Top 20 Apps Similar to 文言文字典 - 学习文言文知识的好帮手

文言文 1.8.2
【快快查系列】产品!文言文覆盖了小学,初中,高中的教材内容,简单明了的注解译文,典雅的视觉风格,方便你按阶段进行学习理解和背诵。其次,文言文收录了古文观止这部经典之作的文言文内容,是市面上古文内容甚全的app。古诗词典深受用户喜欢,是老师、家长和学生的良师益友,学习考试的必备神器。产品特性:1、内容全:覆盖小学至高中的教材内容,并且收录古文观止中的古文内容2、无广告:致力于为用户提供纯粹的学习内容,让你避免广告的骚扰3、离线不收费:离线免流量,可以随时随地查,学,用4、典雅风格:古文的精髓加上典雅的视觉,让你在学习之余,领略文化精髓功能介绍:1、智能搜索:支持按字,按句搜索,快速高亮关键词,便于查看定位2、分类检索:同步更新教材内容,按阶段进行学习和背诵3、详情查看:详情页内容详尽,支持同步查看注解,译文和赏析我们致力于为学生、家长、老师服务,以传播中华文字、弘扬传统文化为己任。有爱QQ群:421307567意见邮箱:[email protected][Series] quicklycheckproduct!    Classical Chinese teachingmaterialscovering elementary, middle, high school, plain andsimpletranslation notes, elegant visual style, allowing you topressstages of learning to understand and recite.    Second, a collection of classicalChineseclassical view only this classic classical Chinese content,themarket is full of very classical content app.    Poems by users like dictionaries,teachers,parents and students mentor, learning the necessaryexaminationartifact.Product Features:1, the entire content: covering primary to high schooltextbookcontent, and included classical view only theclassicalcontent2, no ads: to provide users with a pure learning content,allowingyou to avoid advertising harassment3, no charge Offline: Offline Free traffic, you can check atanytime, to learn, use4, elegant style: the essence of classical plus elegant visual,soyou In the study, a taste of the essence of cultureFeatures:1, Smart Search: support word by word, sentence by search,keywordhighlighting fast, easy viewing positioning2, classification retrieval: synchronous update teachingmaterials,according to the stage to learn and recite3, Detail View: detailed details pages, supportssimultaneousviewing annotations, translations and AppreciationWe are committed to students, parents, teachers and services,inorder to spread the Chinese text, carry forward thetraditionalculture of responsibility.Love QQ group: 421 307 567Opinions E-mail: [email protected]
古文・漢文(古文単語、古典文法、漢文) 4.91.2
A must-see for junior high school and high school students whoarelearning ancient and Chinese literature! Let's learn"classicalwords," "classical grammar," and "kanbun," which arefrequentlyused in regular and common tests!
文言文常用實詞簡表 6.2
1. 文言文常用實詞簡表: 漫 滅 名 明 命 謀 難 平 戚 奇 ...2. 文言文:鄭伯克段于鄢 《左傳》, 曹劌論戰,蹇叔哭師...3. 實用文:演講辭 ,會議文書, 周記、日記 ,規章、指引、說明 ...如有錯漏,歡迎電郵通知。1. Classicalnotionalcommon profile: name Minh Man off to seek it hard Qi Qi...2. Classical: Zheng Duan at Yan "Zuo" Cao Gui controversy, JianShucry division ...3. PRACTICAL: Speeches, conference documents, weekly,diary,regulations, guidelines, instructions ...If errors or omissions, please e-mail notifications.
