Top 18 Apps Similar to 成语词典 - 学习写作的好帮手,成语游戏必备

Chinese Idiom Dictionary-成语词典 2.2.0
An authorized Chinese idiom dictionary appisofficially released by The Commercial Press International, basedonCHENGYU DA CIDIAN, one of the best-selling Chineseidiomdictionary.The app is technically supported by (the firstInternetdictionary in China).Choose an authorized dictionary, and you'll have a reliablelearningexperience!(All rights reserved; Pirate editions will be prosecuted!)Rich in content and easy to learn• Detailed entries for 18,000 most commonly usedChineseidioms• Reveal the origin of the idioms and use the ancient andmodernclassics to explain the meaning of idioms accurately• Over 900 exquisite illustrations to interpret the connotationofidioms vividly• Clear pronunciation is available for every entryVarious ways to search idioms conveniently• Search by scanning with the camera of your smart phone• Powerful voice search that allows you to search idioms byspeakinginto the microphone• Tapping an idiom in notification bar, you will seethedefinitionAdditional learning functions• "Favorites" is designed for you to mark all the Chineseidiomsthat you might want to review• "Review" is designed to help you learn Chineseidiomseffectively[Dictionary Features](1) Authorized: The dictionary app is compiled by editorial boardofexperts and scholars specialized in linguisticsandlexicography.(2) Accurate: Entries are collocated with accurate andconcisedefinitions as well as exquisite illustrations.(3) Convenient: Support multiple searching modes, such asCameraSearch, Voice Search, Handwriting Search and Quick SearchviaNotification Bar.(4) Cloud: Collect and review new idioms anytime andanywherewith learning services on the Cloud.(5) Clear Pronunciation: Clear pronunciation of Chinese idiomsisavailable.
成語詞典 7.4.0
最實用的成語詞典簡體中文、繁體中文自由切換1、最全的成語詞條,詳細的成語內容包含了26321條成語詞條,每條成語都有詳細的成語解釋。完全離線可用,不需要再下載額外的數據資料。2、智能的成語搜索使用漢字搜索,自動標注搜索詞位置,並根據開頭,中間,結尾排序,極大提高搜索速度。使用全拼索引,根據成語發音,從首個個漢字開始匹配。並且支持直接搜索網頁,百度百科。3、方便的成語瀏覽我們設計了三種成語瀏覽方式拼音檢索,根據拼音進行分組排序筆畫檢索,根據成語第一個漢字筆畫分組排序分類瀏覽,根據使用情景進行分組4、友好的閱讀體驗The mostpracticalidiomdictionarySimplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese freely switch1, the most complete entries idiom, idioms detailedcontentContains 26,321 entries idioms, each phrase hasadetailedexplanation of the idiom.Fully available offline, no need to download additional data.2, intelligent search phraseChinese characters are used search, automaticdimensioningsearchterm position, and according to the beginning,middle, endofsorting, greatly improve the search speed.Use spelling index, according to pronounce idiom,allcharactersstart from the first match.And support for direct search pages, Baidu Encyclopedia.3, convenient idiom BrowseWe designed three idioms browsingPhonetic search, sorted according to the phonetic groupStroke retrieval, according to the first Chinesecharacterstrokesidiom packet sequencingBrowse, grouped according to usage scenarios4 friendly reading experience
Idiom Dictionary Professional 0.2.0
Idiom Idiom Dictionary application containsatotal of more than 50,000 ( 50,000 ) .Chinese idiom is the general concept of a fixed phrase or phrases,often with historical stories and philosophical significance.About96 per cent by the four-character idioms composition , therearewords or five words or more. According to the research , thereareabout five kinds of idioms sources , namely: myths ,legends,literature , folk spoken language, foreign culture . Intheclassical idiom is widely used, and in today's vernacularwritingor everyday conversation , there are still a large numbersurvived. Idiom belongs Sayings in one, mostly derived from theclassics .Some idioms can literally determine the semantics , suchas "quick-witted ", " impassable ", " exerting " and so on ; alsosomeidioms in the learning process, we must also understand theidiombehind the sources from : associated stories , myths orhistory,etc. , in order to understand , such as " disregard thechangingcircumstances ", " belie " and so on . However, some oftheoriginal can not be understood from the literal idioms, due toitssignificance is widely misunderstood , and no one verified,theresult of long-term spread , making these idioms abnormal useitsliteral meaning , rather than its extended meaning . Such as"groundless ", people think it refers to unfounded rumors. Andinfact, it is precisely refers to rumors based on ( this idiomundersentence for more than a whitewash to make it more obviousmeaning, is " not without reason " ) . Another example is the "haircut ",people that " plain " refers to the unadorned face, "day" refersto the sky, but in fact "day " refers to the emperor (refer to theemperor ) , the meaning of idioms come from a story ,you should isboth beautiful and confident woman .
