Top 20 Apps Similar to 2GO! Warszawa

PocketGuide, the world’s leading audiocityguide application, gives you tours by voice, revealing thebeststories, insider hangouts and must-see sights in close to 100majorcities and tourist destinations. The app determines yourlocationand a recording of your personal tour guide describes whereyou are– you don’t need to touch your phone or read from thescreen. Allthe tours are developed by local experts who know theircitiesinside-and-out. You can choose from different themed tours,or justwander around the city and let PocketGuide inform you whenaninteresting site is nearby. The app can also record your trip:Withone click you can create an amazing 3D video of the sights youseeon your travels.You can use the GPS-activated voice tours for free as long asyourphone is online, but that means you will have to payroamingcharges. If you pay to download the tours, you can usethemoffline, and save on the cost of roaming. We charge a small feefordownloading the offline features because we need to reimbursethetour guides and cover our development costs. Other features youcanget for free include a map that works offline and free use ofthe3D tour.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse more than 400 toursguidedby people who make sure you see the most excitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audio cuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tell youaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can take photosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically creates a3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guides recommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, the wholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have to payroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate in thecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Keep on traveling? Download PocketGuide'sotherversions available in other cities.
TcTrips Warsaw 1.1
ATTENTION!: Don't download this app!Go from here to the TRIPS & GIFT Warszawa PACK, save8,95€and enjoy gifts from restaurants for FREE!Set out on a tour with TcTrips, download the TCTRIPSWARSAWandenjoy the routes prepared by local residents especiallyforyou.Pick up one of the trips created by Warsaw inhabitants andoffyougo! The city is waiting for you to discover it.Don’thesitate,download the app today and get to know Warsaw!Only now, the app with trips around the city will giveyoufreeaccess to the description of the city and the firsthighlightofeach trip. If you download the TCTRIPS WARSAWapplication, youcanget access to a full trip for as little as €1.79.Right now there are routes in the TCTRIPS WARSAWapplication:OLD TOWN – a stroll around Warsaw Old Town; the tripincludes10points.THE COMMUNIST SPIRIT OF WARSAW – route presentingthearchitectureof the communist Poland; the trip includes8points.JEWISH MURANOW – places in Warsaw whichareexceptionallyimportant in the history of the Jewish nation.Thetrip consists of7 sights.INSURGENT WARSAW – a route to the historic places relatingtotheWarsaw Uprising; the trip includes 8 points.THE ROYAL ROUTE – following in the footsteps of theformerrulersof Poland. The trip has 8 stops.Whom is this application for? Every trip is appliedtotherequirements of 4 groups!FAMILYFRIENDSCOUPLESINGLEAfter you choose a target group you can enjoytheattractionsadjusted for a particular type of the trip.Each of the TcTrips is unique, created by a localresidentandrevised by specialists. What is more, the trips containplentyofpictures, descriptions of places, google mapsandotherinformation, necessary during sightseeing.THE APPLICATION IS INTUITIVE- user-friendly and intuitive, the application can beaccessibletochildren as well as the elderly- every trip is provided with the technical instruction of howtousethe application („About the trip” section)- you don't need to browse through the whole trip to get backtothemain menu- there is a clear layout with division betweenpoints,descriptionsand pictures there- thanks to a user-friendly browser you will be able to takealookat other trips from this city- you don't need to exit from the application to takepicturesandsave them in the galleryWHAT YOU CAN GET TO KNOW THANKS TO TcTrips- information about country's current affairs, history ofthecity,various curiosities- detailed descriptions of the points on the route- free time suggestions in each of the points- opening and closing hours, addresses of pointsandtheiravailability- information about the obstacles that may be encountered onthewayby the handicapped or families with small children- detailed description of the route from one point tothenextprepared by the trip author – the inhabitant of thecityanddescription of the route available with the Google map- AR Trip function which helps to locate the points of thetripwiththe video camera of your smartphone; it is only possibletouse ARTrip function if your not further away from each pointofthe tripthan 10 km- pictures of every trip point; the wholeapplicationincludeshundreds of photos from all over the world- the amount of time to spend in a particularplace;proposedstarting time (adjusted to the opening and closinghours ofeachattraction of the route)AVAILABILITY OF THE APPLICATION- every application is available in 5 languageversions:English,Spanish, German, Russian and Polish- every trip is applied to the requirements of 4targetgroups:family, friends, couple, single- trips are updated and regularly added to the TcTrips offer- description of the trip and of the first point are freeofcharge,next points can be purchased- after the purchase the route of the trip is availablewithouttimelimits
WarsawTour 6.0.1
Are you coming to Warsaw or have you just arrived? Areyouinterested in the history of the city, do you want to feastyoureyes on art work, do you plan to experience sporting emotionsor doyou just wish to take a rest and enjoy the local cuisine?TheWarsawTour app will guide you through the most interestingplacesin the city in a variety of ways. Once you decide to choose awalkyou will see your preferences on the map and a list ofattractionson the dropdown menu. You will learn more about themthanks todetailed descriptions of each place. Information aboutmuseumopening hours and restaurant phone numbers will help you todecidewhich to visit and where to book a table. Once you getconnected tothe Internet you can visit the website of each place,map out theroute to reach them and get the information about publictransportconnections. Intuitive icons will let you easily identifyeach kindof attraction on the map. The description of each walk aswell as akey to icons can be found in the menu. You can also havefun andcreate your own route combining two selected walks. The appcan beused offline and allows you to track your location via GPS.Feelfree to share your opinions with us. They will help us improvetheWarsawTour app. Enjoy WarsawTour !