中高生の漢文 2.2.2
中学生、高校生の漢文学習アプリの決定版!中学校や高校・センター試験の国語に登場する、漢文。苦手とする人は多いですが、実は基本的な訓読や句法を繰り返し学習するだけで、世界がずいぶん違って見えてきます。本アプリでは、返り点と句法について、学ぶことができます。問題は全問が訓読形式。リズミカルに漢文を訓読することで、感覚的に漢文特有の語法が身に付いていきます。問題の題材は、なるべく著名な典籍から採用。漢文、書き下し文(訓読漢文)、意味(訳文)に加えて、中国の歴史人物や故事などの豆知識も収録。読んでいるうちに、自然と漢文の背景知識まで身に付きます。多数の問題を収録していますが、毎日少しずつ進めていくだけで、無理なく習得することができます。このアプリを活用して、漢文の重要基本事項をマスターしてしまいましょう!このアプリを開発した学校ネット株式会社は、全国4000学校が利用する学習ウェブサイト「あしたね」を運営しています。また学習アプリ「はんぷく」学習シリーズは、累計400万ダウンロードを超える人気シリーズになっています。不具合を発見された方は、info アットまーく 宛にご連絡頂けますと幸いです。※本アプリのBGMおよび効果音として以下の音素材等を利用させて頂いておりますアジアン和風音源素材「緑茶の音」※本アプリの効果音として以下の音素材等を利用させて頂いておりますTaiko sandyrb Temple Bell Mike Koenig
马来文字典 Malay Chinese Dictionary 6.0.8
OFFLINE Malay Chinese, Chinese Malay, Malay Idiom, EnglishChinesedictionary
新華字典離線發音版(中文漢語詞典、成語詞典) 1.0.88
安卓手機上最好的中文字典,真人發音。主要功能:1、漢語字典:收錄漢字20890個;2、漢語詞典:收錄詞語44908個;3、成語詞典:收錄成語13061個;4、成語故事:收錄成語典故3288個。目前唯一支持簡繁雙語查看的中文字典。安裝後預設為連網獲取資料,可在“選項設置”中下載30餘M的離線字詞庫和讀音文件。您也可以訪問網站手動下載字詞庫和讀音文件,下載後請解壓縮得到的資料夾 SkyoneDict 拷貝到SD卡根目錄。
Chinese English Dictionary Pro 6.2.0
The best Chinese English Dictionary offers Chinese andEnglishtranslations.
康熙字典 1.0.15
Besta BXC
“康熙字典”是張玉書、陳延敬等三十多位著名學者奉康熙皇帝聖旨編撰的一部具有深遠影響的漢字辭書。該書共收錄漢字47035個,為漢字研究的主要參考文獻之一。該書以二百一十四個部首分類,並注有反切注音、釋義、出處及參考等內容供使用者檢閱。該書除了僻字僻義以外,每字每義下均引古書例句佐證。電子化版本,其好處在易於攜帶+及時查;選擇部首+筆畫 或 較專業 倉頡輸入法, 均可以找到字典上的字!
Dr.eye 雲端免費版 3.0.10
It has functions such as single-word query, historical query,dailyupdate, new-word notes, and single-word review, andsupportsChinese and English vocabulary pronunciation. What's more,it'scompletely free.
Cantonese English Dictionary 6.2.0
The dictionary brings you an excellent & delightfullearningexperience!
粵語發音字典(簡繁) 1.1
粵語-普通話對照發音,是學習粵語和普通話的好幫手。1、收錄中文字26944個,其中粵語發音字19928個。2、分類收錄粵語(廣東話)常用詞彙7345個。3、支持簡體和繁體。4、不需連網,可離線使用。Cantonese -Putonghuapronunciation control, is learning Cantonese and Mandarinis a goodhelper.1, a collection of 26,944 characters, including Cantoneseword19928.2, classification included in Cantonese (Cantonese)vocabulary7345.3, support for Simplified and Traditional.4, no networking, available offline.
English Chinese Dictionary 1.2.8
It isEnglish-Chinese/Chinese-Englishdictionary for Chinese learners onAndroid.Features:1. Variety translate results(English-Chinese,Chinese-English,English-English,Chinese-Chinese).2. The sound pronunciation support.3 Translation results show American and English phonetics.4 Mass example sentences5. Inflection antonyms and synonyms.6. Quick search by histories.
All汉语词典, Chinese ⇔ Chinese
■ Enter a word, search many Chinese dictionaries[dictionaries]simultaneously.
MyDict Chinese Dictionary 2.0.0
Easy to use English/Chinese dictionary, over 170,000 vocabularies.
Chinese Dictionary-新华字典商务国际版 2.2.0
Authorization•The first authorized Xinhua dictionary app released officiallybythe Commercial Press International Co., Ltd.•Compiled by editorial board of experts and scholars specializedinlinguistics and lexicography•The content of the app is in line with the latest revisededitionof the Xinhua Da Zidian•Technically supported by Dict.cnRich in Content•A total number of more than 15,000 Chinese characters•Detailed entries for 10,000 most commonly usedChinesecharacters•More than 500 groups of synonyms supplemented to helpunderstandthe nuance of meanings•Over 1,500 exquisite illustrations displayed to explainthemeanings of entries vividly•All entries are collocated with accurate and concise definitionsaswell as rich and appropriate phrases•Every entry is followed by strokes, radicals, structures,origin,four styles of calligraphy or stories of theChinesecharacter•Every entry is collocated with real-voice pronunciationVarious ways to search Chinese characters conveniently• Search by scanning with the camera of your smart phone• Powerful voice search that allows you to search Chinesecharactersby speaking into the microphone• Tapping a Chinese character in notification bar, you will seethedefinitionAdditional learning functions• "Favorites" is designed for you to mark all the Chinesecharactersthat you might want to review• "Review" is designed to help you learn Chinesecharacterseffectively[Dictionary Features](1) Chinese Character Features: Related information ofChinesecharacters such as strokes, radicals and structures(2) Origin: Explanation of structure, pronunciation anddifferentmeanings of the entry designed to help master the usageofpolysemic characters(3) Synonyms: Distinguish synonyms from the angle ofculturalhistory, which combines linguistic and culturalknowledgetogether(4) Words Story: Historical allusions from classics related tothecharacters are presented to enhance the readability ofthedictionary(5) Four Styles of Calligraphy: Every entry is attached withfourstyles of calligraphy for reference(6) Illustrations: Over 1,500 illustrations with contentsofantiquities and famous paintings in history[App Features](1) Authorized: This dictionary app contains the achievementsofphilological researches in Chinese characters inrecentyears.(2) Accurate: The number of the entries is large and 11 featuresofChinese character are provided such as characterstructure,pronunciation, definition, origin, synonyms, etc.(3) Convenient: Support multiple searching modes, such asCameraSearch, Voice Search, Handwriting Search and Quick SearchviaNotification Bar.(4) Cloud: Collect and review new Chinese characters anytimeandanywhere with learning services on the Cloud.(5) Clear Pronunciation: Real-voice pronunciation ofChinesecharacters is available.
