Top 39 Apps Similar to Liturgical Calendar 2021

Catholic Calendar: Universalis 2.171
The Catholic liturgical calendar. Every day of every year,withnotes on saints.
Catholic Liturgical Calendar 30.6.3
Liturgical Calendar for every Catholic
iPieta 3.9.1
Catholic Prayers, Bibles, and Spiritual Works
Laudate 2.77
Aycka Soft
The most comprehensive Catholic App:DailyReadings,prayers,podcasts,rosaries.
Roman Missal (Catholic) 1.0.42
The world's most complete Roman Missal serving as aCatholicMassGuide with Prayers Readings in English. This app nowcontains afewprayers before and after Mass in English and Latin. Weareworkingto add more prayers. From the very start, thisappalreadycontained the texts for: a) Mass for the Pope b) MassduringaConclave (i.e. "Sede Vacante") Created incollaborationwithpublishers of the Roman Missal since 1989 inEnglishSpeakingcountries. This app will initiate onlinelicenseverification atthe first run. This app was made so it couldbe usedwithout toomuch clicks when celebrating or attending mass.Thetexts for theOrder of Mass and Prefaces are from the 3rdEnglishEdition. TheOrder of Mass and Prefaces can be displayed inEnglish,Latin orBoth. The Entrance and Communion Antiphons,theGospelAcclamations, and responses to the Psalms are in EnglishandLatin.The app can be used offline, unlike the other Missalappsthatrequire an online connection to download the prayersorreadingsfor the day. Additionally, it contains thecompletesupplement ofthe Roman Missal for use in the Philippines(i.e.Simbang Gabimasses, Feast of the Sto. Nino, etc.). We areworkingto add moresupplements for the English speaking diocesesandterritories allover the world. The app has an implementation oftheGeneral RomanCalendar that automatically displays thecelebrationfor the dayfor any day of any year, forever. The appthen loads theproperindex pages for the respective season. The apphas handybuttonsthat correspond to the ribbon markers in theprinted missal.Thefeatures of the system had been suggested byPriests andfaithfulwho have used Missals for the last 30 years ormore. Thisapp cantake the place of the Missalette. It's complete.It'severythingyou need for following Mass. (keywords: RomanMissal,Catholic,Missalette, Misallette, Missallette, Mass Readings)
iMissal - #1 Catholic App 3.14
Cantcha, Inc
The #1 Catholic App & Roman Missal with all Mass Readings.OnSale Now!
Catholic Daily Readings 3.10.22005
Catholic Daily Readings brings you daily gospel missalpassages,readings, prayers, reflections, and online mass. Followthe dailyand weekly lectionary readings from the Roman CatholicLectionary.
Catholic Mega App 1.0.4
Top 3 of "Must-Have Catholic Apps" by Catholic Apptitude
Paolo Padrini
iBreviary TS Pro Terra Sancta istheapplication that brings the traditional Catholic prayer oftheBreviary and all the texts of the Liturgy on your Androidphonesand tablet.iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta wants to contribute, throughapartnership with Custody of the Holy Land, friendship andprayerfor all Christians living Holy Places. iBreviarycontains:- Breviary, Missal and Lectionary complete in 7 languagesandcontinuously updated (Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian,Englishand Latin)- The text of the Breviary and the Missal in the VetusOrdoAmbrosian Rite and Latin- All the main prayers of the Christian- Rituals for the sacraments and celebrations- The liturgical texts used in the Holy Land Also iBreviary"ProTerra Sancta" offers, than the first version ofiBreviary:- The new section, "Rites", with all the rituals and texts forthevarious celebrations Catholic (Adoration of the Eucharist,theSacraments, Blessings, etc.).- The brand new "Terra Sancta" the liturgical texts used in theHolyLand- Keep in touch through the blog and the pages of theFranciscansHoly Places. - A rich section dedicated to Saints- Store a day on any device- Full management of saved days (selection and cancellation)- Unlimited storage days (something very much in demand by thosewhowant to download a bit of days for travel or long periodwithoutinternet access from your Android- Instantly download the entire week (continuing to quietly usetheapplication without having to wait for the download).- Enlarge and diminish the character of the text, with the flickofthe fingers on the screen- The ability to adjust the color of the background for abetterreading of texts- Application Languages: Italian, Inglese, Spanish,Deutsch,Française, Romanian - Content Languages: Italian, Inglese,Spanish,Français, Romanian, Latinum- Languages constantly updated content.- A new graphical interface
Daily Readings 9.0.5.