Warsaw Offline City Map Lite 9.0.1
An interactive map of the city including a search engineforstreets, shops, etc
Briefly. Miejsca na przyjęcia 1.4.0
Dzięki Briefly znajdziesz miejsce na:# uroczystość rodzinną (np. chrzciny, komunię, przyjęciepoślubne,stypę)# imprezę ze znajomymi (np. urodziny, wieczórkawalerski,panieński)# wydarzenie biznesowe (np. integrację firmową,szkolenie,nieformalne spotkanie).Jak działa Briefly?1. Określasz swoje potrzeby rozrywkowe, możliwości finansoweorazzaznaczasz obszar2. W ciągu kilku godzin otrzymujesz oferty bezpośrednioodatrakcyjnych miejsc. W Briefly na Twoje zapytaniaodpowiadająludzie - właściciele i menedżerowie restauracji,klubokawiarni,ośrodków rekreacyjnych.3. Wybierz propozycję, która Ci najbardziej odpowiada.Aplikacja Briefly przyda Ci się, gdy chcesz zorganizować:URODZINYMasz ochotę na wieczorne wyjście ze znajomymi? Zależy Wam namiejscuz piwami rzemieślniczymi i grami planszowymi? A możechcecie skoczyćdo klubokawiarni na kameralny koncert lub do pubuna mecz ulubionejdrużyny? Bilard, dart, piłkarzyki - na takieoczekiwania również sąprzygotowane kluby w Warszawie.CHRZCINY / KOMUNIASzukasz miejsca, które przygotuję Wam przystawkę, zupę i II daniewrozsądnych cenach? A poza tym zależy Ci ma kąciku zabaw dladzieci?Chcesz przynieść własny alkohol np. nalewki czy woliszwinoserwowane przez restaurację?INTEGRACJA FIRMOWAPaintball, siatkówka plażowa, strzelnica, spływ kajakowy inadokładkę niecodzienne miejsce na warsztaty w Warszawie? A możepoprostu catering z ciepłymi daniami i miejsce do tańca?Wystarczyjedno zapytanie, aby oferty spłynęły do Ciebie.WIECZÓR KAWALERSKI / PANIEŃSKIZbliża się Twój wieczór kawalerski lub panieński i szukaszpomysłulub miejsca? Myślisz o laserowym paintballu lub pokojuzagadek(escape room)? Słyszałeś o bubble football? A możewarsztatykulinarne?KOLACJAChcesz zabrać żonę na romantyczną kolację do restauracji, amożeszukasz spokojnego miejsca na spotkanie biznesowe? Masz ochotęnadania wegańskie lub bezglutenowe?PRZYJĘCIE POŚLUBNESzukasz wykwintnej restauracji, miejsca z ogrodem lubprzeszklonymdachem :)POPRAWINYPo ciężkiej poślubnej nocy warto spotkać się z przyjaciółmiwklubokawiarni lub pubie na mniej formalną imprezę.KINDERBALMusisz zorganizować urodziny dla dziecka i marzysz o zabawachzanimatorką i ręcznie rzeźbionym torcie z ulubionym bohateremzbajki? A może chcesz je zabrać do kawiarni, gdzie jestogród,zjeżdżalnia, klocki lego i... przewijak dla niemowląt?CATERINGOrganizujesz imprezę w domu lub uroczystość w siedzibiefirmy?Świetnie. Dzięki Briefly znajdziesz lokal, który przygotujeCicatering, taki jak sobie zażyczysz i dowiezie, tamgdziechcesz.Briefly to idealne narzędzie, gdy szukasz miejsca naimprezęokolicznościową w Warszawie. Wysyłasz jedno zapytanie -otrzymujeszkilka ciekawych ofert, bezpośrednio od atrakcyjnychmiejsc.