Top 9 Apps Similar to BISNES

Pengedar ONEXOX 0.1
Aplikasi Pengedar ONEXOX ini adalahmerupakanpanduan ringkas tentang peluang perniagaan sebagaipengedar ONEXOX.Menerusi aplikasi ini, anda akan:-• Mengetahui peluang keusahawanan bersama One XOX Sdn Bhd• Mengetahui potensi pendapatan yang bakal diperolehisebagaipengedar ONEXOX• Mengetahui faedah dan kelebihan yang bakal anda terimasebagaipengedar ONEXOX• Mengetahui tahap tertinggi status pengedar yang bakalandakecapi• Mengetahui proses pendaftaran pengedar._____________________________________Aplikasi ini dibangunkan oleh:-Copyright © OneXOXStore.com_____________________________________Sumber rujukan utama:-http://www.onexoxstore.comhttp://www.onexoxcenter.com_____________________________________Aplikasi ini dibangunkan oleh Aplikasi iniBUKANmerupakan aplikasi rasmi syarikat One XOX Sdn Bhd. Aplikasiinidibangunkan oleh pengedar sah ONEXOX sebagai usahamempromosikanproduk ONEXOX. Maklumat lanjut boleh diperolehi di is a quick guide to business opportunities as adistributorONEXOX.Through this app you will: -• Be aware of entrepreneurial opportunities with One XOXSdnBhd• Be aware of potential revenue to be gained as adistributorONEXOX• Know the benefits and advantages that you will receive asadistributor ONEXOX• Know the highest level distributor status will you take• Know the process of registration of distributors._____________________________________This application is developed by: -Copyright © OneXOXStore.com_____________________________________Source reference: -http://www.onexoxstore.comhttp://www.onexoxcenter.com_____________________________________This application is developed by is NOT an official application One company XOX SdnBhd.This application is developed by authorized dealers in aneffort topromote the product ONEXOX ONEXOX. Further information isavailableat
Usahawan ONEXOX 3.0
Mudah App
PELUANG PERNIAGAAN MENJADI PENGEDAR SIMKAD RM10 ONEXOX1. INCOME PASIF : INSENTIF 10-15% daripada topup semuapelangganyang anda daftar SETIAP BULAN.2. Untung runcit JUALAN SIMKAD 22%3. Untung runcit JUALAN eRecharge 5%4. Kekuatan Produk MURAH dan MENJIMATKAN5. KOS RENDAH untuk memulakan perniagaan RM2786. Pasaran luas, 42 juta pengguna telefon bimbit7. Liputan rangkaian luas kerjasama dengan CelcomMODAL HANYA RM278. Anda akan dapat :- 10 keping simkad ONEXOX- Sistem Dealer untuk Pendaftaran Simkad- Sistem jualan eRecharge ONEXOX- eRecharge RM100BECOMEADISTRIBUTOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SIMKAD RM10 ONEXOX1. PASSIVE INCOME: INCENTIVES 10-15% of all topup yourcustomerlist EVERY MONTH.2. Retail Sales Profit SIMKAD 22%3. Retail Sales Profit Recharge 5%4. Power Products CHEAP and SAVE5. LOW COST to start a business RM2786. Market area, 42 million mobile phone users7. The network coverage area in collaboration with CelcomPAID ONLY RM278. You will be able to:- 10 pieces simkad ONEXOX- Dealer System for Registration Simkad- Recharge System ONEXOX sales- Recharge RM100
Bisnes ONEXOX 3.0
Mudah App
PELUANG PERNIAGAAN MENJADI PENGEDAR SIMKADRM10ONEXOX1. INSENTIF LUMAYAN 10-15% daripada tambah nilai pelangganSETIAPBULAN2. Untung runcit JUALAN SIMKAD 22%3. Untung runcit JUALAN E-LOAD 5%4. Kekuatan Produk MURAH dan MENJIMATKAN5. KOS RENDAH untuk memulakan perniagaan RM2786. Pasaran luas, 42 juta pengguna telefon bimbit7. Liputan rangkaian luas kerjasama dengan CelcomMODAL HANYA RM278- 10 keping simkad ONEXOX- Sistem Dealer untuk Pendaftaran Simkad- Sistem jualan E-load ONEXOX dan E-load RM100BECOME ADISTRIBUTORBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SIMKAD RM10 ONEXOX1. GOOD INCENTIVE 10-15% of the added value customersEVERYMONTH2. Retail Sales Profit SIMKAD 22%3. Profit Retail E-LOAD SALE 5%4. Power Products CHEAP and SAVE5. LOW COST to start a business RM2786. Market area, 42 million mobile phone users7. The network coverage area in collaboration with CelcomRM278 ONLY CAPITAL- 10 pieces simkad ONEXOX- Dealer System for Registration Simkad- System E-load sales ONEXOX and E-load RM100
