Top 14 Apps Similar to POCO摄影

POCO摄影技巧 1.0.1
“初学必看 10条经典构图法则 / 十条不可不知的摄影用光技巧 / 人像摄影的拍摄心诀及注意要点 / 风景摄影中的必要与不必要 ……”POCO摄影技巧,为你精选原创摄影技巧教程,采访POCO社区知名摄影师拍摄分享,并提供完整离线阅读功能,让你随时随地学习摄影,让作品更加精湛。内容包括:1、基础知识分析文章(白平衡、快门、光圈、ISO、测光、曝光、镜头知识、对焦、器材选购),以通俗易懂的方式为你讲解拍出好照片就一定要掌握的知识要点。2、主题实战系列教程(人像摄影、模特姿势、风景摄影、旅游摄影、街头摄影、宠物摄影、婚礼摄影、儿童摄影),详尽讲解各种主题的拍摄方法,让你有的放矢拍出好照片。3、美图学拍,分析POCO社区的精美摄影作品,揭秘好照片的拍摄要点和背后思想。主要功能:1、 离线阅读,通过免费下载包,让你在没有网络环境下仍可随时阅读。2、 每周下载包更新,定期推出最新最热门的摄影技法,让你不断学习提高。3、 分享功能,让你将好内容分享给身边朋友。POCO摄影技巧由国内最大摄影社区POCO摄影网出品。如果你想和更多摄影爱好者认识与交流,可访问:联系我们:新浪微博/腾讯微博:@POCO官方摄影社区搜索微信公众账号:POCO摄影社区"Beginnersmust-see 10 classic composition rules / ten photographiclight mustknow tips / Portrait of photography heart formula andImportantPoints / landscape photography in the necessary andunnecessary......"POCO photography tips, tips for your selection oforiginalphotography tutorials, interviews with well-knownphotographersPOCO community sharing, and provide a complete offlinereadingfeature that allows you anytime, anywhere to learnphotography, sothat work is more exquisite.Contents include:1 Basics analytical articles (white balance, shutter, aperture,ISO,metering, exposure, lenses knowledge, focus, equipmentpurchase), auser-friendly way for you to be sure to get goodpictures to explainknowledge points.2, the theme combat series of tutorials (portraitphotography,models pose, landscape photography, travel photography,streetphotography, pet photography, wedding photography,childrenphotography), a detailed explanation of the shooting methodfor avariety of topics, so you targeted good pictures.3, Mito school shooting, analysis POCO communityexquisitephotography, Secret photo shoot good points and ideasbehind.Main features:1, offline reading, through the free download package, so youcanstill be in the absence of the network environment readytoread.2 weekly download package updates, regularly introduce thelatestand most popular photographic technique, so you'reconstantlylearning to improve.3, the sharing feature, so you will be better content to shareherfriends.POCO photography tips from the nation's largestphotographycommunity POCO Photography Network produced. If you wantto knowmore photographers and exchanges, visit: Us:Sina microblogging / Tencent microblogging: @ POCOOfficialPhotography CommunitySearch micro-channel public account: POCO Photography Community
图片合成器 - pMix - 两张图片,N种有趣玩法! 1.2.5
图片合成器 --------- 两张图片,N种有趣玩法!由POCO相机团队打造,国内第一款图片合成器APP,玩转2张图片叠加,带你打造与众不同的作品!√ “魔幻天空”神奇换天,照片平凡的雾霾天空天变出17种蓝天白云、日出、繁星和各种奇观...;√ 最有范的“文字”合成玩法升级!让你张扬个性!√ 百搭首选“随心配”合成,梦幻、文艺、洋气,总有一款成为你的最爱。√ 极致电影感“个性光效”,释放你空灵迷离、冷峻唯美的另一面;√ 盛夏指尖的“秋色”中,透露着四季更替的信息;√还有N多有趣玩法,温馨甜蜜的“合照吧”、突如其来的“怪兽入侵”、如临仙境的“海市蜃楼”、充满回忆的“我和我的小时候”...不断更新中......√ 相册中没有合适的照片?我们还为你准备了试玩图哦!双重曝光,从此变得简单有趣!============我是分割线====================期待我们的持续更新哦~有任何建议或者好玩的idea? 欢迎在新浪微博 @图片合成器
