargest visual impact per square foot without any considerationforedible, or in some other way functional plant. A functionalgardenon the other hand focuses on maximizing the yield per squarefoot ofplants that can be eaten or used in some other productivemanner(i.e. Aloe Vera for burns). Finally, a hybrid garden focuseson across between these two different concepts. It tries toproduce ahigh yield of useful plants, while at the same timecreating visualinterest within the garden space.The right plants and accessories can set the tone for youridealoutdoor atmosphere — an invigorating escape or a relaxingretreat.You can embark on this gardening adventure yourself, or youcanhire a landscape architect to help with advice. Eitherway,designing your garden should be a fun and rewardingexperience.Whatever style of garden is being constructed one thingthat isimportant to keep in mind is that in order to create astrongvisual appeal, it is better to stagger plants of differentheightsand colors around one another.Green labyrinths, cobblestone pathways, small ponds,waterfountains, colorful flowers, small trees — all are elementsthatcan induce a state of bliss. There’s nothing like beingsurroundedby your own green refuge, whether it’s a brisk morning orafter along day at work.A garden is never finished—it is a creation that evolvesfromseason-to-season and year-to-year. You’ll find solutions forshadyareas, container garden tips, meadow garden inspiration andmuchmore here.
Garden Manager : Plant Alarm 1.8.3
'Garden Manager' app is an essential gardening tool to save time.
Home Garden Design Ideas 1.0
A well-maintained and beautiful garden,bigorsmall, can add to the elegance of your home.. You can implement the ones that you find interestingandsuitableto be added. Here are some ideas and tips fordecoratingandturning it into a truly relaxing and scenicspace:Plan Before you StartThere are many ways of beautifying your small garden.But,theideas and designs must be chosen so as to suit yourneeds.Firstly,consider the purpose of having it. Will you be usingit foroutdoorentertainment, relaxing, exercising, or you don't haveanyplans tosit outdoors and want to purely beautify it, so thatitembracesyour house? Accordingly, you can add thenecessaryelements.Remember that, while you add the necessary decor,it mustbe suchthat that it also works as a beautifying element.Add the Privacy FactorBefore you start adding the other elements, work on makingitaperfect garden of your house. Fencing it in a proper waywillmakeit a well-defined space with boundaries. You can chooseafencedesign that can add more privacy. Deciding its heightrightlyisalso important. In case you have a common fence, which isnotjusthappening, you can simply cover it up. For this, all youneedisgarden trellis and a few climbing plants. Fix thistrellisagainstthat common fencing, and train the climbing plants togrowup andcover that not-so-attractive fence.Have Classy Garden FurnitureYou can choose from a number of types and varietiesavailableforthe same in the market. The popularly used furniture isthatinwicker or cast iron. Cast iron furniture is one of thebestideason a budget. Basically, these have sleek rods,designstructures,and open frame, which make them suitable forsmallgardens. Thesedo not occupy much space and can be easilymovedwhenever required.A set of 2 - 4 chairs and a table, dependinguponthe availablespace, is a good idea. You can have two chairs andatable andfurther, add a fireplace, as well. This set up canoccupyonecorner. Even, if you won't be spending much time herechattingorrelaxing, you must at least have a single relaxingchair.Garden BeautificationWhile beautifying it, you might consider havingvariousgardenornaments and implementing interesting yard art. Makesurethat youdo not add too much of ornaments that will occupy a lotofspaceand make it look even smaller. One of the ideas is to addafewlarge and bold items, instead of adding too many smallpieces.Ifyou have an asymmetric garden with a narrow area inbetween,youcan have a small bridge here and add rocks below andarounditsbase. You can also consider having a small pond. One ofthebestideas is to have a fountain at the center and grace itwithanamazing base structure. Apart from these, you canalsoconsiderhaving one of the various sculptures to play up thearea.Be ithuman figures, animals, a large vase, pots, ordesignersculptures,these are sure to add ultimate style to thissmallarea.Home Garden Design Ideasgrab the unique ideas for garden home design now!
Stauden Ratgeber 1.4
Ralf Köster
With the perennial counselor you can easily find the right plants.