Is your every day mobile guide for the Catholic Mass readings
Magnificat English Edition 1.0.23
Daily Mass, Prayers, Meditations...! Your prayer life will neverbethe same.
Divine Office 1.3.62
Dear Divine Office Community,We have been a ministry dedicated to bringing the Liturgy oftheHours to everyone everywhere for many years. We grew out of anRCIACommittee to become facilitators of thousands of people whopraytogether. I have dedicated more than 10 years in God’s servicetothis work. In that zeal to serve and naivety we acquiredsomepermissions, but we are missing some key ones. We have beenasked,understandably so, to close off our ministry to new peoplewhile wego through the lengthy process of acquiring permissions.For thisreason, we are discounting this app for 3 days to allowourexisting community and friends access, but after that wewillremove it from sale. It will continue to function for as longas wepermitted, but until we receive all appropriate permissionsitwon’t be available again for sale.Dane FalknerGod servant and producer of Divine Office----The Best Catholic iPhone and iPad App! [ Reader'sChoiceAwards winner]. This app is an opportunity for you toparticipate inthe recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours: thepublic prayer of theChristian community.NOTE: This app is in English only.Hours included for each day are:* Invitatory* Office of Readings* Morning Prayer* Midmorning Prayer* Midday Prayer* Midafternoon Prayer* Evening Prayer* Night PrayerThis app will automatically update its content while youarerunning it with an Internet connection.This App is an audio and text version of the official setofdaily prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours of the RomanCatholicChurch (Breviary). It wirelessly downloads several days ofprayersat a time, without the need for synchronization or access toacomputer.For clergy required to pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily,orlaity who recite the daily prayers to maintain theirintimateconnection with God, The Divine Office App is designed tomakepraying more convenient, enjoyable, and simple enough foranyone touse. It automatically downloads the appropriate prayersfor eachoffice, every day of the year, including Solemnities,Feasts, andMemorials.The Divine Office App uses the current four-volume Liturgy oftheHours with a bias towards the USA calendar. This version istheofficial prayer book of the Catholic Church, however, itissuitable for those following Eastern Orthodox andAnglicantraditions.When St. Paul advises us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “praywithoutceasing,” he intends more than simply bowing our heads andspeakingto God on a regular basis. He means for us to adopt anongoingattitude of prayer that is a way of life and a constantintercessionfor the salvation of all mankind.As the mystical body of Christ prays in unison, it fulfillswhatPaul advises as Christian conduct, that believers at once prayforthe good of themselves, their neighbors, and the world. Inthisway, prayers become liturgy, a way to fulfill our divinecallingand a practical approach for addressing the suffering oftheworld.The English translation of The Liturgy of the Hours(FourVolumes) ©1974, International Commission on English in theLiturgyCorporation. All rights reserved. Used with permissionbySurgeworks, Inc for the Divine Office website, podcast, apps and all relatedmedia is ©2006-2011 Surgeworks, Inc. All rights reserved.
Universalis 2.166
Liturgy of the Hours and Mass for every day of every year.NoInternet needed!
Douay Rheims Catholic Bible 5.2.2
Catholic Bible - Reading Plan, Daily Verses, Audio,Notificationsand many more!
Daily Readings
Teodoro Lopez
Have in your device the daily readingsMissalof the Catholic Church and a Prayer Book.Read the readings of new and old Testament, psalms and gospelofdaily liturgy.Mass readings available in English, Spanish, PortugueseandFrench.Prayer Book available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, FrenchandLatin.
PocketPrayers: Ask Seek Knock! 6.5.0 Godspeed
PocketPrayers is your one-stop app for all Catholic Prayerswhichwork offline.
Catholic Bible Douay Rheims Free Catholic Bible 22.0
Catholic Bible Douay Rheims, a powerful audio Bible app designedforCatholics
Daily Readings Lite
Get readings, saints, and fasting guidelines of the GreekOrthodoxChurch!
