Top 15 Apps Similar to Habitat jardin

Women's shoes fashion 7.8.1
Minaw Power
A huge range of Women's shoes fashion fashion to keep your feetontrend
My Potager Garden 1.16
The app that ease the planification of your garden and thegrowingof vegetable
Info Garden Guide 1.182
Description of some of the most popular garden plants (275 Plants).
Moon & Garden 5.1.4
With Moon & Garden, perfect your garden!
Rustica Almanach (jardin) 2.0
Rustica Almanach est réaliséeparRustica,l’expert jardin depuis 1928. Jour après jour,découvrezdesconseils pratiques adaptés à la saison de jardinage etdesidéespour cuisiner.Le téléchargement de l'application est GRATUIT maiscertainscontenussont GRATUITS (20%) et d'autres PAYANTS (80%).LA VERSION GRATUITE comprend les contenus etservicessuivants:- une page quotidienne avec les éphémérides (soleil /Lune),lesdictons & proverbes, le carnet du jardinier, la vidéodujour,les informations pour jardiner avec la Lune (Jour J) etunespacenotes.NB : les articles du jour sont gratuits uniquement le jour J.- jusqu'à 20% des articles des rubriques « Curiosités »,«Recettes», « Questions jardin » et « Bien-être » sont offertspourvouspermettre de découvrir la version premium- quelques articles offerts dans la rubrique « Reportages »- une rubrique vidéo pour découvrir 365 vidéosrépartiesparthématique : fleurs, légumes et potager, fruitsetverger...- une rubrique jeux avec plus de 50 questionnaires àchoixmultiplesde culture générale- une rubrique agenda pour connaître les événements jardinprèsdechez soiLA VERSION PREMIUM, via un achat intégré (payant)vouspermetd'accéder en illimité et sans publicité à :- l'intégralité des 365 pages quotidiennes avec lesarticlesetphotos pour chaque jour- l'intégralité du CALENDRIER LUNAIRE avec touteslesinformationsnécessaires (type de jour, Lunemontante/descendante,nœud,apogée/périgée, éclipse de Lune/Soleil)et autres (LuneRousse,Super Lune)- l'intégralité des Reportages, Recettes,Curiositésvégétales,Questions jardin et Bien-être.Accédez à l’intégralité de la version 2017 del’AlmanachRustica,en illimité et sans publicité en choisissantl'achatintégré"Contenus 2017" (payant) après avoirtéléchargél’application.---------------CONTACT : continuez à nous faire part de vos remarquesetsuggestions: [email protected] rusticaAlmanacismade by the expert garden since 1928. Day afterday,discoverpractical advice tailored to the gardening season andideasforcooking.Downloading the app is FREE but some content is free (20%)andotherFEE (80%).FREE VERSION includes the following content and services:- A daily page with ephemeris (sun / moon), sayings&proverbs,the gardener's book, the video of the day,informationforgardening with the moon (D-Day) and a balancedspace.NB: the day the items are free only on D-Day- Up to 20% of the articles under "Sightseeing,""Recipes,""GardenQuestions" and "Wellness" is available for you todiscoverthepremium version- Some items available in the "Reports"- A video section to find 365 videos distributed bytheme:flowers,vegetables and vegetable garden, fruit orchardand...- A games section with over 50 multiplechoicegeneralknowledge- An agenda topic to know the events garden close to homeTHE PREMIUM VERSION via in-app purchase (paid) allowsyoutoaccess unlimited, commercial-free:- All the 365 daily pages with articles and photos foreachday- The entire LUNAR CALENDAR with all the necessaryinformation(typeof day, up / down Moon, node height / perigee mooneclipse /Sun)and other (Lune Rousse, Super Moon)- The full reports, recipes, vegetable Curiosities,GardenQuestionsand Welfare.Access the entire 2017 version of the AlmanacRustica,unlimited,commercial-free by choosing the app purchase"Content2017" (paid)after downloading the application.---------------CONTACT: continue to send us your commentsandsuggestions:[email protected]
DIY Garden Ideas 16.0
DIY Garden Ideas is a gallery app with lots of original diygardenprojects...