Methodius ONEXOX 3.0
Mudah App
Mulakan bisnes telekomunikasi andasekarang.Dannikmati faedah-faedah berikut :1. INCOME PASIF : INSENTIF 10-15% daripada topupsemuapelangganyang anda daftar SETIAP BULAN.2. Untung runcit JUALAN SIMKAD 22%3. Untung runcit JUALAN eRecharge 5%4. Kekuatan Produk MURAH dan MENJIMATKAN5. KOS RENDAH untuk memulakan perniagaan RM2786. Pasaran luas, 42 juta pengguna telefon bimbit7. Liputan rangkaian luas kerjasama dengan CelcomMODAL HANYA RM278. Anda akan dapat :- 10 keping simkad ONEXOX- Sistem Dealer untuk Pendaftaran Simkad- Sistem jualan eRecharge ONEXOX- eRecharge RM100
ONEXOX Sabah 3.0
Mudah App
Mulakan bisnes telekomunikasi andasekarang.Dannikmati faedah-faedah berikut :1. INCOME PASIF : INSENTIF 10-15% daripada topupsemuapelangganyang anda daftar SETIAP BULAN.2. Untung runcit JUALAN SIMKAD 22%3. Untung runcit JUALAN eRecharge 5%4. Kekuatan Produk MURAH dan MENJIMATKAN5. KOS RENDAH untuk memulakan perniagaan RM2786. Pasaran luas, 42 juta pengguna telefon bimbit7. Liputan rangkaian luas kerjasama dengan CelcomMODAL HANYA RM278. Anda akan dapat :- 10 keping simkad ONEXOX- Sistem Dealer untuk Pendaftaran Simkad- Sistem jualan eRecharge ONEXOX- eRecharge RM100Start yourcurrenttelecombusiness. And enjoy the following benefits:1. PASSIVE INCOME: INCENTIVE 10-15% of all topupyourcustomerlist every month.2. Retail Sales Profit SIMKAD 22%3. Retail Sales Profit recharge 5%4. Power Products CHEAP and SAVE5. LOW COST to start a business RM2786. Market area, 42 million mobile phone users7. The coverage area of ​​the network incollaborationwithCelcomPAID ONLY RM278. You'll be able to:- 10 pieces simkad ONEXOX- Dealer System for Registration Simkad- The sale of recharge ONEXOX- Recharge RM100
ONEXOX Sarawak 3.0
Mudah App
Mulakan bisnes telekomunikasi andasekarang.Dannikmati faedah-faedah berikut :1. INCOME PASIF : INSENTIF 10-15% daripada topupsemuapelangganyang anda daftar SETIAP BULAN.2. Untung runcit JUALAN SIMKAD 22%3. Untung runcit JUALAN eRecharge 5%4. Kekuatan Produk MURAH dan MENJIMATKAN5. KOS RENDAH untuk memulakan perniagaan RM2786. Pasaran luas, 42 juta pengguna telefon bimbit7. Liputan rangkaian luas kerjasama dengan CelcomMODAL HANYA RM278. Anda akan dapat :- 10 keping simkad ONEXOX- Sistem Dealer untuk Pendaftaran Simkad- Sistem jualan eRecharge ONEXOX- eRecharge RM100Start yourtelecombusinessnow. And enjoy the following benefits:1. PASSIVE INCOME: INCENTIVES 10-15% of all topupyourcustomerlist EVERY MONTH.2. Retail Sales Profit SIMKAD 22%3. Retail Sales Profit Recharge 5%4. Power Products CHEAP and SAVE5. LOW COST to start a business RM2786. Market area, 42 million mobile phone users7. The network coverage area in collaboration with CelcomPAID ONLY RM278. You will be able to:- 10 pieces simkad ONEXOX- Dealer System for Registration Simkad- Recharge System ONEXOX sales- Recharge RM100
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,[email protected]
MediSavers - VIP Medical Card 4.5.3
VMC atau dikenali sebagai VIP MedicalCardMerupakan Penjimatan Kad Perubatan bertaraf VIP melaluiProgramkeahlian Pathlab Health Management (M) Sdn Bhd iaituPusatpenjagaan kesihatan yang termashur yang telah ditubuhkansejaktahun 1952, di era Of Colonisation British di tanah Melayu.Kinitelah lebih 60 tahun pengalaman dalam pengurusanpenjagaankesihatan dan juga merupakan kumpulan terbesar di Malaysiadenganlebih daripada 50 cawangan di seluruh Malaysia sertaseratadunia.VMC otherwise known asVIPMedical Savings Card is a VIP-class medical card throughamembership program Pathlab Health Management (M) Sdn Bhd, afamoushealth care centers that have been established since 1952, intheera of Colonisation British in Malaya. Now has over 60yearsexperience in health care management as well as the largestgroupin Malaysia with more than 50 branches throughout the countryandaround the world.
Unified Products and Services 6.42.25
Unified Products &Services provides eLoading,BillsPayment&Remittance Services.