成语词典简体专业版 3.5
Hisand Liu
学习中华成语典故的好帮手。 这是专业版 ★ 专业版提供书证、辨识、用法等更多内容。★共收录成语二万二千余条,其中正文条目五千余条,余为附录条目。 ★ 每条成语包括释义、出处、拼音、参考词、近义词、反义词等内容。★正文条目更包含内容非常丰富的典源及典源说明。 ★ 支持汉字、通配符号?、拼音首字母搜索。 ★不用连上网络,随时随地使用。因程序容量为15M,若下载过程比较慢,请耐心等待,手机也应该留有足够的空间以便安裝。 -- 搜索范例:1.搜索「不」,会找出所有包含不字的词条。 2.搜索「天?」,会找出所有以天字开头的词条,搜索「?天」,会找出所有以天字结尾的词条。3.搜索「不?不?」,会找出所有具有「不...不...」结构的词条。 4.搜索字母「t」,会找出首个汉字声母为t的词条。成语是汉语语言的结晶,蕴含了古人的人生哲学、生命智慧。学好成语,传承华夏文明,是我们当代人的责任。正体字(繁体字)使用者请下载《成語辭典》,认准开发者Hisand Liu。若阁下认为本应用有些价值,请评五星,帮忙冲上教育类排行榜前列,让更多的人来使用。Android平台上最好的简体中文成语词典(Chineseidioms),是帮助你学习中华典故、拓宽知识面的好助手。本软件还可以连接到《汉语字典》,不认识的汉字可以随时查询。
Peribahasa & Simpulan Bahasa 5.3.3
OFFLINE Malay Idioms (peribahasa & simpulan bahasa)Dictionaryapp
新華字典離線發音版(中文漢語詞典、成語詞典) 1.0.88
安卓手機上最好的中文字典,真人發音。主要功能:1、漢語字典:收錄漢字20890個;2、漢語詞典:收錄詞語44908個;3、成語詞典:收錄成語13061個;4、成語故事:收錄成語典故3288個。目前唯一支持簡繁雙語查看的中文字典。安裝後預設為連網獲取資料,可在“選項設置”中下載30餘M的離線字詞庫和讀音文件。您也可以訪問網站手動下載字詞庫和讀音文件,下載後請解壓縮得到的資料夾 SkyoneDict 拷貝到SD卡根目錄。
新华字典成语大全(简体) 1.1
1、收录成语五万多个(50810个)、成语故事三千多个(3271个)。词汇量丰富,查询速度快。2、包含解释、出处、用法、例子、近义词、反义词、歇后语、成语结构、英文翻译、产生年代、常用程度等项目。3、支持汉字、通配符号、拼音首字母搜索。4、不需连网,可离线使用。1, a collectionofmorethan idiom (50810) fifty thousand, idioms over 3,000(3271).Richvocabulary, query speed.2, including interpretation, provenance, usageexamples,synonyms,antonyms, twisters, phrase structure, inEnglishtranslation,produced years, the degree of commonprojects.3, support Chinese characters, wildcard numbers,thefirstphonetic alphabet search.4, no networking, available offline.