Small Garden Design Ideas 1.0
One of the challenges of small garden designisof course space Unlike large gardens, you must be muchmoredisciplined in your approach. While experimentation is easierinthe smaller garden, you will want to spend some time planning.Youwill need to be satisfied with fewer types of plants. Insteadofbuying a new plant spur of the moment, you will want to spendalittle more time thinking about the potential new plant's fitinterms of spread, height, color and texture.With the smaller garden design ideas, it is not as easy todothings like hidden turns and garden rooms. But this does notmeanyou need to throw away the elements of contemporary gardendesign.You have opportunities to do similar things on a smallerscale.Imagine you have a small garden space towards the back ofyouryard. It is on your right as you walk towards it. You canstartwith a low boxwood-type hedge, or in my case a rock about 12"highwith a sharpish edge on the top. My rock is about 3 feet long.Ilaid the rock perpendicular to and touching my garage wall,forminga border shaped like a mountain range. As you walk furtherback,the area at first obscured by the rock reveals itself. I triedtomake this more dramatic by using multicolored peonies plantedverytightly against the side of the rock near the garage wall.Thisway, you see a small explosion of color that remains hiddenuntilyou have come completely to the level of the rock. This ismyversion of the hidden turn.Space shouldn't be the deciding factor for a garden. Rather,theidea of implementation should be. If you're implementing anygardenideas for small gardens, you need to decide the reasonbehindbuilding the garden. Some use it for relaxation, others toincreasethe beauty of their house and a few to enhance theirsurroundingarea. Depending on the purpose, the type of plants to beused andthe features for the garden can be decided. For every smallgarden,the boundary will be very crucial and hence it has to bedefinedcarefully. If you decide to put up a fence, proper creepersshouldbe planted near it.Adding furniture to a garden can also hold a few of thebestgarden ideas for small gardens. This can beautify thegarden'slook. It's not necessary to use new furniture. Just usingfurnituremade of wood can add an antique effect to the garden. Asmall tablesurrounded by a couple of chairs makes the garden aperfect readingspot. This can also facilitate small parties in thegarden, givingyou a natural camping effect. You can also use somesmallmodifications like ponds with fish in your landscaping.Installinga small water fountain in the middle of the garden withnightlighting brings out the garden's natural beauty.It might also be a great idea to place colored sculptures,vasesand pots around the garden. These can be circled by smallplantsand flowers to create an overgrown effect. But care must betakennot to add too many things because this will take away fromthegarden's natural beauty. And no matter what we may do withgardenlandscaping for small gardens, nothing can beat the lushandcatching effect of green grass. Using grass for flooringjustpleases the senses. But this will be a little harder tomaintain asgrass tends to grow very fast. Proper trimming using alawn mowerhelps in this aspect.
DIY Pallet Furniture Ideas 3.0
A pallet furniture is a structurewhichprovidesstable base for transportation of goods. Whilewoodpallets arecommonly used in the transportation business,thosemade fromplastic, paper, and metals are available in themarket aswell. Mostpeople are unsure about what to do with thesepalletsafter theiruse. Many people just store these pallets inwarehouseswithoutfurther processing them. Pallet recycling is theprocesswhich makesbest use of old or used pallets. Instead ofthrowingthese pallets ingarbage and increasing landfill areas, oneshouldgive them to therecycling companies.Wood Pallet RecyclingOld pallets can be used to make new ones. It requires abitofeffort to repair broken pallets. Work ofdismantlingandreconstructing these pallets is carried out inrecyclingunits.This easy-to-implement process can save lots oftrees. Apartfromnewly recycled pallets, other items that can becreated out ofthisprocess include furniture and mulch required forgardening. Abagof mulch costs higher than the one made out palletrecycling.Suchkind of wood can also be used for fireplace logs.Some peopletryout new and creative ideas apart from thosementionedabove.Pallets are used as fences and few people also makebirdfeedersout of them.Recycling BusinessArranging for transportation of old pallets, in ordertobringthese to the recycling plant is important from the pointofmakingthis business run smoothly; damaged pallets arecollectedthroughthis transportation facility. The route forthistransportation hasto be planned/chalked out in a mannerthatmaximum number ofclients are covered in a single trip. Atruckshould always be keptavailable for this task.The raw material for this business (used pallets) isbrokendowninto planks. In case of plastic recycling, conversionofpalletfurniture in liquid plastic takes place at therecyclingplants.Owners of this business oversee these tasks andalsotheirefficiency. It is necessary to check whether recycledpalletsmeetthe standard design specifications. On an average,thepalletrecycling prices for a single piece (wooden) range from $5to$6.To avail any kind of financial assistance for thepalletrecyclingbusiness, the company/firm has to be at least 2years old.Banks,financial firms, and leasing companies providefinancialassistanceto such recycling units.The equipment used in pallet furniture managementmainlyincludethe dismantling machines, forklifts, and computernumericcontrol(CNC) machines. The CNC machines have to becalibrated sothatvariations between programmed dimensions meant forpalletsareminimized. Loading and unloading of pallets is carriedout bymeansof forklifts. The dismantling machines used are of twotypes.Thefirst one is pressure-type dismantler, while the other isbandsawstyle machine. Using the pressure-type dismantler, palletboardissheared or popped off the stringer. Other machines, i.e.,theonewith a band saw style also has a unstubbler. A saw blade isusedtosever the nails. It is better to choose the band sawstylemachine,since one doesn't have to purchase anunstubblerseparately.Pallet Recycling Plant ToursThe recycling activity is helpful from the pointofconservingnatural resources. Guided tours of palletfurniturerecyclingplants should help increase awareness aboutenvironmentalproblems.This kind of business proves to be apractical solution toreducethe carbon footprint, which is importantfrom the point ofreducingdisastrous consequences of climatechange.According to experts/experienced people in thepalletrecyclingbusiness, the key to success is procuring the rawmaterialforfree. One should, however, arrange for transportation ofpalletandmake it easier to carry out the operationswithoutmuchproblems.
