Top 17 Apps Similar to RUNT

Root Booster 4.0.9
Boost your speed, battery life and stability with preset modesforroot users
Root Android all devices 8.9
Root android without PC for all Androiddevices.Android Root methods ( It includes Kingroot method ) forallsmartphones and tablets, moreover superuser checker tool andRootAndroid 6 and 7.STEPS:1. CLICK AUTO SEARCH.2. GET THE AVAILABLE METHODS FOR IT3. ROOT YOUR ANDROID WITH THE STEPS OF ONE OF ROOTING METHODSNOTES* Don´t use KingRoot method for Android 6.0 in phonesnotlisted.* Added Root methods for Android 7If you are thinking "how to root my phone?" this is your app.FEATURES:* It Includes Kingroot method.* It Includes a ROOTING CHECKER TOOL.* Easier Roots methods.* Advantages and Disadvantages.This app lets you connect to our DATABASE OF ROOTINGMETHODSavailable for YOUR ANDROID phone or tablet.Visit you to find available rooting guides for your Android phoneortablet. It detects automatically the brand,model andAndroidversion of your Android device. Furthermore, it includes atool toLET YOU KNOW IF YOUR DEVICE IS ROOTED CORRECTLY.
Root Checker
Verify proper root (superuser or su) accessisconfigured and working using Root Checker! Free, fast, easy,andused on over 10 million Android devices, Root Checker showstheuser whether or not root (superuser) access is properlyinstalledand working.This application provides even the newest Android user with asimplemethod to check their device for root (administrator,superuser, orsu) access. The application provides a very simpleuser interfacethat easily notifies the user whether or not theyhave properlysetup root (superuser) access.*Feel free to email me with any questions. I always reply!*This application will test the device for root (superuser)accessusing a very simple, quick, and reliable method that hasbeensuccessful for over 10 million Android devices. The su binaryisthe most common binary used on Android devices to grant andmanageroot (superuser) access. Root Checker will check and verifythatthe su binary is located in a standard location on the device.Inaddition, Root Checker will verify that the su binary isproperlyfunctioning in granting root (superuser) access.Many times users experience issues along the path ofinstalling,configuring, and gaining root access. For some users theprocesscan seem complex while for others the process can seemsimple.Regardless of the user's technical skill set, Root Checker,willquickly and correctly verify whether or not root access is100%functioning. The process of confirming root access issometimesknown by other terms such as, gaining superuser access orgainingadministrator access. Root Checker covers all these terms astheyrelate to one core function, being able to execute commandsthroughthe su binary with root access.If the Superuser management applications (SuperSU, Superuser,etc.)are installed and working properly, these applications willpromptthe user to accept or deny the root access request fromRootChecker. Accepting the request will allow Root Checker to checkforand confirm root access. Denying the request will result inRootChecker reporting no root access.Please don't leave negative feedback about a concern, bug orissue!Instead, please email me, tweet me, contact me on my web site-, IRC, or on the forums(XDA,RootzWiki, SDX, etc.) with your feedback, suggestionsandcomments!Facebook AdChoices: do my best to assist as many people as possible and appreciateallthe support that has made this application successful!Thankyou!
Root Easy Installer 2.0
One click is all you need to rootyourandroiddevices.Right now its engine has covered over 100000 models andmorearecoming soon.Features:- Root Checker- One Click Root Suggestion- Detects if your Android device has Root access- Displays King User and Group ID- Displays Superuser LocationIn addition, it’s totally free.What will you get from Super King User Root Installer:-Easy root access with One-Click-On demand control of root authorization-Remove pre-installed bloatware to save device’s memory-Stop apps from auto-starting to boost your phone.
Rutificador 1.10
Rutificador es un buscador de nombresyRUT,rápido y fácil de usar.Rutificador isasearchengine name and RUT, fast and easy to use.
Router Keygen 4.0.2
Recover your keys for your wifi network.