English Chinese Dictionary 3.5.1
The best English Chinese Dictionary app allows youtobrowsedictionaries without a network connection, such aswhenyou're on aplane, traveling abroad, out of cellular tower rangeorif you wantto save battery! The best English Chinese Dictionaryappis now onAndroid phone and tablet. It covers over 350,000 wordsandphrasesof the contemporary English/Chinese language(BothTraditional andSimplified Chinese), along with examplesentences,audiopronunciations, fastest search speed, flexiblesearch methods,andmore … Features: ★: Over 300K Chinese words &phrases★:Flexible search and Fastest search speed ★: BothSimplifiedandTraditional Chinese characters supported ★: Searchhistory,Starredwords, Word lists ★: Supports Move to SD card★:Audiopronunciation ★: Example sentences ★: English andChineseofflinepronunciation. ★: Real human voice pronunciation,Chinese,English
英文記單字,字根,邏輯,諧音,字典/多益/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words by rote? The best way istolearn radical character groups, logic and homophonicmemorizationof words, apply the skills of phonetic meaning andcomprehensivetests to quickly memorize English words, and you willalsoencounter unrecognized words in the future. Can guess themeaningof the word
Chinese Korean Dictionary 1.0.4
Rudy Huang
Free dictionary from Chinese to Korean and from Korean to Chinese
文言文字典 Classical Chinese Pro 6.0
Gab Gab House
Classical Chinese Classical Chinese Dictionary Fast offers arangeof classical interpretation of the words
AnyLearn 英文便利學 + 真人發音字典 1.38
[1.38] 緊急修正 andriod 9(以上)手機 會員登入,會閃退的問題 [1.37] 1. 環遊世界課程新增單詞簿2.擴充單詞發音檔 3. 更新詞典檔 4. 擴充句子文法課程選單 ★ 最重視 「發音品質」 的 英文學習 App。★極少數使用者無法下載APP,可以參考下列網址的Google說明-「排解下載問題」,麻煩不要直接給「1顆星」,因為這不是APP的問題!感謝^^●AnyLearn 英文便利學 每月出刊一期【英文便利學】 每期含6~9個單元,至今已出刊餘60期,單元與亞洲各國英文學習雜誌之熱門單元相同, 包含有:旅遊文章、單字簿、英聽(檢)測驗、對話、句子…等,雜誌全部各個單元皆由「美國、加拿大外師,題供美聲錄音」喔。 上述五項,由 App內的 [每月更新] 功能,更新題庫、字彙、發音、內容 … 等。-------------------------------------------------找不到真人發音字典?!不知道,這個單字是不是重要的?! 我們內建 「字典」,由「美國、加拿大外師」錄音而成, -並顯示各個單字的「使用頻率」 -在那些考試上常出現 (GEPT、TOEIC、TOEFL、IELTS、GRE、CET、考研)超實用的~------------------------------------------------- 其他特色: *直接查詢在課程的頁面,只要看到你不懂的單字,都可以直接點選查詢喔! *免費真人發音字典內含一個「真人發音」的免費字典,除了正規的發音之外,還有外國人一般口語上的唸法喔! *沒時間嗎?如果你覺得今天特別忙,那就直接進入「每日單詞句子」選項,讓免費你輕鬆讀 每天精選的單字句子及測驗...等! *旅遊達人帶你趴趴走,增廣見聞,順便學英文! * 便利學同時可以綜合學習九類英文課程,學習不無聊!-------------------------------------------------