Top 22 Games Similar to Allied Bunker Defender 1944

Heroes of Omaha Beach WW2 2.1
Legacy Of Dead Empire 1.6
The game "Legacy Of Dead Empire" takes youtothe scary world of a horror game, into the times of theSecondWorld War, where you will be able to find out terriblemysteries ofthe secret bunker teeming with evil zombies and storinga lot ofsecrets.You are a citizen of your country, empire which must conquertheworld, but in case you became a victim of yourmilitaryorganization's experiment.You need to find out who put those inhuman experiments. Andwhosefault will put you in the laboratory as a victim ofanexperiment.The bunker that was concealed by the authorities saved a lotofsecrets. And now you need to figure them out if you want tostayalive and leave that fatal labyrinth which consists oftunnels,laboratories, hangers and achievements of a once greatempire thatcould not handle with the out of the controlexperiment.You have to go through the thousands of living dead to discoverahorrible secret. Maybe, you are not alone in that laboratoryofhell. Maybe there is a chance of salvation if you are able tofindan exit…We invite you not just shoot zombies, but to play thezombieshooter with exciting scenario.The game " Legacy Of Dead Empire" - is- Combination of the zombie shooter with exciting storyincomics- Intuitively clear, easy operation- Colorful atmospheric, detailed graphics- Zombie-walker with a well thought and interesting levels.- Atmosppheric music- Various weapons of the period of the Second World War- A lot of interesting locations to discoverSubscribe on our newsletter and be the first to find outaboutour new games
Dead Bunker 4: Apocalypse 1.14
Action-horror in the world of zombie apocalypse! Survive andhelpothers survive
Dead Bunker 4 (Demo) 3.4
Action-horror in the world of zombie apocalypse! Survive andhelpothers survive
Dead Bunker 3 Lite 1.10
Get out of the bunker staying alive and not to become a livingdead.
Dead Bunker 2 1.05
In this game you are going to be a mercenary.
Air Battle: World War 1.0.16
Have you been waiting for somethingdifferent3D action air battle of WW1?Now you can play "Air Battle: World War"Air Battle: World War allows you time travel running back over1century ago.You fight as a pilot from allied powers or central powersagainsteach camp in the first world war.Fighters* Basic airplane : Sopwith Camel* Sopwith Triplane* Spad S XIII* Bristol F.2* S.E. 5s* Fokker series* Albatros seriesAirships and balloons* Graf Zeppelin* Drachen* Type 800 hot-air-balloon* HMA 23Ground units* Tanks* Armored vehicles* Infantry* Trucks* Military train* Guard towersYou have over 50 missions.Game Features(1) 18 fighters based on real history(2) Many of enemy airships , hot-air-balloon andfighters,bombers(3) 40 normal missions and extra 14 custom missions(4) Various weather condition(5) Various terrain mapsEach mission has wide array of modes.Tracking, slaughtering, looting, defense and so on.You can eliminate dozen of enemy fighters and ground unitsusingonly one shot, Le Prieur rocket. (splash damage)You can buy new advanced fighter, rocket, extra gas, repairkitand divine protection a shield saving mission moneyNow hit the road!Into the fire of burning western front sky.Time to travel to 1 century ago to be a ace pilot of WW1airbattle.Glory of sky is waiting for you!Homepage: :
The bunker: Zombie apocalypse 1.031
During the zombie apocalypse, you hidinabunker.But steel doors and concrete walls were powerless againsttheundeadhordes.Clear the streets, explore the town and collect variousthingstosurvive.- Shoot zombies in awesome 3D game.- Upgrade your bunker.- Collect useful items.- Hunt down horrible monsters
Sniper War:Alien Shooter 1.2