사자성어2288 1.0.6
사자성어2288는 사자성어 학습 및 사자성어 검색을 위하여 제작되었습니다.◎사자성어 검색◎앞자리 단어 검색은 흔히 제공되지만사자성어의 중간자리, 끝자리 검색이 지원되는 경우는 없었습니다."리리 릿자로 끝나는 말"과 노래처럼, 특정 단어로 끝나는 사자성어나,특정 단어가 들어가는 사자성어를 마음껏 검색할 수 있습니다.예컨대, 가을이나 독서와 연관된 사자성어를 찾고 싶다면, "추"자나 "독"를 필요한 위치에 입력하면 됩니다.★사자성어 학습★본 어플에는 2288개의 사자성어가 들어있으며,난이도에 따라 155단계로 구분되어 있습니다.각 단계별로 20개의 사자성어가 들어있고요.각 단계 학습을 마치면 테스트도 가능하며테스트를 완료하면, 일반 Level은 녹색 원으로,한자능력 급수 Level을 통과하면 파란 원으로 표시됩니다.레벨별 사자성어는 20개에 불과하니, 하루에 한 단계씩 학습해보세요.머지않아 일상생활에서 멋진 사자성어를 구사하며 대화할 수 있을거에요.친구들과 레벨별 배틀을 해봐도 재미있을 것 같으네요.본 어플은 사자성어 급수는 "어문회"의 급수 기준을 원용하여 제작되었습니다.Four - characteridioms2288 is designed for learning and acronyms lion lionacronymssearch.Search ◎ ◎ lion acronymsSearch word prefix is ​​often provided, butIf a lion could not search the middle digit, last digit ofacronymssupport.Like "ending in the late Marguerite Lili" and the song, endingwithspecific words or word sajaseong,You can freely search for a particular word into thelionacronyms.For example, if you want to find a lion acronyms associatedwithfall or reading, you can type "add" or "poison" to therequiredposition.★ ★ lion acronyms LearningThis app contains a 2288 Lion acronyms,It is divided into 155 steps, depending on thedifficultylevel.20 Lion acronyms itgoyo into each step.After completing each step, and learning test isalsoavailableOnce testing is complete, General Level is a green circle,When water passes through the Chinese ability Level isdisplayedwith a blue circle.Level Four - character idioms can do by just 20, try learningonestep per day.Soon, it speaks a great lion, and acronyms in everyday life'llbeable to talk.Haebwado friends and battle each level I think you're goingfun.This app is designed lion acronyms water using the watersourcestandards "eomunhoe".
國語辭典 3.1
Hisand Liu
可以離線使用的國語辭典。-- 功能特點:★ 收錄 Unicode 編碼集包含的漢字 20902 個。★ 收錄各种詞彙共 15 萬多條。★ 釋義嚴謹,且大部分有文言文例證。★ 按讀音(語音)、詞性分級列出釋義,層次分明,方便查閱。★ 每個字條還包含注音、拼音、筆畫數、部外筆畫、釋義等信息。★ 支援漢字、拼音、部首、筆畫數等搜尋方式。★ 不用連上網路,隨時隨地使用。★ 程式請求的權限少,也絕不會窺探個人隱私。-- 搜尋範例:1. 可搜尋「文化」、「?文化」、「文化?」、「學」、「xue」、「xue2」、「xu?」、「8」等形式。2. 搜尋「yi」,會找出所有拼音為「yi」的字。3. 搜尋「y?」,會找出所有拼音首字母為「y」的字。4. 搜尋「8」,會找出所有總筆劃數為 8 的字。5. 點按搜尋框左方的按鈕,可以選擇「二一四部首」檢索方式。漢字是華夏文明最重要的載體,學好漢字,傳承華夏文明,是我們當代人的責任。若閣下認為本應用有些許價值,請評五星,幫忙衝上閱讀與工具類排行榜前列,讓更多的人來使用。Android 平台最好的正體(繁體)中文辭典(Chinese Dictionary)。本軟體還可以連接到《成語辭典》,可以隨時方便的查看包含所查字的成語典故。程式有 50M 的容量,請耐心等待下載。Japanesedictionaryoffline use.- Features:★ encoded Unicode characters set contains a collectionof20,902.★ collection of more than 150,000 of the various terms.★ strict interpretation, and most have a classical example.★ by pronunciation (voice), part of speech classificationlistsinterpretation, structured, easy access.★ Each note also contains the phonetic alphabet, strokes,andstroke, interpretation and other information.★ support Chinese characters, Pinyin, radical, strokes andothersearch methods.★ not connected to the Internet, use anytime, anywhere.★ program requests permission less, and never will prypersonalprivacy.- Search Example:1 can search for "culture", "? Culture", "culture?","School","xue", "xue2", "xu?", "8" form.2 Search for "yi", will find all the spelling of the word"yi"in.3 Search "y?" Will find all the alphabet the first letter is"y"word.4 Search "8" will find all of the total number of strokesword8.5 Tap the search box on the left of the button, you can select"twohundred and fourteen radical" search mode.Character is the most important carrier of Chinesecivilization,to learn Chinese characters, heritage of Chinesecivilization, isour contemporary human responsibility.If you think the value of this application slightly,pleasereview star, rushed to help read the top of the charts withthetools to allow more people to use.Android platform best Anglais (Traditional) ChineseDictionary(Chinese Dictionary).This software can also be connected to the "IdiomDictionary",you can always easily view contains the search wordIdiom.Program has the capacity of 50M, please be patienttodownload.