---Szukasz inspiracji? W Briefly zebraliśmy też dla Ciebiekolekcjekilkuset niebanalnych PRETEKSTÓW do wyjścia z domu. Gdyspodoba Cisię jakieś miejsce w tej kolekcji, to od ręki możeszpoprosić oofertę na imprezę w tym lokalu.Jeśli masz sugestie lub wątpliwości - proszę skontaktuj sięznami.With Briefly you findaplace on:# Family celebration (eg. Baptisms, first communion,weddingacceptance, wake)# Party with friends (eg. A birthday, bachelor, bachelorette)# Business event (eg. Integration company, training,informalmeeting).How does Briefly?1. You specify your needs and entertainment, financial capacity,andyou select area2. Within a few hours you get the offer directly fromattractiveplaces. Briefly in your question are responsible people -ownersand managers of restaurants, cafeteria andrecreationalcenters.3. Choose the proposal which suits you.Briefly application useful for you when you want to organize:BIRTHDAYFancy a night out with your friends? You care about the placeofcraft beers and board games? Or maybe you want to jumptoKlubokawiarnia for an intimate concert or to the pub to matchyourfavorite team? Billiards, darts, table football - suchexpectationsare also prepared clubs in Warsaw.Christening / CommunionYou are looking for a place that you prepare an appetizer, soupandmain course at reasonable prices? And besides, you care abouthas aplay area for children? Do you want to bring your own alcoholforexample. Tincture or prefer wine served by the restaurant?INTEGRATION COMPANYPaintball, beach volleyball, archery, canoeing, and for goodmeasureunusual place for a workshop in Warsaw? Or maybe justcatering withhot dishes and a place to dance? Just one request tooffer to flowinto you.Stag / henApproaching your bachelor or bachelorette party and are lookingforan idea or a place? You are thinking about paintball or laserroompuzzles (escape room)? You've heard of bubble football? Orculinaryworkshops?SUPPERDo you want to take my wife for a romantic dinner in therestaurant,or maybe you're looking for a quiet place for abusiness meeting?Fancy a vegan or gluten-free?PARTY honeymoonLooking for a fancy restaurant, a place with a garden or aglassroof :)poprawinyAfter a hard night's wedding to meet up with friends in thepubKlubokawiarnia or less formal event.KINDERBALYou need to organize a birthday party for your child and youdreamabout playing with animator and hand-carved cake with yourfavoritecharacter from a fairy tale? Or maybe you want to take themto thecafe, where a garden, slide, lego and ... babychanging?CATERINGYou are organizing a party at home or in the officeceremony?Excellently. With Briefly you find a place that willprepare youcatering, such as so desire will take and where youwant.Briefly is the ideal tool when you are looking for other eventinWarsaw. You send one query - you receive some interestingoffers,directly from attractive places.---Looking for inspiration? In Briefly we have compiled for youacollection of hundreds of unusual excuses to leave the home.Whenyou find some place in this collection, is on hand you can askforan offer for an event at the premises.If you have suggestions or questions - please contact us.