This is 2015's wonderful game about analieninvasion of TPS, That is a milestone! Here are someshockingthings: the alien scenes, weapons systems, the herocombinationsand Defense bunkers. If you like aliens -TPS, then thisgame isbest for you, my legend bounty hunter.AD 2137, the Titans Extraterrestrial Invade Earth, this is AMostViolent Year ever faced by mankind. Earthlings to the brinkofextinction, and you, as the last guardian, who will play maninblack, employ Defense bunkers, blocking aliens floodattack.Protect the survivors behind of you, waiting to fight backthesealien hybrids.You can play a sniper, a strike headshot! You can play amachinegunner, kombat Crossfire!!You can play therockettroops,Indiscriminate shelling!!!You can also play a bountyhunter,heroic warfare, do the best Brave shooter!!!! You will bethe focusof a unique, all the aliens invaders will launch afrenzied attackto you. In this warfare, the Titans ExtraterrestrialInvade Earth,the Earthlings is no winner! all you can do iscontinue to warfareto protect the people you love, and to live, asa survivor andguardian.In A Most Violent Year, you have to be like man in black todothe best shooter, and heroic combat the aliens. Like thebestsnipers to shoot the alien invaders.Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse, and you are abeaconof hope. Save the remnants of humanity in the alien-invadedcity,while slaughtering every alien in your sight! It's yourmission tohelp the survivors and fight back, send evil aliens towhere theybelong. Do what you have to in order to stay alive, keepcombat asfast as you can, and protect yourself by any meansnecessary. Endthis war NOW, and become a LEGEND tomorrow!Game features:1, make good use of a variety of Defense bunkers to Crossfire,willsave your life in battle.2. You are the focus of all the aliens, you must first kombatkillthem, do not let them close to you, or die that is you.3、19 devastating weapons, the arsenal of Shotguns, MachineGuns,Rocket Launchers, and Sniper Rifles.4、 14 ruthless alien types and 12 evil bosses to wipe out.5、 12 challenging levels, each with different guns andkillzones.6、 4 unique characters own 12 powerful skills with stunningvisualsand sound, such as "HEAD ONLY" "T-FREEZE" .7、 2 vicious game modes - Classic and Hell.For fans of defense game,FPS games, shooter games, freegames,alien games and war games! It's ongoing updates to delivernewmodes, features, and content. So go ahead install AlienwarfareSurvivors, starting up funny, free, and oneintenseadventure!If you like, please give us a five-star praise, thank you!
Soldier Assault Shoot Game 2.2
The game can be considered as 2.5Dwithimpressive and beautiful 2D environment.Warbirds is an action game that simulates air combats duringtheSecond World War. Dive into the history and witness the riseofdramatic events between the years 1939 and 1945.Fight in the role of the legendary heroic pilot on the sideofAllies against hostile Axis.In a solo campaign you will be fighting across whole Europeincountries such as Soviet Union, Germany or Great Britain.Eachmission is unique and you will have to make a specialtiming,tactics and strategy to finish it.Missions as Battle of Britain, Battle of Stalingrad, BattleofBerlin and many others historical events waiting for you inthegame.Another time you have to take out enemy battleship and bombtheenemy bases with several rockets. You earn score, goldandexperience from every killed or destroyed enemy inabattlefield.There are amazing levels to be finished. With every gainedstripeyou consequently get new special skillsYou will come across with different types of ground and navyenemiessuch as tanks, artillery, infantry, warships andbattlecruisers.Achievements are visualized as medals that you gain aftercertainnumber destroyed enemies and other stuff.Enjoy this adventure game with arcade features.In between each mission, you get to load up with thenastiestweaponry of World War II! But it’s important to pick thefirepowerthat works best against the different troops you’ll befacing witheach new challenge.The whole mission environment contains smooth andrealisticgraphics.Features:Stunning full 2D graphics and environments,includingunderwaterUnique blend of deep strategic planning combined with quicktacticaldecisionsUnique, intuitive targeting system.Fast-paced war action.Massive number of units simultaneously on-screen.Variety of weapons to use and enemies to destroy.Single Battle Editor with Historical Missions forstandalonecombatFull Dynamic Campaign from 1939 to 1945Individually saved games for each