Top 18 Apps Similar to 服装搭配技巧

WEAR - Fashion Lookbook 6.34.0
ZOZO, Inc.
WEAR is the #1 fashion lookbook app with over 16 million downloads.
MyStyle - Closet Orgnizer 1.0
RC Social
Get the most out of your closet - withoutanyprice, you could have a closet assistant for life!MyStyle has many fantastic features to help you curateyourcloset and get more out of what you own!Import your actual clothes, create magazine-style outfits,planwhat to wear, and discover how other people make their outfits- inthis totally customizable app!MyStyle is an expert wardrobe organization and closetmanagementtool.FEATURES• CLOSET: Add images of your own clothes• BACKGROUND REMOVAL TOOLS: Cut out your clothes foreasycollaging• LAY OUT OUTFITS: Layer and resize clothing on afree-formcanvas• NO LIMITS: Add unlimited clothing, accessories and inspirationstoyour outfits• BACKUP: Protect your clothes and outfits by uploading• CALENDAR: Plan what to wear in advance• INSPIRATION LIBRARY: Track and save your style inspiration• SHARE: Share outfits and clothes with friends via e-mail,Message,Facebook, Twitter or Instagram• BE FEATURED: Follow the official account of MyStyle on FacebookorInstagram, send us your outfits to get featured.• E-MAIL SUPPORT: If you need help, contact us via [email protected].
穿衣搭配 2.1(30266)
Fashion Dresses Ideas
Would you like to be fashionable? Inspired with all designsofdresses.
Fashion Studio Dress Up Games 1.1.3
Prove yourself as a fashion stylist in amazing free dress up games!
Kids Dress Designs 5.0
Selecting the right boy's suit is oftentimesmore difficult then making the right selection for yourself.Andwhen you consider making the decision online it compoundstheissue. However, if you take into a few simple tips when makingyourchoice you will notice that it is in fact very simple.First, the benefit of buying a boys suit is that theyusuallycant tell whether the style is to their liking so you don'tneed tofocus so much on the style. Most kids suits are modeledafter men'ssuits except that a children's size scale isimplement.Second, when you buy a boys suit always look for suitswithadjustable waist bands. Adjustable waist bands are helpful foranumber of reasons. The most important element of theadjustablewaist band is that is allows for the child to graduallygrow intothe product without having to change the product eachtime. Anotherimportant fact benefit is that they are generally muchmorecomfortable for the child.Third, look for suits that are made of a blend fabric. Thisisimportant for two reasons first, it is much cheaper andsincechildren grow out of the product quickly it makes sense tonotexpend such resources. Second, cheaper fabrics can be cleanedmoreoften without damaging the garment. This is criticalbecausechildren have a habit of damaging their clothes and withsuits thebill can add up depending on how often he wears the item.Withblended fabrics you can always wash them without causing damagetothe clothing.Finally, look for items that do not indicate they havebeentreated with any special chemicals. Many companies treattheirproducts with certain contaminating fabrics which canultimately beharmful to young children. They spray the garment inorder toensure its durability, however considering the fact thatchildrengrow out of their size fairly quickly it is not importantto focuson getting him a suit that will last five years. From myresearchtheir are two companies who make a quality boys suit one ofthem isFerrecci and the other is Hickey Freeman. The former isrelativelyinexpensive and comes in many high end styles at areallyaffordable price. The latter is also a quality item, butveryexpensive. Ferrecci items are sold on Hickey Freeman is sold all over the U.S. inmanydifferent department stores and online brands.
美麗日誌 - 超人氣美妝穿搭部落格大集合 1.8.1
「美麗日誌」是女生必備的手機APP!蒐集百多位台灣網路人氣部落格,每天為你介紹好用的美妝產品、教你穿搭、吃得健康,從胖子變索模,再把你從醜小鴨變天鵝,絕不會讓您花冤枉錢試新產品就能達到效果!「世上沒有醜女人,只有懶女人!」女生們無論要經歷有多少痛苦,把多少金錢花在臉上,少吃多少餐美食~只為達到最好的效果。每天堅持看一看部落客們介紹的好產品,把魚乾女、宅女、敗犬女等所有不好的稱號一一踢走!== 重點推介功能 ==* 收錄百多位台灣最紅的部落客文章,包括漢娜、陳欣欣、大饅大力、IGisele、崔咪、金老佛爺、小草莓、米粒Q、77涵等…* 分門別類的資訊頻道,包括彩妝、保養、穿搭、美髮、醫美、指彩、瘦身、旅遊…* 可以「關注」你喜愛的部落客,訂閱她們的最新文章。* 看到喜歡的文章可馬上「收藏」起來,方便日後查閱。* 經過特別設計的使用者介面,手機閱讀文章更方便。* 提供熱門搜尋字詞,輕易找到您要的文章。* 可手動加入APP內沒有收錄的部落格。快來下載體驗全新「美麗日誌」,一起來變美吧!
