Top 11 Apps Similar to Mass Cash

Cash Register 1.02
------------------- - no permissions - no advertising -supportthedeveloper ------------------- Are you looking for analternativetoenter the items of your food stall, garage sale or anyotherkindof sales booth? This cash register offers thesolution!Usually,big sales deals lack the space and power supply toplug ina greatcash register. However, sales people can make use ofatechnologyof which everybody disposes anyway: use the cashregisterapp andturn your smart phone into a cash register! At themoment,youreceive our application as a 1-place solution: all itemsarebeingentered on your user -respectively cashier- account.Lookforwardto the upcoming updates: we’re working on an optionthatletsseveral cashiers enter the items at the same time.Then,thisapplication will clearly facilitate an attribution ofentereditemsto the respective cashier and thus facilitates youraccountatclosing time. Currently, you can already usethefollowinghighlights of this proceeding application for free:+automaticallysumming up of the entered items: you save a lotoftime whileaccounting at closing time or shift changeover +speedandassortment of goods at seller’s option: per each sheet, 20keyscanbe allocated individually so that the respective goodsandtheirexact price can be booked with just one single click.Havingmorethan 20 goods, you can individually arrange them onseveralsinglesheets saving 20 goods per sheet. + no need of anyknowledgeofprogramming: the buttons and their allocation can bevaried inaclearly-arranged chart + the sold goods and the number ofitemscaneasily be exported. You can already check in theeveningwhichitems were bestsellers of the day and which items donot haveto bereordered right away. + a better overview, especiallyfornewemployees: various colours (for example for food anddrinks)offera better usability + facts and figures: usingthisapplication, youreceive a fast survey of the total revenueandespecially itsattribution to respective products It has neverbeeneasier toreceive a survey of the daily successesforself-employees. Pleasenotice that this application is in processofdevelopment and is anoffer free of charge. It practicallyoffersall functions of a cashregister. However, we cannot guaranteealegally compliant accountat the moment since this would requireafull permission of taxauthorities. The cash register applicationisa tool which offers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannotreplacethe full legaldocumentation though. Please mind yourtaxcomputation and adhereto deadlines on your own responsibility.Theprogrammer of „cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
Beforereally testing theapplication, have a look at theapplication’sfeatures and test thebest allocation of the buttons.If you’rereally enthusiastic aboutour application, we are lookingforward toan evaluation whichprovides an orientation for otherusers. If youhave suggestionsfor improvement or remark anythingthat does notwork properly yet,we are looking forward to yourfeedback beingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what doesnot answeryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Cash Desk Pro 2.2.2
Tablet-Version: you looking for a cash desk app to support yoursmallbusiness? Or simply a cash desk app for your androidsmartphone?Then try CashDesk Pro. This app was designed to supportsellers intheir daily business.The appealing and supportive features include:• intuitive usability• appealing graphics• fast and effective navigation• up to eight different colors per button• integrated CRM• cash balance display• Import of Menus and displays• Organising tips• revenue display• short summary (can be switched off)• change calculation (can be switched off)• easy reversal of wrong input• export of revenue information into CSV format• user manual (free download)Cash Desk Pro is visually appealing and clearly designed togetan easy and concise overview on your smartphone. All functionsareeasy and and you can reach most through only one click.Buttons can be customised and configured to your needs.Theconfiguration is very simple and can be done without anypreviousexperience via simple long click to the correspondingbutton.Thanks to this, working with different menus is notrequired, whichwill save you a lot of time.CashDesk Pro can be operated intuitively and is thereforealmostentirely self-explaining. If you do need any support, afullexplanation is given in the user manual ( place great importance on easy usability for our users.Becauseof this, we have set up features such as modifying yoursettings,your selling summary or the change display so that theycan beeasily switched on or off and thus saves time. Wrong input,too,can easily be revered via a long click on thecorrespondingarticle. Therefore, time consuming searching andcancelling offeatures is not necessary with this app.Another important feature is the export of the revenues toCSVformat. This allows you to transfer your revenues to aspreadsheettool like Excel.If the app does not meet your expectations, you have theoptionof returning it to the GooglePlayStore within 2 hours ofpurchasingit. This gives you enough time to test all its functionswithoutcommiting to a buy. We highly value our customers´ opinion,whichis why we encourage you to give us your feedback and to giveit arating in the GooglePlayStore. Questions, feedback etc. mayalso bedirected to [email protected] hope you enjoy the features of Cash Desk, and that thisappcontibutes to an easy, stress free work process for you!
