Top 9 Games Similar to Brave Rivals!

全明星撕名牌大战:奔跑吧王牌PK 1.0
全明星撕名牌:奔跑吧追星大战,新春时节悄然来袭,快来和你喜欢的明星大咖们一起开撕吧!还有抢红包游戏等你来玩,不要犹豫,赶快下载吧!▲撕名牌大战:在撕人与被撕之间,极限反应的考验,岂一个爽字了得。▲抢红包大战:帅帅的小哇,从来不将就,带着满满的祝福等你来抢,戳戳戳,红包抢不停,考验手速的时候到了。▲Baby女神飞啊飞:粉红女神专属游戏,天使的翅膀,左飞飞右飞飞,星空翱翔。如果你在游戏中有任何问题,请联系我们:虫咖游戏邮箱:[email protected]讨论群:456228619All-Star teardesigner:runit Starchaser war, the Chinese New Year seasoncreeping up,come withyour favorite star big coffee together tearit open!There are gamesyou play to grab a red envelope, do nothesitate todownload it!▲ tear brand Wars:Torn between the man and torn, test the limits of thereaction,notat a cool Zile.▲ grab a red envelope Wars:Handsome small wow, never will, with the full blessingwaitingforyou rob, poke poke, grab a red envelope stop, test timehas cometohand speed.▲ Baby Goddess flying about:Pink Goddess exclusive games, angel wings, left andrightFeifeiFeifei, Star fly.If you have any questions about the game, pleasecontactus:E-mail worm coffee game: [email protected] discussion group: 456 228 619
桶大叔 1.0
Pumpkin Tech
Uncle game lets you put the barrel friends becomes moreinteresting!
Perfect Partner Match 3.0
After there comes anewfacerecognition helper!Scientists have calculated that by the most of thecoupleschosetheir life partner out on the basis of theintrinsicsimilarity oftheir parents face structure.with the help of a face recognition we can find apartnerwhichacually looks like your perfecht lifepartner.Find in our database your life partner, you can maybe contacthimORyou can join our community and may be found by him/her!try this short match game it brings fun and maybe you willfindyourreal life partnerstart a flirt with peoples all over the world
史上最惡搞的遊戲4 5.0.08
與以往“惡搞遊戲”一樣,《恶搞4》也將採用24個關卡、不同場景解謎的形式,而玩家們也將會體驗到各種惡搞元素層出不窮,一坑到底,欲罷不能。但與以往不同的是,這一次的關卡的創意點子是由熱愛惡搞遊戲的粉絲們所提供,“惡搞團隊”希望這一次能在遊戲中與廣大玩家一起坑個夠、坑個爽!【產品特點】特點一:貼心小遊戲,玩玩賺金幣特點二:手殘黨慎入,坑死人不償命特點三:畫風再升級,更細膩更鮮明【大咖評測】***網友評測***絕不惡搞的遊戲體驗遊戲一共24關卡,每一關卡都需要用超乎常理的想像才能過關,只要是出現在螢幕上的,都可能是過關的關鍵,千萬不要忽略任何一個小細節。惡搞四的關卡由熱愛惡搞遊戲的粉絲精心構思設計,多種潮流因素結合,被坑的根本停不下來。從遊戲整體畫面風格來相比,惡搞四畫風細膩了很多,顏色不再單調,對比鮮明;音效也是一如既往的搞笑。在遊戲關卡創作方面比之前創新了很多,如果你認為某一關是純操作類的遊戲,那你徹底的錯了,惡搞四傳承了惡搞的精華,無坑不成樣,關關明擺著要坑你,關關卻都能坑死你。個人很喜歡那個22關的“惡搞馬里奧”,只有你死了幾次,才能踏著別人的屍骨順利過關,大有“一仗功成萬骨枯”的道理。遊戲有很多關卡折射出很多人生的小道理,玩家不妨遊戲結束後,細細的回味一下。惡搞四有一個很人性化的地方,就是能玩小遊戲賺金幣。對於那些智商不夠用恰逢金幣又用完的情況下,玩玩小遊戲,緩解一下剛被坑的心情,順便還能賺小把錢。不過得提醒一句,雖然小遊戲不考驗你是否腦殘,卻能體現出你是否手殘~手殘黨慎入!趣味的遊戲設計、精良的產品製作、搞笑的音效,從各方面上都優勝於前3款,值得大家的期待。喜歡惡搞系列的朋友,請不要錯過我們最新的遊戲——《史上最惡搞的遊戲 4 》。【友情提醒】如果你有一個好基友/好Gay蜜,那就請你幫他下載這個遊戲!如果你想讓他抓狂,那就請他幫你過一關!如果你想讓他崩潰,那就請你問他能不能幫你通關!如果你愛他,就帶他一起來玩吧!【聯繫我們】客服郵箱:[email protected]客服FB地址:
Running Man Race Start
Les Bleus
Explore Asian cities and landmarks!“RunningMan:RaceStart” redefined casual running gaming. Nowgetmore of the exhilarating running, jumping, sliding and minigameyou love in “RunningMan:RaceStart”!Seoul street, The great wall, Beijing Street and Mausleum oftheFirst Qin Emperor as you try to run with various itemsandcharacter abilities.How far can you run?!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES -★ Explore Cities and Landmarks★ Friendly environments that you know(Seoul street, The great wall, Beijing Street, Mausleum of theFirstQin Emperor)★ Gorgeous characters★ Special power up for each character★ Various obstacles★ Mini game (Name tag battle, Ttakji-chigi bonus)★ Score ranking-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements for gaming -★ OS : android 4.2★ CPU : 1.6GHz Octa-core / 1.9GHz Quad-core★ Memory : 2 GBBecome a fan of RunningMan : Race Start” on Facebook:
Hooligans 1.321
Fight with the other hools and control the territory!
Brave Hero 1.0
A Nice game with where you have tocollectcherries by overcoming hindrances.
Plants Attack 1.1.1
Protect the forest from cursedanimalsandpurify the earth!In some distant future, humans abandon the devastated earth…Dryad, the last forest remaining on earth isprotectedbyspirits.One day, the cursed animals suddenly proliferate andtheviolentanimals incessantly destroy the forest...Become the hero "Leafy" and lead the Minions todefeattheanimals!The immortal hero! Non-attacking enemies! You have nothingtoloseeven if your are poor at playing!Challenge and see how many animals you can defeat with effortandhowstronger you can get![Features ]Full 3D! High-quality clicker gameHot striking sensation, splendid skill effectMore than 100 kinds of lively charactersMore than 100 kinds of colorful gearsDiverse relics attainable through reincarnationDiverse active & passive skillsVast contents, endless battlesEarth afforestation challenge every 8 hours
Blocks Race White Tiles Piano 1.0
Rainbirth SLU
Don't touch the black tiles. how much will you get in thispianolike game?.