campaign and factionMultiplayer Hotseat for Single BattlesSink ships with realistic buoyancy physics, not withhit-pointbars!Target specific ship subsystems to sink or cripple the enemyDestructible ships, subsystems and visual damage to shipsSubmarine warfare, wolf packs and convoysDetailed cutting edge graphics and super-realistic soundsSupports Google Play game services (leader boards,achievements,send gift)Smooth and simple aircraft control system based on gyroscopeFollowing historical eventsStunning animations and realistic units & buildingsRich social featuresSurvival mode for those seeking the ultimate challenge.Optimization for all the latest mobile devices.Updates to ensure flawless use and new bonus features.Real-time game play: you will experience World War II, the ColdWarand Modern Warfare50 Countries and 200 famous Generals will join this GlobalWarSpace Weapons and etcOpen Auto battle will lead instead of youSeamless World Map and zoom in&out
Total Armageddon Lost Shelter 1.8
Свет Lite 1.05.05
Вам предстоит раскрыть зловещую тайну "Б-18",заброшенного давно по непонятным причинам. И кто знаеткакиеприключения вас там ожидают? Приготовьтесь к самомуужасномупереживанию в вашей жизни!Продолжение, уже многим так понравившегося хоррора DeadBunker.Игра начинается сразу после того как наш герой собрав 5ноутбуковотправившись к выходу, думал покинуть это зловещие место.Но какоказалось не все так просто. Потеряв сознание, он очнулся всыромподвале, закрытый в клетке. Из которой еще надо найти выход.Настенах развешаны странные записки оставленные одним изученых,который мог выжить в ту злополучную ночь. Вот вам ипредстоитпройти его путь. Увидеть своими глазами то что произошло вдалекомпрошлом. И наконец разгадать тайну произошедшего здесь.Глава I Начало:- Исследуйте заброшенный мрачный подвал, в которомкогда-тохранились припасы для жителей бункера. Теперь здесь пустотаи хаос.Но будьте осторожны в нем не долго превратиться вчастьистории.Глава II Надежда: (закрыта, доступна в полной версии игры)- Исследуйте машинное отделение лаборатории, метр за метром.Вашемувзору откроется одна из миссий по спасению персонала"Б-18"Глава III Пустота: (закрыта, доступна в полной версииигры)- Вам предстоит не легкая задача, найти некую вещь встаромзаброшенном военном городке. Где только призраки смогутчувствоватьсебя в безопасности.Глава IV Утрата: (закрыта, доступна в полной версии игры)- Найдя секретные документы, наш герой отправился обратно в бункервнадежде связаться с внешнем миром и сообщить онадвигающийсякатастрофе. Но тот ужас, который проник в бункер,сможет свестисума любого. Даже свет теряет свои свойства а рассудокпогружаетсяв темноту.Глава V Рассудок: (закрыта, доступна в полной версии игры)- Осталось не так много времени, что бы предотвратитькатастрофунадвигающуюся на мир. В попытке пробраться в рубке, нашгеройпонимает что в этом зловещем месте, он не один. Что-то иликто-томожет управлять рассудком. И это не сулит ничего доброго.Глава VI Сознание: (закрыта, доступна в полной версииигры)Пробираясь все дальше в глубь бункера, мы начинаем осознавать.Чтоне все так просто, как нам бы этого хотелось. Разгадкакотораяказалась так близка оказалась всего лишь нашим домыслом. Нототвыбор, который перед вами станет, решит исход этой истории.- потрясающая графика- пробирающая до костей атмосфера и звук- 6 глав (в данной версии доступны 1 глава)- удобное и интуитивно понятное управление***** Для тех у кого плывет изображение:- Настройки телефона - Для разработчиков - Ускорение при помощиGPUпоставить галочкуИ помните мы ценим мнение каждого игрока, и стараемся всебыстроисправить и дополнить! Если у Вас возникли вопросы, нестесняйтесьоставляйте коментарии и мы обязательно Вам ответим.Full, the Light Englishversion will uncoverasinister secret "B-18", long abandoned for unknown reasons. Andwhoknows what adventures await you there? Get ready for themosthorrible experience of your life!Continued already liked so many horror Dead Bunker. Thegamebegins as soon as our hero to collect 5 notebooks having gonetothe door, thinking to leave this sinister place. But as itturnedout not so simple. After losing