Stylish - fashion outfit 1.1.8
JN Studio
Stylish is a app combining ofsocialnetworkservice and fashion outfit.【functions of use】★ Outfit informationOffers daily photos of newest outfit and accessaries fromstreetandstores.★ Stylish PostSimple controls. Stylish support multiple picturesuploadviaurl,mail,cellphone connection.★ Tracing"like" a photos trace your favorite users,stores orcommodities.★ NotificationSmart notification for friends,newmessages,newoutfit,tracing...etc.Stylish can also be turned offeasily insetting.★ Stylish Around meLooking for random outfits? Just shake it! "StylishShake"functionwill offer the lastest outfit in your neighborhood,ifyoucome byany style you like,just slide to add intotracinglist!Simple andEasy!★ Stylish ShareHow to share with friends?The app supports two waystosharephotos,through "Stylish" website or through the App!Younolongerhave to worry about how to share your Stylishoutfittofriends!The back-end is written with
Marie Claire美麗佳人時尚錦囊 1.03
Android APP 讓女人隨時自信美麗提供時尚穿搭、美妝、生活全方位風格建議,更有及時的消費訊息,挑戰妳的購物慾望。1.『時尚錦囊』提供各種穿搭風格與單品建議;美妝造型參考與產品推薦。2.『消費指南』介紹時尚、美妝單品、隨時更新生活消費購物資訊、優惠券下載、門市地點與地圖索引。3.『時尚快訊』針對時尚、美妝、娛樂新聞即時報,讓妳生活情報零時差。4.『星座塔羅』星情運勢隨時諮詢。5.『我的收藏』隨時收錄慾望單品,同時也是妳實用的購物清單。最適解析度: 800x480。
美妝教主 3.0.43
--- 美妝教主App特色介紹 ---* 優質部落客持續進駐美妝教主App。* 使用者可自行設定感興趣類別的分頁呈現。* 個人主頁中可看到所收藏的文章、歷史瀏覽訊息及好友推薦的文章。* 以Facebook登入美妝教主即可推薦文章給你也有使用美妝教主App的好朋友們。* 於搜尋列輸入預搜尋文字,系統會列出相關字提供參考。* 從泡泡訊息的顯示訊息,可讓你知道你的朋友們訂閱、收藏了那些部落客的文章喔!* 留言和部落客們互動吧 ! 你們的支持是他們寫文章最大的動力唷!* 你喜愛的部落客發文了 ! 美妝教主App推播告訴你。* 每月進行美妝教主App優化。
時尚部落客_Mii黃小米❤ 5.1.4
哈囉,我是小米!分享美好的人事物❤穿搭/時尚/美妝/保養/旅行/生活,跟我一起愛漂亮吧!Hello, I am amillet!Share the good people and things ❤Outfit / Fashion / Beauty / maintenance / travel / live,togetherwith my beautiful love it!
O SHa'Re 時尚分享網 2.10.1
O SHa’Re (日文:流行、潮流之意)台灣新興流行時尚社群平台提供所有熱愛時尚趨勢、渴望引領潮流的人們在此交流!What’s in O SHa’Re- 超過百位潮流時尚達人熱烈駐站!- 最新流行趨勢專欄分享!- 首創「以圖搜圖」功能,Search and Buy 一次完成!SHOW YOURSELF at O SHa’Re> 分享- 輕鬆拍下今日穿搭,零時差同步分享你的最新時尚!- 內建照片濾鏡、文字、相框、造型貼紙編輯功能,讓你的照片更時尚更好玩!- 新增影片錄影功能,直接錄下你的單品搭配,任何搭配小細節一次完整紀錄!> 追蹤- 提供超過百位引領台灣潮流界時尚達人每日穿搭分享!- 點下「愛心」表示喜歡或寫下留言與每位達人互動,你也有機會成為別人眼中的達人!- 獨家設置「我的衣櫃」功能,不僅可以整理自己的穿搭特輯,也能收藏別人的超強搭配照!> 購物- 最新鮮、流行的單品趨勢專欄搶先分享!- 首創的「以圖搜圖」功能,可以直接針對喜歡的穿搭分享或著上傳手機中的照片,即可搜尋到類似款單品!- O SHa’Re 編輯群特選最新街頭流行單品,輕鬆跟著達人學習最佳穿搭技巧!就從現在開始一起 O SHa’Re!隨時隨地與時尚保持連結,用心分享你的每一次穿搭,你也有機會成為下一位潮流時尚達人!What’s new in this version ?1.時尚廣告資訊,讓您跟著流行一起走2.開啟每位達人的身高國籍小檔案,做為您的時尚小顧問。※此版本為 2.10.1 版Keywords:oshare,o share,rakuten,clozette,oshare taiwan,圖片分享,圖片搜索,時尚分享網,時尚,穿搭,造型,美妝,風格,流行圖片,流行報導,以圖找圖,分享平台Support URL: URL (Optional):
Fashionmax Lite HD 1.2
Users are able to enjoyaninterestingexperience through creating a virtualcustomizedcharacter matchingvarious fashion items.Furthermore, they can purchase any item right away byclickingthebutton in the app.
