Top 2 Apps Similar to Fleet Oxford

Fleet Expert 1.2
With Fleet Expert mobile of GPS Bulgaria you can track andtraceyour vehicle or fleet of vehicles directly from your mobilephone –everywhere in Bulgaria or abroad. In this way, youefficientlymanage your business while optimizing transportationcosts. Theparameters under monitoring are vehicle’s location, speedanddirection of driving, fuel in the tank, mileage for period oftime,stays and stops as well as other parameters ofinterest.Furthermore, Fleet Expert mobile alerts you in case ofdifferentalarm events: - maturity dates of insurances and otherpayments; -upcoming changes of oil, filters and so on, connected tovehicle’smaintenance; - stops within forbidden zones or outsidemandatoryzones. Use Fleet Expert mobile with your account for FleetExpertweb version.
i-Fleet 1.42
i-Cell Kft.
Android vehicle tracking system from i-Cell With thisapplicationoursubscribers can now get information, quickly andeasily, abouttheposition or location of their vehicles alsothrough Androiddevices.Our partners can log in into our systemwith their owndata throughthis interface with ever increasingfunctionality.Logging in on thesplash screen, the complete fleetcan be viewedon the map screen,and vehicles with position“ignition off” areindicated in redcolour. By selecting thevehicles, you can getinformation about somecharacteristicsthereof: driver’s name,location of the vehicle,ignition status,speed, date of last datasent and geographicalcoordinates. Byselecting the “Fleet state”menu, the complete fleetcan be viewedconveniently as a list. Witha single touch, anyvehicle can belocated on the map from there.If you do not belong toour clientsyet and would like to trackyour vehicles on a continuousbasis,please visit our website orcall us now! +36 1 [email protected] What youwill get: - real-timevehicletracking - fuel saving - increasedefficiency - informationinsteadof data Our company has been a keyparticipant in thedomesticvehicle tracking market since 1998,with excellentreferences.