Top 7 Apps Similar to Meilong – 美龙 Chinesisch

Chinese HSK 2 Flashcards 20.0
Bibase Software
Learn the HSK, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, level2exam Chinese Mandarin characters quickly and easily. A flashcardformat gives each character with pinyin, pronunciation andsamplephrase.Ideal to work through or dip into, to easily build and enhanceyourvocabulary. 300 characters and phrasesIncludes multiple choice quiz features and easysearchfacilities.Features:• Flash card style interface• Introduces the 300 commonly used characters and phrases• English translation, pinyin representation, pronunciationandsample phrase• Completely offline. Practice and learn anywhere!• Powerful search by English or pinyin
中国語単語HSK5000 4.0
Androidでは初の本格的中国語単語帳アプリです。中国政府が公認する中国語検定試験『HSK』で必要とされる中国語の標準単語5000語を厳選しました。本の単語帳のように一覧性を持たせつつ、中国語単語、ピンイン(発音記号)、日本語の意味 をそれぞれ独立に隠すことができます。また、チェックをつけた単語だけ抽出して、集中的に暗記できる、といったアプリならではの機能を持たせています。一方で単語帳アプリにありがちな、『ゲーム性』や、『テストモード』などはありません。この中国語単語アプリの制作チーム(全員HSK6級もしくは5級保有者+中国語ネイティブ)が、「実際の勉強には役に立たない」と判断したからです。覚えていない中国語単語があれば、自分で分かるでしょうから、チェックをつけて、ひたすら覚えてください。中国語単語→日本語意味を頭の中で変換できないような、要するに意味がわかっていない中国語単語もたくさんあると思います。特にHSKや中国語検定などの試験を受ける直前に、この中国語単語帳で、覚えていない単語をリストアップし、短期間で潰していく、といった使い方をすると、試験の上では絶大な効果があります。また、実際に中国語で話せるようになるためには、日本語の意味→中国語単語の変換が、(理想的には意識せず)出来るようになっている必要があります。日本語の意味だけ表示して、中国語単語とピンインを隠す、といった覚え方をすることが、実用上は重要です。このアプリでは、中国語単語、ピンイン(発音記号)、日本語の意味、をそれぞれ独立に隠すことができるので、実用的な中国語の習得にも適しています。さらに、単語帳の文字をタップすると、5000語全てについて、ネイティブが作成した例文が表示されます。それぞれの中国語単語を、実際にどのように利用するか、実践的に理解できます。さらには、簡体字⇔繁体字の切り替えもできます。台湾や香港で中国語を学ぶ際にも役立てることができます。●有料版と体験版では単語の収録数が異なります。無料体験版で、操作性、内容を気に入って頂ければ、有料完全版を購入頂ければ幸いです。★無料体験版(合計 320語収録)・HSK1~2級相当 :80語・HSK3~4級相当 :80語・HSK5級相当 :80語・HSK6級相当 :80語★有料完全版(合計 5001語収録) ・HSK1~2級相当 :300語・HSK3~4級相当 :883語・HSK5級相当 :1308語・HSK6級相当 :2510語monofreak 中国語単語帳制作チーム
HSK-II 9.0
This is an educational program developed by theConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), whichallows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level II) fromexamplesofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSK level-IIinvolveslisteningand reading comprehension of 300 Chinesecharacters orwords(Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to level A2 ofCEFR (CommonEuropeanFramework of Reference for Languages) TheHSK-II examconsists oftwo blocks, one listening comprehension (35questions)and areading comprehension (25 questions). Each block hasamaximumscore of 100 points, and need to get 120 points to passthetest.Project Lead: Vicent Andreu - Confucius InstituteDesign&programmer: J.P. Sánchez - Sonoftigger SoftwareSoundProducer:Damian Sánchez - Sonotrigger Imagen& know: Hanban
Learn Chinese-Hello HSK Level2 3.3.0
Learn Chinese-Hello HSK is a productresearchedand developed by the HSChinese team to specially providetrainingfor Chinese learning and Chinese proficiency test.LearnChinese-Hello HSK includes levels 1 through 6 and provideswebsite,APP and offline teaching materials.●Learn Chinese-Hello HSK 2 provides HSK Chinesevocabulary,listening, reading, practice and mock HSK tests to helplearnerspass the level 2 Chinese test; it is a good helper forforeignersto learn Chinese.●Hello HSK provides not only the Chinese teaching materialsforlearners, but also the function of consulting Chinese teachersatany time in APP; so it is convenient for students to askteachersfor help and essay correction.