Top 16 Apps Similar to Devet.99 popusti

Akcije i katalozi 1.2
All weekend and regular catalogs and promotions in Serbia!
Njuškalo Popusti
The application with which you save. All discounts and actionsinone place!
Korpa d.o.o.
Budite ODMAH informisani o najnovijim ponudama i najvećimpopustimau BiH!
Moje Kartice
Shrani klasične plastične kartice (npr.karticeugodnosti ali zvestobe, članske kartice, kupone), ki soopremljene sčrtno kodo v digitalno obliko. Nič več iskanja,predebele denarnicein pozabljenih kartic, sedaj jih uporabljalahko cela družina. Vsekartice vedno s teboj v pametnemtelefonu.Za lažjo prepoznavo so prednaložene slike najbolj razširjenihkarticv Sloveniji!Pri dodajanju kartice črtno kodo ročno prepišemo, privečinimobitelov z boljšimi fotoaparati lahko le to tudi odčitamosčitalcem črtne kode, dopišemo lahko še ime lastnika,izberemoponudnika, na koncu dodamo še poljubno besedilo.Seznam vnesenih kartic se izpiše na osnovnem zaslonu, poizbiriposamezne kartice, se le ta prikaže s črtna koda sštevilko,ponudnikom in grafičnim simbolom ponudnika.Vsebuje naslednje kartice s področja Slovenije: AMZS,Alpina,Atlantis, Baumax, BabyCenter(*), Ciciklub (MladinskaKnjiga),Ciciban Klub, Clark, ComShop - COMKLUB, DM (drogeriemarkt-drogerija), E.Leclerc, FormaF+ športna trgovina, Hervis, HappyPek,Kalček, Iglu šport, Interdiskont, Jager, Kalček,Kastner&Öhlerplus card / Gigasport, Klub 5 zvezdic, Konzum,Kalia vrtni center,Kolosej - Joker, Kompas shop, Knjižnica Domžale,Knjižnica Kranj,Knjižnice Univerze v Mariboru, Lekarna Ljubljana,Lyoness,MultiPlusCard, Momax, Maya Maya, Mana, Mavrica, Merkur,OBI, OMV,Petrol Klub, Pikapolonica, Peek & Cloppenburg, OBI,OshKosh,S.Oliver, Spar, Sportina, Simple Shop, Stiefelkonig, Takko,Tukano,TUŠ, Tukano, Tomas Sport2 (Superge), TwoWay. Ostalo: Billa,IkeaFamily, Louis FanKlub.* kartico lahko shranite le za lastno evidenco, črtna kodaneomogoča uporabe pri ponudnikiOstala pogosto zastavljena vprašanja najdeš na: izboljšati aplikacijo in sodelujna! Vsa prodajna mesta še niso opremljena s čitalci,kiomogočajo branje črtne kode iz pametnega telfona. Prodajalec vamnidolžan odčitati kode iz telefona, navadno pa nasmehpomaga!;)Slovenska aplikacija za shranjevanje članskih kartic,številkzavarovanj, kuponov in kartic zvestobe (ugodni nakupi inpopusti),opremljenih s črtno kodo, v elektronski obliki(e-kartica).Slovenska aplikacije za enostavno shranjevanje karticugodnosti,vedno si prislužim kakšen popust ali ugodnost!Ste vedeli:- lahko shraniš tudi kupon / vrednostni bon opremljen zbarkodo,kuponi vedno z menoj :)SlovenijaAlso check with Passbook supportPassbook is registered trademark of Apple Corp, Barcodescaner,Skeniraj bar kode iz PVC kartic in kopuj ceneje, SOSpotrošnikov,Lidl, Hofer, Stocard
Peixe Urbano - Cupons, Descontos e Ofertas 10.0.9
Peixe Urbano
O maior App de ofertas Locais, promoções e descontos!Experimentecupons de desconto para restaurantes, rodízios,pizzarias,churrascarias, além de ingressos para aquela esperadaestréia deCinema! Os maiores descontos para ingressos de cinemaestão aqui,incluindo Rede UCI, Cinemark, Cinépolis, Kinoplex epromoçõesimperdíveis! Procurando por Restaurantes e bares próximoscompreços baixos? Aqui você encontra milhares de cupons dedescontosem restaurantes! Conseguimos até 90% de desconto emalgunsrestaurantes e bares. São pizzarias, churrascarias,rodízio,janponês, massas e diversas opções para o dia a dia ouaquelejantar especial. Ingressos para teatro, shows e eventoscomdesconto! É economia garantida! São cupons para economizaremrestaurantes, cinema, teatro, parques e muita diversão. Usenossosfiltros e busca para encontrar as melhores ofertas próximas avocê!Utilize filtros por categoria, quando usar, horário e aindapodeordenar os resultados por preço, melhores ofertas eporproximidade. Assim, vai ficar fácil encontrar sua oferta.Usetambém nossa área de Favoritos. Salve suas ofertas preferidascomoFavoritas, assim fica mais fácil encontrá-las a qualquermomentopara comprar ou enviar para seus amigos. Também temosProdutos!Aqui você encontra os maiores lançamentos em tecnologiaeutilidades domésticas. Compre seu celular novo comdescontosespeciais, veja nossas ofertas de celulares e smartphones,tablets,Smart Watch e muito mais. Está programando as próximasférias ou aviagem de fim de semana? Explore nossas promoções epacotes deviagens exclusivos! Temos viagens curtinhas e até pacotespara aDisney, com aéreo. Aproveite já e garanta sua próxima viagemcomdesconto pelo Brasil ou exterior. Você