Arguido przewodnik turystyczny 1.36
AGM Reality
Arguido to nowoczesna usługa, skierowanadoposiadaczy urządzeń mobilnych (smartphone, tablet)realizującafunkcję przewodnika miejskiego. To co wyróżnia naszeoprogramowaniez grona innych mobilnych przewodników turystycznych,tozastosowanie nowoczesnej i rewolucyjnej technologiiAugmentedReality (rozszerzona rzeczywistość). Dzięki niejużytkownik możeobserwować nie tylko elementy świata rzeczywistego,ale takżegenerowane przez urządzenie mobilne obiekty wirtualne.Arguido totakże doskonałe narzędzie promocyjne umożliwiająceprzedsiębiorcomtworzenie własnych wirtualnych punktów promującychich produkty /usługi, zmianę opisów w czasie rzeczywistym,przeprowadzaniekampanii kuponowych. Dzięki tej aplikacji jejużytkownicy łatwoodnajdą znajdujące się wokół nich punktyturystyczne, restauracje,puby, bankomaty, punkty usługowe, etc..oraz zaznajomią się z ichopisami / ofertą.Arguido pozwala turyście:• Odbyć spacer dowolną tematyczną trasą przyzastosowaniuwizualizacji wspieranej przez rozszerzonąrzeczywistość• Odnaleźć w pobliżu obiekty z przewodników turystycznych,punktyusługowe, bankomaty, bary, restauracje, kluby, etc..• Wygenerować dowolną trasę turystyczną w oparciu o dowolnekryteriaużytkownika (długość trasy, kategorie punktów na trasie,odległośćpomiędzy poszczególnymi punktami, czas przejścia trasy,etc..)• Tworzyć własne trasy z miejsc, w których się było, zwłasnymikomentarzami, fotografiami, opisami• Dzielić się trasami z innymi użytkownikami, udostępnianietrasprzez Facebook, Informowanie przez Facebook o aktualnieodwiedzanymmiejscu• Wyszukać informacje na temat obiektu z kilkudziesięciu kategoriiwbazie danych dostępnej w systemieArguido pozwala przedsiębiorcy• Promować swoją działalność / produkt / usługę poprzeznaniesieniew systemie wirtualnego punktu, który będzie widzianyprzezzwiedzających miasto turystów z wykorzystaniemtechnologiirozszerzonej rzeczywistości• Aktualizować w czasie rzeczywistym treści promocyjne, costanowiprzewagę dla mediów takich jak radio, telewizja, prasa• Realizować kampanie promocyjne z zastosowaniemkuponówrabatowych• Tworzyć w systemie własne podstrony mobilne pozwalającenawprowadzenie szczegółowej informacji dot. produktu / usługi/działalnościNa aplikację Arguido składją się: przewodnik turystycznypoWarszawie, przewodnik turystyczny po Krakowie,przewodnikturystyczny po Kielcach, przewodnik turystyczny poKazimierzuDolnym, przewodnik po Zamościu, przewodnik turystyczny poLublinie,przewodnik turystyczny po Łodzi, przewodnik turystycznypoZakopenem, przewodnik turystyczny po Katowicach,przewodnikturystyczny po Częstochowie, przewodnik turystyczny poWrocławiu,przewodnik turystyczny po Poznaniu, przewodnikturystyczny poToruniu, przewodnik turystyczny po Bydgoszczy,przewodnikturystyczny po Szczecinie, przewodnik turystyczny poGdańsku,przewodnik turystyczny po Gdyni, przewodnik turystycznypoSandomierzu, przewodnik turystyczny po Sopocie,przewodnikturystyczny po Białymstoku, przewodnik turystyczny poRadomiu orazprzewodnik turystyczny po Starachowicach.Arguido is amodernservice aimed at users of mobile devices (smartphone,tablet)implementing a guide city. What distinguishes our softwarefrom agroup of other mobile tourist guides, the use of modernandrevolutionary Augmented Reality technology (augmentedreality).With the user you can observe not only the elements of therealworld, but also generated by a mobile device virtualobjects.Arguido is also a great promotional tool allowingentrepreneurs tocreate their own virtual points to promote theirproducts /services, change descriptions in real time, conductingcouponcampaign. With this application, the users can easily findthemlocated around the points of interest, restaurants, pubs,ATMs,services, etc .. and become familiar with their descriptions/offer.Arguido allows tourists:• Have received any thematic walk route usingvisualization,supported by an expanded reality• Locate nearby objects with tourist guides, service points,ATMs,bars, restaurants, clubs, etc ..• Generate any tourist route based on any user criteria (lengthofthe route, the categories of points on the route, thedistancebetween each point, the time of transition routes, etc..)• Create your own tour of the places in which they were, withtheirown comments, photographs, descriptions• Share routes with other users, share routes by Facebook,FacebookInforming about the currently visited site• Search for information about the object from dozens ofcategoriesin the database available in the systemArguido allows entrepreneurs• Promote your business / product / service by applying avirtualpoint system, which will be seen by visitors of-townvisitors byusing augmented reality technology• Update the real-time promotional content, which is anadvantagefor media such as radio, television, press• Pursue promotional campaigns using coupons• Create your own sub-system mobile allowing you to enterdetailedinformation regarding. Product / service / activityOn the application Arguido składją up: Warsaw touristguide,travel guide Krakow, Kielce tourist guide, tourist guideinKazimierz Dolny, a guide to Zamosc travel guide Lublin,Lodztourist guide, travel guide Zakopenem, Katowice travel guide,tourist guide Czestochowa, Wroclaw tourist guide, travelguidePoznan, Torun tourist guide, travel guide Bydgoszcz,Szczecintourist guide, travel guide Gdansk, Gdynia tourist guide,travelguide Sandomierz travel guide Sopot , Bialystok touristguide,travel guide Radom and Starachowice tourist guide.