Pocket Catholic 2.2.5
EWTN live audio | Find a Catholic Church near me | DailyReadings|Useful Prayers | more... The Pocket Catholic App isaverylightweight app that allows you to carry with you asearchablelistof common Catholic prayers that can be said duringthe HolyMass,Reconciliation, Lent or while in the presence oftheBlessedSacrament. By clicking the buttons along the top of theapp,youhave the ability to: - Find Catholic Churches near youbasedonyour gps location. - Read the Daily Readings - Listen livetotheCatholic Radio Station EWTN, and stream it while younavigatetoother apps. - Write down names, thoughts, etc. which aresavedinthe Note Pad area. We will continue to implementnewfeatures,translations and prayers in future updates andencourageanyfeedback you may have. This app is made available forfree andallI ask in return is that you keep my family in yourprayers:)Thanks for the positive reviews everyone!
Breviary – Liturgia Horarum 5.7
Breviary = Liturgy of hours, catholic prayer book (SK, CZ, HU,IS,and LATIN).
New Jerusalem Bible 7.0
Helpful to Pastors and Preachers to Sermon with ContinuitybyLinking Verses!
Angelus 0.9.4
Pray the Angelus with Magnificat
See a daily verse by the Buddhist master Shantideva or readhisentire text.
Catholic Doctrine - No Ad Free 1.0.4
Tobas Signs
The first section of this app reveals the treasureinCatholicDoctrine as against her heresies. The biblesectioncomprise thewhole 73-book canon recognised by the catholicchurch,includingthe deuterocanonical books. This app makes readingthebiblepleasurable, by its simultaneous, read-highlightcapability.Thebible or scripture is source of great knowledge ofGod andconstantreading builds in us love for God and improvedfaith.Bookmarkingmakes referencing special verses and chapterseasy.Latin languagewhich is adapted as the universal language oftheCatholic is beenpromoted in this app, to enable both the clergyandlaity to learnto speak the Latin mass order and common prayers.Arepetitive useof this apps Latin commons section is suretoguarantee fluency.Daily mass readings can also be viewedwithprojected reference toyesterday’s and tomorrow’s readings.Thereadings as translated inPauline’s Daily Missal. The firstsectionof this app were itderives its name covers the pertinentissuesabout the catholicchurch of which Catholics need tounderstand andso can treasuretheir faith. If it is a sin to bearfalse testimonyagainst oneindividual, how can we characterize thecrime of thosewhocalumniate three hundred millions of human beings,byattributingto them doctrines and practices which they repudiateandabhor. Ido not wonder that the Church is hated by those wholearnwhat sheis from her enemies. This is my only motive. I feel inthedepth ofmy heart that, in possessing Catholic faith, I holdatreasurecompared with which all things earthly are butdross.Instead ofwishing to bury this treasure in my breast, I longtoshare it withyou, especially as I lose no part of myspiritualriches bycommunicating them to others.
Catholic Mass Readings & Bible 4.0.4
Catholic bible and daily mass readings with daily gospelreflections
Catholic Exorcism 1.3.8
The definitive Catholic exorcism app.
Catholic Bible Version Free Catholic Bible 15.0
Explore the Catholic faith with this offline Catholic Bible appwithaudio
Holy Rosary with Audio Offline 6
Pray the Holy Rosary with Audio Offline (No wi-fi required,Freeversion)
Evangelizo - Daily Gospel 3.3.1
The gospel, the readings, the saints, the prayers, in 13 languages
Catholic Bible in English 2023.5.21
Flavio Barisi
Bible with all of the 73 books of the Catholic canon
Regina Caeli: Catholic Reading 1.153
Catholic essentials app with daily readings, bible, & prayers.
Catholic Prayer Book 1.0.69
AVS Apps
Read Christian Prayers in English and Tamil Languages.
Hozana – Christian prayer 1.2.8
Hundreds of prayer opportunities, thousands of people praying!
Catholic Study Bible App 9.08.007
The Catholic Study Bible App FREE text of the RSV SecondCatholicEdition
Magnificat (US edition) 1.0.23
Daily Mass, Prayers, Meditations...! Your prayer life will neverbethe same.
Calendar2U - NY Calendar 2023 5.0.9
Calendar2U US N. York Calendar with Public Holidays, LongWeekends(2023)
My Catholic Life! 1.0
Catholic Daily Reflections, readings, Divine Mercy, prayers,freebooks & more!