Top 8 Apps Similar to 2GO! Ostuni

2GO! Padova 2.5.1
2GO! Padova è un applicazione mobileperlacittà di Padova in Italia, che fornisce un’interfacciaottimaleperenti di pubblici servizi, consumatori ed utenti!L’applicazione 2GO! Padova fornisce informazioni sullacittàdiPadova e sulle imprese locali in modo facileperl’utente.L’applicazione offre ai residenti ed ai visitatoriunaguida facilee dettagliata su entrambe le versioni smartphoneetablet. Leinformazioni sulla città sono organizzate in unmenùlogico efacilmente accessibile all’utente, consentendoglidirimanereaggiornato su notizie, eventi della zona e sullemigliorioffertedei diversi esercizi commerciali.2GO! Padua isamobileapplication for the city of Padua in Italy, whichprovidesaninterface for optimal institutions of publicservices,consumersand users!The application 2GO! Padua provides information about thecityofPadua and local businesses so easy for the user.Theapplicationoffers residents and visitors an easy guide anddetailedversionsof both smartphones and tablets. The informationabout thecity isorganized in a logical and easily accessible to theusermenu,allowing him to stay up to date on news and events in theareaandon the best offers of different shops.
Vivere.OSTUNI 1.0
Vivere.Ostuni è l' app della CittàBianca.L'app contiene informazioni di viaggio utili edettagliate della Città di Ostuni ed è suddivisa in noveareetematiche: Dormire, Mangiare, Eventi, Itinerari,Shopping, Attrazioni, Mare, Servizi e Promo dovetrovereteinformazioni, foto, mappe, contatti e soprattuttoconsigli su come usufruire al meglio dei servizi che la cittàvioffre; il tutto in costante aggiornamento.La guida ti permetterà di:- prenotare le migliori strutture ricettive e imiglioriristoranti;- raggiungere i migliori negozi per il tuo shopping;- usufruire dei servizi che la città offre;- consultare gli eventi della zona;- scoprire le attrazioni in città e fuori;- trovare tutte le attività presenti al mare;- essere sempre aggiornato sulle offerte e promozioni presentiincittà;- seguire i migliori itinerari a piedi,in bici e in auto;La guida VivereOstuni offre inoltre un servizio diassistenzatelefonica GRATUITO per richiedere info,prenotazioni o da utilizzare in caso di emergenza, un angelocustodesempre al tuo fianco!La guida Vivere.Ostuni è disponibile in italiano e inglese.Vivere.Ostuni is the'appof the White City. The app contains travel informationandusefulDetailed City of Ostuni and is divided into nine thematicareas:Sleeping, Eating, Events, Routes,Shopping, Attractions, Sea, Services and Promo where you willfindinformation, pictures, maps, contacts and abovetips on how to make the most of the services that the cityoffers;all in constant update.The guide will allow you to:- Book the best facilities and the best restaurants;- Achieve the best shops for your shopping;- Use the services offered by the city;- Refer to events in the area;- Discover the attractions in town and out;- Find all the activities in the sea;- Be informed about offers and promotions in the city;- Follow the best routes on foot, by bike and by car;The guide VivereOstuni also offers a telephone support servicetorequest FREE information,reservations or to use in an emergency, a guardian angel byyourside!Vivere.Ostuni guide is available in Italian and English.