POCO Baby Camera - Kids Album 1.6.0
POCO Baby Camera- A Mother’s Diary- Record your Cute Baby Everyday!***OVER 5 MILLION USERS***Essential APP for Moms and Dads! Brought to you by POCO.CN.Customized lenses for children with cloud backup diary. Suitableforyou to record a 0~6-year-old baby’s growing path!=====================■ Built-in 6 Powerful Camera Lenses- Cartoon Lens , Stickers and all kinds of interesting. Letyourbaby become a cute cartoon characters! Get more praisewithit!- Gif Lens , Create Animated GIFs. Fun Fun Fun! Easy share toyourfriedns!- Video Lens , Capture video with sound!- Special [Sound Camera] options , it’s helpful to get your babytolook right at the camera!■ Fun Decorations- Hundreds of decoration options that include: stickers,comicmasks, WordArt, frames and more. All free.- Only 10 seconds to make cute baby photos!■ Albums- Timeline-base album, good to tracking your baby’sgrowingpath!- With iCloud, you'll be able to wirelessly sync your databetweeniOS devices.■ Import Photos- Easy to import existing photos from Camera Roll.- Easy to import existing photos from PC or Mac via Wifi.■ Collage- Make stories with the collage feature. One picture isnotenough!■ Sharing- Share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,WeChat,QQ,and Weibo.■ Multiple Baby Support!!
DSLR 摄影技巧 1
PhotoTech DSLR 摄影技巧教你摄影技巧的秘密, 从0到100摄影爱好者必备的摄影技巧!________________________內容:Lesson 1 - 照片的形成 - ISO、光圈和快門速度Lesson 2- 光圈與景深的關係Lesson 3 - 淺談白平衡 (White balance) - Part 1Lesson 4 - 怎樣知道相片是太光還是太暗? Histogram!Lesson 5 - 攝影鏡頭(Lens)9個基本知識Lesson 6 - 偷窺相片的秘密 - EXIFLesson 7 - 入門構圖技巧給新手拍攝婚禮的9點建議精彩相片拍攝教學 - 倒影自助婚紗寫真很簡單!新手必讀!5個培養「攝影眼」的技巧教你如何拍出有風格的人像寫真12張震撼的閃電相片必備鏡頭應用系列 - 廣角鏡拍攝技巧精彩相片拍攝教學 - 日落精彩相片拍攝教學 - 微距作品小tips入門變大師!5個拍攝小技巧令你的相片更吸引!日落下拍攝人像 - 用光的3種方法15張精彩日出日落相片參考新手必學!5個拍出清晰相片的小技巧精彩相片拍攝教學8個拍攝黑白相片的入門技巧紅葉拍攝技巧拍攝紅葉人像簡單6招拍出迷人夜景照精彩相片拍攝教學 - 迷人散景提升攝影功力,從錯誤中學習!5個新手常犯的攝影錯誤20張極限運動相片參考 by GoPro相機精彩相片拍攝教學 - 科幻城市
印象杂志 1.1.5
《印象》for android 中国发行量最大的的网络视觉杂志!《印象》创刊于2005年,已经成为摄影爱好者、视觉达人、创意达人、时尚潮流人群必读网络读物!最高发行量每月700多万册,全新登陆android平台。业已成为android摄影类app中最优质的视觉类读物!栏目介绍:当期:《印象》杂志最新内容,人物志、旅游、读城、发现、商业艺术、专访、作品点评等众多精彩栏目与热门专题,人物志和专访栏目让您了解当下最热门摄影、视觉、时尚达人的生活态度、生活方式,了解各类摄影理念、发展历程和欣赏精彩大片;旅游和读城的美图令您犹如置身国外享受旅游的乐趣和体验当地人文历史;商业艺术分享商业摄影大片和拍摄心得;每一期的发现栏目都会令你有意想不到的惊喜;作品点评栏目每期邀请大师对摄影爱好者作品进行用心的点评和指导,让喜欢摄影的您得到启发和提高。阅读过程中,觉得有意思的内容还可即时分享到您的微博或email给好友。人物: 精选《印象》人物,分享摄影达人的创作历程与心情故事,学习大师的摄影技巧和心得。读图: 随机浏览《印象》每一期所有栏目中的美图,寻找眼前一亮的画面,欣赏风光、人像、小品摄影,不一而足。《印象》杂志创刊五年来的所有数十期内容, 在app里都可以一次阅读和收藏,相信您会喜欢上印象和分享给身边的同好阅读。
摄影教学 1.0
分享各种摄影资讯,摄影技巧和教学。Share avarietyofphotographic information, photography tips andteaching.