Modern Chinese Dictionary 0.2.2
Features: a collection of over 60,000Chinesewords , more than 20,000 Chinese characters, more than50,000idioms and more than two hundred classic thesaurus idioms inone,is the best Android Chinese learning software.Innovation: simple integrated multiple dictionaries ,beautifulinterface, operation, can be correlated between thedictionary.Modern Chinese Dictionary ( 6th edition ) written instructionsofthe State Council , China's first authoritative new ,essentialtool specifications Modern Chinese Dictionary , the publicreadingof national education. "Modern Chinese Dictionary" is thebestAndroid , queries the fastest, most comprehensive andmostoperating experience of the Modern Chinese Dictionary ,acomprehensive collection of the latest version of theXinhuadictionary , Chinese dictionary, idiom dictionary , idiomstories.Fast , accurate, detailed, complete, detailed, in-depth ,is themost important feature of this dictionary . Software collectsallof the Chinese national standard Chinese characters ,Chinesecharacters complete collection of authoritative ,scientific,professional, is an excellent learning toolassistant.Software Features:A built- authoritative Xinhua Dictionary2 built- authoritative dictionary of idioms3 built-in authority of Modern Chinese Dictionary 6th Edition4 built- Chinese idioms5 , full support for high-definition screen , including QHDscreenand android Pad, support resolutionKeywords: Chinese Dictionary , Chinese, grammar , dictionary,thesaurus , English, idioms , stories, idioms , Xinhua Dictionary,Chinese
中國歷史事件 2.8
Hisand Liu
本應用程式記錄了中國歷史上從傳說時代到清朝的重大歷史事件,向大眾作一簡單的勾勒,道出事件之原委,正是發揚中華文明的智慧,鑑古知今,作世人的一個借鑑。Thisapplication records the history of China from the legendarytimesto the Qing Dynasty's major historical events, to the publicas asimple outline, tells the whole story events, it is wise tocarryforward Chinese civilization, learn lessons from past, to maketheworld a draw .
汉语词典 2.2.3
汉语词典.词汇数量 五万七千。有生词本。可查询生字,分享词语。ChineseDictionary. Vocabulary fifty-seven thousand. The words ofthis.Query vocabulary, sharing words.
成语词典 1.0
本应用是一个在线成语查询工具,能够查询到成语的详细信息,如:详解、出处、举例、同义词、反义词、读音等信息,是学习博大精深、璀璨夺目的成语文化、提高文学素养的好帮手。This applicationisanonline query tool idiom, idioms can querydetailedinformation,such as: Comments, supra, for example,synonyms,antonyms,pronunciation and other information, is learningprofound,dazzlingcultural idiom, a good helper to improvetheliteraryquality.
成語詞典離線專業版 1.0
《成語詞典離線專業版》共收錄成語二萬二千餘條,其中包含成語的釋義、出處、示例、英文翻譯等解釋,同時收錄了一千餘條成語故事。★★★★★★ 主要特色 ★★★★★★* 近義詞、反義詞關聯功能;* 每條成語包括釋義、出處、拼音、參考詞、近義詞、反義詞等內容;* 強大的搜索功能,支援漢字、萬用字元號“%”、替代符號“_”、拼音首字母搜索;* 連線流覽功能,不用連上網路,隨時隨地都可以使用;* 一鍵拷貝功能,方便做筆記;* 一鍵分享功能,可以非常方便的將成語通過Line、微信、郵件等方式分享給您的好友;* 每日推薦功能,每天推薦十個常用成語;* 我的最愛功能,隨時記錄您喜歡的成語★★★★★★ 搜索說明 ★★★★★★1. 搜索“一”,會找出所有包含“一”字的詞條;2. 搜索“一%”,會找出所有以“一”字開頭的詞條,搜索“%一”,會找出所有以“一”字結尾的詞條;3. 搜索“一%一%”,會找出所有具有“一…一…”結構的詞條;4. 搜索“一_一_”(_表示底線),會找出所有具有“一*一*”結構的詞條;5. 搜索字母“y%”,會找出首個漢字聲母為“y”的詞條;6. 搜索字母“ysys”,會找出所有漢字聲母為“ysys”的詞條;7. 本應用暫不支援文字和拼音的混合搜索。
谜语大会 1.2.0