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO 1.04
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO-------------------- no permissions- no advertising- support the developer-------------------Have you just founded a company and want to equip your PointofSale or a mobile booth with a cash register that is nottoocumbersome in purchase and installation? This applicationworksperfectly both in restaurants and smaller shops and itgetspredominantly good feedback by the users. What is the reasonforthis? Just have a look at some simple functions of theapplicationand its advantages:Use of a device and equipment that you are familiar withThe Point of Sale application is being installed on yourtabletcomputer which is why you do not have to get used to anew,unfamiliar device. The further advantage: having aprinterconnected via Bluetooth, you can easily print out statisticsorbills. Thus, you are ready to start immediately without anynewinstallations or cable tangle.Top quality statistics for planning your assortmentofgoodsMany traditional cash registers only offer the function ofenteringa price and the category of the product. Our POS-Point ofSaleApplication offers the possibility to define and name thesingleproducts (respectively food and drinks): consequently, youreceivea survey of the ongoing sales when just clicking on thebutton„statistics“- thereupon you can discover bestsellers and youcanreorder and plan your assortment of goods better thanever!Additionally, you discover the most popular products at aglance!Both for a fixed and mobile sales booth the right intentionforsale and necessary storage can save you a lot ofmoney:insufficient storage as well as a too much storage can costyou alot.Clearly arranged allocation of 300 buttons possible
Havinginstalled the Point of Sale App, you can arrange up to 300buttonsand thus can make cashing even easier in case you do notwant tomake use of bar codes. Especially in the gastronomy, orderscaneasily and intuitively be entered, which leaves more time fortheguest and the service.A well-tried allocation –as shown in our product’s illustration-isthe one using colours: choose different colours for softdrinks,food, alcoholic drinks and hot drinks. Thus, the entering oftheorder must only be clicked, and you still have a clearlyarrangedsystem even when providing a great assortment.Using the screen size and clear arrangement of yourtablet
ThePoint of Sale App uses the full screen size of the tabletso thatthe usability is getting much more clearly arranged andoffers manypossibilities of combination. Just think of the menu ora pricelist which is available at each work station. Besides, itispossible to switch between this app and further applicationsonyour tablet. You can access product information orillustrationsanytime.Have a look at the Point of Sale App and test some of thefunctions.You will be enthusiastic on recognizing how a normaltablet can turninto a fully-fledged cash register. 
Please notice that this application is in process of developmentandis an offer free of charge. It practically offers all functionsof acash register. However, we cannot guarantee a legallycompliantaccount at the moment since this would require a fullpermission oftax authorities. The cash register application is atool whichoffers a survey and helps accounting- it cannot replacethe fulllegal documentation though. Please mind your taxcomputation andadhere to deadlines on your own responsibility. Theprogrammer of„cash register for free“assumes no liability.