Anpp 1.0.5
**注意事項:此應用程式適合於3G/WiFi等連線情況下使用。觀看影片時,建議使用WiFi觀看,以獲取較高的畫質影片**【anpp=An’s app】第一支個人化應用程式,整合了小安部落格的內容,提供最新美妝保養及穿搭等流行資訊♥除了部落格文章部分,還加入了相簿、影片、plurk、RSS與收藏功能噢!!! anpp提供了更符合行動裝置的瀏覽介面,加上完整的文章分類、影片統整與收藏功能,不用再怕找不到想看的資訊,anpp讓小安部落格更即時更好用也更好看噢!【全台第一個擁抱app的部落客-小安】知名部落客小安,推出全台第一個『個人品牌app』-Anpp,將化妝、穿搭的影音內容彙整,使用者可以透過Anpp,即時地、輕鬆地、隨點隨看小安精選的影音內容。【聯絡我們】若有任何問題或建議歡迎來信詢問E-mail: [email protected]* Note:Thisapplicationfor 3G/WiFi connection situation. Watch the video,itisrecommendedUse WiFi to watch, to get a high-definition movie **[Anpp = An's app]Support personalized applications, integrating a smallsecurityblog,the latest Beauty care and outfitAnd other popular information ♥ part in addition to theblogpost,also joined the albums, videos, plurk, RSSandcollectionpowerCan Oh! Anpp provide more in line with the mobiledevice'sbrowserinterface, plus the complete articleclassification,videosUnificationThe entire collection of features, and no longer need to beafraidtofind want to see the information, anpp small securityblogbetterwith more immediateLook better Oh!【Taiwan's first hug app bloggers - a small security]Well-known blogger Andy, launched a "personal brandapp-Anpp,themakeup, the outfitAudio and video content compiled the user can throughAnpp,instantlyand easily, with the point of a smallsecurityselectionAudio and video content.【Contact us】If you have any questions or suggestions please write intoaskE-mail: [email protected]
New Kid Dress 2.0
Nowadays a huge assortment of dresses ismadeavailable for kids of all age groups. In the earlier days,kiddresses were simple and were available in fewer varieties.Today,there are dresses for both boys and girls in different stylesandfabrics. Earlier, girls wore white frocks with small belts andboyswore shorts and vests. Cotton clothes were worn duringsummerseasons and woolen clothes were worn during winter seasons.Silkdresses were expensive and worn during special occasions.Kid dresses included similar styles for both infant boysandgirls with a color difference. Blue colored dresses were wornbyboys and pink colored ones were worn by the girls.Variety of Kid Dresses AvailableTimes have changed and new fashion clothes have emerged forbothboys and girls. Today there are beautiful kid dresses for girlsandsmart outfits for boys of all age groups. Most of the outfitsareinfluenced by western styles and include varieties such asjackets,coats, tops, jeans, trousers, tunics and so forth. Jeans isapopular wear that is worn by both girls and boys. Therearedifferent types of jeans made available for both girlsandboys.Designer wear kids' dresses are quite popular thesedays.Designer dresses are quiet expensive but showcase some of thebestcreations of popular designers. Beautiful frocks, gowns andotherwestern wear clothes are designed for girls of all ages andsizes.Indian wear clothes are also made available in differentsizes anddesigns. Lehenga cholis, salwar kameez, sherwani andchaniya cholisare some of the most popular varieties of Indian wearmadeavailable today. Most of these varieties can be boughtataffordable price rates from online stores too.Indian wear for boys such as Kurta pyjamas are alsomadeavailable through online stores at different price rates.Casualboys wear include T-shirts, jeans, pants, shirts and soforth.Today these types of clothes can be bought in differentstyles andtrends.Kid Dresses for Special OccasionsIn addition to casual wear, there are clothes designedforspecial occasions such as Christmas, Halloween and New Year.Mostof these varieties of clothes are made available in a largenumberof online stores at discounted price rates.There are specially designed Christmas clothes for both boysandgirls in most of the online and offline stores thesedays.Beautiful Christmas gowns are made available for girls of allages.These gowns and dresses are available in different colorstoo.Halloween costumes are among the most widely and popularlysoldcostumes in the online stores. These costumes are availableforboth boys and girls of all age groups.