Root Checker
One tap to check whether the deviceisRooted(have a Root Access)One tap to verify whether the device passes SafetyNetcompatibilitytest.And another tap to check battery charging/discharging currentandvoltage."Root Checker" tab gives you an easy and quick way to checkwhetheryour phone is 'Rooted'. Optionally it also gives you adetailedinformation about su and busybox executables.THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT ROOT YOUR DEVICE!!!"SafetyNet" tab verifies the device with SafetyNetcompatibilitytests. SafetyNet api is a part of Google Play ServicesFramework.Some apps use this api to check whether the device hasbeen rootedor tampered. If your device is rooted or you have customrominstalled then your device won't pass this test. There havebeensome methods to pass this check with rooted devices. You cangetmore information about how to hide root in relevant threads onXDAForums."Battery Info" shows the battery charging/discharging currentandalso gives information about battery health, voltageandtemperature.BATTERY'S CURRENT MEASUREMENTS ACCURACY MAY VARY DEPENDINGONDEVICE. SOME DEVICE LACK THE APPROPRIATE HARDWARE SUPPORT!Root Checker Pro featuresRoot Information:-Whether the app has root access-Whether su is installed-Location, Version, and Permissions of su executable-Whether toolbox/busybox is installed-Location, Version, and Permissions of busybox-Current uid/gidSafetyNet Compatibility Test:-Verifies whether the device passes Safety Net CompatibilityTestSuiteBattery Information:-Charging/Discharging measures current(not all devices giveaccuratereadings)-Voltage-Health-Charge levelBuild Information:-Brand-Manufacturer-Device-Model-Bootloader-Cpu ABI-HardwareetcIf you want to Root your device you can easily find root guidesbysearching in And also you can check forumsonxda-developers.comBefore leaving negative feedback please contact us via emailandwe'll do our best to solve your issues. You can also contact usforfeature requests.
Simit 1.3.1
Aplicación Oficial Simit de laFederaciónColombiana de Municipios donde podrá consultar susinfracciones detránsito pendientes y el estado de su cuenta. Asímismo podráconsultar puntos de atención y noticias actualizadasdelsistema.Application OfficialSimitof the Colombian Federation of Municipalities where you cancheckyour outstanding traffic violations and account status. Alsoyou cancheck point of care system and updated news.
Busca tu RUT 1.1
Claudio Ivor
Con esta aplicación puedesobtenerdatoscomo:- Nombre completo.- Sexo- Fecha de nacimiento- entre otros.(IMPORTANTE)Exención de responsabilidad:Datos obtenidos desde sitio web de SERVEL año 2013.Si considera que sus datos no deberían estar aquí, contacteconelServel.With thisapplicationyoucan get information such as:- Full name.- Sex- Birthdate- among others.(IMPORTANTES)Disclaimer:Data obtained from website SERVEL 2013.If you believe your data should not be here, contact Servel.
WiFi Passwords [ROOT] 1.5.0
The quickest way to recover your saved WiFi passwords.Rootrequired.
Verifíquese Cédula 1.0.28
Verifíquese Cédula es una aplicaciónquepermite acceder a información publicada en internet conlossiguientes documentos:Cédula de ciudadanía colombianaLicencia de tránsito colombianaLicencia de conducción colombianaDocumento de identidad chilenoDocumento de identidad argentinoLicencia de conducir argentinaDe una forma sencilla y en un solo lugar.Si posee en su dispositivo una cámara HD de 5 Megapíxelesosuperior, podrá leer el código de barras que se encuentra enlaparte posterior de la cédula y si adquiere el servicioPremiumpodrá almacenar los datos reconocidos localmente,exportarlos a unarchivo CSV o enviarlos automáticamente a susistema.Si no le reconoce el código, encienda la luz de la cámaraparaobtener un mejor enfoque.Si no posee cámara HD, se puede digitar la cédula conelteclado.Información soportada actualmente Colombia:Consulta del puesto de Votación (REGISTRADURÍA)Consulta de su estado de Seguridad Social en Salud (BDUA).Consulta si tiene infracciones de tránsito (SIMIT)Consulta de las licencias de tránsito (RUNT)Consulta en Consejos de Profesionales (COPNIA)Consulta de Antecedentes Judiciales (POLICÍA)Consulta el Certificado de Antecedentes Fiscales(CONTRALORÍA)Consulta de Certificado de Antecedentes (PROCURADURÍA)Consulta del certificado de pago ASOPAGOS de este mesConsulta estado del RUT (DIAN)Consulta de Antecedentes disciplinarios Abogados (CSJ)Consulta Pensiones, Riesgos Profesionales, CajacompensaciónFamiliar y Salud (RUAF)Consulta Puntaje (SISBÉN)Consulta de trámites en la RegistraduríaConsulta del estado de la cédulaConsulta de documentos extraviados en la policíaConsulta el Certificado de Contaduría General de la naciónConsulta el estado