consciousness, he woke up ina wetbasement, enclosed in a cage. Of which it is necessary to findaway out. On the walls hung a strange note left by one ofthescientists who could survive in that ill-fated night. Here youhaveto go his way. See with their own eyes what happened in thedistantpast. And finally solve the mystery of what happenedhere.Chapter I Start:- Explore an abandoned gloomy basement, which once storedsuppliesfor the residents of the bunker. Now here is the emptinessandchaos. But be careful it does not turn into a long pieceofhistory.Chapter II Hope (closed, is available in the full version)- Explore the engine room of the laboratory, meter by meter.Youreyes will open one of the missions of rescue personnel,"B-18"Chapter III of the Void (closed, is available in thefullversion)- You have not an easy task to find some thing in an oldabandonedmilitary camp. Where only ghosts can feel safe.Chapter IV Loss (closed, is available in the full version)- Finding the secret documents, our hero went back to the bunkerinthe hope of contact with the outside world and announcetheimpending disaster. But the horror that has penetrated intothehopper will reduce any scrip. Even the light loses itspropertiesand sanity in the darkness.Chapter V Reason (closed, is available in the fullversion)- There is not much time that would prevent a catastrophe loomingonthe world. In an attempt to get into the cockpit, our herorealizesthat in this evil place, he was not alone. Something orsomeone cancontrol the mind. And it does not promise anythinggood.Chapter VI Consciousness (closed, is available in thefullversion)Making his way further and further into the bunker, we becomeawareof. What is not so simple as we would like. The answer thatseemedso close was just our conjecture. But the choices in front ofyouwill be, will decide the outcome of this story.- Stunning graphics- To the bone atmosphere and sound- 6 chapters (in this version available to Chapter 1)- A convenient and intuitive control***** For those who floats the image:- Phone settings - Developers - GPU acceleration with tickAnd remember, we value the opinion of each player, and try tofixit quickly and supplement! If you have any questions, feel freetoleave comments and we will answer you.Full, the Light Englishversion
Cold Planet Z : Shooting Dead 1.0
Cold Planet Z is a 3D shooter Game whereyouhave to kill all zombies in 3d environment , Three Friendstravelsto a newly discovered planet funded by NAA (nationalastronautagency) but there they find out real truth about planet ,there areno aliens to kill or shoot , but zombies yes the livingdead, Whilethey try to launch back to space and travel back toearth suddenlya horde approaches there station and starts attackinghardwareresulting in hardware failure, Two Friends out of ThreeMove out tofix the Propeller which was damaged by horde , Zombieattacks fromnowhere and kills both of them , now you are left alonein thisplanet and you have got some ammo and guns its sad youcannot makeit back to earth but you can surely take revenge . Thisgame givesyou opportunity to shoot down every zombie standing inthe planetwhich killed you best fiends with beautiful graphics itgives you arealistic shooting experience , We wish you best of luckand aadrenaline rush experience . We guarantee a foursquareexperience>>>Features>>Console Quality 3D Graphics>>Scary Zombies>>High Detail Environment>>Dynamic Sound Systems>>Adrenaline Rush Gameplay>>Smooth Controls>>Wave SystemsImportant Links :>>Facebook :>>Twitter :>>Website URL :>>Support Email : [email protected]
Battlefield WW2 Combat 5.1.6