Warszawa Praga Wita! 1.3
Dzięki Euro 2012 traficie na Prage. Tozupełniewyjątkowa dzielnica Warszawy, a „Witajcie na Pradze!”jestelektronicznym przewodnikiem, który pokieruje Wami wtrakciezwiedzania tej niezwykłej dzielnicy.Interesujace punkty dzielnicy, biuro informacjiturystycznej,bankomaty, biletomaty, a także kawiarnie i bary sązlokalizowane namapie.Z „Witajcie na Pradze!” nie przeoczysz żadnegointeresujacegomiejsca podczas pobytu po wschodniej stronieWisły!Milego zwiedzania!
Warsaw Travel Guide 4.6.0
The Warsaw travel guide is a complete and up to date city guide.Itworks offline, you don't need an internet connection.Bookmarkinteresting places in the sightseeing section with allthemonuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in the eating outsectioncontaining the best restaurants. Discover the nightlife ofWarsaw!Bars, pubs & discos in Warsaw. Use the detailed offlinemap ofWarsaw to simply find out where you are and see what'saround. Thecomplete background information can be an interestingread at homeor on the road to your next adventure. Useful when youare there: -Currency converter. - Phrasebook for Polish. - Weatherforecast(updated when online). - Directions on how to get to aplace bypublic transport. - Book hotels and tours in Warsawdirectly fromthe app (when online). About Triposo Founded by andfor travelers,Triposo delivers up-to-date information, detailedmaps andintelligent recommendations for more than 40,000destinations in200 countries around the world. To make our guideswe use thecontent that is freely available. Open content siteslikeWikivoyage, Wikipedia, World66 and OpenStreetMap are among thebestresources for any traveler. Whether you are a planner or prefertogo with the flow, Triposo helps you discover the unexpectedandexperience travel in a new way. If you see any problem withtheapp, please write us an email at [email protected] so wecanfigure out what's wrong and fix it. Thanks! 3.2.15
Let's spread the love for biking in the city
Localizer Offline : Warsaw 1.0.2
"Localizer Offline : Warsaw" isaperfectlocalizer does not require an Internet connection.DetermineyourGPS position using GSM or GPS receiver and send thelocationviaSMS."Localizer Offline: Warsaw" allow to localize yourchildrenorcar!The "Localizer Offline : Warsaw" includes vector mapswithveryprecise numbering of buildings and thousands of POIs. Youcanalsoset the route and check its length and travel time.The main advantages of the application:  1. All functions of the application workwithoutanInternet connection *  2. Check location of contact added to favourite list3. Send GPS coordinates using SMS  4. Accurate and fast search of addresses  5. Search for nearest POI by different categories  6. Convenient and accurate mapVectorbuilt-inapplication  7. Routing offline  8. Save your favorite contacts, places, areas and routesTRY FOR FREE. All features are available for 7 days.* Internet connection is required only when you firstruntheapplication for registration.