●Hello HSK utilizes a speech forum. Therefore, the Chineselearnerscan practice for the oral Chinese test (HSKK);practicepronunciation and consult teachers at any time in the forumtolearn Chinese well.●Hello HSK also provides Chinese teaching materials andafter-classexercises for teachers.[Instruction for Course Content]● Listening course: It is classified into four types accordingtoHSK testing questions and common Chinese topics, including 60corevocabulary, 60 common phrases and 350 specialtrainingquestions.● Reading course: It is classified into four types according toHSKtesting question types and common Chinese topics, including 60corevocabulary, 60 common phrases and 350 specialtrainingquestions.
Learn Chinese HSK2 Chinesimple 9.9.7
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialHSKexamination.
LearnChinese-HSK Level 2 Words 3.2.9
HSK Level 2 Words is a sub App thatwasderivedfrom the vocabulary software “Hello Words”, whichwasresearched anddeveloped by the HSChinese team. It is aproductthat speciallyhelps learners to accumulate HSK Level 2vocabularyrapidly.● Hello Words shows the exact meaning of every word, aswellasthe origin. It makes them easy to memorize, as itsimplifiestheprocess, which employs the most basic functions ofmemorizingandtraining to the maximum extent. The simplifiedoperation makesiteasy to get started, and one can begin learningChinese wordsassoon as the App is open.● Hello Words includes three types: HSK vocabularyoutline,dailyChinese vocabulary, and business Chinese vocabulary.Italsosupports four languages: Chinese, English, JapaneseandKorean.Audio, translation, parts of speech, examplesentencesandpractice, each part is minimal in length butstrivesforperfection.● We don’t rely on fancy designs but on actualpower;Wordmemorization should not be fancy but should rely on hardwork.Giveit all you got, and start your Chinese word challenge;wearewaiting for you![Instruction for Course Content]1. HSK Level 2 Words contains all outline vocabulary ofHSKlevel2.2. 167 HSK level 2 words and 16 vocabulary stages.
Vocab List - HSK Level 2 1.0.0
Vocab List HSK Level 2 contains thecompleteset of vocabulary for HSK Level 2 exam. With Englishtranslationand clear spoken Chinese, it is an ideal application forChineselearners studying for the HSK exams. This app is optimizedfor iPadfor full screen reading.Each Chinese word is provided with an English translation,nativespeaker recording and writing in both Traditional andSimplifiedChinese.This application has the following features:★ User friendly interface to preview vocab terms infullscreen★ Click on the pinyin to have the Chinese word pronounced toyouaccurately★ Beautiful page turning effect★ Covering all HSK Level 2 is building one of the leading app suiteforlearning Chinese as a foreign language. Don't forget to checkoutour Pinyin Chart and PROnounce apps.★★★★★Our Production TeamContent Editor: Sai WuDevelopment: Jessica WangGraphic Design: Zoe ZhengProducer: Terence Lau★★★★★Please understand that this is an ongoing development. Ifyouhave found any issues or bugs, please let us know byemail,[email protected] solve them with free updates.Check out for more info.➔ Follow us on Twitter.‼ Like us on Facebook.⁇ About us on LinkedIn. a white label app for your business? Or want to talk withusabout licensing and advertising opportunities? You shouldvisit