Small Garden Layout Ideas 2.0
Small garden design ideas are not easy to find. A smallgardendesign is different from other garden designs. Space playsanimportant role in small garden design ideas. Landscape DesignAlarge yard is not only difficult to build, but also hardtomaintain. So, if your garden is a bit on the small side, itcanturn out to be a blessing, since small yards are not only easytodecorate but easy to maintain as well. Backyard Ideas Millionsofpeople around the globe who own a house intend to make itaspersonalized and stylish because they can, so it wouldlikelyreflect all of them in some condition or kind. Garden DesignIdeasYour garden might be an appearance of your own imagination. Itisno more a spot where you plant foods grown from theground.Provided that you might want to include a little more lifeandimprove the look of your garden, pick intriguing garden designs.
Garden Manager : Plant Alarm 1.8.3
'Garden Manager' app is an essential gardening tool to save time.
landscaping ideas 4
landscaping ideas for you.
DIY Garden Ideas 5.0
Gardens and well-groomed landscapedareasarebelieved to have the ability to increase the value of thehomeorany property, especially in urban locations wheresizablespacesare rarely available. This spurred the growth ofthegardeningsupplies market and even made gardening as one of thetophobbiesin countries such as the United States.While there is a predominance of landscapeartists,manyhomeowners opt to choose do-it-yourselflandscapingprojectsbecause of the prohibitive costs associatedwithhiringprofessional design companies. Given the freehand todesignandconceptualize their own garden, homeowners should havetherightinformation on the most common garden themes and theDIYlandscapesupply companies to help them with their project.Project DIY: A List of the Basic DIY Landscape SuppliesThe most common garden themes include Englishgardens,Chinesegardens, water gardens, vegetable and flower gardensandcontainergardens, among others. Contemporary themes such asroofgardens androck gardens are likewise rising in popularity.For DIY projects involving these garden styles,enthusiastsandeven beginners should take note of this checklistdetailingthebasic garden supplies that homeowners should investin:1. Re-washable gloves - can be used for theprotectionagainstscratches and cuts and a hand covering for soilandlandscapecleanup.2. Trowel - a small hand tool which is most useful fordiggingandscooping small amounts of soil or othergardeningmaterials.3. Shovel - a bigger version of the trowel which isusedfordigging and transferring heavy and large amounts of soil,gravelorcompost.4. Hand pruning instrument - is a scissor-like hand toolusedtocut and trim plant branches.5. Fertilizers and/or composting material - areorganicmaterialsadded to the plants to induce and enhance plantgrowth.It isimportant to note the increasing trend of DIY compostsohomeownersmay likewise opt to create their owncompostingmaterial.6. Watering can or water hose - medium which can be usedtostoreand transfer water for the plants.Over time, the property market saw the shift inthepreferencesand tastes for outdoor gardens compared toearlierpractices ofleaving idle land as is. Garden lovers andlandscapingbeginners aswell, are recommended to invest in these DIYlandscapesupplies forspur-of-the-moment decisions to improve orrenovate thegarden -even with a short notice, garden enthusiastsare ready tomakeadditions and improvements in the garden.
Garden Design Ideas 16.0
Great garden design ideas gallery - find the perfect garden foryou...