SelfieCity—High-Quality Selfies for Everyone
印象摄影HD 1.1.9
印象摄影APP是中国地区最受欢迎的视觉类手机媒体!由网络发行量最大的视觉杂志《印象》月刊和《POCO周刊》组成,获苹果店5月综合下载排行前十、摄影类第一!视觉月刊《印象》创刊于2005年,由中国原创图片分享平台POCO.CN出品。网站杂志最高发行量为每月700万册,早已成为摄影爱好者、视觉达人、创意达人、时尚潮流人群必读高端网络读物!每月定时发行,内容包括:*人物志专访:让您了解当下最热门摄影、视觉、时尚达人的生活态度、生活方式,了解各类摄影理念、欣赏精彩大片;*旅游和读城:令您犹如置身国外享受旅游的乐趣和体验当地人文历史;*商业艺术:分享商业摄影大片和拍摄心得;每一期的发现栏目都会令你有意想不到的惊喜。视觉周刊《POCO周刊》为摄影发烧友量身订造,从视觉欣赏到摄影学习提高一应俱全,是网络上最具指导性和实践性摄影读物。每周定期发行,内容包括:*影展:让你了解摄影界最新创作与视觉艺术作品,从国外影像中领略最新摄影手法;*创作访谈:为你介绍知名摄影师的经历、思路、感悟、心得;*POCO学院:有针对性地提供实用摄影技巧,为你提高摄影水平;*创作地:带你到近期热门风光景区了解最佳拍摄角度。APPphotographicimpression is China's most popular visual class mobilemedia!By the network with the largest circulation VisionMagazine"impression" magazine and "POCO Weekly" composed for theApplestore in May comprehensive download Top Ten, photographyclassfirst!Vision Monthly "impression" was founded in 2005 by theChineseoriginal image sharing platform POCO.CN produced. Websitehighestcirculation monthly magazine 7000000, has becomephotographers,visual Daren, creativity of people, high-end networktrendy crowdreading books! Regular monthly release, including:* Figures Interview: let you know the moment the mostpopularphotography, visual, fashion attitude towards life,lifestyle, tounderstand all kinds of photographic philosophy, enjoywonderfullarge; * Travel and Reading Town: make you like exposure totravelabroad to enjoy the fun and experience the local cultureandhistory; * Commercial Art: Sharing large commercial photographyandfilming experience; each part of the discovery will make youhavean unexpected surprise.Vision Week "POCO Weekly" tailor-made forphotographyenthusiasts, from learning to improve visualappreciation tophotography readily available, is a network of themost instructiveand practical photography books. Regular weeklyissue,including: * Film Festival: to let you know the latest creationofphotography and visual art, a taste of the latest imagesfromabroad photographic techniques; * Creation Interview: To introduce you to therenownedphotographer's experience, ideas, insights, experience; * POCO College: a targeted manner to providepracticalphotography tips for you to improve the level ofphotography; * Creation of Origin: take you to the best understandingofthe recent popular scenery scenic shooting angle.