"Battlefield WW2 has all the requirements ofanepic first person shooter" - AlMiSoft MagazineStalingrad...We are seventy years before the events of Battlefield Stalingrad.Weare in 1942, and the crucial scenario of the World War II,thebloodiest battle in history, is about to begin. Bombingisdestroying the city, and two armies will clash for months. There,avaliant commando, alone with his rifle in the frontlineassault,shot and killed more than 200 people using his astonishingsniperskills. His name, Vasily Zaytsev, the gunman.CodeLabs proudly presents Battlefield WW2 Combat, a moderncombattribute to the courage of that man and many other heroes.Again,join the Red Army or the Wehrmacht in a fight tocontrolStalingrad, fighting fiercely against the assault of endlesswavesof ruthless enemies. In the heat of battle, impersonate acontractkiller, a deadly commando, a ruthless sniper assassin, afiercerifleman or a brave gunman. The call of duty resonates inyourears!Features:- New scenarios to continue the epic adventure- Feel the pressure of a sniper alone facing the enemy- Endless waves of AI controlled enemies- Realistic shooting and reloading of the weapon- 72 different scenarios, carefully designed and tested byourdevelopment team- Real 3D graphics optimized for a wide variety of devices- Easy to learn, hard to master- Share with your friends on Facebook and get new weapons- Absolutely FREE TO PLAY, no pay to winThe D-Day has come. Will you be up to the challenge in this3Dshooter? The overkill has come. Let the bullets fly!DOMINATE ACTION-PACKED CAMPAIGNSLead your squad to victory through 60 unique missions and 8elitechallenges.MORE TO COME! FACE PERILOUS URBAN WARFARE!Shoot your way through 7 destructible battlefields! Take onsnipers,heavy weapon specialists, tanks, helicopters, flyingdrones andmore! Maximize your firepower with multiple, upgradableweaponclasses including sniper rifles, assault rifles, shotgunsandmachine guns.BATTLE FOR ONLINE SUPREMACY - ASSEMBLE YOUR ELITE SQUADThink you have an unstoppable squad? Incoming PvP mode! Betrayedandleft for dead, you must build your team of mercenaries andseekrevenge against your enemies. Recruit and train soldiers toleadthe ultimate team into battle!YOUR SQUAD. YOUR WAR.Battlefield WW2 Combat is free to play.Web: http://www.codelabs-studio.comFacebook:
Commando Action War- Fury Mission 1.0.8
Door to apps
Commando Action War- Fury Mission:Become a pro and use every rifle to win the world war.A real commando 2018 begin when you take a super action in combatasa commando of army. Your mission is to provide a rescue totheprisoners who got seized by the enemy forces in this game. Nowyouhave to take your chance and help the captured soldiers. Therearedifferent deadly weapons that you can use in missions of thisgame.This game will take you to a whole new level of fun andamusement.However, the missions of this game are very dangerous soyou needto proceed with cautions. All the action is integrated inthis oneawesome game. You will definitely love to play this game inyourleisure time.The gameplay of this game is very awesome. You will love toplaythis game till the end. There is a very strong and catchystoryline in this game. There are soldiers who got captured byenemyforces in this game. They were on a very importantintelligencegathering mission in this game. Now the sovereignty ofour countryis at stake in this game. So you need to show yourextreme skillsto help them in this game. Here, you can tap onindividualcharacter to choose in this game. Then you need to tap onthescreen to move your player. You can also change its stance aswellin this game. There are different weapons that you can equipwith.However, you need to execute whole plane as a covert missioninthis fps army war game. Do not alert the enemy forces or thiswouldbe your last day.The controls of this game are very simple and easy. You can dragthescreen either side to have a clear view of the area in thisgame.There are couple of action buttons as well. You can move bytappingon the screen in this world strike warfare game. A redcircleappeared around an enemy soldier indicates that you can killhim inthis game. So cash in your skills and help your country inthisworld war army game.Best of Luck…! Commando Action War- Fury Mission FeaturesRealistic 3D graphics.Real in-game sounds.Real shooting action mission.Criminal attack and real actionDifferent locations and backgrounds.Difficult levels and stages to complete.If you have no wifi, you can play commando action war- furymission,absolutely free.So quickly download this interesting game of 2018 offered by DoortoApps available on Google Play Store on your androidsmartphones.