Map of Poland 1.22
This app turns your Android device into aGPSnavigator with offline maps.You can search easily locations in Poland and you can add themtoyour route.Discover interesting places near you: accommodation,parking,restaurants, bars, clubs, cinemas, theatres, auto services,shops,parks, schools, hospitals, sport areas.It includes detailed maps of the biggest cities in Poland:Warsaw,Cracow, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz,Lublin,Katowice and others.You can download different regions: GreaterPoland,Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Lesser Poland, Łódź, Lower Silesian,Lublin,Lubusz, Masovian, Opole, Podlaskie, Pomeranian,Silesian,Subcarpathian, Świętokrzyskie, Warmian-Masurian,WestPomeranian.This application is based on Osmand project under the GNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Warsaw Map 1.0.1
With this app you have Warsaw map provided a search index forstreets,museums,restaurants.ifyou are a tourist this map app helpyou navigating while you aretraveling in Poland.- Warsaw city map work when no internet connection. noroamingcharges while travelling in Warsaw.- Search location name required network connection.- Browse the Warsaw city with different zoom level.- Locate your position on the map.- Routing maps by clicked point on the map or search locationnameon the map.- Use free openstreetmap data.
Warsaw Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostof Warsaw in Poland with a POI database and search built in.This is the mappa map for Warsaw (Polish: Warszawa) thecapitalof Poland.Districts covered by the offline mappa map for Warsaw:Centrum(Śródmieście, Wola, Mokotów, Żoliborz, Ochota, Praga Północ,PragaPołudnie), Northern Warsaw (Bielany, Białołęka), WesternWarsaw(Bemowo, Włochy, Ursus), Eastern Warsaw (Targówek,Rembertów,Wawer, and Wesoła) and Southern Warsaw (Ursynów,Wilanów).Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa map forWarsaw,Poland:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entire cityandPOI database to your phone and travel without anInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges. Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximum zoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes moments todownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search a dozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, also handyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transport stops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and street namesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latest OpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get free updates totheapp and map forever as long as we add new versions.Install your offline mappa map for Warsaw now!Follow us @Facebook:
Warsaw Offline Travel Guide 2.1
Going to travel around Warsaw City? Wait! Our App will providesyouthe information where to go n what you can see. Warsaw Cityguideis designed to use on offline when you are in the so youcandegrade expensive roaming charges. ATTRACTIONS! √ Included alltheavailable Attractions list and their Information along withphoto •Info • Address of the Attraction • Geo Location on theOffline map• Route on the map • Driving directions along withInstructionsHOTELS! √ Added Available hotels list and itsInformation alongwith photo • Info about the hotel • Address of theHotel • Phonenumber • Amenities available • Price range of thehotel • GeoLocation on the Offline map • Route on the map • Drivingdirectionsalong with Instructions OFFLINE MAP! √ No need of Dataconnectionto view the Map. App comes with offline map. √ All theavailableAttractions, Hotels are located on the map withinteractive guidefeature. √ Fully zoomable offline map you canpinch, or double tapto zoom the Map √ Any time you can check yourGPS location on themap and POI’s around you √ App also comes withonline map when youare in the range of data connection. POI’s! √Through thisfunctionality you can search banks, ATMs, hospitals,railwaystations, gas stations, restaurants, pizza hut centers, drugstoresand more along with their phone numbers around your currentGPSLocation. √ Tap any Item on the list Gives the distancefromcurrent location, address and location on the Map. √ Tap theroutebutton exists on the map gives you the route on the mapwithturn-by-turn driving directions with out leaving theapplication. 