Photoblog 攝影札記 3.0.4
攝影札記的行動版 Android App,希望能為你提供最新奇、最好玩的攝影資訊及技巧教學!我們相信攝影帶給人類的最基本快樂,並非源自器材,而是來自分享攝影能豐富人們的生活體驗,讓人更能細味身邊事物;攝影要進步,就需要多拍、多看別人作品,吸收多點養份;攝影是載體,人們不能忽視背後如保育、環保、人文等訊息。若問為甚麼要繼續寫,是因為我們渴望與更多人分享這種豁然開朗的喜悅。與其說攝影是拍攝外間的百物,不如說是投射內在的世界,就像我們寫blog,正是一邊展現我們的看法,同時不斷重塑我們的個性。Photography notesofMobileAndroid App, hoping to provide the latest odd to you,themost funteaching photography information and tips!We believePhotography brings the most basic of human happiness, notfromtheequipment, but from sharing photography can enrichpeople'slifeexperiences, people can better savor the thingsaroundhim;photography to progress, we need to take lots ofpictures, lookatthe works of others, absorbed Multi-nutrients;photography isacarrier, one can not ignore the back asconservation,environmentalprotection, culture and otherinformation. If you askwhy you wantto continue to, because we are eagerto workwith more people to sharethe joy of this become clear.Photographyis so much shooting outsidethe soaring, as it isprojected innerworld, as we write blog, is toshow our views aside,whilecontinuing to reshape ourpersonality.
单反摄影 1.11
Cut and Edit Photos 1.0
"Ultimate Cut Paste photos" is a latestphotocutter in photography. Missed someone in a cut and editphotos? Addthem into photos without the need professional PhotoEditor CutPaste tools.Want to swap faces without using Editable CutPastePhotos ProCut Paste Photos Pro portion of one photo and place it onanotherphoto.Place any thing like Human Face ,animal face anythingoverany living body and create the funny images.This image Cut Paste Photo Changer tool is now availableforFREE!!Fun Photo Editor App is massive image editor tool forcropphotos.Best Image Cut tool for Cut Paste Photos Pro.TheEditableCut Paste Photos App that allows you to cutting multiplephotosinto one then copy and paste it on to another image to mergethemtogether.This application is completely free to download and give usafeedbackThank you..
Long Exposure Camera 2 3.1
New features! Photographic archive path canbechanged.(Recommendations with the same phone photo archivepath.)Freeversion increased to 800 * 480 resolution Longexposurephotographyis a happy thing, we try to let the phone canlongexpose. Downloadit right now, you will find the process of alongexposure is somagical. In the "Settings" in the "Resolution"listsall supportedresolutions Resolution list in full versionandgeneral version arethe same.
SNOW - AR Camera 11.6.27
SNOW, Inc.
SNOW is a video messaging app used by over200million people around the world.* Find a variety of stickers updated every day* Try recording your daily moments with analog filters* Make your photos and videos glitter with kira kira filters* Create your own music video with top trending songs* Enter a new whole world with the latest AR technology rightinSNOWSee what's new in SNOW• Official Facebook:• Official Instagram:• Promotion & PartnershipInquiries:[email protected] Technology by SenseTimeImage Segmentation Technology by NALBI.IncPermission Details :• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : To save photos• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : To load photos• RECEIVE_SMS : To automatically input verification codereceivedvia SMS• READ_PHONE_STATE : To automatically input country codeswhilesigning up• RECORD_AUDIO : To record sound• GET_ACCOUNTS : To automatically input email address whilesigningup• READ_CONTACTS : To find friends from contacts• ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION : To load location-based filters• CAMERA : To capture photos or videos• SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW : To display alert messages
攝影黑白拍株式會社 2.1