City Maps 2Go Pro Offline Maps
Ulmon GmbH
Your reliable and easy-to-use globaltravelcompanion. Find directions with detailed offline maps,in-depthtravel content, popular attractions and insider tips.Plan and have the perfect trip! Book your hotel and enjoyrestaurantreviews and shared user content.Here is why 15+million travelers love CityMaps2Go:Didn’t you always want to have an easily portable and compacttravelassistant that allows planning your trips to foreigncountries andcities upfront? So turn your smartphone or tabletinto a digitalguide and planner leading you through YOUR choicesof restaurants,hotels and which attractions to visit. Enjoyrecommendations andreviews of other enthusiastic travelers andtourists. Always keepyour orientation and find the direction tothe next place;completely without roaming and offline.With CityMaps2Go you enjoy a wide variety of advantages:PRO UNLIMITED VERSIONWith this Pro version you can enjoy a completely AD-FREE versionofthe popular travel app. Alternatively, a free version isavailableon the Play Store as well.WORLDWIDE MAP COVERAGEThousands of destinations available worldwide, coveringvirtuallythe entire globe. Paris, France; London, UK; Rome, Italy;New York,USA and all other major and many not so major destinationsinEurope, Asia, the Americas, Africa and Oceania. Majortouristdestination regions such as Hawaii, Mallorca, the Canaries,theGreek islands, the French Riviera, Thailand, the Tuscany ortheCaribbean can be covered by downloading a few maps.DETAILED MAPSNever get lost and keep your orientation. See your location onthemap, even without an internet connection. Findstreets,attractions, restaurants, hotels, local nightlife and otherPOIs –and get guided in the walking direction of places you wanttosee.IN-DEPTH TRAVEL CONTENTHave all the information offline and freely portable. Foreachdestination, access comprehensive and up-to-date guideinformationcovering thousands of places, attractions, points ofinterest andmany hotel booking options.SEARCH AND DISCOVERFind the best restaurants, shops, attractions, hotels, bars,etc.Search by name, browse by category or discover nearby placesusingyour device’s GPS – even offline and without dataroaming.GET TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONSFind tips and recommendations from locals and tourists. Browseforthe most popular attractions, restaurants, shops, hotels,nightlifeplaces, etc.PLAN TRIPS AND CUSTOMIZE MAPSSave places you want to visit and have an automated listcreated.Pin existing places, like your hotel or a recommendedrestaurant,to the map. Add your own pins to the map. Find and bookhotels fromwithin CityMaps2Go in all major regions from Hawaii tothe FrenchRiviera, from Scandinavia to Mallorca, from the Caribbeanto theTuscany and for all countries like Thailand, France, Germany,Italyor Spain.OFFLINE ACCESSMaps and guide content are fully downloaded and stored onyourdevice. All features, such as address searches and yourGPSlocation also work offline and without data roaming (aninternetconnection is of course required for initial downloading ofdata orbooking hotels).DATA QUALITY:Map data and POI are provided by OpenStreetMap and areregularlyupdated by us. To check the level of detail, The same applies to Wikipediatravelarticles.Use this offline map app and you will never have to carry aroundapaper city map or guide book. No matter whether you travel totopdestinations in the USA, Europe or Asia. Have reliable,interactiveoffline maps always available in your pocket.Ulmon, the makers of CityMaps2Go, are a small team ofenthusiastictravel freaks in Vienna, Austria. We aim to assisttourists aroundthe world with a portable planner, assistant andtrip companion fortheir vacations and explorations.Enjoy your travels. Your Ulmon team! :-)
2GO! Bielsko-Biala 2.6.1
The app 2GO! Bielsko-Biala is themobileapplication for the city of Bielsko-Biala, the optimalinterfacefor public service providers, consumers and users! Usersare ableto follow the logically arranged menu to the desiredinformation.The app Bielsko-Biala provides information oft the cityofBielsko-Biala and local companies in a user-friendly structureandoffers residents and visitors an ideal and practical guide, onthesmartphone and as well as on the Tablet PC. A complex,rapidlyretrievable pool informs on daily services, news,destinations,top-offers from various industries and lots ofinteresting facts.The Services of industry, commerce and trade arecombined in astructured directory.
2GO! Lüdenscheid 2.7.2
Die App „Lüdenscheid 2GO!“ wurdevomStädte-Verlag und seiner Tochterfirma Miplan AG inZusammenarbeitmit der Lüdenscheider Stadtmarketing GmbH – LSM – undin Abstimmungmit der Stadtverwaltung Lüdenscheid erstellt. Sierichtet sich anBürger und Besucher der Stadt Lüdenscheid und istfür Smartphonesund Tablets verfügbar.Lüdenscheid 2GO! stellt aktuelle Informationen überLüdenscheidund die Region sowie Angebote des örtlichen Gewerbes ineinerbenutzerfreundlichen Struktur dar. Zudem informiert die AppüberSehenswürdigkeiten, Veranstaltungen, News,Freizeitaktivitäten,Dienstleistungen für den Alltag und vielesmehr. Die Nutzerprofitieren darüber hinaus von Top-Angebotenlokaler Firmenverschiedenster Branchen.Die hilfreichen Informationen sind in einem übersichtlichenMenüzusammengefasst und anschaulich bebildert. Das macht die Appzueiner sinnvollen, gern genutzten Orientierungshilfe."! Lüdenscheid 2GO"Theapp was from the cities-Publishing and its subsidiary Miplan AGincooperation with the city Lüdenscheider Marketing GmbH -createdand in coordination with the city government Lüdenscheid -LSM. Itis addressed to citizens and visitors to the cityLüdenscheid andis available for smartphones and tablets.Lüdenscheid 2GO! provides current information on Lüdenscheidandthe region as well as offers of the local industry inauser-friendly structure dar. In addition, the appprovidesinformation on attractions, events, news, leisureactivities,services for everyday life and much more. Users alsobenefit fromtop offers local companies in different sectors.The helpful information is summarized in a concise menuandillustrated graphically. This makes the app to ameaningful,much-used guide.