Home Garden Photos Design 1.2
Life Break
Take a "staycation" and improve your homeandgardens instead of lining the pockets of some far distantcity'scoffers. After you have made some garden improvements, withalittle flair for the exotic, you will be able to keep thatfeelingall year, returning to your "staycation" environs eacheveningafter a hectic day of work. Listening to the sounds of windchimesas breezes blowing through your own backyard bringing thewindchimes to life relieves daily stress and tensions.Spend time improving some of the areas of your back yard,hangyour wind chimes and exotic paper lanterns, and you can enjoythemfor months to come. Pick an area such as your patio wheregardenpots can be tucked into the corner filled with sometropicalplants.First of all you need to have some shade. If you don't haveapatio cover of any sort then invest in some nice sizemarketumbrellas. They come with a stand or you can center them in agoodpicnic table with matching or fun random chairs. A greenumbrellais universally complimentary for any garden space but theyareavailable in a variety of colors. Go with your own colorsensebecause now you are going to get creative. Hang wind chimes,miniChristmas lights, or red chili pepper lights under theumbrellas.Wind chimes will give musical accompaniment anytime thereis abreeze and the mini lights will create a festive air.Next pick out some great pots at the flea market. Greatterracottapots or glazed Asian pots will star with the parade offlowers thatyou will fill them with. Geraniums come in colors fromsoft pink,hot pink, bright red to orange red. Plant uprightgeraniums thatfill the pot with color or hanging geraniums inground pots andflowers will spill onto the ground. Let a cranegazing ball live ina couple of pots for good luck.Pots with filled with tropical greenery will give you the feelofHawaii, Jamaica or Bali in your own back yard. Ferns andbamboo,cannas and spikey aloes all do well in pots. Balinese bellwindchimes add exotic flavor.Hang colorful fabric on rods along the edge of a patio cover andtiethem back in loose folds with hemp or jute rope to giveamysterious, fun feeling.Set out some rattan furniture from Ikea with colorful cushionsandset lanterns on the tables with a small potted fernforfocus.You can stain concrete to a warm tawny sandstone in less thanhalfan hour. Add a few large colorful outdoor rugs and you will tieitall together.In this process you will increase the pleasures of staying athomeand in the end spend far less than that summer vacation away.Whenit is over you still have more to show for it than some photosandmemories. At the end of a day of exploring local sights orjustwandering in your nearest downtown district as though you wereatourist, afterward hanging windchimes you've discovered in alocalgarden shop on a singing windchimes display, you return toyourvery own garden to enjoy the rejuvenated backyard that youworkedso hard to create.There are many gardeners who yearn for the perfect hollyhock,thelargest sweet potato or a window box of petunias grown fromseed.Some want to build greenhouses in the backyard and otherschoice togo organic and even make their own compost. Althoughthere are manydifferent types of gardeners there is only one placethat offersinformation on everything that grows under the sun. TheNationalHome Gardening Club garden clubs is a members-only clubwithexclusive information, magazine articles and communityinteractionfor green thumb enthusiasts.Find the perfect garden decorating idea for the holidays orenterinto a photo contest the site has plenty of options to occupyagardener during even the longest winter season. Members alsopostmonthly tips which feature great secrets such as the best waystokeep a garden journal tracking produce reports as well ascolorschemes year after year.