ainda pode economizaremserviços locais, como pacotes em auto escolas, tratamentosdebeleza e estética, produtos fitness, suplementosalimentares,assinaturas de revisas, os melhores motéis e muitomais. Venha paranosso cardume e faça parte do maior App dee-Commerce Local doBrasil! Funcionalidades: - Encontre as melhoresofertas através dasua localização. - Receba alertas de ofertaspróximas a você,direto no seu celular! Descubra o que tem parafazer bem pertinhode você - Filtros rápidos: escolha a categoria,preço e critériospara ordenar os resultados e encontrar facilmentesua oferta -Favorite Ofertas: salve suas ofertas preferidas parafacilitar suapróxima compra! - Use seu cupom direto pelo App! Nãoprecisaimprimir, basta mostrar o cupom no estabelecimento paraaproveitarseu desconto - Avalie sua experiência na compra. Apósutilizar,você pode avaliar sua experiência e ajudar os próximoscompradores- Se precisar, a gente te ajuda! Você pode nos chamar noChat (emalgumas cidades) ou enviar uma mensagem para nossa equipedeatendimento. Nossas principais ofertas: - Restaurantes - Rodíziodejaponês - Ingressos para cinemas: UCI, Cinemark,Kinoplex,Cinépolis - Desconto em motéis, os melhores motéis da suacidade -Ingressos em shows - Pacotes de viagem e viagens com aéreos-Viagens curtas em feriados - Descontos em hotéis - Descontosemhostels - Pacotes de auto escola Mais de 25 milhões deusuáriosaproveitando nossas ofertas exclusivas: estética, pacotesdeviagem, auto escolas com preços baratos. descontoparacinemas, shows, cupons de desconto em restaurante ou paramotéis.★Desfrute os anúncios com descontos e ofertas imperdíveis!Economiaque não acaba mais★
Discount Calculator 3.2.5
Quick and simple, calculate a percentage or reduction withyourphone.
Prestigio Plaza 1.1.1
Prestigio is an internationalcomputerand gadget online shop offering a convenient and securee-shoppingfor only the finest goods and services. Our productportfolioencompasses affordable luxury IT-related products andelectronicdevices to consumers and small businesses in 54countries.Our missionTo provide finest products and excellent e-shopping servicestoconsumers and small businesses in all countries ofoperations.Benefits for our Customers- Selection of finest products of high quality- Provision of excellent e-shopping services- Convenient, fast and easy shopping- On-line consultants and operators- Complete track and trace service for every order- International delivery services- Secure site certified by well-known web certificates- Different methods of payment- Cancelation right with full refund- Full compliance of your product picture- A warranty of the manufacturers to all products- Legal guarantee concerning product conformity and latentdefects,as outlined in the consumer protection legislationapplicable inthe country of delivery.- Prices in Euro with 19% Cyprus VAT and all other taxesalreadyincluded- No VAT to customers from outside the European Union orderingthedelivery of the products outside of the EU- Special offers and various discounts (Super Price,ComboDiscounts, Sale)- Read more about 25 reasons to buy fromPrestigioPlaza:
Ivan Dimov
Всички каталози и брошури с промоциинаголемите търговски вериги магазини в България на едномясто.С приложението имате възможност да се абонирате за търговскиверигимагазини , които ви интересуват и да следите кога излизатновикаталози и брошури от тях.Следете актуални каталози с промоции и промо брошури на магазиниихипермаркети като:Била ( Billa ), Метро ( Metro ), Техномаркет ( Technomarket),Технополис ( Technopolis ), Пикадили ( Piccadilly ), Kaufland,Практикер ( Praktiker ), Globul , Vivacom , Лидл ( Lidl ) ,ТМаркет, ИКЕА (ikea) , Карфур ( Carrefour ), Avon и много други . - разглеждай каталози иброшуринавсякъдеAll catalogs andbrochureswith promotions of large retail stores in Bulgaria inoneplace.With the application you have the option to subscribe toretailchains stores that interest you and track when out newcatalogs andbrochures from them.Keep up to date with promotions catalogs and promotional leafletsinshops and supermarkets such as:She (Billa), Metro (Metro), Technomarket (Technomarket),Technopolis(Technopolis), Piccadilly (Piccadilly), Kaufland,Praktiker(Praktiker), Globul, Vivacom, Lidl (Lidl), T Market IKEA(ikea),Carrefour (Carrefour), Avon and many others. - browse catalogs andbrochureseverywhere
Masine i Alati 1.5.7
The best online stores for machinery and tools now on yourAndroidphone
Tehnomanija 3.0.21
Place to shop for electronics on Android.