谜语最初起源于汉族民间口头文学,是我们的祖先在长期生产劳动和生活实践中创造出来的,是汉族劳动人民聪明智慧的表现。后经文人的加工、创新有了文义谜。一般称民间谜为谜语,文义谜为灯谜,也统称为谜语。谜语风格大致可以分为主流、民间、典雅和通俗风格四种类型。一般由谜面、谜目和谜底三部分组成。有些运用迷格制成的灯谜还有迷路。多猜谜语有利于开发智力,锻炼多角度思考能力,帮助提高智力水平和思维水平。谜语大全收录了字谜、成语、网络热词、古诗词、自然现象等几十种形式的谜语,生动有趣,老少皆宜,是你益智、休闲、娱乐的首选!这款应用的特性有:1. 收录3万多条迷语,内容丰富,生动趣味;2. 独具搜索功能,输入谜语的任意关键字都可查询;3. 支持语面或语底查询,搜索更方便;4. 支持离线查询,为您节省流量;5. 远离各种广告骚扰,还你清净。本应用是快快查系列工具中的一款,除此之外系列产品还包括:快快查字典、汉语词典、成语词典、说文解字、康熙字典、外研社规范字典、外研社汉语词典、中考生字词,高考生字词,小学生字等满足各方面用户的汉语查询、学习、研究需求。快快查,以传播中华文字、弘扬传统文化为己任,是老师、家长和学生的良师益友,学习考试的必备神器。快快查,你最好的汉语助手!Riddle originated intheHan folk oral literature, our ancestors created working andlivingin long-term production practice, working people are HanChinesewisdom performance. After the passage of people working,innovationhas been the context mystery. Commonly known as the folkriddleriddle, mystery context of riddles, also referred to as theriddle.Riddle style can be divided into the mainstream, folk,elegant andpopular style four types. Usually by the riddle, enigmaand mysteryproject consists of three parts. Some use fans grid madeof riddlesalso lost.Riddles more conducive to the development ofintelligence,multi-angle thinking exercise to help raise the levelofintelligence and thinking. Daquan collection of crosswordpuzzles,idioms, network hot words, ancient poetry, and othernaturalphenomena in the form of dozens of riddles, interesting,young andold, are you puzzle, leisure, entertainment ofchoice!Characteristics of this application are:1. The collection of more than 30,000 fans language,content-rich,vivid and interesting;2. The unique search function, enter any keyword riddle canbeinquiries;3. Support the language surface or bottom query language,searchmore convenient;4. Support offline queries, you save flow;5. away from a variety of advertising harassment, but alsoyouclean.This application is quickly checked in a series of tools,inaddition to products also includes:Quickly dictionary, Chinese dictionary, idiom dictionary,ExplainWord, Kangxi, FLTRP standardized dictionary, FLTRPChinesedictionary, the word candidates, Candidates for words, wordssuchstudentsChinese meet all user queries, learning, research needs.Quickly check to the dissemination of Chinese characters,carryforward the traditional culture of responsibility,teachers,parents and students mentor, learning the necessaryexaminationartifact.Quickly check, your best Chinese assistant!
古汉语字典 1.0.1
古汉语字典收入古汉语汉字三千个,多种查询方式,使用方便。生字可以直接选中查字典。可配合《新华字典》《成语词典》《汉语词典》《诗歌精选》使用。有任何问题欢迎邮件。AncientChinesedictionaryRevenue Ancient Chinese Characters three thousand, a variety ofwaysto search and easy to use. Vocabulary can be directlyselecteddictionary.Can be used with "Xinhua Dictionary" "Idiom Dictionary","ChineseDictionary", "poetry featured" use.Have any questions please e-mail.
康熙字典 1.0.15
Besta BXC
“康熙字典”是張玉書、陳延敬等三十多位著名學者奉康熙皇帝聖旨編撰的一部具有深遠影響的漢字辭書。該書共收錄漢字47035個,為漢字研究的主要參考文獻之一。該書以二百一十四個部首分類,並注有反切注音、釋義、出處及參考等內容供使用者檢閱。該書除了僻字僻義以外,每字每義下均引古書例句佐證。電子化版本,其好處在易於攜帶+及時查;選擇部首+筆畫 或 較專業 倉頡輸入法, 均可以找到字典上的字!
Idioms, Phrases & Proverbs Off 1.2.3
English Idioms, Phrases & Proverbs dictionary forcoolconversations.