Garden Stones Border Design 1.1
Standard landscaping helps organizeyourplantings and makes your yard look nice and tidy, but if youwant abit of drama and artistry try adding stone borders.Landscapingstones are available in every shape, size, color anddesign offeredby nature and then some. If you like a very uniformlook,manufactured stone can provide just that.Creating beautiful stone borders for your flowerbeds andpathsgives your yard a unique and natural look. Additionally,stoneslast forever and only become more beautiful with the passageoftime so they represent an excellent investment.Where Can You Get Good Landscaping Stone?You can actually find good looking stones all over your area.Fora truly authentic look, you can search for stones aroundyourneighborhood or even in your own lawn. Use these aloneorincorporate them with other stones purchased at a locallandscapematerials store or garden center. An artistic combinationof stoneswill add visual interest to your outdoor environment.What Kind Of Rock Or Stone Is Best?Both river rock and flagstone are nice choices as thefoundationfor any type of landscaping project. Flagstone comes inlots ofattractive natural shades to enhance any outdoor setting.Whensmaller sized rock is needed (e.g. when filling in open areasorcreating walkways) river rock excels.Hiring A Pro Can Save You Money & Hard Labor!If you are purchasing large amounts of stone, be sure toaskabout home delivery as this will save you backbreaking laborandwear and tear on your vehicle. Additionally, take the timetocompare prices between purchasing stone and doing thelaboryourself VS having it done by a professional landscaper.Prosalways have access to excellent prices in landscapingmaterialsthat offset the labor costs. Additionally, setting stoneforpathways and borders is an arduous task that can causesignificantaches and pains for the inexperienced DIYlandscaper.Stone Landscape Is Functional & BeautifulIn addition to borders, you can also set stepping stonesorcreate walkways and retaining walls using stone. Thischoicecreates a natural, beautiful, enduring effect in your yardandgarden while fulfilling practical needs. Using similarrocksthroughout lends a touch of uniformity to your design. If youare arock hound, using fairly uniform natural rocks such asflagstone orriver rock for your landscaping helps draw attention toartisticdisplays of your unique finds.Step 1: PlanningThe first step to installing a stone border is to PLAN. Chooseastone that matches the architecture (shape and color) of thehomeand identify the color of mortar that will look best (greyorbeige).Next, decide where the stone border will go. Think aboutfuturelandscape expansions too, it is easier to add the space nowthentrying to redo the border later. Sprinkler systems are alsoanissue, design the border to stay clear of any sprinklerheads.Tip: Most home improvement stores only carry a traditionalgreymortar, but I will explain how to custom mix mortar to make abeigecolor in Step 4.Calculations: Figure 1 ton of stone per 100 feet of border,andcalculate one bag of mortar per 3 to 5 feet.Step 2: LayoutNow that all the planning is out of the way and all thematerialsare on hand, it's time from some fun! It's time to laythe outlineof the stone border. I recommend using a garden hose,or some otherobject that will allow for easy adjustments until thefinal layoutis determined.Once the final layout is in place, use marking paint to spraytheoutline. This will act as a guide when digging.Tip: If there are long curves, use 1/2 inch diameter PVC pipeandgrade stakes to help get a smooth curve. Determine thebeginning andend points of the curve and drive in one stake ateach end. With thePVC pipe wedged against the two end stakes, pushthe middle of thepipe until the desired curve is achieved. Drivein the middle staketo hold the pipe in place.
Bonsai tree idea 1.0
Kayla Azriel
Bonsai is one of the techniques to beautifytheplant so do not be surprised if a lot of people enjoy bonsai.Pricesare relatively expensive bonsai is an attraction forentrepreneursto create and conduct business in the field of bonsaiplants.Generally, plants that can be used for bonsai are all plantsthathave a long life and generally bonsai using woody plants butthereare also other plants. Actually, anyone can make a bonsai aslong asdiligent and tenacious.Plants or trees that will be made into bonsai calledbonsaiseeds. forms of bonsai plant seeds taken from the wild orfromhorticulture, good seed, transplant, grafting, and graft.Fromwhatever source, the plants in question must have specificcriteriato be used as an ornamental plant bonsai. If these criteriaaremet, the plant can be used as a perfect bonsai. In thisapplicationprovides various forms of bonsai that may match what youwant.