The app will introduce you to the new catalogs and promotionsofyour favorite shops
Sales Hunter 1.0.10
Sales Hunter
Sales Hunter team follows all the salesanddiscounts in more than 700 fashion stores in Serbia and BosniaandHerzegovina and Montenegro. App users can perform real timesearchfor desired brands and stores in the list of current sales,choosebetween the categories of shops, or select their favoriteshops andreceive the notification whenever they offer new discountoraction. GPS navigation provides the user with the fastest waytothe selected store. Communication with other users and share oftheimpressions is enabled through in-app comments.
LC Waikiki 3.3.74
LC Waikiki
The world’s latest fashion and new markdowns are in your pocketwithLC Waikiki!
Teknosa – Alışveriş, Teknoloji 6.12
Millions of products, brands and super discounts are inTeknosaGoogle Play app!
Katalog Promosi Harga 7.0
Aplikasi ini berisi informasi dari promosidankatalog koran berbagai supermarket dan swalayan yang adadiindonesia.Anda tidak perlu repot mencari tahu di internet karena semuasudahdikumpulkan menjadi satu disini sehingga anda bisamemperolehinformasi promo dan potongan harga dengan cepatsebelumbelanja.daftar retailer dan Toserba:- Indomaret- Alfamart- Superindo- Carrefour- Giant Express dan Ekstra- Hypermart- Alfamidi- Toserba Yogya- Circle K- Lottemartfitur:- informasi diskon/katalog promo terbaru yang ter-updatesetiaphari, weekday hingga weekend- zoom in untuk kenyamanan browsing produk (untuk memperbesarlayar,geser layar ke arah luar gunakan dua jari)- praktis: go green dengan aplikasi ini, dapatkan infopotonganharga dan promo yang sama dengan brosur darisupermarketaplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksi internetsilahkan hubungi kami untuk saran dan masukan untukpenambahanfiturThis appcontainsinformation from a newspaper promotion and catalogvarioussupermarkets and self-service in Indonesia.You do not have to bother to find out on the internet as allaregathered into one here so that you can obtain informationpromosand discounts quickly before shopping.a list of retailers and department store:- Indomaret- Alfamart- Superindo- Carrefour- Giant Express and Extras- Hypermart- Alfamidi- Department Yogya- Circle K- Lottemartfeatures:- Information on discount / promo latest catalog updateddaily,weekday to weekend- Zoom in for browsing convenience products (to magnify thescreen,slide the screen to the outside using two fingers)- Practical: go green with this application, get the inforebatesand promos same with brochures from supermarketThis app requires an internet connectionplease contact us for advice and input to the additionoffeatures
IKEA Store
The IKEA Store app is here to make shopping in storesmoothandsimple. From planning your visit to findingandrememberingeverything when you get there, this is theperfectshoppingcompanion. GET ORGANISED Browse and search the IKEArange,then addproducts to a shopping list. Already made a shoppingliston theIKEA website? Simply log in to access it in the app*.PLANYOURTRIP Find the nearest IKEA store based on your locationandcheckopening hours and driving directions. See if products areinstockat your selected store so you can plan the best time toshop.VISITIKEA See where products on your shopping list are locatedinstoreand get helpful hints so you don't forget anything.Scanbarcodes,QR-codes and article numbers to get productinformationand addproducts to your list. Then swipe right onproduct to markit ascollected and left to remove it from the list.STAY INFORMEDANDSAVE There’s always something going on at yourlocal IKEAstore.The app keeps you up to date with events, offersand newproducts.Sign up or log in to your IKEA FAMILY account soyou cankeep adigital IKEA FAMILY card to hand and make greatsavings. — —*Currently the app will only synchronise with themostrecentlysaved shopping list on the website. Some features maynotbeavailable in all countries and all IKEA stores. Your useofthisapp is governed by the Application License Agreement.