de Situación militarConsulta Registro mercantil cámaras de comercio(RUES)Consulta el resultado de créditos del IcetexConsulta los certificados del SenaConsulta de planillas asistidas SOIMódulo para solicitud de reclamos DataCréditoInterpolLista ClintonProcesos Judiciales ColombiaConsulta del CifinConsults Resultado Icfes(Hasta 2014-1)Consulta Resultado Icfes(2014-2 en adelante)Consulta Resultados Saber ProInformación soportada Chile:Consulta base de conscripción servicio militarConsulta estado de un documento de identidadConsulta Registro Nacional de no donantesVerificar el nombre del documentoConsulta de estado de solicitud de un documento de identidadConsulta situación tributariaInterpolLista ClintonInformación soportada Argentina:Consulta Padrón AFIPEstado trámite DNIInfracciones de tránsito SINAI¿Debes renovar tu DNI?Seguimiento DNI(Correo Argentino)InterpolLista ClintonSi alguna consulta no está disponible puede ser pordoscausas:1. El Servicio publicado en internet por la entidad noestádisponible2. El Servicio publicado fue modificado, por tanto la consultapuedeno funcionar.Si no se puede acceder a una consulta agradecemos escribirnosalemail: [email protected] desean pertenecer al grupo de personas que prueban lasversionesantes de ser publicadas, escrí[email protected] con elasuntodel correo: "TESTER".Si tiene algún comentario u oportunidad de mejora de laaplicación,nos pueden escribir a [email protected] con elasunto"MEJORA".Si usted pertenece a una entidad que publica informaciónrelacionadacon el ciudadano y quiere ser parte de nuestraaplicación,escríbanos a [email protected] visión: Ser "la Aplicación" para consultar y verificarlainformación pública de los ciudadanos del mundo.VerifyyourselfCertificate is an application that provides access toinformationpublished on the internet with the followingdocuments:Colombian citizenship cardColombian transit licenseColombian driving licenseChilean identity documentArgentine identityDriver's license Argentina In a simple way and in one place.If you have on your device an HD camera of 5 megapixels orhigher,you can read the bar code found on the back of the card andif youpurchase the Premium service, you can store datalocallyrecognized, exported to a CSV file or send automatically toyoursystem.If you do not recognize the code, turn on the camera light forabetter approach.If you have no HD camera, you can type the card withthekeyboard.Information currently supported Colombia:Consultation polling station (REGISTRAR)Consult your state of Social Security in Health (BDUA).Consultation if you have traffic violations (SIMIT)Consultation of transit licenses (RUNT)Inquiry Professional Advice (COPNIA)Judicial Background Consultation (POLICE)Check the Certificate of Fiscal History (COMPTROLLER)Consultation Record Certificate (ATTORNEY)Consultation payment certificate ASOPAGOS this monthRUT status query (DIAN)Lawyers consultation disciplinary history (CSJ)Pension Consultation, Professional Risk, Safety andCompensationFamily Health (RUAF)Consultation Points (SISBÉN)Consultation procedures in the RegistryQuerying the cardConsultation documents lost in the policeConsultation Certificate Accounts of the nationCheck the status of Military situationCommercial register query Chambers of Commerce (RUES)Check the result of loans IcetexConsultation certificates SenaConsultation assisted returns SOIModule application claims DataCréditoInterpolClinton listJudicial processes ColombiaConsultation CIFINConsults Result Icfes (Until 2014-1)Query Result Icfes (2014-2 onwards)Consultation Results Saber ProChile supported information:Base Query conscription military serviceConsultation status identificationSee also National Register of non-donorsCheck the document nameStatus query request identificationConsultation tax situationInterpolClinton listArgentina supported information:Padron consultation AFIPState pending DNITraffic violations SINAIShould you renew your ID?Monitoring DNI (Argentine Mail)InterpolClinton listIf a query is not available it can be for two reasons:1. The Service published online by the entity is notavailable2. The Service published was modified, so the query maynotwork.If you can not access a query we appreciate write toemail:[email protected] you wish to belong to the group of people who testversionsbefore publication, [email protected] withthesubject line: "TESTER".If you have any comments or opportunity to improve theapplication,we can write to [email protected] with thesubject"improvement."If you belong to an organization that publishes informationrelatedto the citizen and wants to be part of our application,write [email protected] vision: To be "Application" to check and verifypublicinformation for citizens of the world.