Lanzarote!2GO 2.3.0
Lanzarote!2GO: Your digital islandAppandvirtual guidebook – in three languages!ALWAYS TO HAND ! - With only one movement of your finger-experienceLanzarote.Without incurring any roaming charges on vacation, youreceiveallrelevant data by downloading the App on yoursmartphoneortablet.To enable you to allocate holiday time you can compileyourpersonalfavorites list and highlight the places andactivitiesthat areimportant to you.It is possible to call, send a SMS or write an email directlytoalllistings on the Lanzarote!2GO App as well as postingyourholidaynews via Facebook, Twitter.You get an excellent summary of the island highlightsfromourinsider tips, short descriptions and current pictures.Youalsohave the necessary GPS data for allplaces,beaches,accommodations, sights, restaurants, spa andfitnesscenters,diving and scuba schools, current events and much,muchmore.The App also imparts a wealth of useful informationincludingaphrase-book and important emergency numbers. In responsetopublicdemand we have even included recipes for muchlovedCanariandishes.The web page links make it possible for you to getstillmoreknowledge of the respective Locations…..and much,muchmore.Your Lanzarote!2GO –Team wish you an excitingvirtualexperiencediscovering the island and planning a funfilledholiday.We thank you for your meaningful and enthusiastic responsestotheApp.We especially appreciate the many clients who send uspositiveandconstructive suggestions which spur on the Lanzarote!2GOteamtofurther develop App content and functionality.
2GO! Beaver Dam 2.5.1
2GO! Beaver Dam is a mobile application forthecity of Beaver Dam, WI, andprovides the optimal interface for public serviceproviders,consumers, and users!The 2GO! Beaver Dam app provides information on the cityofBeaver Dam as wellas local companies in a user-friendly structure.Theapplicationoffers residents and visitors a practical and thorough guideonbothsmartphone and tablet versions. City information is organisedinalogically arranged menu which allows users to quickly accessandstayup-to-date on news, local events, and top-offers fromvariouslocalbusinesses.
Siegen 2GO! 2.5.1
Die App Siegen 2GO! ist die mobileAnwendungfürBürger und Besucher der Stadt Siegen. Sie wurdevomStädte-Verlag inZusammenarbeit mit der Tochterfirma MiplanAGerstellt und ist fürSmartphones und Tablets verfügbar.Siegen 2GO! stellt aktuelle Informationen über SiegenunddieRegion sowie Angebote des örtlichen Gewerbesineinerbenutzerfreundlichen Struktur dar. Zudem informiert dieAppüberSehenswürdigkeiten, Veranstaltungen,News,Freizeitaktivitäten,Dienstleistungen für den Alltag undvielesmehr. Die Nutzerprofitieren darüber hinaus vonTop-Angebotenlokaler Firmenverschiedenster Branchen.Die hilfreichen Informationen sind in einemübersichtlichenMenüzusammengefasst und anschaulich bebildert. Dasmacht die Appzueiner sinnvollen, gern genutztenOrientierungshilfe.appSystem by intermaps:technische Umsetzung und Designintermaps AG, 8834 Schindellegi, Schweizwww.intermaps.comThe app victories2GO!isthe mobile application for citizens and visitors to thecityofSiegen. It was created by the Urban-Verlag in cooperationwiththesubsidiary Miplan AG and is available for smartphonesandtablets.Win 2GO! provides current information about wins andtheregionand offers the local industry in a user-friendlystructure.Inaddition, the app provides information onattractions,events,news, activities, services for everyday life andmore. Usersalsobenefit from Top Picks local companies indifferentsectors.The helpful information is summarized in a concisemenuandillustrated graphically. This makes the app ameaningful,much-usedguide.appSystem by intermaps:technical realization and designintermaps AG, 8834 Schindellegi,