Gunner BattleField Shooter War 1.0
Battle Sniper Shoot is a totally freegame.Youare an army commando which have assaign a mission to fightagainstenemies.Its an Battlefield war in snow mountainEnviroment.Fight as brave soldiers in battlegrounds of World War iiexperiencea dramatic and sttunning battle, life-storysingle-player,death-dealing journey in the Day and Night in thesnow mountainenvironment.Commando had on duty as Frontline Commando at war time ofWW2:D-Day. Naval warfare WARSHIP on special mission inthebattlefield!Commando Mission: Enemy has occupy the Snow mountain armybase,there are huge store of light and heavy weapons includingshootguns, long range sniper rifle gun, grenade, Shotguns,Handguns,Sub-Machine Guns, Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, RPG, Ak47,M16,Rockets and even missiles for transport to surround army troopsinthe snow, mountain and jungle battlefield. It is extremelyrequireto get army base back from deadly enemy to transportessentialammunition by military truck and trailer to surroundingbattlefieldfor save the world. Must complete the mission impossibleat anycost.Battle Sniper Shoot is a rescue type game.In this game yourmissionto find your civilians.Battle Sniper is a ghost commando warwhichhave ultimate Fury actions.In this game have Last missionisMission Impossible.BattleField Commando have gunner shooter like missionandactions.Its a contract Killer Base Game.You have assign acontractto save your civilians from enemies.Features:1:Excellent realistic simulator with FPS shooting rangeandmodern combat experience.2: Challenge commando covert strike mission - IGI 23: Realistic Snow Environment, Interactive And AddictiveGameplay,Smooth And HD Graphics and 3D Special Sound Effects4: Addictive And Attractive gameplay mission.5: Digital radar system provides real time enemies locationandmovements.
Bunker Buster 2.0
World's First Endless Bomber.Destroy The Buildings!Demolish The Bunkers!Make sure to put up your Drones to take out the Turrets.Bunker Buster is latest viral hit you won't be abletoputdown.
World Tank of Ace War 2016 1.0.14
In Tank Ace 1944 you command a tank ofthesecond world war the burden of dealing with the capital enemy.Play one of the three ACEs: Allied, German or Soviet.Sherman, Tiger, or T34 tank each with mobile turretandcannon.3D destructible landscape.The free Lite version has supplies and limited advertising.Fullversion with refueling trucks available in Android Market.Take out your enemies with cannons, heat seekers, andhowitzers.Battle against cunning enemies and become the TankHero!"Tank Hero is a fun, simple game that evolves theconcept"-SlideTo Play
Comabt of Iron Tanks WW1 Era 1.5
combat of iron tanks ww1 era is thetopadventurous action packed tanks game. Its deserted world ofirontanks. Shoot & Kill the army of panzer tanks and become atankhero. Manage a roster of blitz all around in this tank war 3dgame.With tactical precision and execution in tanks battlefield,you canwin the tanks battle game.Story and Gameplay of Tank War GameThere’s been a battle alert all across the world. World War ofTankshas just begun. this is the fight of the super iron forcetanksagainst the enemy war tanks Use your best strategy to fighttheworld of tanks and win the tank battle game. Get use of themilitaryfire age tank. There are deadly bombs, navy soldiers, gunsweapons,blasts military vehicles, infantry, crossfire and tanksattackeverywhere in this free tanks game. Attack the enemy basewith yourwar tank. This tanks blitz is all about a top-secretmission to winthe World War of tanks 3d.Your massive war tank in battlefield is equipped with allthenecessary weapons, steamy explosives & cannon to take downallenemy gunship tanks firing on your modern tanks. Yourspecializedmilitary skills will be tested to the limit by the taskmissiongiven to you as they are clearly out numbered by your panzertankforce. Let’s see how you can deal with a battle tank in thistankgames to be a tank hero.Unleash a destructive attack on an army of tanks, as theyhavepillaged the suburban city and taken over the area. Nothingfeelsbetter than shooting enemies in a battle. Navigate throughstunningdesert environment. Locate enemy coming near you throughyourradar. Shoot down enemy Tanks with your unlimitedammunition.Alert your Airforce and Army to join in the game of war withWordWar of tanks 3D. Imagine the destruction, It’s the war ofnations.Deploy army tanks, train military tanks and engage in epicbattles.Enjoy fun and engrossing intense crossfire.Your primary mission is to remove all resistance and take downtheenemy tank army generals, who are ordering and assisting theenemyto attack and raise havoc on the area. The enemy generals willbestrongly guarded by gunner tanks and soldiers. You will havetoinflict a deadly attack and tear the enemy apart withextremeshooting skills with accuracy, eliminating enemies at pointblankrange. There is no Gunship helicopters in this tanks gunshipgameor ww1 game.Navigate through the vast lands of the environments withadvancedcontrols of the gunner tank, including swipe aiming of thetankturret, enemy detection radars and a heavily optimized scopewithenemy tagging zoom.Play through five intense and deadly levels of gameplay, gunningandshooting down enemy gunner tanks, soldiers with death defyingattackand heavy impact bombs.FEATURES OF WW1 TANK WAR GAMES:• 5 intense levels of gameplay with tougher panzer warlevelsproceeding further• Real time gunship battles simulation• Scope and zoom enhancements for the tank in first playerswitchingmode for precise aiming• FPS shooting game• one of the best tank war 3d game• Stunning graphics• Fast paced and level based progression• Amazingly vivid environment and war scenery• Smooth touch and superior controlThis is for those who love tank wars, ww1 games, tank games,tankbattle game or tank gunship games. This action game isfree-to-playfor all the adventure war-gaming lovers. This war gamesthat letyou show off your tactical precision and execution. Tankgames aremore fun to play. It’s a war of iron tanks. Attack &conquer!If you are a fan of action packet simulator games, youwould findthis very interesting and addictive.