InfrAÇÕES 2.2.2
Fiscalização de trânsito sem complicação! Para agentes econdutores.Organiza de forma prática e sucinta cada infraçãocontida no MBFT.Facilita a busca das infrações e procedimentos aserem aplicados.Agiliza o conhecimento sobre mudanças nalegislação. 1. Tudoexplicadinho Explicações "caso a caso",exclusivas do InfrAÇÕES 2.Mais conteúdo Materiais de apoio,Portarias e Resoluções 3.Sinalizações Imagens das sinalizaçõesverticais e horizontais 4.Maior facilidade Ferramentas para teauxiliar na fiscalização detrânsito
Consulta Placa Multa e Fipe 4.4.9
FREE plate consultation. Fines and general vehicleinformation.Price Fipe!
Mis Boletas - Panamá 2.1.0
¡Verifica tus boletas desde tu Android!* Todos los tipos de Licencias: Búsqueda porcédula,RUC,pasaporte o Código de Entidad Pública.* Automático: Una vez registrado el programa verificará porsisolotu estado y las boletas que hay en el sistema de laATTTdePanamá.* Notificaciones: Recibe notificaciones cuando tengas unaboletaporpagar.* Múltiples cuentas: Pide que te actualice múltiplescuentas.¡Obténnotificaciones cuando tus hijos o empleadosrecibanunaboleta!* Funciona en todos los dispositivos Android: Funciona entodoslosequipos del mercado desde la cacharpa más antigua hastaelmonstruomás moderno. ¡Incluso está optimizado para tabletas!Solamente funciona con Licencias de la República de Panamá.Facebook: @MisBoletasPmaProyecto Caronte, desarrollado por NextLifeSoft.100% Hecho en Panamá.Roberto E. Zubieta - Programador:[email protected]é Henríquez - Diseño de iconos:[email protected] yourticketsfromyour Android!* All types of licenses: Search by ballot, Tax ID,passportorPublic Entity Code.* Automatic: Once registered, the program will checkyourstatusalone and ballots that are in the system ATTTofPanama.* Notifications: Receive notifications when you have atickettopay.* Multiple accounts: Ask to update multipleaccounts.Getnotifications when your children or employeesreceiveaballot!* Works on all Android devices: Works on allcomputerscacharpamarket from the oldest to the most modern monster.Evenisoptimized for tablets!Licenses Only works with the Republic of Panama.Facebook: @ MisBoletasPmaCharon Project, developed by NextLifeSoft.100% Made in Panama.Robert E. Zubieta - Programmer:r.zubieta @ nextlifesoft.comJose Henriquez - Design icons:j.henriquez @
Sinesp Cidadão 5.54
Module of the National System of Public Safety Information - SINESP
Wi-Fi password reminder 3.5.6
Do you always forget passwords fromwi-finetwork?The app "Wi-Fi Manager passwords" will help You, to add,saveand share all networks which You use.Network sync between devices using your accountSupports 2 types of authorization: using a Google accountorregister on email-password.The application allows:◉ add, delete, or send your access point◉ copy password of the selected network to the clipboard◉ send to other applications text data: network name(SSID)and password◉ to create a picture with QR-code of wifi networkconnectionsettings◉ quickly find a known network in the list◉ quickly connect to a known network◉ create a backup copy of the file to wp_export.csv◉ import the history from the filewifi_pass_export.csvThe app works as a password manager for wireless networks,alsoinclude with additional functions, this app is free, workswithouta Root. An early version was called "Reminder passwordsfromWi-Fi"Is compatable with the file of historyimportwifi_pass_export.ksv saved.This app is not a password cracker of Wi-Fi networks anddoesn’tallowed pick a passwords on the router.The application is absolutely legal and allows you to work withthealready known to you wifi passwords.Attention! If you accidentally delete network from device,youcan easily restore and connect to the network, right throughtheapp.Comfortable and functional application "Password Manager fromWi-Finetworks" allows you to quickly and easily view and sharethepassword.Synchronise through your account will save your time, andtransportsthe previously listed network to other devices.Additional functions in the presence of ROOT rights onthedevice:◈ the application automatically adds the used earlier Wi-Finetworksto the application◈ each time a new networks is connected, the app will updatethelist of saved passwords on the device◈ in the case of the removal of one or more networksfromapplication and administrator will request a permit for addthereversing, because the data on these networks are stored onyourdevice.Our group VKontakte: your passwords are in one place!