Japanese Garden Design 1.0
Japanese garden design is about ashardtounderstand to Westerners as the Japanese languageis.Therelationship to the rich and ancient eastern culture addstothisdifficulty. The practice is not just a styleoflandscaping.Rather, it a statement that delivers aspecificmeaning. Addingfurther to its complexity is the influenceoffengshui and itsborrowings from Buddhism and Chinese culture.The intention of Japanese garden design is to use nature tomakeastatement. The main element is symbology, most of whichisinfluencedby Shintoism and Buddhism, which is where thegodsinhabit nature.This adds even more its cultural complexitymakinghard for us tounderstand.Since the garden is making a statement or telling astory,thefirst step is to determine what story you want to tell.What isityou want to communicate to the world with your garden? Itmightbea good idea to decide in broad terms what you want to say,andthenthrough some research find out how Japanese wouldgoaboutcommunicating that truth, concept or story with agarden.Another outstanding feature of Japanese landscape designisthatthe main point is not to be beautiful or showy. Theappearanceofthe garden is not its purpose, but rather the messageisthepurpose. Beauty is the after thought, so to speak.The careful observer will notice that flowering plantsarescarceor nonexistent in Japanese garden design. Rather,drygravelstreambed or sand swept into patterns and large rocksandbouldersare used to tell the tales. Remember that the heart ofallJapanesegarden design is symbolism and storytelling, thetraditionis thatthis is done with plants and other elements ofnature andnot somuch the use of colorful flowers.Equally important to Japanese garden design are the useofwater,and more specifically the use of running water,whichsymbolizespassing time or life.What shouldn’t get lost in Japanese garden design, but oftenisbyWesterners because they think it’s ‘complicated’, isitssimplicity.Once you know the story you are trying tell, it’sassimple ascomposing the elements of nature to tell thatstory.What one should refrain from doing is blindlycopyingsomeoneelse’s garden. Why would you do that? Perhaps becauseyouthink it“looks” good. But if the “good looks” are just theresultof thetelling of a story, then the copier certainly ismissing thepoint.It would be like framing a poem you don’tunderstand andhanging iton the wall. First think of what you wantto say, andthen throughthe principles of Japanese gardendesign.Japanese garden designFree download hundred images of beautiful Japanesegardendesignideas
Landscape Garden Decor 1.1
Landscape garden decor, You can find thebestgarden decorating ideas more 1000+ in this apps, Landscapingideasfor your backyard, including landscaping design, gardenideas,flowers, and garden design. Download Now!Get inspired and Update your front yard or backyard designwithshrubbery, gardens, walkways, and more. rock garden, watergarden,modern garden, Get landscaping ideas and inspiration fromourgardening apps to design your own backyard or gardenoasis.Download now free!
Modes & Travaux 1.4.5
Any creative news and trends for those who like to create
DIY Garden Project Ideas 3.0
In urban housing plans, it is very difficulttoget a space large enough for gardening. Hence, if you have alimitedarea, you can make a diy garden that is small. Even forlandscapers,planning a small flower garden layout is a difficulttask. There aremany features to be incorporated while makingadequate room foreach.Unique IdeasDIY Design plans for gardens that have limited space workbetteras compared to mixing varied aspects of gardening. Youcanincorporate sitting areas with classy garden furniture,orsomething that reflects your personal taste and creativity.Factorsto be considered for designing a small garden arehighlightedbelow.Garden LayoutImagine your small diy garden as a whole component withoutdividingit into different sections. You can include hidden pathwaysinbetween the garden for maintenance purpose. However, the themeofthe layout should be such that you can enjoy the garden stretchasa whole (in one view).Gardening ApproachThe first step is to be firm about what you want in your garden.Youshould consider whether you are maintaining a garden justtobeautify your yard with flowers or if you want to growseasonalvegetables too, and proceed accordingly.Garden ComponentsDesigning a garden within a small space does not mean thatyoucannot erect trellis, arbors, bridges, gazebos, orotherstructures. They serve the purpose of separating the gardenspaceinto two parts. You can plant vines and flowering climbers togivea completed look or make flower beds at different levels.Selection of PlantsThink carefully while selecting the type of plants for yourdiylandscape. You cannot accommodate all the plants that you lovetogrow. Hence, pick the best of your choices considering therequiredcare level and adaptability of the plant in your area. Makesurethat the flowers bloom for at least two seasons.Pattern of ColorWhile selecting plants for your diy garden, factors such astheplant height, growing conditions, blooming period, andmaintenanceshould be taken into consideration. Instead of going fora blend ofvibrant colored flowers, go for light colored ones, asthis willmake your garden space appear larger than it actuallyis.Design IdeasInclude a water element, or if possible, make curved flower bedsforcreating diversity in a plain-looking garden. You canplaceornamental rocks at the borders to improve the texture of theyard.A perfectly maintained hedge with evergreen shrubs and busheswillgive privacy to you and your family members.The plus point of a small diy garden design is that you canpayclose attention to your garden, while spending less effortsinmaintaining it. You should be watchful over the flowers, andremovethose that do not survive well. So, implement these ideasandconvert your garden into a great space that you'll lovevisitingand