DIY Planting Ideas 1.0
When people think about a lowmaintenanceDIYgardening ideas they usually have a picture in theirmind ofasmall garden design with just concrete or paving, and nosignofany living plants.When you have something to celebrate or are entertaininginthegarden lighting is a great idea and can be done veryeasily.Using old bricks to put tee lights on around the gardenorhanginglantern in tree is one of the ideas you can use to createapartyatmosphere.Greenery with Container PlantsWith container plants it is easy to do your "DIYgardeningideas"while sitting in comfort on the patio.Put trailing herbs such as thyme and trailing rosemaryaroundtheedges of the container, followed by the upright herbssuchasbasil, parsley and coriander. Take care not put in toomanyherbsas they spread and grow quickly. That are some ideasforDIYgardening in your home landscape.Planter box is another garden structure that mostmodernhomesuse. It can be like a big box of wood or hard plasticthat wecanplace on our patios and house lobbies. It can alsobestunningindoors like in our living rooms and dining areas.Biggerplantsfit well on this. Some try Bonsai trees to go withtheplanters.There is a planter box type that is really a hit inmodernhomedevelopment. It is the illuminated planter box. Bestfeatureofthis box is the light bright atmosphere that it bringsduringnighttime or on dark rooms or areas of the house. Anotherthingaboutthis wonderful creation is the selection of differentcolorsthatfit the occasion and the concept of our homes.plantingthevegetables.Hanging baskets are actually a classic gardeningmethod.Butgarden enthusiasts tried to develop and created somepotswithhanging options. Somehow they did a great job of givinguschoiceon how are we going to use our gardening resources.Thismethod isthe easiest for me because we only need one pot orbaskettomaintain. Unlike the traditional garden that we have, itislikeyards of plants to handle every gardening activity.Anothergoodthing about hanging baskets is our option to transferpotanywherewe want and we can make garden arrangements anytimeoftheday..Gardeners are always tinkering, always improving,alwaysdreaming.Once one section of their property is complete,they moveontoanother, eventually circling back for fine tuning.Thesearticles arefilled with ideas and inspiration for thehomegardener.You’ll find solutions for shady areas, containergardentips,meadow garden inspiration and much more.Browse our collection of gardens in your region, or takeavirtualtour of areas you can’t visit in person. Richphotographyandbehind-the-scenes information brings each garden tolife.DIY Gardening Planting Ideas Application provides greatideasforgarden and planting ideas, no matter how big or smallthegarden is,flower garden ideas and more.Cool wall decorations, small party accessories, niceflowerplantingin pots and many more.If you need help about designing your landscape, gardenorbackyard,the diy garden ideas in our help can help you.You can find great DIY Gardening Planting Ideas,DIYGardeningPlanting Ideas as well as some nice DIY gardenprojectsfordecoration and original garden accessories.Don’t waste time and money on garden designer – choosethedesignthat you want and create it in your garden.List of Garden Ideas:• Backyard Idea, landscape design ideas• Creative DIY Planters• Garden Pathway Ideas• Easy Garden Gift IdeasList of planting ideas:-recycled vegetables-planting in small place-easy planting vegetables, flowers, etc.-planting in pots.DIY Planting Ideasideas for your plants and how to plant it. Install now!
DIY Vegetable Gardens 1.0
Gardening is no longer limited tothesuburbsand the countryside. It is fast becoming widespreadamongcitydwellers, too. Anywhere you look, you can see aspiringurbangreenthumbs buying supplies and gobbling up books aboutgardeningin thecity. If you want to join the bandwagon and create aspacewhereyou can have tranquility in the middle of the city, herearesometips that should set you on to your new calling:Work with containersWhen building a garden in the city, rarely will youhaveamplespace. So it is always a good idea to use containersinsteadofplanting beds or plots. One, you can save a lot of space.Also,youwon't need hours to remove weeds from small containers.Bestofall, you do not have to spend for new containers.Theemptychocolate cans or plastic milk jugs lying in yourkitchenwould beperfect.Use your own potting mixWhen you are in the city, you will have a hard timefindinggoodquality soil for your container garden. So, you have tocreateyourown mix of good potting soil. You will need equal partsoftopsoil,perlite, and peat moss. If you want to save time, youcangetcommercially available potting soil from your nearestgardensupplystore. Put the potting soil in the containers anddon'tforget toadd some mulch to the top layer to keep yoursoildamp.Have ample supply of waterYou can't tend to your garden without water. Make surethatyourplants receive just the right amount of water. Whetheryouwaterthe too much or too little, they will exhibit thesamesymptomssuch as losing the rigidity of their stems. Also, ifyouare goingto use containers and place your plants on therooftop,you canexpect that your potted plants will dry out easily.To keepthetemperature suitable for your plants, you willdefinitelyneedplenty of water for your urban garden.Check out the sunlightSunlight allows plants to manufacture their ownfood.Yourordinary garden plants need four to eight hours ofsunexposure.Therefore, make sure that your garden spot is notblockedbybuildings or high walls.Starting your own vegetable garden is only as hard or aseasyasyou want it to be. By following the basic tips above,there'sabigger chance that your garden will survive intheurbanjungle.