Korean Fashion Style Idea 1.0
Have you ever thought about dressing likeafamous Korean artist you saw on the television but do not knowhowto?Well, Korean Fashion Style Idea will help you to find yoursuitableKorean fashion style. Korean Fashion Style Idea is a simpleyetpowerful application that will guide you in choosing the bestdressand wardrobe for your special events or your daily life withthetouch of Korean styles. There is a plenty of Koreanfashioninspirations that you will find in Korean Fashion StyleIdeaapplication.Before taking look at Korean Fashion Style Idea collection, wewillpresent you several tips for choosing your Korean style foryouradorable wardrobe.Take note that the basic materials needed in Korean fashion arejustthe same as other cultures would normally wear. The major keytolooking Korean is the layering of clothes and the craft ofmixingdifferent colors. Red top, black pants, red shoes, black bag- it'sjust too plain and boring. Sometimes, wearing too matchingclotheslooks strange, so always try to be creative. Below are sometipsthat can guide you in creating a perfect K-pop look.First, open your closet and find a potential bottom you can use-casual shorts, pants, skirt, leggings, you name it. A pair ofjeansis advisable because it can be matched with almostanything.However, only choose one that you are comfortablewearing.Remember, if you sacrifice comfort for fashion, it will notworkand may even lead to disaster.Second, select the top. Picking the right top depends on whatkindof bottom wear you will be dressed in. If you chose tightpants,wear something a bit loose and long, and vice-versa. If youarethinking of wearing plain pants, pick a top that has printsanddesigns. Dark-colored pants must be paired withlight-coloredtops.Third, put on the right shoes. You can actually wear any pairofshoes. If you will be clothed with short shorts, skirt, tightjeansor leggings, you have the most options - slippers,high-cutsneakers, low-cut sneakers, boots, doll shoes, sandals,almostanything. If a pair of pants with loose-end is yourchoice,high-cuts are not really advisable. Limit the length ofyourfootwear up to your ankles.Fourth and last, accessorize! Accessories accentuate youroveralloutfit. K-pop look is achieved by bringing spice to youroutfitlike wearing long necklace, bangles, glasses, big bag,coat,blazer, or scarf that are bold in color. Don't wear too muchall atonce though! You wouldn't want to look like a Christmas treewithdecorations, would you?Bring to mind that the secret to a successful fashion does notlieon the outfit itself, but on the person dressed with it. Justbeconfident with what you are wearing and let the world know thatyoucan pull of a perfect K-pop style!Having known the tips for adding Korean style in your fashion,thisis the time for you to take a look our collection and start tohaveyour stunning fashion styles with Korean Fashion StyleIdea.
MissButy 1.2.4
『開架式+美妝保養= MissButy』愛美是一種本能,更是一種生活態度...。堅持平價也能享有高品質的開架美妝好生活,是MissButy最大的宗旨~MissButy集結眾多開架式的美妝保養品牌,讓您隨時隨地掌握最新上市新品資訊,更為您提供貼心美妝小秘書,只需下載一個MissButyAPP,將是您選購開架美妝品最聰明的選擇...。現在,就下載並開始享受MissButy APP為您帶來的開架美妝好生活吧!"Open Frame + BeautyCare=MissButy"Amy is an instinct, it is an attitude to life ....Insist on parity can enjoy high-quality open-shelf Beautygoodlife,is the largest purpose MissButy ~MissButy assembled numerous open-frame of Beauty carebrand,soanytime you master the latest listing of newinformation,provideyou with more intimate Beauty little secretary,justdownload aMissButy APP, will be open-shelf beauty products youbuymostintelligent Select ....Now, download and start enjoying MissButy APP bringsyouopen-shelfBeauty good life!
StyleWall 2.3
StyleWALL is the biggest fashionsocialnetworkin Taiwan.We have the most fashionable pictures andrecommendationfromwell-know figures from the fashion andentertainmentindustryincluding celebrity stylist, makeup artiste,and fashioneditor.We want everyone to get or share the fastest fashionnewsathere.Create your own fashion style by sharing , making yourownSTYLEWALL!!