Dotypos PoS system 1.236.26
The Dotypos app, used with a high-quality touch cashregisterandother accessories, presents an affordablepoint-of-salebusinesssolution for gastronomy, accommodationservices, shops orprovidersof various services. Dotypos offers manyuseful featuresthat helpyou manage your business with ease and keepattractingnewcustomers. It means you are not getting just a PoSsystem, butalsoa reliable helping hand for your operation. Try thefullversion ofthe Dotypos app FOR FREE FOR 30 DAYS • The Dotyposapp issuitablefor small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, stand sales, craftsmen andsoletraders andall other types of services and business • Fivesystemsin one –PoS, stock, reservation, attendance and ordering •Alsooffers adetailed overview of your operation, stock andemployees •Runs onthe Android platform • Includes an easy-to-enableEETfeature •Works offline; no internet connection required •Automateddatabasebackups in case the internet connection or EETserver goesdownMain benefits: • 24/7 technical and customer support•Unlimitednumber of items, categories and receipts •Stockmanagement –Stocktaking, warehouse management,operations,ingredients • Cloud– detailed overviews, reports andcharts •Detailed text and videoguides • Regular updates includingchangesin legislation Featuresfor restaurants and cafés: • MobileWaiter –ordering right at thetable • Warehouses – stocktaking,batch stockin, ingredients,warehouse operations… • Cloud – fullcontrol overyour business atany time and anywhere • Free ordersystem – • Loyaltyprogrammes, happy hours, sales andpromos •Connecting othersystems – Order, accounting or camerasystems andPoS terminalsFeatures for shops and services: • Connectyour PoS toan e-shop •Stock system – ingredients, batch stock in,stocktaking,supplieroverview • Detailed reports, overviews andcharts in aCloud •Support for connecting certified scales, barcodereadersandoptional accessories • Accepting bonus, customer anddiscountcards• Making reservations via a reservation system •Option ofusingmultiple reg. numbers at one PoS Integrations andconnections:•Order system – Vyzvednisi, Adaptee Gastro • Shoptet –connectyourPoS to an e-shop • Connecting PoS terminals, theNetrexcamerasystem or to Qerko • Using an API, the PoS can beconnectedtoother accounting, reservation, information or ERPsystems. APoSsystem for small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, craftsmen and soletraders,hairdressers,cosmeticians and various other types ofbusiness…
POS - Cash Register (Printing) 6
Vijay Yande
Point of Sale - Cash Register -- Updated to work onAndroidKitKat4.4 - Works on most dot matrix, POS printers. Calldeveloperforany other printer. - Create Bills and Receipts onanyandroidmobile phone - Print Bills and Receipts on almostallprintersincluding POS printers and dot matrix printers -PhoneROOTing isNOT required. Works on non rooted phone and devices.-Use thisapplication instead of POS machines - Saves lots ofdesktopspace -Saves lots of electricity compared to normal PC -Veryefficientand fast operations - Supports BARCODE readingthroughinbuiltcamera. Need separate application installed. - Useasportablebilling machines or receipt printing - Save lots ofcostoninfrastructure - Use any android tablet and anyavailableprinterand start making receipts/bills ANYWHERE - Use OTGcable toconnectUSB printer to your android tab or phone - EnterItems withtheirprice - Add receipt and add items into receipt -Connectdevice viaOTG cable to printer - Click print buttonfromapplication - Incase of any connection error please restartprinteror androiddevice - Printing works with almost all standardprinters-Currently only text printing is developed. (work is inprogressforgraphics printing, which is not required for receiptandusualbusiness needs. ) -- Please add review andsuggestionsforimprovements -- This is demo application supports max500 items.--Customized development of apps is also available,pleasecontactdeveloper. *** This is demo application. AndroidPrintingLibrary -Functionality used in this app is available aslibrary -Developerscan use library to provide print support intotheir ownapplication- Developers need to purchase librarylicenseseparately. - Thislibrary works almost all dot matrix andPOSprinters - This libraryalso support printing graphics (b/w) andcanprint in any language- Before purchasing please use thisdemoapplication to verify thefunctionality you need is availableinlibrary. - Please calldeveloper for purchasing printing library-Library is licensedseparately Troubleshooting 1. Connect printertoyour androiddevice using OTG cable 2. Click Connect Printerfromposapplication menu 3. Switch-OFF and then switch-ON theprinter4.Click Test Printer from menu Pleasevisit-
Auto Cash App 4.5.2
Auto Cash App is a revolutionaryautomatedbinary option trading software that gives you that "edge"over themarket that you need to be successful in trading binaryoptions!Our users have banked hundreds of thousands of dollars usingthissoftware, but don't take our word for it, download our app andtryit yourself.Step 1. Download the AppStep 2. Watch the video and enter your email to create yourfreeaccountStep 3. Deposit money into your new broker account.Step 4. Fire up the software and watch the magic happen!!We look forward to seeing you on the inside!