IMAGE GALLERY! √ User- friendly Gallery createscuriosity about thePark. √ Very fast accessing between the images √Zoom, Pan, pinchand drag to any Image. √ You can also view thethumbnails of theall Images WEATHER FORECAST! √ Weather is theimportant factorwhile going on vacation. √ You can get 05 daysweather forecast sothat you can plan accordingly. √ Weather infolike raining status,temperature min, max in degrees and foreignheat and wind speeddetails. • Along with the above features appcomes with • Historyof the City • City Facts • Getting around theCity • Safetyprecautions check list is added to the App! For anyquestionsplease contact [email protected]
Kraków Offline City Map 9.0.1
An interactive map of the city including a search engineforstreets, shops, etc
Krakow Guide 8.0
Are you interested in the historyofPoland??Would you like to know about its everyday life andtheproblemsPolish have to cope with?? Would you like to knowthehistory ofCracow and monuments situated in this city?? Wouldyoulike to knowwhere the best restaurants and pubs in Cracowarelocated? Or maybebeing in Cracow you want to buy someoriginalclothes from theworld’s best known labels in a good price,but youdon’t know whereto find them?? For all these questions youcan findthe answers inthis guide, fully available OFFLINE.The guide includes:-Information about Poland (history of Poland, everydaylifeofpoles, polish cuisine,salaries, andproducts’pricesinPoland)- The list of the most popular Polish words and phraseswithalector- Practical information about visiting Cracow- Information about monuments situated in Cracow anditssurrounding(List of objects worth visiting with theirdescription,history andlegends known only to Cracovians).- Offers of the most attractive one-day tours aroundCracowandSurroundings organized by local travel agencies.- Information about all Central Malls in Cracow withdescriptionhowto get there both with a list of shops and mallsofknownlabels.- List of the best restaurants in Cracow, sorted intermsofattractiveness, localization and prices- Information how to travel around the city (Publictransport,Taxi,Bike, Car)- Information about the most attractive clubs in the cityandpartiesorganized there- The map of Cracow both with possibility to followyourposition(GPS)
Holidayen Warsaw Guide 1.0
Holidayen Warsaw is the firstfullyautomatictravel itinerary planner for Warsaw. The lite versionofthe app isa great touristguide with following features• Description, contact details, photos, location and ratingofallmajor sights and attractions to see in Warsaw• Description, contact details, photos, and booking optionsofmajoractivities and other things to do in Warsaw• Description and booking options for all major hotelsinthecity• Maps of all sights, activities and hotels• Sights and Activities available without internet! (datausedonlyfor map mode and hotels)Upgrade to full version and unlock the fullpotentialofHolidayen• Automatic recommendations of sights, activities and hotels• Automatic itinerary generation with optimized route• Automatic map of daily route• Editable daily route for personalizing itinerary• Save personalized trip on phone for quick view• Saved trips accessible without internet! (data only usedinMapmode)
Polecam to! 62
Polecam to! w WarszawieAplikacja Polecam to! w Warszawie to pierwsza polskaaplikacjawymyślona i zrealizowana przez młodzież podczas warsztatówMagia wProcesie. Aplikacja poleca najciekawsze – zdaniemuczestników –miejsca do odwiedzenia w Warszawie. Miejsca tezwiązane są zkulturą, sportem, sztuką i historią Warszawy, np. KinoElektronik,Park Fontann, ulica Chmielna, Zoo, Ogrody BUW.Aplikacja przeznaczona jest przede wszystkim dla młodzieży,alemoże także stanowić insprację do wycieczki czy spacerudlaturystów, a nawet... samych mieszkańców Warszawy.Aplikacja została stworzona podczas warsztatów Magia wProcesie,zorganizowanych przez Fundację Culture Shock,dofinansowanych ześrodków stołecznego biura kultury.Materiały edukacyjne i scenariusze warsztatówznajdzieszna:www.cultureshock.plAplikacja jest dostępna w j. polskim, zaprojektowananasmartfony, ale można oglądać ją także na tablecie.I recommend it! in WarsawI recommend this app! in Warsaw, Poland is the first appinventedand implemented by young people during workshops magic intheprocess. The application recommends the most interesting - intheopinion of participants - places to visit in Warsaw. Thesesites arerelated to culture, sport, art and history of Warsaw, forexample.Cinema Elektronik, Fountain Park, street Chmielna ZooGardensBUW.The application is designed primarily for young people, butitcan also be a insprację for a trip or walk for tourists, andeven... the inhabitants of Warsaw.The application was made at a workshop Magic Process,organizedby the Foundation for Culture Shock, supported with fundsfrom theCapital of Culture office.Educational materials and scenarios of workshops can befoundat:www.cultureshock.plThe application is available in j. Polish, designedforsmartphones, but also you can watch it on the tablet.
Ogarnij Miasto Warsaw 1.4
Ogarnij Miasto Application was createdforthose who want to discover and explore Polish cities in a newway.The Application is all about things&places that aren’tusuallydescribed in typical guidebooks. It will take users tocoffeeshops, bars, restaurants and independent shops. It will showthebest museums, theaters, culture places, cinemas,amazingarchitecture, street art and art installations. Each andeveryplace has its own unique description, photo illustration andisshown on the map.The Application users can choose the places of interestsfromvarious categories, create their own routes, save favoriteplaces,add comments about places, that will be visible for otherusers andcan also connect with FB. The Application is bilingual andallowsto choose preferred language: Polish or English.
Warsaw Map and Walks 55
A handy app with several self-guided walks to help youexploreWarsaw.