Schwarzwald Zombie Hospital 1.4
Story:You will have a breakdown with your car in the middleofSchwarzwald!This is going to be a major change in your life.On your way to the farmhouse next to the street you soon willfind out, that something is going terribly wrong!To leave this area, you urgently need a new car - and thereisevidence, that humans are around.But there are other fabulous creatures and extraterrestrialshavingthe same issue you do - and you will meet them soonerorlater…So far, so good - it is going to be a weird trip!About:SZH is a classic rail shooter, developed by a two man indiegamecrew.Features:Gyroscope support for even more fun8 different worlds + x special worldsBizzare achievementsAbstract storylineDifferent weaponsZombies destruction modelsFancy special characters
the Light (Remaster Edison) 2.01.03
Reveal uncover a grim secret of bunker "B-18"
Army Sniper Shooter:Free Games 1.2
Game Story:Move Farword And Enter enemies boundry than all enemies startfiringand show Fire And Zoom Buttons.And In 2nd Level When YouEnterEnemies Boundries than Start enemies Firing and as well asEnemiesCome From Helicopter And lay Down From perachute.Modern Army Sniper Shooter War is a Furious War againstverydangerous enemies.An Army War is thrilling war simulationwherealone army commando shooter handle deadly ambush in redzonebattlefield without high ammunition and backup airsupport.There isa blackout in the city due to enemy control toavoid air strike andanti air craft in standby mode this is why airattack is impossiblefor the mission, so mission is just for bravefrontline commando toconquer their military.Commando had on duty as Frontline Commando at war time ofWW2:D-Day. Naval warfare WARSHIP on special mission in thebattlefield!Sudden attack by air fighter and submarine distorywarship mostcommando dead other were wounded and captured toprision.Army man never fear with deadly assault on navy warshipaircraftcarrier, gunship helicopter and modern combat tank missionon highmountains sniper shooting area and in desert shooing fieldevenmost dangerous refugee city SWAT rescuemissions.Battlefieldfrontline commando adventure shooter free 3Dgame-play. The walkingdead trigger warriors delta force withshooter war fighter, droidbattle warriors is jigsaw game around theworld.Don't mercy and show fury to put everything into destruction.Killenemy, destroy tanks, explode gunship helicopter andammunitionstorage. Android Robots.The enemy has occupied into your home land and now the battle isinthe streets of the city. Show your ghost soldier skills thatcanattack suddenly on military troopsGame Features:1- 3D armed global conflict with excitement sound play–Destructoid!!2- Realistic battle scenes in street near mountains and jungleandDesert.3- Modern war weapons and equipments. WW24- Very interesting elegant first person shoot game(FPS).5- Ultimate FPS Ultimate Action Game!6- Addictive game play mission - World War II7- Fabulous first person shooter 3d game - counter strike8- Thrilling surprise attack like World War 2 -Assassin’screed!!How To Play:- Move forward, backward, left or right with joystickcontrols.- Move Farword And Enter Enemies Boundry Than AutomaticallyshowFire And Zoom Button.- for joystick touch and swap on left half of screen- Tap Fire button fire.- For enemies at far distance, use the telescope forsnipershoot.- Shoot to target down very quickly either you could be hurtbyopponent bullets