Cash Desk 2.2.3
Please check our new and improved Cash Desk2.0 looking for a cash desk app to support your small business?Orsimply a cash desk app for your android smartphone? ThentryCashDesk. This app was designed to support sellers in theirdailybusiness. The appealing and supportive features include:•intuitive usability • appealing graphics • fast andeffectivenavigation • up to eight different colors per button •integratedCRM • cash balance display • revenue display • import ofmanualsand displays • short summary (can be switched off) •changecalculation (can be switched off) • easy reversal of wronginput •export of revenue information into CSV format • user manual(freedownload) Cash Desk is visually appealing and clearly designedtoget an easy and concise overview on your smartphone. Allfunctionsare easy and and you can reach most through only oneclick. Buttonscan be customised and configured to your needs. Theconfigurationis very simple and can be done without any previousexperience viasimple long click to the corresponding button. Thanksto this,working with different menus is not required, which willsave you alot of time. CashDesk can be operated intuitively and isthereforealmost entirely self-explaining. If you do need anysupport, a fullexplanation is given in the usermanual( We placegreatimportance on easy usability for our users. Because of this,wehave set up features such as modifying your settings, yoursellingsummary or the change display so that they can be easilyswitchedon or off and thus saves time. Wrong input, too, can easilyberevered via a long click on the corresponding article.Therefore,time consuming searching and cancelling of features isnotnecessary with this app. Another important feature is the exportofthe revenues to CSV format. This allows you to transferyourrevenues to a spreadsheet tool like Excel. We highly valueourcustomers´ opinion, which is why we encourage you to give usyourfeedback and to give it a rating in the GooglePlayStore.Questions,feedback etc. may also be directed to [email protected] hopeyou enjoy the features of Cash Desk, and that this appcontibutesto an easy, stress free work process for you!
MEB-Cash 90.5
Craft Silicon
MEB-Cash App is your simple and efficient 24/7 Bank! TheMEB-CashAppis a Mobile Banking Application owned by Middle EastBankKenyaLimited (MEB) and is available on Android and Appledevices.TheMEB-Cash App is carefully crafted to deliver abeautifuluserexperience. It has great features that make yourbankingexperiencewith MEB exciting, simple, and efficient. WiththeMEB-Cash App youcan: • Get a complete view of your accounts.•Transfer funds toother banks instantly. • Transfer funds frommpesato MEB Account.• Check your recent MEB Account transactions.•Transfer funds tompesa and airtelmoney wallets. • MakeeCitizenpayments instantlyfrom your account. • Buy Airtime for yourownnumber or any othernumber. • Bill presentment and paymentoptionsfor major merchants.• Save frequent beneficiaries of yourfundstransfer or payment. •Pay for goods, services, andutilitiesdirectly from your MEBAccount. • Replenish your MPESAAgency Floatdirectly from your MEBAccount. Middle East Bank KenyaLimited (MEB)is licensed andregulated by the Central Bank of Kenya.
Cash Register 1.2.1
This app provides you a simple but efficient mobilecashregister.Items can be added and catogorized in a flash,andcalculatingchange was never easier. Long press on a categoryoritem to editor delete them.
Cash Register 11.9.5
Selada MK
Helps your daily transaction, sell reload & electricity
Cash Flow Real Estate
Cash Flow Properties offers WholesaleandForeclosed Real Estate Deals at Discounted Bargain Prices!Cash Flow Properties and their team of experienced RealEstateInvestors and Real Estate Wholesalers have developed a systemtouncover the newest, most deeply reduced wholesale real estatedealsin the South Florida Real Estate Market.If you are searching for the newest, most deeply reducedShortSales, Foreclosures, or Wholesale Real Estate Deals in MiamiorFort Lauderdale and South Florida, then you are in therightapplication.By installing this application you will have immediate access toournewest, most deeply reduced wholesale real estate deals in theSouthFlorida Real Estate Market.You can view them inside this application or simply add your nametojoin our daily email list.The choice is yours on how you want to receive the newest,mostdeeply reduced wholesale real estate deals in the SouthFloridaReal Estate Market.We look forward to working with you on your next deal!